
6 Reviews
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a Movie of Stereotypes.
29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just a two hour reel of stereotypes, but that being said, stereotypes usually stem from some bit of truth. The way i viewed this movie is Blacks feel all whites are racist and trying to hold them down. And all Whites feel no black has earned his way, and need hand outs to get where they are. The movie does good on showing different struggles, and Ice Cubes and Cole Hauser, by far are the most intriguing characters. They are polar opposites, and both wrong. But, we all have met their characters in real life. My biggest gripe with this movie is the fight scene between the skinheads and African Americans. All the whites get beat up, even the big roided out arian, gets stomped by a fat out of shape black guy. Bob Sapp ain't takin out Brock lesnar, but Singleton is not a very truthful director.
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Baby Boy (2001)
This movie is sooo bad, it becomes good.
29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Im rating this movie a 3, but that being said, i have the DVD and i never change it when its on TV. I find the TV version even funnier than the uncensored. First about me, im a 25-30 year old White male that was not brought up with a difficult life. I say this cause I've read some other reviews that talk about how pin point this movie is. I hope to god they are wrong, there is not a level head in this movie. And none of the African Americans i am friends with, have ever acted anything like this.

Jody (our main character) tries to act gangster, but clearly is soft. The movie gave me the feeling that if his friend "P" was not around, he probably would have a better life. But he looks up to his friend, who spews lines that are border line retarded, and Jody takes them like gospel. Jody treats his girlfriend/ baby momma (played by Taraji Henson) like crap. I am troubled by her acting in this movie, not sure if its lack of guidance from the director, or just her inexperience at the time. But later in her career she proves to be a great actress, just not here. "P" played by Omar Gooding, is an apple that was thrown from the tree. He needs to go back to Nickelodeon, and leave the grown up roles to his cousin, Cuba. Ving Rhames actually acts fine, just has a poorly written role. Now the reason i love this movie; Certain scenes, are so over the top, they are awesome. Jody, at one point gets punkd and beat up for his bike, by a bunch of school kids. Instead of manning up, he gets his friend "P" and gun, and make the kids stand there and take a beating at gunpoint. Which ends up with "P" spanking one like its his own child. Every scene with snoop dog has great one liners. And all these one liners are even better on the TV version, because the N Bomb gets substituted with "chicken". Towards the end of the movie, Snoop rolls up on Jody in a drive by, and once again Jody hits the fetal position, instead of fighting back. And cries cause he thought he was shot, but wasn't even close. There are many more scenes like these, but you need to just watch it. In summary, i rate this movie a three, but i love watching it. From an actual critical stand point, John Singleton should be embarrassed for this representation of Americans. best quote; snoop "I hate you too lil chicken"
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Signs (2002)
Im amazed at all the Haters.
24 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Slight Spoiler Alert Is this movie "scientifically correct"? no, who cares, its very entertaining. People get wrapped around the aliens being hurt by water, and that they are so smart but couldn't get suits made. But no one said anything about a Terminator who can travel through time and not pick out the right Sarah Conner. His plan was to travel through time, then use a phone book? Or when we used a Apple computer to defeat the Aliens in Independence day. Point is, in all movies, even very famous and successful ones, there are scenarios that don't really work. If you go into this movie and put your mind on vacation, like we do time and time again, you will enjoy it. If you cant do that, maybe reading a Stephen Hawking book would be more entertaining and beneficial.
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Warrior (2011)
One of the best sport movies of all time.
24 December 2011
If i could give this a 8.5 i would When i first saw the preview for this movie, i was a little skeptical. I thought it was going to be like The Fighter, with just less talented actors. To a point i was right, none of the performances in this are as good as Christian Bales, but that being said, everyone did a great job in this movie. Nick Nolte gave a marvelous performance that should be worthy of a Best supporting actor nom. The previews let you know the gist of the story, two brothers enter a MMA tournament where they eventually face off. Even though they are brothers they are very different in character and the way they were raised, the only thing in common being their dislike for their father. The movie shows their current and past life struggles to get them to where they are in the movie and it all leads up to awesome finale. This movie does for MMA what Vision Quest did for wrestling, i just hope this gets a better following.
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Vision Quest (1985)
The High School Wrestlers Bible
24 December 2011
From middle school to high, i watched this movie at least 4 times each wrestling and freestyle season. This movie depicts the weight cutting, inner team competitiveness, and young athlete determination of high school. But at the same time, it shows a young man juggling a job and "womanly needs". Shute is probably the coolest "villain" of all sport movies, and his scene with the pole and bleacher walk makes every schoolboy thank god they never wrestled him. Louden is your unlikely hero, but its realistic when you grow with him and watch him work for it. The acting in this movie is nothing to marvel at, but it does not hold or distract you from a great story. Even though i rated this movie a 7, it is one of my favorites, and is a true hidden gem.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Most overrated movie of the year.
24 December 2011
Not gonna put in any spoilers, but i will say that i am a pretty easily amused comedy watcher. I just didn't see it in this movie, in my opinion there was about 5 minutes of funny material and the rest was awkward. I think i understood what they were trying to do, they just fell short.. I don't know if its because the all woman cast that people have lowered their standards or what, but don't waste your time. My wife and her friends all seemed to enjoy it, but all the husbands were on the same page of thinking this movie was crap.

With that being said, i still give it a five, I've seen much much worse.
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