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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Disjointed third season
2 May 2024
Seasons 1 and 2 are "the bad batch", retreading familiar ground, clones questioning their purpose and who they are, but done so with a new perspective being forced to act as something they'd never been prepared for, surrogate parents and it's well done. Kids are rubbish in all forms of media, no stories are ever made more interesing by the inclusion of kids, but seasons 1 and 2 managed to include omega without making her feel like dead weght only fit to pad time between relevant story progressing scenes.

The third season however is not the bad batch, it is the adventures of omega.

Echo is reduced to a guest character whose presence could be done by literally any unnamed cloned.

Hunter and wrecker are chaffeurs whose only purpose is to be expostion for explaining how omega gets from place to place Crosshair is given a pseudo redemption arc where nothing that led to that point are addressed so it has no weight to it.

Across the whole bad batch squad, none of them have plot lines, none of them are relevant, the entire concept of the show revolving around a "defective" group of clones goes completely out the window and the protagonists are treated as the exact thing they aren't supposed to be, mindless, personality devoid, indistinguishable clones. The first 4 episodes serve no purpose other than showing time has passed, which could be accomplished with one line of dialogue, when the inevitbale does happen it is an emotionless 3 second scene where the events of season 2 and the first 4 episodes of season 3 are instantly dropped and bare no significance. Then the cherry on top is after spending the entire season glossing over the events and victims of seasons 1 and 2, removing all recognizable characters from previous seasons, removing the entire concept of who the "bad batch" are they spit in our collective face one final time by not even giving an ending. Hunter gets about 3 lines of dialogue and that's it, Echo, Wrecker and Crosshair get no dialoque,no epilogue, no conclusion, no resolution to the problems they faced in season 3, no closure to the stuff they collectively went through over 3 seasons and then the credit's role without them getting a single line of dialogue, a single moment with echo, a single moment with each other, they don't even get so much as a salute. Just by writing this review I have put more time and effort into creating an ending for those characters than LucasFilm did, which is such a shame. Season 3 is such a consistent slap to the face that you would be better off watching seasons 1 and 2 and then just reading a synposis of the final episode of season 3 out of curiosity because there is nothing of substance to view and you could miss 14 full episodes and 45 minutes out of the 15th episode and you would not have missed anything whatsoever.
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Less coherent and consistent than a toddlers scribbles
20 April 2024
I can summarize how dumb this movie is embarrassingly easily.

Premise: The premise of this movie is collecting the stones, one of which is the mind stone in possession of vision. The "bad" guy want's it because it is powerful enough to be a universe level threat, yet the impossibly advanced, fantasicaly over the top robot that is in possesion of said power is so weak he get's manhandled by grunts.

"Ethos": This one is in quotes because it is a statement made multiple times throughout the movie yet contradicted in every single act. The "good" guys say "We don't trade lives", yet throughout the movie proceed to sacrifice half of all life to save one and sacrifice thousands of mortal troops to protect above mentioned useless robot, who is mere software and can be rebuilt at any time.

Power scaling: Marvel has never been known for it's consistency, but this movie is so dumb it cancels itself out multiple times per act. I will avoid naming characters to avoid spoilers, but a character who can't land a single hit on thanos in one act 2 minutes later comes closer to killing thanos than anybody else ever has. Another instance has a character getting thrown around by random, unnammed cgi grunts then single handedly destroys entire warships full of enemies.

Marvels lack of effort has become a meme, but this movie more than any other piece of cinema in existence embodies and demonstrates that it isn't just a baseless meme. From start to finish the movie is self contradicting in every discernable way, it contradicts itself in words, actions and ideology from the opening scene to the end credits and along the way has power levels fluctuate so massively that it renders every character as a joke, one specific example I can give of that is dr strange saying he looked into 14 million future timelines and saw only 1 way to defeat thanos, something which is directly contradicted by characters power levels in infinity war and is directly rendered moot by events in multiverse of madness. It genuinelly seems like marvel execs asked their children to scribble some drawings, not together, not in a play date scenario, just in their own homes completely seperate from each other to guarantee there wasnt a single consistent facet, brought those crayon scribbles into a meeting room and told a director to cobble a bunch of disjointed, incoherent drawings into a movie almost 3 hours long.
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Killer Sally (2022)
The lowest common denominator gets rewarded
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a yank, but watching things like this, american nightmare, the conversations with a killer series, I am beginning to understand the whole "defund" movement in the states.

This was a black and white, irrefutable case of domestic abuse and self defence, yet through nothing other than sheer, incomprehensible stupidity was declared "murder".

Everyone, including Ray's own friends corroborated that he was physically abusive and had been for years, 2 of the police who responded to Sally's call noted in their paperwork the marks and bruises on her body and neighbours heard a domestic fight the night of the shot.

All of this was ignored because mr da scumbag shows up and makes the fllowing "arguments" 1: that because a woman who is stressed, exhausted and locked in a tiny room with no information tries to close her eyes and briefly escape a bleak reality inbetween incessant questions that means she has no remorse 2: becuse Sally took care of herself and wasn't chained into the kitchen to only exist when Ray needed her, she couldn't possibl have been abused by a 6ft2, 260lb roid abusing psychopath.

3: They claimed that all forensic evidence was invalid because there was "no DNA of Sally's found on Ray", which is 100% bs for a number of reasons A: She said he choked her, not cut her, unless his nails were like claws there would be minimal to no transfer from this.

B: She said right from the first interview that when she got away from him she used the gun to keep him away so he couldn't lay hands on her. These 2 things completely explain minimal amounts of DNA C: Claiming there was "no DNA" is an absolute lie. They lived together in a small apartment, he was using shared cooking utensils to cook shared food in a shared kitchen, after he was shot he was lying on a floor which both of their feet had trod on thousands of times and to try and shield the kids as best she could, Sally put a shared blanket from *their* bed over him. It is literally impossible in that environment for there to have been no DNA on him, replace Ray with a total stranger in that scenario and they would still have a ton of Sally's DNA on them after all that happened.

Yet somehow despite evidence and testimony from literally everyone even remotely aware of their relationship, including people whose only knowledge of Sally was through Ray as proxy because Ray was their friend all collaborating, all lining up and all proving beyond any discernable doubt that it was self defence, a scumbag, overcompensating "prosecutor" told a series of blatant lies, ignored evidence and spun a tale born from his inability to please women and a jury whose collective IQ was so low they could not possibly be deemed as human beings believed literal fiction over medical records, visible bruising, police documentation of bruising and accounts from Rays own circle of friends.

That's a truly disgusting level of stupidity.
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Spawn (1997–1999)
Dated but still one of the better adaptions
16 July 2023
As of June 2023 I have just finished watching this for the first time and while it obviously is very dated it is still better than most comic adaptions, including both animated and live action of the past 20 years.

Tl:dr I read a quote comparing it to batman TAS and that is fair. Obviously made around the same time they share an aesthetic but at times spawn is willing to delve into darker subject matter that is off limits to batman. Seasons 1 and 3 still hold up as some of the best animated adaptions we have season 2 is basically just dead air, entire episodes go by with nothing at all happening, literally no story progression, character or world building, just bloat.


I admit I have not read spawn so I don't know how accurate this is and how much was changed or tweaked to better translate to the screen, since Todd McFarlane worked directly I am going to assume there were no drastic changes, but maybe due to the process translating from page to screen the story telling is a bit wierd, a bit poorly paced in places, I won't give specific spoilers but there are times where spawn contradicts himself within 2 minutes of screen time,there are also episodes where really nothing happens and others that play out like a 90's action movie, there are times where he makes choices that make literally zero sense and are guaranteed to come back to bite him later.

One thing I will say is that the voices take more getting use to than the dated animations. Keith David as spawn is fine but for some reason 98% of the other characters in this show whisper like they were early adopters of asmr. I am not quite sure why they have literal beings of hell like violator whispering but it does come across very strange, a violent, gory, lore centred around hell and a soul bargain and for some reason humans and hellish nightmares alike refuse to raise their voice above a barely audible whisper and can threaten each other, talk about murder and torture but the whole time talk as if they are trying not to wake a nearby baby but at the same time having shoot outs, rocket launcher battles, grenades hurled around the place and one particular location becoming a small scale warzone on an hourly basis and that's all just standard procedure.

This is something that was lost on me, throughout the watch I failed to understand why the voice actors were given that direction or how at no point over 3 seasons did anyone find it odd, but I guess it is just a stylistic choice that is lost on me.
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Rocksmith (2011 Video Game)
Good idea, horrendous execution
2 July 2023
For some reason my review keeps getting chopped up with segments cut out and the remains mashed together. So I will try to keep this brief and only touch on a few things

I have been playing guitar for little over 17 years, no savant but have worked hard and consistently to improve, multiple times through the years I have revisited this game either out of my own curiosity or mentioning it to students who are interested in learning an instrument. In real life I could play you anything from Nick Drake to Slipknot to John Moreland without issue, yet according to this game I can't even play a single open string.

  • None of my guitars are well recognized, with at minimum 95% of my inputs not being accepted, despite the in game feedback telling me otherwise - the on screen strings vibrate, the on screen speakers have waves indicating audio is coming out yet the game tells me that I did not play any notes.

  • Microtansactions of selling small numbers of songs in "song packs" is the most extortionate way they could have possibly added content.

  • Keyboards with audio buttons, audio shortcuts and windows volume control do not affect this game, it will boot at 100% volume every single time.

  • Guitars connect to the PC via a USB "real tone cable" yet for some reason the game will not detect your guitar until you connect a microphone of some description and go to the windows privacy settings and allow all access to the mic, which at no point does the game need or use.

-Censorship is both odd and inconsistent. "horror rock" from the likes of misfits, with chorus' singing about the R word and pedicide are left alone, yet blatant joke songs like bloodhound gang are heavily censored and not well. They vocals are not just cut, the entire sound cuts, apparently having a song about pedicide blaring is perfectly fine but the a** word is so horrific that it had to be censored because apparently the people who pay for the songs they wish to play are not old enough to hear a** but are old enough to hear songs about s-assault. Dumb, it's just painfully dumb

The idea behind it was good, combine the video game escapism/competitive/grinding elements of guitar hero with teaching a real world skilled hobby that you will retain throughout your life, best of both words right? A hobby that is both entertaining and that is a real world applicable skill at the same time. Well unfortunately this game is a 0/10 because it being wholy incapable of registering inputs make it factually useless in serving the one niche purpose it was designed for, both as a video game and as a learning tool it fundamentally fails. If this was how I tried to get into learning guitar when I first started I probably would've quit, sitting in my room with music theory books wasn't the most stimulating way to learn but progress was being made, this game however being so poorly implemented that it does not recognize your inputs and then summarizes the song you just played with a quote like " bad performance", for me it doesnt matter, I know I can play, but to someone who is a beginner or have hit a wall and they pick this up thinking it could help them play along with their favourite songs only to be told after each attempt that they are "bad" when in reality it is the game's absolute shambles of programming it's easy to see how that could be both frustrating and disheartening.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
How not to reboot a franchise
29 June 2023
Tl:Dr Gunn- a one hit wonder with zero business heading a cinematic franchise.

Ezra - a n undeserving scumbag multiple felon whose crimes include child grooming, multiple occasions ( which have video evidence) of beating women, trespassing and burglary These 2 morons are responsible for one of the worst movies ever released and easily the worst piece of DC media ever created. Ezra was involved in the flash ( obviously), Gunn was given control and decided to have the flash edited to suit his vision for DC. That vision meant editing the flash to include cameos and throwbacks to storylines, characters and plots that Gunn is responsible for cancelling, yet in his complete lack of brain activiity and out of touch with reality bubble he thought that putting throwbacks in the flash would blind the audience with nostalgia and they would overlook the steaming pile that the flash is. If you want to be reminded of storylines, plot points and characters that Gunn has already killed off, while a the same time watching an ego tripping child groomer deliver utter mediocrity while poorly delivering a story that DC has already told countless times over and which was handled infinitely better in the animated movie "flashpoint" then maybe you'll like this movie.

If you have working brain cells, if you want a movie to tell a story, if you want to have some escapism aided by compotent acting, if you want to be entertained then this is not the movie for you.

Main*** First things first lets address the elephant in the room, this movie deserves to fail, before it even hit cinema some people had a negative, albeit justified perception of it. Gunn, a one note hack who in 30+ years in the business has only had 1 success which was guardians of the galaxy, which was impossible to be anything other than a success since marvel fans are so rabid its effectively a cult, marvel could sell bags of feaces, if the bags had a marvel logo printed on them they would be guaranteed to sell. Point is Gunn is not a good director and objectively is one of the least qualified people on the planet to be given the reigns to all of DC's property, yet inexplicably that is what happened. Gunns first acts as CEO of DC were to round up all the popular, successfull, fan favourite actors like Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot and fire them on the spot, but for reasons defying any semblance of brain activity he cleared house of all the good and profitable actors he decided make Ezra the sole focus of his attention so all of the press, all of the media and the future he envisioned for DC all revolve around and/or heavily include a child grooming, woman beating, assault prone, thief. This movie, Gunn and Ezra deserve to fail, that is not a matter of opinion, that is not even up for debate, that is an immutable fact. So all that said, it was set in stone that this movie was never going to have an impressive showing once released.

Now onto the reviewing the actual movie footage. It's bad, plain and simple bad, a boring, predictable movie that tries to use a nostalgia factor to mask it's many shortcomings but since those moments of nostalgia are all looking back on different stages of live action DC, none of which exist anymore and thanks to Gunn will not be continued or revisited instead of making us smile or having fond throwbacks to the past they come across as exactly what they are, cheap poorly thought out manipulation tactics. You will not watch this movie and have a little smirk when certain cameos come up or when certain things are mentioned, instead you will just be reminded "oh yeah, we were going to have X storyline or Y was going to get more screentime". I know this movie was not headed by Gunn but changing aspects of it to suit his terrible marvel-lite, zero storyline, zero effort, sloppy phase system BS vision for what DC should be were among the first actions he took once put in the position of power and those changes are further proof of the reality of what I said above, Gunn is not fit to head DC.

Instead of this being a movie that serves as a bridge of sorts, one that serves as a fair well to the established DC we have seen while also setting a clean slate to revisit those characters what it actually is is an insult, it insults DC's existing movies with how it handled it's cheap cameos and throwback moments using them as atom thin veils to mask it's own arrogance and it also both insults possible fans of future movies and establishes those movies are going in the wrong direction because Gunn is actively doing everything in his power to do the exact opposite of what people want. Rebooting DC is easy

1: fire the child grooming, multiple felon who would be and should be in jail, the only reason he isnt is because it would be bad PR so the 1% in control of WB are pulling strings to avoid him facing the consequences of his actions.

2: Keep the actors who have proven financially successful as well as being well recieved by fans and critics alike. I am not saying that Henry Cavill should be superman for the rest of his life, Gunn could still turn out his guaranteed atrocious unneeded, unwanted, superman origin story number 9000, doesn't mean there is no room in any DC content for Cavill to play a slightly older, established superman.

3:Release batwoman movie. This movie was 100% guaranteed to be profitable, a movie focusing on a member of the bat family who has not had a lot of attention in live action media and that stars Brenand Fraser, one of the most beloved actors of the past 4 decades playing a villian, there is 0% chance this movie would not have generated a profit.

4: Do *NOT* turn DC into marvel lite. The phase system is the worst thing ever to happen to cinema. Storylines are gone, scripts are gone, plot are gone, quality is gone. Phase systems are not about telling stories, they are about re-treading the same footsteps over and over again while leaving enough "ambiguity" ( it isnt ambigious, it is so one dimensional you cant miss it coming, but ambiguity is the most fitting word for what marvel *think* they are doing) so that they can then tell those same stories again on smaller screens with predictable spin offs and adaptions. Instead of looking at a franchise and thinking " in 30 years time we can create a good story about superman if first we spend 29 years releasing and re-relasing his origin story in cinema and home media every single year until we are officialy in phase 15" Instead of that zero synapse perspective focus on making current movies good, give them compelling stories that work, don't think " how can I avoid developing this story for the next 3 decades to milk every penny out of this characters name"
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"lol random" the movie
21 May 2023
This is one of those movies that is hard to put into words just how poor it is. I can summarise the entire premise, or more accuratly lack thereof without spoiling anything," kek i'm so random and quirky" that's it, that is the entire thought process behind the movie and the entirety of the script fairly summed up.

A "story" less cohesive than an acid trip, a sequence of dissjointed, poorly timed, nonsensicle events, going back and forth constantly contradicting the microscopic semblance of "plot" that it does have. Humour is subjective, horror comedy is a particularly divise genre, but this right here is neither horror or comedy. Comedy has a premise, a build up and a punchline, this has none. Horror has atmosphere and tension, again, this has none.

This is not one of those movies that is bad but fun if you switch your brain off, nor is it a bad movie that is so bad you can find entertainment treating it as if it was a different genre, it is ibjectively an out and out awful movie.
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Hellraiser (2022)
So, where are the cenobites
31 March 2023
I am amazed that this movie manages to look worse than a low budget 1987 movie. The action scenes, for lack of a better work, are so dark you can't see what's happening, I know I know, darkness is a given in a horror movie, but when it is so dark you can't see the creatures that are posing the threat it crosses a line between artistic direction and being a hindrance.

Secondly I appreciate they used practical effects. They could have very easily done the lazy/marvel approach, simply slap every actor in a mocap suit and leave the special effects department to single handedly cobble together a movie based on nothing but endless, budget cutting CGI. So I appreciate they made actual suits for the cenobites, unfortunately they simply are not good. The faces you could say are up for debate, personally I think the gasp looks silly, she is supposed to be an homage to "the girl cenobite" and angelique but with angelique her skull was exposed and the wound held open by hooks to her shoulders, which makes sense. The gasp has small amounts of flesh missing from the side of her head but the top is intact which makes the skin stretching all the way down to chin level look silly, but I digress. You could argue the faces are personal perspective, but the bodies look awful, they don't look at all like mutilated flesh. The older, much lower budget, much smaller production movies, some of which relied entirely on practical effects since they had no CGI managed to make the demons look like what they are supposed to, like tormented, disfigured humans who have been mutilated in ways specific to them and their vices. This 2022 production with a big company behind it doesnt look like what they are supposed to look like, instead it looks like what they really are, people wearing suits. They look more reminiscent of some people who had a washing accident with their star trek cosplay suits rather than horrific monsters who have been warped by hell itself.

The thing is I don't dislike the new additions, but they simply feel out of place. The weeper is the perfect example of this, she looks cool, but she doesn't look like a demon, she looks far far far more like an alien than anything that belongs in the hellraiser universe.

I have already droned on more than i inteded so I may as well throw my other issue in here as well, I don't like how it belittles and most of them time blatantly disregards the entire premise of the supernatural elements of that world. The new cenobites are unique, we are left to presume their mutilations were specifically targeted for them, yet through the course of the movie we see that pinheads line of "It is not hands that summon us. It is desire" has been completely overruled as now there is no distinction, anyone who gets cut by the boxes odd weaponry that shoots out when changing it's configuration become the target, regardless of whether or not they solved the box, regardless of whether or not they had any dark desires or if they were simply an innocent person who was attacked by someone wielding the box as a knife. So this opens up about a thousand other questions, if the cenobites target any and all indescriminatly how is determined who is "worthy" to become a cenobite? If random people are dragged to hell despite having no desires calling the demons what will their fate be, there is only so much damage that can be done to a body, even if it is immortal it can't regenerate?

Finally the lore is further muddied by "the priest's" line of. "Your (redacted for spoilers) ending was exquisite". This makes it sound like people dragged to hell are no longer tortured for all eternity, that the cenobites get a hold of someone, kill them and that is it over, it is as if they simply killed that person. I know that one line is not much to go on, but in that scene the priest is trying to manipulate someone into making a mistake, it would have made much more sense for her to say something along the lines of "You can end redacteds suffering" or "redacted is screaming for your help even now". But instead she simply says that redacteds "end" was exquisite and at no other point in the movie are we given any hints, lines or attempted persuasions to indicate the victims are still in hell after we see the cenobites toy with them briefly. On one hand that is a more gentle lore that you can maybe argue makes it more digestable for new fans , it isnt all bleak all the time, but as I said, it muddies the lore without clarifying any of the changes and it doesn't replace existing lore with something different, it simply ignores what we have known for a long time and leaves us with all kinds of questions that we shouldn't have.
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Insult to the franchise
30 December 2022
This is nothing more than an insult to the franchise. The story is poor, the pacing is awful, nothing that happens is given any context so nothing has any immersion and no events have any impact. Despite there being 14 years worth of history and lore already well established and well loved, this manages to be the most surface level and generic fantasy cration currently on any streaming platform.

Miriam in particular is horrendous, I have not seen such a bad leading character in quite some time, it is wrong to even call her a "character" because that implies there is depth to her, there is not.

I will go on a tangent here but bear with me as is gives credence to my claims of just how bad she is. I saw a post from someone who blanket dismissed all criticisms of miriam, she disregarded all of them with the statement " if you cant relate to characters of colour, move on" which is one of the dumbest things I have ever read, a human acting like she appreciates a piece of media that most people dont because she knows what it is like to be a tan elf? It's moronic, but anyway. The point is that in this post she screenshot a bunch of reviews that mentioned miriam, she cropped these reviews and cherry picked sections to try and distort things to suit her agenda, but all she did was prove those criticisms correct, not one, literally not a single one of the reviews that she herself cherry picked and edited down said a single word about race, skin colour or sexual preference. Nobody is saying she is a bad character because she is an elf or because her skin isnt white, the critiques, which are deserved, talk about how bland she is. She has 1 face, 1 mood and that is it, she is a sour faced, whiney idiot with zero character beyond the surface, henry stickmin is a more fleshed out character than miriam is and in a well established fantasy world with literally infinite possibilities, having the most bland character in that entire universe being given focus for a series is just dumb.

People are of course free to disagree and I can respect people with differing opinions to my own, the world would be even more boring than it already is if everyone was just a clone mindlessly nodding along with each other. But ignoring constructive and justified criticisms, branding all people who arent the same as you as "wrong", while trying to force your own projected insecurities and the stereotypes that *you* hold into a fictional scenario where nobody else even mentioned those things is painfully stupid If you cherry pick lines from reviews, take them out of context and post heavily cropped pictures of them and still you are the only one trying to force some kind of -ism into matters, then you have a lot of work to do on yourself, and just a thought, but spending less time projecting your issues into fantasy, maybe taking a step back and working through your own issues would be a pragmatic choice.
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Super Crooks (2021)
Confused, directionless show
18 December 2022
I hope mark millar was very well compensated by netflix because as far as I am aware this is the second one of his properties they have bought the rights to produce a series of and both times they have done him, his stories and the characters a massive disservice.

  • no direction at all
  • so childish it waters down any of the "mature" themes it touches on.

  • yet at the same time doesn't embrace being a comedy so it is a jarring mix of taking itself seriously while also being about as silly as a tom and jerry skit.

  • pacing is all over the place, with minor sequences being drawn out for 2 full episodes and then actual plot events being introduced and then dropped in 2 lines of dialogue.

  • ultimately it is netflix doing what they do best, wasting great source material

Ramble: In this particular case they very clearly had no idea what they wanted this show to be. It has bad things happen and some whispers of mature themes but at the same time it is so very childish that none of it carries any weight or feels like it has any impact. This is not a spoiler as this happens in literally all super hero media, but there are cases where the "good guys" are causing a tremendous amount of collateral damage, which the "bad guys" comment on but one line of dialogue is all the attention it gets, the script then instantly reverts back to humour which is weirdly chidlish since the show has been branded as "16+", which is a rating i have never seen before but I digress. Point is they didn't censor it to make it PG but at the same time they watered down any dark, mature, violent themes with humour that seems to have been written to cater to 7 year olds.

Also I will wrap it up by saying the pacing is also very poor. I know there was not enough source material to make a fool season, I understand that but if they wanted to milk it and drag out the runtime they should have been willing to put in any effort but that evidently is not the case here, there is a chase sequence that drags on for 2 full episodes and it isn't even a good sequence or one of much importance to the overall story, it is just 2 episodes of them driving around the same re-used streets, using the same power in the same way and occasionally bleeting out the same "humour".
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Weakest of the bunch. Sound setting but zero substance.
17 December 2022
I am sorry but this episode is terrible.

Most relatable context, great cast but poor, poor execution. It is one of the longest episodes in terms of runtime and it is almost entirely dead air. Over 45 minutes of the episode are spent needlessly trying to be a slow burn, but there are a few problems with that ,1: The context is so simple that it neither needs or deserves so much time watching the main character repeat the same actions over and over again. 2: A slow burn has to be building towards some kind of pay off, this episode has none, literally none. 3: The inflated runtime, which 99% of which takes place in 2 rooms in 1 house don't add any kind of tension or atmosphere, they just make it tedious to sit through.

Then if you do have the patience to see it through as mentioned there is no pay off and also no ending whatsoever. When I say "no ending" I do not mean that there is no "spoon feeding" obvious ending or that there is no satisfying ending, I mean there is genuinely no ending. You are watching the story happen and then the credits roll, there wasn't even an attempt at bringing any resolution the story whatsoever, the writers for this episode had an easy job because they only had to write the basic premise of a story with no need to flesh out it and didn't have to write any 3rd act or any ending. Throughout the entire episode there is just 1 single scene where something actually happens and it is scripted in such a weird way that it plays off more like a teenagers attempt at black comedy than anything even approaching horror or tense.
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An unfinished game followed by a rushed anime
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before cyberpunk CDPR were one of the most universally liked companies in gaming. They perpetually delayed the game and despite that still released it as an unfinished disaster riddled with so many bugs and performance issues that certain platforms couldnt even run it, 2 years later it is playable but still far from a finished product and certainly not worth the price tag that has not dropped at all..

Then instead of fixing their reputation or existing products they decide to branch out to other forms of media and give us a completely rushed show. I do not care if you think this show is the greates thing ever created, nobody can honestly say it is not rushed. Dunno why but the bullet points keep formatting themselves and inserting gaps where I didn't put any.

David's "recruitment" to the punks - rushed Maine's psychosis - rushed.

Maine and Dorio's end - rushed.

David's attachment to Maine- rushed David seeing Maine as both a father figure/mentor and as someone to model his entire life after despite knowing him for maybe a week - rushed

David stepping into leadership position - rushed David going from a kid with 1 implant to having zero human flesh remaining- rushed.

David's stime as the leader-rushed David somehow establishing a name for himself despite intentionally running a small operation - rushed.

Lucy's backstory- rushed and served zero purpose since it didn't lead to anything and was just dropped.

Kiwi's betrayal- rushed Faraday swapping sides - rushed.

The reveal of what Lucy was hiding - rushed.

David falling into Faraday's trap - rushed.

David's psychosis - rushed.

Adam smashers introduction - rushed.

Rebecca's death - rushed and utterly pointless, it contributed literally nothing to the story, they killed a character and wasted a chance to use her again for a nanosecond of cheap shock value.

David storming arasaka - rushed David sacrificing himself - rushed.

The epilogue where Lucy somehow escaped the attention of both militech and arasaka and made it to the moon - rushed.

Essentially the entire show is half baked, nothing gets the attention it deserves, nothing and nobody is fleshed out. It is hard to feel any kind of conenction towards a cast where every second of the narrative is a race to the finish line with no thought put into plot holes, consistency, character development or pacing. 10 25-ish minute episodes is plenty of time, they absolutely could have done a much much much better job instead of churning out slop as fast as possible.
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