
11 Reviews
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The Counselor (2013)
Be your own judge.
28 October 2013
Was so very reluctant to go see this due to the amount of extremely negative reviews, glad I didn't listen.

Like all of you I was drawn to the writer, director & cast combination which told me this film had a chance at greatness, well I'm not so sure about greatness but this is a very good movie, one which both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed.

The plot is secondary, only the story outline is necessary ("honest citizen" buys into a onetime drug deal which goes bad and there are serious consequences) to act as a framework around the events that unfold. We do not need details of who, what , where or when regarding the drug deal, we only need to see the greed and the evil it leads to, play out.

Yes the dialogue is metaphorical, gloriously so, and the actors deliver this as it was intended to be delivered by the writer and the director. This dialogue is superb in setting the ominous tone for the film, we do not need to know who is picking up what and delivering to whom, we only need to know that it didn't happen and somebody has to pay, pay a price beyond imagining! While there are moments of amusement, it is a deadly serious morality tale that does not play out to our long established preconceptions. Decisions today can make for impossible decisions and terrifying consequences tomorrow.

Do not judge, rate or review this film within the traditional confines of typical Hollywood movies, as it barely applies, maybe it does to the star power but not to the content nor the execution.

I really cannot wait to see this movie again, I give this an 8/10.
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Big Blockbuster disappointment
19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed Star Trek 2009, in that reboot I thought that Abrams had captured the spirit of the original show and the subsequent movies.

That ensemble cast and screenplay reminded us of the camaraderie that was an integral part of the success of Star Trek. All in all in was a very enjoyable flick, a slick fun ride, excitement, humour, quirky characters and it "felt" like Star Trek.

ST Into Darkness overwhelms all these idiosyncrasies with typical blockbuster formulaic devices, the use of music, the plot forced into situations for crucial decisions, the never ending escalation of "tension", the betrayal(s)etc. etc.

While some reviewers have complained about plot inconsistencies I would say that these are usually forgiven or overlooked when one is caught up with the characters and story of a movie that captivates on an emotional level, with ST Into Darkness this does not happen at least not for either my wife nor I.

If you want a big summer movie and are not overly concerned with this being as close to the spirit of ST as the original series, movies and Abrams' reboot then enjoy! If you are looking for a film with an emotional connection to the spirit and feel of same then I dare say you will be left feeling empty, very much style(summer blockbuster)over substance.

*Sigh*, the pursuit of money has made it increasingly difficult for writers and directors to make films that are not dictated by the investment requirements. Hey what do I know.... this film will make many hundreds of millions of dollars. 4.0/10.
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Stop with the handi-cam and "found" videotape!
4 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First I would like to say that at least two of the reviews to date are shills.

The film starts out promisingly enough, character development is strong for our protagonist and when we arrive in the deep south the slow build of suspense is palatable, so far I'm a happy camper! The introduction of the possessed girl continues the intrigue, what am I complaining about!? But then it's all downhill, cliché after cliché, culminating in the big finale that seems very much tacked on, like they didn't have and ending and re-writer #17 came up with this dung.

Then the last guy to go is the cameraman and we get to view the found tapes!!!! I'm sick of it.

The only time I saw this work was for 84 Charlie Mopic, yes I thought, Blair Witch, Cloverfield et al stunk.

It was a joke at our screening listening to the representatives of Alliance telling us to enhance our reactions for the infrared cameras "because we might get in the commercial", oh WOW just like Paranormal Activity, another turd! This entire genre is way past it's shelf life, all that's going on is studios following another "template of past success" and putting out inferior films to keep the bandwagon going.

Hollywood came make truly great films but mostly puts out crap like this that with proper promotion insures box office boffo.

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Most disturbing film ever
17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say.....I've seen them all and this movie is the most disturbing film I have ever watched.

Saw it last night at the Fantasia film festival in Montreal, the director Srdjan Spasojevic was there for a post screening Q & A, but first Mitch Davis (head of Fantasia) forewarned those in attendance that it was a truly disturbing film and there had been incidents at other screenings where people had become ill, not difficult to believe.

Srdjan Spasojevic then came out and said: "every generation of the past 100 years in my country has lived through war and my film is to be viewed as a metaphor of what this has done to the country and it's people and remember it's only a movie".

My feeling is that either the director hates his country or the collective psyche of the Serbs is disturbed to a degree that few could comprehend.

Now my review: As a metaphor this film works well, the message of a society where the effects wrought by unspeakable acts, atrocities, betrayal, complete disregard for human life and the subsequent permanent damage, is hammered home successfully; the survivors may be no better off than those who lost their lives.

However the images we are forced to endure to get this message; graphically displayed rape/snuff/pedophilia/incest/torture porn, are so over the top that I am not convinced that the director's message will be successfully relayed to the world outside Serbia.

I am somewhat surprised that this film can be screened as is in North America, trust me it won't play in the bible belt in the USA.

The acting was alright, the soundtrack overbearing at times, the most extreme scenes do not need any help from the score to heighten the effect of what we are seeing on screen.

It's difficult to comment on the direction as the viewing experience is somewhat overwhelming, but it did seem uneven and heavy handed at times.

Not for the squeamish, don't go with your girlfriend, believe me when I say regardless of all the other times when hype was used to build up a film and when you finally view it you are underwhelmed by how mild the shock and controversy, etc. actually turns out to be, this will not be the case if you see this movie.

Only four out of ten because the goal of conveying the damage Serbian society is living with is lost as your sensibilities are overwhelmed by the imagery and extreme situations on screen.

WOW, an experience I will not soon forget!
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Marty stick with gangsters leave this to David Lynch
14 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers

I give this a 5/10 out of respect for Scorsese's body of work and some of the production values, I am probably too generous.

Very heavy handed direction, way too long and repetitive, force feeding the audience "clues", main plot point becomes obvious early on, I don't know what to say just soooooooo disappointing!

I was immediately taken aback by the intensity of the music and "staginess" of the opening, I comforted myself, "it's an homage to film noir of the 40's & 50's" not yet realizing that it was done to pound home the dream or fantasy world of our protagonist.

As this film wore on I found myself wanting to leave the cinema (I have never done this in my life, just so obvious and lame, the 67th patient, he is looking for himself....I am at a loss for words...

This movie is not worth the price of admission , you could rent it on DVD to see what you think about the low point in Marty's directing career.

I have difficulty grasping that Scorsese could make such a poor film.

I'm out.
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Funny Games (2007)
Yeah, I get it already.
30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**************SPOILER ALERT**********************

I do like art house films, independent films, my wife and I do attend film festivals, scour local indie rental stores for the hard to get non mainstream films etc. so we did expect to enjoy and "get" this movie.

Despite the appearance of our two intruders, all white clothing, right down to white gloves they are not that pure after all.(yes we get it, just like the society we live in).

Talking to the audience and making us "confront" (yes we get it, we've payed to see a violent movie, we are ourselves part of the problem and yet the violence is actually off screen, except for the unreal scene that gets re-wound) that we are accessories to the malaise of violence that permeates media, entertainment and society in general.

So what's the answer? Seems to me the director is just as much an accomplice for making the film, TWICE! He treats us like dummies in some places, I mean, I've seen enough films, you don't have to track that knife going to the boat so blatantly (yes we get it), in fact this ruined it, by the time we see the rope knock it into the bottom of the boat we KNOW that it will NOT save anyone.

Once they killed the son, there's no more suspense, if they killed the kid well then I guess they can kill everybody.

This message has been done many times before and much more effectively, western society glorifies violence, desensitizes us from the moral outrage we should feel and the youth are at forefront of this effect, yet no one (but our brave director?) does anything about it.

Re rent A Clockwork Orange instead, at least there the ending is TRULY disturbing (and funny) as Alec comes full circle as is the darling of the latest moronic politician(s) rather than they are sailing off to their next victims, BRrrr I'm scare.......!

The actors were all very good, but even when you are making a social statement, you need effective character development.

See it yourself and you judge, as for me I was not impressed.
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Coen Bros are near perfect
20 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it twice in one week and am happy I did as I not only appreciated it more the second time around, but also was able to clear up two confusing points.

First the film, it's great! Starts with a bang and never let's up, very linear story that continues to drive straight ahead against the backdrop of the older law enforcement officers who are left behind by a world and it's morality, changing too fast for them.

The narration, conversations between the older characters and Sheriff Bell's near monologue at the end, go a long way to explaining the backdrop against which this story is laid out.

All the leads are at their best, especially TLJ. Javier B. and Josh B. are also outstanding, as are most of the supporting cast.

For fans of the Coens, you will get the appropriate camera work ***minor spoiler alert***(when Anton sneaks up on the deputy hanging up the phone, ***end spoiler***as well as those moments when you laugh, but uneasily.

I do want to comment on some confusion touched on in a few other comments made in this forum

*********major spoiler alert********major spoiler alert*********

Anton is NOT in the motel room when Bell returns to the scene of the crime (this after the conversation with the old local Sheriff and his comment on how bold Anton was to return to the Hotel, a crime scene, to make the second kill)it is Sheriff Bell in his own mind picturing the worst case scenario of Anton waiting for him, watch it again and you will get it (I only got it the second time)and yes Anton did get the money, this is clearly shown to us by the air duct grill lying on the floor along with the screws and the DIME which is what Anton was shown to use as a screwdriver through the whole movie.

******end spoiler alert***********

The ending is quite fitting as after all there is "No country for old men", Bell's description of his second dream the night before go a long way to explaining that and setting up the ending.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, for those expecting a Bruce Willis or other Hollywood type action/murder movie DO NOT go to see this film, you will find it long, boring, unsatisfying and with a stupid ending.

Can't wait for "Burn after reading"
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Xun qiang (2002)
Wonderful alternative to Hong Kong action flicks
12 August 2005
Don't look for HK type action, this is a close look at a different culture through one man's eyes.

The man in question is a Chinese police officer who has, through drunken carelessness, lost his gun, an unpardonable offense.

A carefully structured and paced film, not without some amusing moments, but for the most part a whodunnit more than anything else.

The camera work is brilliant, some of the sequences are fantastic, in fact I wonder if anyone can tell me if they have ever seen the opening technique use anywhere else, (I think what was done was, to mount the camera and drive forward while the camera films from the POV looking out the back and then the film was played backwards, GREAT effect!), it is similar to effects seen before, I.E. the opening sequence in Killing Zoe, but more dizzying.

Really nice movie and with a terrific ending, someone should remake this film. I watched it alone one night and rented again a week later to watch again with my wife.

Now you go watch it!
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Penn at his best.
22 February 2005
I think that this film doesn't get it's just due because it is too "low key" for American mainstream audiences, but hey, they buy the tickets!

This movie begins and ends with Sean Penn's performance as Sam Bicke, watching his subdued portrayal of a man unraveling, is something to behold. He is certainly solidifying his position as one of the truly great actors.

His control, his ability to nuance the differences in the types of pressures he is dealing with, work stress as opposed to marriage stress etc. is acting on a scale that few can convey to the audience.

If you are a fan of Penn's or of great acting see this film. If you want or expect action, because of the title, stay away from this film.

The supporting cast are all excellent, Don Cheadle and Naomi Watts are as you would expect, better than most. Jack Thompson, as Sam Bicke's boss was also very good in his small role, the "honorable mention" in this film has to go to Michael Wincott as Sam's brother Julius, a GREAT turn in the single scene he has, something to be said for the small parts in the hands of a craftsman who can make you appreciate and remember his one lonely scene in a movie dominated by an towering acting performance.

Enjoy! 7.5 of 10
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"Typically Coenesque and yet NOT Coenesque". (G.H. Dorr)
4 April 2004
Very enjoyable for fans of the Coen brothers, certainly somewhat less so for moviegoers that don't follow the work of these mad geniuses.

From the opening scene, with it's attention to set detail and the amusingly interesting camera work, fans will know that they they are not about to be disappointed.

The cursing may be too much for those looking at this as a remake, but by today's standards, in my opinion, it's pretty tame.

Pretty much a laugh out loud comedy, with an ending that our friends Joel and Ethan, wrap up in a way as only they can.

At least a 7/10 for fans.
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25th Hour (2002)
Scattered, overlong, some fine performances.
24 July 2003
Like buckshot, all over the place. Somewhere in here there is a very good (maybe great) film, but it needs to lose 20-35 minutes.

That being said, fine performances all around.

Spike needs to preach less, stop trying to use "cool" camera and editing techniques, leave that to the music video crossover directors.

Spike Lee is a better director than this movie would lead someone to believe.
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