
20 Reviews
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The Bear: Forks (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
On second watch this might be the best episode of the series
25 June 2023
We all need someone to root for. "Forks" does a phenomenal job of giving us just that. In the age of the antihero and style over substance often we see characters spiraling with no real payoff. Sorry hollywood, a 'charismatic' lead only goes so far. Not only does this episode give us everything we could ask for, I would go so far as to say that this episode will inspire people and change their lives.

I could go into added detail about the brilliant performances and great music choices, how it all comes together seamlessly. This might actually be my favorite bit of filmmaking since Whiplash. Even in whiplash the only real hero of the movie is the music itself.

In this one they gave us the ultimate payoff and still leave us wanting more, like the perfect meal is supposed to do. 11 out of 10.
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The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
One of the best episodes in television history
22 June 2023

This is one case where too many cooks didnt spoil the pot, in an episode about too many cooks spoiling the pot. It's hard not to appreciate the irony.

Star after star make a cameo this episode, my favorite being Bernthal but they were all phenomenal. Well written, the music choices have been perfect all season, I'm truly impressed. I really didn't think they could top the first season but after this season it's safe to say this has firmly cemented itself as one of the best shows on TV.

If I have one complaint, they gotta relax with all the close ups. Too many close ups. I understand the intent, as we were meant to feel crampt in, just not for me. Sign of the times, I could nitpick on some other technical details but when art is this good, guess what? It hardly matters. 10 out of 10.
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One of the few times where the writing is better than almost everything else
9 October 2022
Even with what I said above, people should stick to the source material. They took way too many liberties. Really wanted to like this... huge fan of Christopher Pike AND Mike Flanagan, but a lot of the acting, and production values felt completely disjointed. By episode 3 I had completely lost interest. The casting wasn't very good, even then at this stage you have to blame the producers/directors. The actors get a pass. I hope Hollywood remembers what MERIT means again and stops subscribing to quotas. Pains me to give this a 1 because we need more Pike material. Let's just hope they don't butcher the next one. Flanagan hasn't really missed until now. Hard pass.
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Depressing cash grab
28 September 2022
Not casting Esteves for season 2 because he didn't comply to the ridiculous 'mandates'.

There will never be a season 3.

The first season showed potential, but too much political correctness that culminates into me not even giving the second season a chance. I'm a fan of classic Disney. The new people in charge have zero idea what they are doing or who their audience even is anymore. I feel bad for the actors, unless they are of the variety that only gets behind causes because Hollywood tells them to.

The people making these terrible creative decisions claim to want diversity, but what they really want is for everyone to think exactly the same. How this does any kind of story or character arc justice is beyond me. Expect more watered down nonsense until the people in charge wake up. But they would have to recognize how they got to be decision makers in the first place. And why this 'brand' became so popular in the first place.

Proud of Esteves for sticking to his guns, too bad the rest of the sellouts couldn't recognize would made this show go in the first place. Hard pass.
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The Bear (2022– )
8.5 is too low for this show.
29 June 2022
I came into this with zero expectations. As a matter of fact the first scene with the bear threw me off. I'm thinking to myself "oh great, this is gonna be another one of those pretentious art pieces I don't have time for this" but the good reviews had me stick it out and oh I am so glad I did. Not a fan of shameless. Don't really know who these actors are but Oliver Platt has a terrific track record. Didn't matter, by the time he showed up on screen I was already hooked. Easy 10 out of 10. Better give us a second season.
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The Offer: Brains and Balls (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
17 June 2022
Incredible ending to an incredible series that is sure to grow more legs over time.

The only thing I didn't like is that they took some creative liberties in regards to certain characters that had nothing to do with how events actually transpired but all 'true' stories do this. I can overlook it even if it is ironic when a large part of the theme of this show is "taking risks". Let's hope Hollywood remembers what that means again.

I'm feeling generous, and I'm glad Robert Evans is finally getting his due. I wish it was sooner we might have some better movies right now.

10 out of 10.
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Don't expect a realistic film but still a fun ride.
25 May 2022
This movie checks all the boxes. And depending on how you look at that might be a problem for you because this film really doesn't take any risks. People that know how this stuff really works might have a problem with the level of realism too. Some of the dogfights are technically outstanding. I enjoyed the score. As an 80s baby that loves the original they did a great job paying homage to it.

9/10 for fans of the original. I won't bother giving it any other score for now, because that is very obviously who this film was made for.
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The Offer: A Stand Up Guy (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
That boardroom speech will live on for eternity
22 May 2022
I have personal history with Robert Evans. He would of been proud of this one. This is my favorite show on tv right now and it isn't even close. The fact critics were so off the mark on this is very disappointing to say the least. But also not surprising. That's why I'm writing this.
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The Valet (2022)
This movie had a lot of heart
21 May 2022
I was expecting woke drivel, or maybe just some stupid comedy, but this actually had a lot of heart. Good job Hulu. Give it a shot you'll probably be pleasantly surprised like I was.
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Super Pumped: Delete Uber (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
What are these writers thinking? I can't stop laughing.
9 April 2022
Blaming trump for surge pricing is hilarious. I'm strictly hate watching at this point. Thank God I don't subscribe to showtime. These writers are insane. And that's being nice about it. A microcosm and a case study for everything wrong with Hollywood.
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The only movie that gets better every time I watch it.
2 December 2021
I'm convinced when I'm 80 years old I'll appreciate it even more than I do now which is more than I did when I first watched it. I'm also convinced that if you don't like this movie as much I do than you have no soul. Thankfully that's a small crowd.
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Greater (2016)
One of the most inspirational films ever made.
31 October 2021
The metaphysical aspect will go over some people's heads, but to be quite honest if you don't like this film I don't even want to know you.

R. I. P. Brandon I wish we got to see you as a pro, but this film will inspire a great deal many lives I'm sure. Maybe that was the plan...
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At first I was afraid... but, wow.
4 October 2021
The first episode goes a 'certain' direction I didn't really like, but the brilliant acting and production value made me stick it out.

I'm glad I did.

I love how it came full circle by the 4th episode, And there's one more! It really does a great job of capturing both points of view. Can't wait to see how it wraps up.

P. S. This is the best acting either of these actors have done IMO. And that's saying something.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Updated review (from a 10)
5 September 2021
It's great and in my eyes Gareth can do no wrong, but this season loses some steam towards the end, especially after one of the greatest action scenes of all time (those that have seen the show know which one I'm referring to). That being said, still excited for another season. Hope we get it sooner rather than later.
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Dinner for Five (2001–2005)
Amazing insight into Hollywood and the creative process before politics took over (a time capsule)
5 September 2021
Title says it all really. Great interviews with a lot of great people in Hollywood before they collectively lost their minds. Even Alec Baldwin is almost bearable, almost. Anyway I don't want to be too disparaging, because this show is a great reminder of what the creative process used to look like in Hollywood before a certain brand of politics took over. A++
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This movie is terrrrrrrrrrible
6 August 2021
These reviews can't be real. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The special effects are decent and I feel for the people that put their heart and soul into this, but DC animated movies have scripts 100000x better than this. I had to pause it at least 4 times just to finish it. Painful.
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Criminally underrated
2 August 2021
More like an 8 or 9 but these negative reviews are ridiculous. This film explores very powerful themes and has incredible production value. Ahead of its time. Personally, this film has everything I go to the movies for. Since I want films like this to get made and not another watered down super hero movie I wish people gave this franchise the respect it deserves. We need the sequel asap!
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A lot of heart. A lot of unfair reviews.
15 June 2021
Saw this on a whim as I saw Vince Vaughn produced it. Didn't expect much. Very impressed that a movie in this day and age had heart like this. Had to write a review to offset some of these reviews that obviously went in with the wrong expectations. Give it a chance. It's worth a watch.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Favorite new show
2 May 2020
I'm only on the fourth episode but there's nothing not to like here. Some of the best fight scenes ever put on film. Has the potential to be the one of the best television shows of not only the year, but of all time. Like Game of Thrones on steroids. When this hits America it will start getting all the credit it deserves, I can practically promise that much. Even at 8.7 I think the review score is too low.
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
Criminally underrated (updated review: the music ruins it)
24 February 2020
Why aren't more people talking about this show? It actually upsets me.

This is one of the best shows on TV. Most of these episodes could be feature films. It's better than Irishman. The acting is top notch. So many legends.

I really don't understand why I had to find out about this so late.

Will be a classic for years to come.

Edit: Have to change my rating to a 3 because I can't take the terrible music anymore. WHYYY?!? Swizz beats is such a narcissist he can't even fit the period piece with the music it deserves. Awesome. Ruin everyone's presence and enjoyment so you can have your ME moments. Could of been an all time great with the right music, just goes to show how important soundtracks are.
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