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If you want a easy job, join the red cross
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is not a political statement or a documentary. It's a film about one of the most despised man on the planet. Nick Nayler. A representive of Big tobbacoo. This film has one of the greatest Monolauges by the star, and not only that, it was a great pick of stars and is defintly something that will make you laugh and think of this movie. But the main draw? It's a Neutral movie. And a movie About the Ciggerete company's at that! But it isn't advertising for Ciggeretes ( There's not even anyone smoking in this movie) And it shows that these people are not doing it to kill your grandfather...their doing it for the mortgauge. It also shows the extremists of anti Tobacco. Like the man who kidnaps Nick and sticks almost 100's of Nicotine Patchs on him. And the senater who trie's to remove Cigerretes from movies...and it all is the trouble of Nick.

Michial jordan plays ball, Mason kills people, I give this a 9/10
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Super Size Me (2004)
Super size me!
22 April 2008
I watched this movie in my health class and I was honestly sick to see Morgan eat Three MCdonalds in one day...And then he threw up on the second day. Later that day I didn't order MCdonalds anymore and spend more time outside.

But let's agree....30 days of eating nothing but Mcdonalds is almost mentally impossible! Most Americans would stop at day 3 or at most 11. But Morgan spend A MONTH eating Fat, Suger, and nothing else! This film is certainly on the gross level and shows a fair side of things. And Morgan spurlock is excellent in showing how things are going in the Fast food industry.

You may say that MCdonalds is being leaned on too much...but when you go out to get Fast food, what food comes to your mind first? I thought so.

The Film is great for kids like me and is worth watching. But if your a fat guy or ' Obese' then I suggest you watch this film with really is gross.

Agree with me or not with this, You can certainly say that Morgan spurlock did a brave thing.

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Portal (2007 Video Game)
Play this game...if you don't your crazy!
25 February 2008
I should note that this game is part of the Orange Box, So I will conclude the whole thing here.

Let's start off with the Half life 2 thing. I didn't play the Half life before But I can say after playing this, I wish to Buy it! The Game offer's Unique character's and fantastic models that will make even the most well played gamer say ' what the ****!' the maps are extensive and are hard and satisfying to explore and conquer. But the enemy's are the only thing I have to say went a bit wrong. There good to battle and it's great to fight, But I see a repetition of enemies that make you tired of playing Half life 2 for a bit. But the Orange box solves that problem for a bit.

Let's look at Portal. Yes portal, You probably heard ( or about to) that the game is probably a revolution in puzzle games since Russians invented Tetris...they are right. The game is probably one of the best games I had ever played. Very different then Half life franchise, with only two characters, making this game very comfortable to new people who are uneasy to playing puzzle games. With GlADIS, the only speaking role in the game, is played wonderfully and you will antipate when she will speak next. But what about the game play? It's AMAZING! something I never seen is you can actually travel great distances without even using anything but a Portal gun. You have to understand that trying to even do this with the graphic's it shows is almost next to impossible for the playstation 2 or even playstation 3! The only thing bad I can say about this game is...well nothing! The game show's that you can still play a good game without bloodshed or going around a place rounding thing's up to make a star.

Not much to say about Team fortress 2. But I really wish I had Xbox live while playing this. The game is mainly online based so I can't say much.

Developer commentary's are in all the games and are easy to read. Buy this Game right NOW! 10 out of 10! Go out to your nearest best buy and buy this game! You will never be sorry!....Oh ****, I got to buy it!
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Dead Rising (2006 Video Game)
It's the best and annoying...
14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that Dead rising is one of the best games of 2006, With the characters being a lot of fun, the Sandbox thing, and the Pyshopaths being crazy at there best, It makes you almost forget the fact that it has got to be the most ANYOYING GAME IN HISTORY! Let's start off with the save thing, a big hit to the Game score. I once tried to save a bunch of survivors and made it out and saved in the security room...but I missed a case and I went to the case and I when I defeated the phycho path It said that ' the truth will be lost forever', SPOOKY!( Sacrastic humor). There's also the 72 hour takes 6 hours in real just to get through that no matter how fast you play and it makes me want to puke if I that Otis Guy call's me and say's' Save this dude who will not even thank you and probably revolt against you later, but save them anyway because your a good guy right?'. The zombies are actually more smarter then the survivors and I would rather have the zombies as friends because they do more damage then the humans. And let's not forget the constant grabbing of zombies that they should have called this game ' Being a Zombie prositute' and let's forget every time you get caught by the Swat team or the Masked freaks you will be in your underwear...creepy. The game with it's Weapon system and it's great scoring system and huge envorment( and let's face it...we love to Kill Zombies!) is the savior from it being another game I regret getting. But I hope that the sequel will be better...and hopefully doesn't have Otis.
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Disturbia (2007)
A film that you shouldn't miss for your mother's 43 birthday!
23 October 2007
What's a film that star's Shia Lebuiff, is a Comedy,Supsence, and Romance? Disturbia! It's the film that has Landmarked my film archive, You have Shia starring as a Teen who witnessed his father's death and is now under house arrest for punching his teacher. Shia is probably one of my favorite stars because he can make me laugh, sorry for, and make me feel as if I was right with him as he investigates the strange behavior of his next door neighbor, played by The extremely creepy David Morse. And of course what suspense/comedy/romantic comedy would be without the goofy partner in crime which is played by the funny Aaron Yoo, who is the supporting friend of Kale (or Shia) and the guy who can steal the screen but put it back with a nice card saying " Good times". And then there's the Brilliant and ever so good looking Sarah Roemer, who isn't a damsel in distress but is not the person that take's charge of the scene. This movie was easy to follow, the plot was really thought out and well written, if you miss Watching this I'm going to give you a 10 out of 10 for being the worst movie buff in the world! What are you reading this for? Watch the stink-en move for my sake and your children's sake! It's not that great, But I still think you should watch the movie I gave a 10...out of 10
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The Getaway: Black Monday (2004 Video Game)
A game you might look at
18 October 2007
Black Monday, something you might hear from a movie title. This game has a fantastic plot and they really put a lot of time into the character development. The City is also something to be noted for it's massive scale, every street is different in someway and the graphics is something you should like. The gang AI is something else, If you shot at them they will duck for cover, If you show a gun to the police they will fire. But the problem with this game is...well, How can I move left when the guy want's to go right? The controls are hard to get by and I had to do three tries on each level just because I stepped in some guys way! And I always wanted to ride a motorcycle...too bad every time I touch something I flip off the bike and have to wait 5 seconds for the police to hit me into submission. The city itself maybe large but there's nothing to do! The Freeroam thing was a bad idea to me because there is nothing to do! I drive around a bit, shoot some stuff up, wait for the police to come and shoot you to death, And boom! You do it again! The game is something you should rent, Not buy. Black Monday deserves to be made into a movie instead of a too boring game, The game deserves a 4...out of 10
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Hitman: Blood Money (2006 Video Game)
A game that you should play when alone
18 October 2007
This game really live's to the name of 'hitman'. dozen's of ways to kill your target, fool thy enemy to destroy thy enemy by wearing disguises. You can pick from a selection of weapons that will make the local gun shop quiver in fear. The story really makes it seem like as if you are in the room...watching your target, unknowing to your intentions. Sadly, the game doesn't have enough! There isn't enough missions and that will result in you actually finding all the ways to kill your target, I was sadden to play the last mission because it showed that that was all you can see until the next game comes out. Now we gamers have to play the same missions and kill the same boring people over and over again until we bang our heads on the Monitor/TV until it breaks. But the music saves the game from a 5 but I have to give it a 7...out of 10
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Sergeant Keroro (2004–2011)
The Funniest anime show I have seen yet!
17 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I found the Show's description on Wikipedia and when I opened it I said," Why not give this thing a shot? It looks interesting.'It was more than interesting! It made me laugh to see 5 aliens ( that look like frog's) try to take over the world! It shows Kerero, the Lazy but charismatic Leader. Giriro, the weapons maniac and the most serous of the five. Tatama, the split personality and 'Mascot' of the platoon. Kururu, The Inventor and somewhat crazy genius( my personal favorite) with a distinctive laugh. Dororo, The Assassin/Ninja of the 5 and tree hugger. combine them to make the Kerero platoon! Most Anime shows just show the same thing. But Kerero Gunso actually points out these clichés! For instance while 556 is transforming or what not one of the frogs point out that they could attack right now. Kerero Gunso delivers the punch lines and the humor! I can't wait until they Dub the anime! This show get's the 10 out of 10!
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Kappa Mikey (2006–2008)
A show that represents our cartoons in a whole different country
17 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the preview I thought ' not another Dragon ball Z show!' But one day I watched it fully (because I was bored) and found it to be funny! When the Scene at the beginning gets ruined in some strange manner, I always smile. When Mikey Chop's up Ozo's Bonzi tree I laughed. Many people say that the animation is bad but the flash Animation is what made it funnier! the fact that Mikey is animated differential than everyone else is what makes it truly different then most show's I know, When Mikey try's to imitate his cast members expressions( aren't they called face drops?) and say's 'show offs,' I gave that a thumb's up! Why? He is The exact example of a 'fish out of water' When the Japanese release a game we just crawl over it, Mikey Mistakenly traded Gonard for a Lilymu game! We can be very near sighted to other's feelings and Mikey is no exception! He is a over the top American! The cast of Lilymu are the exact opposite of the characters they play! Gonard isn't a viscous monster, but a lovable yet dumb oaf. Mitsuki is the character that shouts out the obvious but in reality the most forgotten cast member by Ozu and is quiet. Guano Only says his name but behind the scenes is the director, the writer, and one of the stars, Which makes him the guy who has a nervous breakdown every episode. Lily is the Damsel in the distress on the show but is actually greedy, manipulative and over bearing to others. The show is how Mikey deals with these situations in the most unusual way! I give this show a 8 out of 10.
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