
17 Reviews
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Chicago (2002)
Will be in the middle of the Oscar race, rightfully so
29 December 2002
Musicals are special. They energize, inspire, and involve the audience in a way that normal movies do not. Chicago clearly does that. It isn't really the singing that is special here. It is the choreography--the way it is all put together and presented--that really stands out.

The best performance comes from Richard Gere, and his singing is nothing special, to say the least. But his performance in his singing scenes, from playing the brilliant lawyer puppet master to his rendition of "Razzle Dazzle 'em" is wonderful. I loved this movie. As a lawyer, I can even say that Flynn's view of the legal system is perhaps disappointing, but also true. You have to razzle dazzle 'em, plain and simple.

The "Cellophane Man" scene also stands out, and Zellwegger, while not nearly as sexy as Charlize Theron (who was supposed to play her part) is possibly a better actress. Catherine Zeta Jones throws everything into her role, like a true dancer/singer.
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About Schmidt (2002)
Dear Ndugu...
29 December 2002
Thank you. Thank you for making a thinking person's movie. Thank you, Jack, for being so stingy with your services, and only appearing in excellent films. Thank you for being willing to change and grow and show us different manifestations of ourselves. Thank you for moving us. We will miss you one day Jack, ever so dearly. Please give us more wonderful performances in the mean time.
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Avalon (1990)
one of the best films of modern times
29 December 2002
For me, the greatness of films nearly always comes from the writing. This is simply one of the best. I am not Jewish, and this is, I suppose, a Jewish story. But far more than that, it is a human story. Every word, every gesture in the movie rings true. This is, without question, Levinson's greatest work. (Diner is mediocre, and Liberty Heights isn't anywhere close to great, but this movie is amazingly special.) The Thanksgiving scene is only one of numerous perfect ones. You must see this film. You will rarely be moved, or laugh, or think more.
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On the Ropes (1999)
powerful, entertaining documentary
17 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I got this documentary from my local library--the smaller selection allows movies that you normally wouldn't notice to stand out. Very powerful, very emotionally involving story of three aspiring boxers from Brooklyn and the trainer who loves them. I think Tyrene could really be a great boxer, and,***possible spoiler*** as a lawyer, I found her plight embarrassing. It inspired me to make a difference where I can, actually.***end of spoiler*** I also would like to keep my eye on George, who looks like a special fighter. Harry seemed to be a wonderful man, and his story was really my favorite. Nominated for an Academy Award, On the Ropes is better than almost anything else you could see. Truly.
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The Minus Man (1999)
a success--rare for its kind
17 December 2002
Many movies lately seem to attempt to make serial killers at least partially sympathetic. (The Ugly, among others, comes to mind.)I usually find such a thought highly offensive, as do lots of people, I am sure. But here, because of great acting by Owen Wilson and his cast-mates, a haunting feel, and sufficiently complex writing with under-tones of compassion, the film makers succeeded in making me hope at least for the killer's redemption. This is a smart film, and I have the feeling I might need to see it again. It is not the greatest movie of all time, mind you, but I am glad I saw it.
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17 December 2002
This movie delivers powerful messages that stay with you. "Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing," for example. It feels sort of like a satisfying meal that you know is also good for you. It actually reminds me the most of "To Kill a Mockingbird," although it lacks some of that film's emotional immediacy. Lilian Gish's character reminds me of someone out of "Mockingbird," and the kids do, too. Plus, the depression-type era evokes similar feelings. The characters are well drawn, the story is tight, and the moral themes are strong. But just expect an excellent movie, not a fright-fest. Oh, and great music, too.
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27 August 2002
I was very excited to see this film, having read reviews that made it sound like a magnificent experience. It wasn't. It starts out promising, with a great fight scene, but it gets worse and worse and more boring as it goes. Beautiful women and a moderately interesting plot save it from being a bad film. But missing it aint missing much, despite what you may have read.
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Quills (2000)
boring, distasteful
27 August 2002
Boring film. Assumes that poor taste qualifies as art (and apparently duped most critics). As usual, it takes several minutes to get over Phoenix's scar and start noticing his decent--but never great--acting. (Why won't the guy take advantage of the countless plastic surgeons in his neighborhood?) If you want to waste your time, rent this film.
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I don't believe what I am reading
27 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't believe the percentage of reviewers here who did not like this film. Really? I wonder what they are looking for. This film is as beautiful and moving as a great poem, and a poem fittingly brings the house down in the film's climax. Things slowly and powerfully begin to reveal themselves, and I was drawn in more and more as the movie progressed. Sarah Polley was the perfect vision of young beauty and grace. Listening to her read to the children is an unforgettable screen moment. You come to love her more and more as the true nature of her life reveals itself.

I have never seen such beautiful cinematography. Holm's performance is magnificent. The whole cast is great, including Greenwood. The sound track, like the entire film, affected me deeply.

***Spoiler*** As a lawyer, I understood why Holm decided to stop pursuing the case. It was a decision influenced as much by emotion and human understanding as legal process. Lawyers act like human beings some times, and Holm certainly had some feelings. **end of spoiler**

This is Egoyan's best movie that I have seen, more complete than Exotica. It is a beautiful masterpiece, and once seen, will never be forgotten. It might even change your life.
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Copycat (1995)
excellent thriller
27 August 2002
This is an overlooked, intelligent, frightening thriller. It poses a sick, shrewd serial killer against a brilliant psychologist/writer/professor (Weaver) and an attractive team of cops. Weaver delivers an outstanding performance as the brilliant agorophobic (sp.?) who has been emotionally devastated by a prior run-in with a serial killer. Offers a clif's notes review of the century's major serial killers, constant tension, crisp writing and outstanding performances. In short, it is a very good, very scary movie, and you should see it it you haven't yet.

Personally, I also think Weaver looks fabulous. Brains and beauty and character. Nice combination.
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The War Zone (1999)
26 August 2002
This movie was terrible. Perhaps it was trying to say something, but I found it boring, grotesque and offensive (a strange combination, I know, but this is a miserable film). Its characters are far too un-American to be accessible or interesting to most Americans. Do not see it. I mean it. Roth has given us some good work as an actor and some bad work. This is bad work here.
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Worst Film Ever
2 August 2002
This is the most boring, awful, pointless film I have ever seen. Maybe it was the mood I was in at the time, but I don't think so. You wait and wait and wait for something significant to happen, but it never does. Blue Velvet, while weird, had some entertainment value. This does not. It actually made me angry to watch it. Of course, I only had a few more hours to spend with my girlfriend before she moved to Colorado, and we were wasting them in this movie, so that might have affected my judgment.
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Beautiful, Wonderful
17 July 2002
A great film, beautiful and wonderful. The look and the writing and the acting and the score are all amazing. A few reviewers have said the movie did not touch them. I have to question their capacity to feel. It touched me deeply. I believe this is Hanks' best film, which is saying a lot. He deserves an Oscar and the movie deserves several. The boys' performance is great and the depiction of the father-son relationship is about as good as you will see. Bravo to Hanks for always choosing great material and giving us such integrity on the screen. This is his best, and the Academy should recognize him despite the violence.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Amazing film
14 July 2002
Wow! We should have some great films to look forward to from this first-time director. But even if he never makes another film, he can be proud. This movie made me think and feel more than any I have seen in a long time. It is fun just trying to figure out what is going on. It really demands multiple viewings. But this is no purely intellectual exercise. The film is extremely moving, from Donnie's love affair with Jena Malone , to his increasing alienation, to the performance of his loving, grieving mother, to the under-recognized performance of Catherine Ross as Donnie's shrink. I really don't want to say too much. Great story, great acting, great look, and yes, great soundtrack (I was a teen in the eighties).

See this movie. Now.
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Rent "The In-laws" instead
14 July 2002
Some funny parts--better after the beginning--but vastly inferior to the movie it ripped off--1980's "The In-Laws." The "In-Laws", starring Peter Falk ("Columbo") and Alan Arkin, may be the funniest movie of all time. I am not some old codger who saw "The In-Laws" in a theatre and is waxing about old times. I am thirty, meaning I was eight when "The In-Laws" came out. I saw it for the first time on cable. But I know greatness when I see it, wherever I see it. "Meet The Parents" aint great. "The In-Laws" is. It will make you laugh as much or more than practically any movie you have ever seen. See that, not this. (In case you haven't figured it out, the plots of the two movies are very similar.)
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The In-Laws (1979)
As funny as it gets
9 July 2002
Legitimately hilarious movie that will please even the toughest critics. This is really the movie that Meet the Parents wanted to be, with a similar plot--CIA agent parent of married-child-to-be. It is much, much funnier than Meet the Parents and far more exciting. I laugh as much watching this movie as I do watching Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke--maybe more. It is that clever and that hilarious. Peter Falk is as funny as it gets as the unflappable CIA agent. Alan Arkin is equally amazing as the straight-living dentist who must deal with the absurd and dangerous adventures that Falk gets him into. The less said the better. For God's sake, see the movie.
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Star Wars Returns. 8.5 out of 10
18 May 2002
This is vital viewing in preparation for the next one, which should be incredible. Seeing a human side of the future Darth Vader here is critical, and I found myself wondering what will eventually turn him. I have an idea, but I won't mention it. Portman is beautiful, sharp and present. Criticism of her is foolish. Too digital in places--like battle scenes and some other action sequences. Fett is sinister. Drakoo not so impressive. Yoda was obviously computerized in first scene, but didn't bother me much afterward. I liked the political intrigue. It is a significant part of the story. The film is not perfect--it isn't Empire Strikes Back--but it is important to this greatest of all epic adventure series, and not out of place with its company.
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