
5 Reviews
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River (2023)
What Would You Do with Unlimited Time?
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Having been captivated by the director's debut film, I eagerly purchased tickets to the sequel upon hearing of its release.

While the sequel didn't pack the same punch as its predecessor, it delved into the implications of "unlimited time": "People will panic at the disruption, then get used to it, and then think about how to utilize the new situation." This exploration of human behavior revealed that we are creatures of emotions and worries. We cannot sever ourselves from emotions or prevent worries from knocking at our door. All we can do is face them head-on. When we have enough time, our minds, bodies, and spirits can adjust to a point where we can confront them effectively. That's the best time to face them.

Once I grasped this concept, I found the film utterly captivating. Perhaps I'll find myself in the shoes of the film's characters someday, pondering the same worries.
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Revolver Lily (2023)
A Fan-Focused Production
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My initial motivation for purchasing a ticket was to "admire the leading actress, Ayase Haruka." With this mindset, I entered the cinema and, after watching the film, came to realize that "this was the only reason to enter the theater."

I'm not saying the film is poorly made. The sets, costumes, characters, and props all appear to have been meticulously crafted, reflecting the time and money invested in recreating the Taisho era from a century ago. In this regard, the entire crew deserves praise.

However, as far as the plot is concerned, don't expect too much. While the early part of the film creates a sense of suspense, by the mid-to-late stages, almost all the mysteries are resolved, revealing a familiar pattern in Japanese cinema: a propaganda film emphasizing "peace is important, so we should do something about it." Honestly, my heart sank when I saw the propaganda message again. How tired I am of this trope.

Perhaps this is the inevitable result of Japan's post-WWII influence on its filmmaking culture.

In summary, if you intend to watch this film, please refrain from overanalyzing the plot's plausibility and focus instead on the female lead and the set design.
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A Glimpse into the Charm of Yesteryear
16 April 2024
Set before my time, this film offered me, a Millennial, a window into the cinematic world of my parents' youth.

The film evokes a sense of nostalgia for the "good old days," with its picturesque locations, delightful soundtrack, and perfectly cast ensemble of actors, including the captivating lead protagonists. These harmonious elements combine to create a visually pleasing and heartwarming cinematic experience.

The plot itself embodies the predictability of yesteryear's cinema, delivering a straightforward narrative that lacks any shocking twists or lingering afterthoughts. It's a story that hits the mark without overreaching.

My greatest takeaway from this film was my introduction to the charismatic Christopher Reeve. His towering presence and infectious smile, even as a young man, captivated me as a fellow male viewer, leaving me eager to delve into his iconic role in "Superman" (1978).
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Striking Black and White Cinematography Masks a Lackluster Narrative
15 April 2024
As a science enthusiast, I was drawn to this film's premise, eager to see how it would weave "quantum mechanics" into a compelling love story. Would it capture the mind-bending concepts of the multiverse like "Everything Everywhere All at Once"? Unfortunately, the film failed to deliver on its intriguing premise.

While the film's black and white cinematography is undeniably captivating, showcasing the director's expertise in capturing stunning visuals, it ultimately serves as a mere distraction from the underwhelming narrative. The film's exploration of quantum mechanics remains superficial, failing to delve into the profound implications of the concept as it relates to the central love story.

The film's handling of the multiverse concept is equally disappointing. Instead of offering a thought-provoking exploration of parallel realities and the interconnectedness of existence, the film resorts to simplistic and predictable plot twists. This lack of depth leaves the audience with a sense of unfulfilled potential.

Overall, this film's captivating visuals and intriguing premise are overshadowed by a weak and uninspired narrative. While it may appeal to those seeking a visually stunning cinematic experience, those seeking a thought-provoking exploration of quantum mechanics or a compelling love story will likely be left disappointed.
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Krazy House (2024)
Overly Sarcastic
13 April 2024
If you're planning to head to the cinema to watch this movie, be prepared to feel bored by the excessive amount of sarcasm by the end.

Overall, the film satirizes traditional religious figures while taking the opportunity to thoroughly mock the good old days of the past era.

By the end, I was already feeling bored, checking my watch, hoping for the 90 minutes to run out so I could leave the theater.

Reflecting on it now, the only takeaway was "listen to your family properly, don't think you can use other excuses to avoid them, or they won't treat you as family anymore."

If you ask me if I recommend watching this movie in the cinema, I would sincerely tell you: "No, wait for it to be on streaming platforms."
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