
10 Reviews
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
So disappointing!
2 October 2018
I was hoping for a credible remake of the original series. The actors are just plain cheesy, overacting in the extreme. The story plots are so thin that they are totally unbelievable. Shut down this show and play reruns of the original.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Totally disappointed
5 September 2018
I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this series as I am a fan of Tom Clancy's books. The politically correct dialogue and slow pace disappointed me, the story-line did not suck me in and after a while I decided that I had better things to do with my time than watch this boring rubbish.
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What a disappointment!
7 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I had seen the trailers and were eagerly anticipating this show as we are great fans of Homeland. What a disappointment! After the first few minutes we wished for a power outage to save us from this disaster of a show. As there were no re-runs of the Mickey Mouse Club we decided to soldier on. The acting, plot and direction of the show was abysmal. Anna Friel was miscast, if our soldiers look like this we are in real trouble. She spends he time quivering in terror and looking like an escapee from The Walking Dead; where is the training special ops supposedly have to deal with tough situations? The scenes jump all over the place so fast that all of the characters become a blur. One is left scratching your head wondering what is going on. Give this show a miss and be patient for the return of Homeland.
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The Following (2013–2015)
Season 2 has awful start.
21 January 2014
I watched season 1; not too bad alternative to re-runs of The Partridge Family. Season 2 opener was a complete shock, what were the writers thinking, did they write this with a bad holiday hangover? The show has changed into a teen-oriented farce, it should have ended last year when the building blew up, it was a fitting and satisfying ending. Kevin Bacon's character has suddenly become more athletic, before he would wimp-out at the slightest exertion but now is able to run like the Six Million Dollar Man and can beat the snot out of most of the bad guys. I for one am going to pass on this season and hope that the show gets dropped for something more entertaining.
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Arctic Air (2012–2014)
Most entertaining
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a retired airline and West Coast bush pilot I had low expectations about this show. Other than the obvious flaws when it comes down to the aircraft - the Turbo Otter does not have the sound of a piston engined aircraft, particularly at start-up. Also, the brief shot of the engine controls look very much like a DH Beaver and not a turbine driven plane. The DC-3 did not have it's propellers feathered when the engines were shut down (it would have fallen out of the sky like a brick!). I really like Adam Beach; I think he was well chosen for the part of Bobby. The story-line is very entertaining with lots of larger than life characters. The scenery is beautiful, what a treat to see a part of the world we seldom hear, or even think about. It would be nice if the script writer could tap in to the hundreds of real-life stories that every Canadian bush pilot cherishes. I remember an aircraft, purchased for use in the Yukon in the 1970's from S. America, arriving with a hand grenade hanging from it's pin under one of the seats. The Chief mechanic working for that same airline made his home in an engine packing case in the hanger due to the lack of accommodation in Watson Lake. I look forward to many more seasons of this enjoyable show.
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The River (2012)
Absolutely awful
11 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I thought that TV could not get any worse along comes this garbage. How can Spielberg allow his name to be associated with this horror. I also picked up that Spanish instead of Portuguese was spoken; I would like to direct the folks responsible for this mess to the CIA website where they can get some useful information about a country for free as they obviously slept through Geography class. The story-line is as jerky as the photography, I am pleased I kept an air-sick bag handy. The "research vessel" looks like the "African Queen" minus good actors. By the time Leslie Hope was sucked into the swamp I was fervently praying that she would never return; her screams were like fingernails being scratched down a chalk-board. The trees full of dolls brought out my hunting instincts; do you get a stuffed animal if you shoot one? The river looks very much like the mangrove swamps on the south side of Puerto Rico, a place I have sheltered in on a boat from a hurricane; not very Amazon like. The fake dragonflies are cool, so I have awarded it one star.
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OK, when will CBC be giving us "Little Christian/Hindu/Confucian on the Prairie"?
30 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just because we live in Canada does CBC believe they are obliged to torture us with this unmitigated rubbish, I think their PC agenda is shining through! I can think of hundreds of good Canadian ideas for a comedy, this garbage is not up to par! I admit I have only viewed one episode and found the acting lame, the jokes tired etc. etc., unfortunately, as I live on the prairies there are no cliffs to jump over to escape Canadian television, I will just have to tune into some US garbage! CBC have defiled a wonderfully good series "Little House on the Prairie"; great actors and good story lines. I am amazed that CBC have not learned over the years the type of shows that would be of interest to Canadians, we have such a wonderful and diverse history surely you can come up with something? CBC please burn this series!
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Jesse Stone: Thin Ice (2009 TV Movie)
10 May 2010
I must differ from the previous reviews of this movie, in my opinion it is just awful. I had the misfortune of watching a Jesse Stone movie last year and had hoped that the 2009 version may be a little more entertaining but was very disappointed. Tom Selleck, who is one of my favourite actors, looks like a human version of my grandmother's Bassett Hound, all sad and droopy, I hoped a dog-catcher would spot him and take him away permanently. His character is so wrapped up in his alcoholic misery it cast a depressing pall over the story. "Joe the Dog" was without a doubt the star of the show, I hope he was digging Jesse Stone's grave beside the sea shore! The movie has one really great benefit, you do not have to take a sleeping aid the night you watch.
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Quantum of disappointment
13 November 2008
I am a huge fan of the Bond movies going back to the very first. Not being qualified to comment on the technical aspect of Quantum of Solace, I would like to add my two cents worth from a viewers perspective. The start of the movie is absolutely dreadful; where is the "Bond music" that has introduced us to these memorable movies over the years? Bond now reminds me of a two bit thug, the polish has completely disappeared from his character leaving us with a KGB clone, Ian Flemming must be spinning in his grave! The short scenes are irritating, and a comprehensible, believable storyline does not develop - this is just a dime comic book translated into film. Where is Q, where are the interesting gadgets he cunningly dreamed up? Where is Moneypenny? Heaven forbid another one of these travesties gets made!
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Indescribable rubbish
29 April 2008
Other than a few interesting scenery shots there is absolutely nothing to recommend this movie in my opinion. The acting is appalling and the plot line is even worse! The "villain" should have been fitted with a more suitable set of false teeth, I believe the bottom ones were missing - a more gross and unbelievable character would be hard to find. The "fierce savages" were mostly armed with pointed sticks and I am sure would have run a mile if Quartermain had said BOO! The (rent a crowd of maidens) had some interesting moves, but it all got rather tedious after about 10 minutes. I think your time would be better served relaxing with a good book or visiting the nearest pub.
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