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Makes up for the first two episodes
19 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Revenge of the Sith was an all-around good film. I enjoyed The Phantom Menace and The Attack of the Clones even though I knew they were horrible for many reasons. But this movie definitely makes up for the first two and happily links this trilogy to the original Star Wars.

Most people would agree that TPM and AOTC has much better special effects than the original trilogy but a horrible story. This movie is balanced with great special effects and a proper story. Although I didn't like the opening scene and a few fight scenes because they look like George Lucas is just trying to show off all the new effects he has learned, I was impressed by the improvements with Yoda. But even without the special effects, the movie was still good. The actors performed much better in this movie, especially Hayden Christianson. He wonderfully makes you sympathize with Anakin and makes you both excited and terrified as he descends to the dark side.

All in all I would say that I am no longer ashamed to place my new movies next to the original trilogy. I believe that most Star Wars fans will be satisfied with Revenge of the Sith.
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First Knight (1995)
Too inaccurate to enjoy
31 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
**Contains spoilers**

My knowledge of the Arthurian legends is limited, but I know enough to safely say this movie was too inaccurate. It focuses solely on the love triangle between Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot. There is no mention of Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, or any other magical things. I believe Avalon is key to the Arthurian legends, but this movie was about love and Lord Malagant. I've never even heard of him (maybe he's just not as popular as Galahad and Gawain), so I don't believe he was the cause of Arthur's death, as he was in this movie. I also found it too unbelievable that all of the sudden, on his death bed, Arthur asks Lancelot to take care of Guinevere.

Some people argue that this movie was not meant to be accurate. Well, even if you don't know much about Arthur I still wouldn't recommend it. In my opinion the script seemed too modern and there were no standout actors. I think Richard Gere is great, but I did not like him as Lancelot at all.

I give this movie a 4/10

*If you'd like to see a movie about Avalon's role in Camelot I would recommend The Mists of Avalon.
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Friends (1994–2004)
I'm ready to say Goodbye
25 May 2003
I got into this show about 3 or 4 years ago and I was quickly hooked. It was always so refreshing and funny. I was so upset last year when they were thinking about ending it after 8 seasons, and I was at first very happy when the cast signed on for a 9th season. Yet I soon realized they should have ended it after season 8. There were a few funny moments this year, but most of it was just lame. The writers just really ran out of ideas. For example, the whole Ross and Rachel drama was funny the first MILLION times, but now after nine seasons there's still talk about whether or not they are going to get back together. And they have a baby together. And to add to that, Joey gets a crush on Rachel while she's pregnant with Ross' baby, but she doesn't like him....but then she does and they hook up! What is that? I'm tired of the show having the friends hooking up with each other and all these other crazy story lines. I can't even imagine what the tenth season is going to be like.

I have the first 3 seasons on DVD along with the 20 fan favorites. I WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND watching the older episodes. In fact, I think the show is great until Chandler and Monica get married. The show really should have ended then, but what show ever ends at its peak? Of course the producers are going to wait until it dries out its audience. Compare the first 3 seasons with the last couple seasons. The older episodes are much more enjoyable than the newer ones. It was great to watch the Friends grow and become successful, but it was just more funny when they were still struggling in their 20s. It's like a completely different show now that they are all in their 30s and have to settle down.

As much as I love to watch this show, I am definitely ready to say goodbye. It's time for everyone to move on.
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A must see for those who love romantic comedies...
11 February 2003
I know a movie is good when I can't stop talking about it. I've been talking about this movie all day to everyone. It's just so good. And it may be a bit cliche, but there are elements and twists that keep you interested for more. It wasn't nearly as predictable as I thought it was going to be. It's also much funnier than I anticipated. There are so many romantic comedies that it almost seem to be the same movie with different actors, but this one is definitely worth watching. Reese Witherspoon is so cute with her accent! I give this movie a 7/10. And if you watch the DVD, make sure to watch the alternate ending!
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Blue Crush (2002)
Definitely worth watching...
10 February 2003
All I can say is this movie wasn't exactly what I expected. And that is a good thing. From the previews, I thought it was going to be all "girls in bikinis, sex, parties...and oh yeah, surfing." But it really isn't like that. Yes, there are girls in bikinis pretty much the entire movie. But the focus is not on their bodies, it really is on the waves, the sport of surfing.

Anne Marie, Lena, and Eden are best friends. They live in Hawaii and their entire life revolves around surfing. Anne Marie is invited to compete in the Pipe Masters, but a bad experience from 3 years before still haunts her. She is torn between taking a big risk to make her dreams come true or playing it safe.

I really liked the way this movie was not at all cliche. And the shots are really cool. You get inside the wave and quickly into the movie. Just watch it.
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Very Cheesy...but still cute
4 February 2003
Once you read the summary, it sounds pretty obvious what happens. Well, it's a very predictable and cheesy movie. And I should add that if the main characters weren't played by Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant, it would be a bad movie. But it has enough laughs to keep you entertained. 6/10
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Another season of drama and competition
28 January 2003
It's another year of all-star Real World and Road Rules cast members battling it out. And once again Bunim and Murray have changed things a little bit. This time it's the boys against the girls. Well, there's only been about 4 episodes so far, and even though the competitions seem a little weak, I am still enjoying the show. Nothing is funnier than when the all the girls have pms at the same time. Or when Puck makes another enemy. So far the competitions have been "Who can build a foam link-n-log house the fastest", "Who can hang off a bar the longest", and "Who can hold their breath the longest". Not the usual "dangerous fun" kind of games as when it's Real World vs. Road Rules, but the drama is funny enough to keep watching. 6/10
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The Ring (2002)
Glad I waited until it came to the discount theater
26 January 2003
This movie is not nearly as scary as everyone made it sound. My friend had me believing it was so scary that while i was waiting for it to start I was wondering if I should have decided to see Die Another Day instead. Well, I'm glad I saw it for only $4 w/ unlimited soda and popcorn, but I won't be seeing it again.

Short summary: If you happen to watch this videotape, you'll die in 7 days. After her niece's mysterious death, Rachel finds the tape and watches it. She decides to figure out who made the tape and why, and how to possibly avoid death, before her time is up.

To me, there are different horror categories. First there are the realistic and the unrealistic. Realistic are the ones with human serial killers or ghosts. In the unrealistic, the "killers" may be some kind of robots, aliens, or in the case of The Ring, a videotape. I like watching both types, but the realistic kinds scare me more because I walk out knowing something like that could really happen, or have happened. There are 3 other groups to divide horror movies. There's the scary ones(like Scream), the creepy/spooky ones(like The Others), and the sad/freaky ones(like The Ring). This movie will probably scare some people, but not me. I usually get scared at movies that have a lot of suspense and moments that make me jump. This movie was suspenseful, but there was no moments to jump. And I don't understand why people would scream. It really is more of a mystery type movie than a horror movie. And even though I gave this a 6/10, if you like horror movies you should watch it anyway.
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Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)
One of my 4 favorite shows
23 January 2003
I never miss an episode. (The only other 3 shows I watch religiously are The Simpsons, Friends, and Everwood.) This show is so cute and funny, but not cheesy and unrealistic like 7th Heaven(admit it!) I absolutely love Lorelai and Rory's relationship, it's so cool how they are best friends but Lorelai doesn't forget to be a mom. 7th Heaven went downhill after Mary graduated from High School, and even though I still watch it, no family is like that. And I'm sick of the other dramas where the characters completely stress over petty things. This show more accurately portrays life with many laughs along the way. And unlike many other WB shows which get cancelled after 1-2 seasons, Gilmore Girls is still as exciting as the night it premiered. One episode will have you hooked.

If you like family-type dramas with surprise laughs, I would also recommend Everwood. (The WB Monday after 7th Heaven.)
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Got old quick
22 January 2003
I was laughing real hard when I saw the season premiere, but it seemed to go downhill from there. My 2 favorite segments of the show was The Cafeteria Lady and Que Hora Es? Well, Que Hora Es? was only funny the first time. Each time after that it was the same thing at a different setting. Cafeteria lady is very similar. There are other segments which show every few weeks, but they just aren't that funny to me anymore. Yet many people will probably be able to watch this every week and get a good laugh.
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The Patriot (2000)
Worth 165 minutes of your time
13 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Don't believe anyone who says this isn't a good movie. You must see it for yourself. I may sound like I'm going off on a tangent, but hear my story:

I can remember that when this movie was in the theaters, I kind of wanted to see it, but then changed my mind. My best friend invited me over her house to watch a movie and my choices were Gladiator and The Patriot. I told her I had no desire to see the Patriot so we watched Gladiator(very good movie). Afterwards she kept telling me to watch the Patriot because it was so good and there was this really hot actor Heath Ledger in it(who I didn't know at the time). I'm so glad I finally saw it. I cried the first time(but I'm not going to tell you what part of the movie) and i guarantee; if you tend to cry in movies, you'll definitely cry for this one. But don't worry, when you consider that this IS A WAR MOVIE, it's not too sad. And as someone has said in a previous comment, it is a VERY GORY movie. It's definitely more gory than Gladiator. But that just adds to the realism. But why would you expect anything less from such a movie? this is how war really is. I give this movie a ~9/10~

Flaws in the movie: I liked this movie so much I saw it several times in a short period. I found a few unlikely things. Here's the big one to me: Benjamin Martin is a SOUTHERNER living in SOUTH CAROLINA in the 1770s. What do you think the odds are that he would have free black people working on his farm? Think about it. It would be understandable if he lived in a northern state, or even Maryland, but not South Carolina. That state wanted to leave the union in the 1800s because they wanted slavery. Another one which kind of goes hand in hand is that Gabriel talks about a free world after the war where blacks and whites are equal. well, it's 2003 and unfortunately there still isn't equilibrium. So what are the odds a southerner would dream of this in 1776? Even many northerners didn't believe that. they wanted African Americans free, but not equal. There are some other things which are unlikely but they are also spoilers and i hate telling spoilers.

So all in all a great movie which everyone may see **sensitive moviegoers, don't forget your tissues and barf bag**
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Terribly unexciting
12 January 2003
Josh Hartnett is on my somewhat-long list of hot talented actors. Well, I was very disappointed with his performance in this movie. I really wanted to see this movie because I was anxious to see Josh Hartnett in a comedy. I'd have to agree with George Parker's comments. This movie just wasn't funny. I didn't see the entire thing, but i saw most of it and it was pretty obvious what was going to happen next. I didn't enjoy watching it at all. And i really can't stand Shannyn Sossamon, I just don't like her as an actress and there was definitely no chemistry between her and Hartnett. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Don't think that just because you enjoyed movies like American Pie that you'll like this...there is no comparison between the 2.
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Women kick butt!! good movie
11 January 2003
Sandra Bullock doesn't disappoint in this movie. I really like this movie. Sandra Bullock plays a detective who doesn't have a life outside of her work. She and a group of detectives begin working on a case concerning the miss united states pageant. I don't know how interesting that sounds, but it's really funny. 4/5.
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Cheesy but cute
9 January 2003
Ignoring how unrealistic this movie is, it's so cute! I loved it. Elle Woods thinks she has the perfect life. she has a cute boyfriend, she's the president of her sorority, and there's Bruiser, her adorable little chihuahua. Her boyfriend ends up dumping her because she's "too blonde". Determined to win him back, she enters Harvard University to overcome the blonde stereotype. Well, I don't like saying what happens at the end of the movie(i'm sure you could guess already), but it's still a VERY CUTE movie. and it's not another chick flick so i recommend this to anyone who just wants a good laugh.
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Gladiator (2000)
One of the greatest movies ever!!
9 January 2003
I wanted to see this movie so bad when i saw the previews but i didn't see it until it came out on video. This is one of my all time favorite movies. I didn't even know who Russell Crowe was before I saw this. Now he is one of my favorite actors. His performance is beyond great, there are no words to describe it. The entire movie is just so good, there are no cheesy or stupid scenes. it's a movie anyone can love and EVERYONE should see. And the battle scenes are really good. They are gory, but if you saw The Patriot with Mel Gibson and was okay, you'll be fine in this movie. I don't want to say much about the plot of the story because it is just so good and everyone has to see it for themselves.
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A great movie for those who can appreciate it
8 January 2003
I went and saw this movie w/ my mom(like so many others lol). We both thought we were going to see a comedy. Well, it definitely was not what we expected. My mom didn't really like it, but i'm actually glad i saw it with her. Sandra Bullock is my favorite actress(along with Julia Stiles w/ Reese Witherspoon right behind) and although this isn't her best movie, she still did a good job. This movie was much sadder than I had expected. But I assure you, it was NOT a chick flick. I noticed in other reviews a lot of people complained it was hard to follow but I didn't think it was. This wasn't the funniest movie or the greatest movie or anything like that, but i still think it was really good with a great cast. I recommend this movie only to people who can appreciate movies that aren't all sugar-coated with hollywood-unreality.
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7 January 2003
This romantic comedy was such a relief from the movies that i've watched recently. And with a cute Hollywood ending, it will surely lift your mood. Although I think Julia Roberts has done better in other movies, she still did a great job in this one.
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SOOO good
7 January 2003
This movie made me fall in love with Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. It was the first movie I've seen with either of them in it and they were so good together. They are now two of my favorite actors.

This is a modernized version of Shakespeare's "The Taming of The Shrew". The Stratford sisters, Kat and Bianca, are complete opposites. Bianca (Larisa Oleynik) is the popular daddy's girl and Kat(Julia Stiles) is a "Heinous bitch" as described in the movie. The new kid at school, Cameron(Joseph Gordon Levitt), is crazy about Bianca. The problem is, The Stratfords' dad is so strict and Bianca can't date unless Kat dates. Now Cameron is determined to find someone to go out with Kat so he can date Bianca.

There are some cheesy moments, but they are so cute and there is a lot of humor. All teens should really enjoy this movie.
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Just as good as the first
20 December 2002
I really really liked this movie. If you enjoyed the first you will definitely like this. The whole tree thing was really weird but funny(I don't want to give anything away). One thing that may be a drawback: nothing is solved. Frodo and Sam still need to get to Mordor. Aragorn and Arwen love each other but have to decide if it's worth the sacrifices. And oh yeah, Saruman still has power and we don't even really know anything about Sauron. Yet, the hobbits and dwarfs provide enough comic relief to keep the movie going. Alone, this movie good, but with The Fellowship and Return Of The King, it is excellent. Generally the middle movie im trilogies aren't as good because they just bring the other 2 together, but I still would give this movie a 10/10.
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You'll either like it or love it
20 December 2002
I've never read Tolkien's books, but I did see The Hobbit cartoon movie. When The Fellowship of the Ring came out, I figured I'd see it since everyone was talking about how "impossible" it was. When I saw it in the theaters I hated it. I thought it was too long and the parts between the action scenes were too boring. But when my brother got it on DVD he made me watch it again and I slowly fell in love with it more and more each time I saw it.

People who have read and enjoyed the books will definitely enjoy the movie. It was a great achievement for Peter Jackson. Everything was so real. The scenery, costumes, and acting were very well. For those who are not into the books, you will most likely love this movie. But if you don't like adventure movies, it may not be for you. I still would recommend everyone see this movie at least 2 times before saying whether you love/hate it.
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2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000 TV Special)
Not that bad
12 December 2002
This of course wasn't the best of mtv's awards, but Sarah Jessica Parker wasn't that bad a host. Of course I hope she never comes back either. As the awards, Sarah michelle Gellar and Selma Blair's kiss was quite disappointing compared to the kiss that won them the award for best kiss. but it was still funny. Other moments were funny, but that is all i really remember right now because it's been awhile since the last time i've seen it. I guess that if you like MTV then you'll get a laugh out of this.
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Sugar & Spice (2001)
Very disappointing
6 November 2002
This movie looked like it was going to be really funny. I was very excited to see it but was very disappointed. It was very unrealistic. The plot was also pretty weak. I was expecting it to be really funny but the jokes weren't even that good. I was also really disappointed with the ending. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
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