
24 Reviews
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Flu (2013)
Just a good disaster movie. If you are a disaster and end of the world fan...We have a jewel
17 May 2024
To clarify this is not end-of-the-world movie. This is a disaster movie. The difference? That would spoil it by explaining but those who are fans know what i mean and will not waste their time if looking for one over the other. Now having said that this is just a good movie period.

Extremely well made and as others have noted, the little girls acting steals the show. Think war of the worlds and Interview with a Vampire. It's one of those types of performances. The other actors were excellent and whoever cast this did a fantastic job.

The movie is the vein of Outbreak style but is much more detailed as far as the steps that get us to the end. I highly recommend this film. For fans of the genre and Movie buffs that like action with a little romance thrown in.

Oh and don't miss the end. The credits will start but hang around, There is a really sweet middle-of-credits scene that was icing on the cake. I hope this helps. Enjoy!
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Suprisingly Very good.
17 October 2023
After the swill we are forced to choke down time and again because the film makers feel their voice is the right voice and if they say it enough people will start to believe it. This was is like that day The first bit of chill hits the air in Autumn. That day you first smell the wood stoves people have started to ward off the chill. Blessedly no social justice malarky. Just an extension of the shining. Good VS Evil. At first they had different people playing shining's Son and Wife. I was thinking this is gonna be bad. But it is brief. I strongly suggest that you watch the Shining Just before you watch this.

It takes you back then gives you a really good story to drag you forward. I won't say anymore to give it away. This is a nice shining beacon of hope for moviedom.
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Season one was almost good.
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess if you like watchin men have sex with men this is the show for you.

Otherwise there's nothing for you here. Later seasons are just well. Different storys so guys can have more sex on screen.

How in the world did they not get a lawsuit for copyright infringement with the first season. Beetleguice much? What was it season 6 where they have the snowflakes crying because President Trump won and having a meltdown? I admit i watched it as i thought it was gonna be a comedy. It was pretty dang funny. Then it just got boring. Lessee nother season had end of the world genre. I love end of the world genre. They managed to suck the life out of that too. Let's not forget the roanoke season. Was going pretty good and then they had to throw in the guy on guy action which served no point other than they got to tell their friends around the circle they sit in to smell each others farts they got dood on dood sex on regular tv. I give up on this. Only made it through season 1. The rest i din make it through the whole season.
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
Ok movie if your fine with blasphemy every 3rd word
3 November 2022
The movie was ok. It's one of the feel good movies that they wrote the script to 3 minutes before each scene. Then they had to do 10 days of pickups to fill in plot holes from their on the fly script. Problem is i guess the first script writers must have had to go back to their day job at lowes because the poor sap they got to do the script for the plot holes pretty much just started throwing out random thoughts. Again...3 minutes before each scene. Oh and yea. Every other word was Jc This or GD that or J this or C that. It was so bad it went from 5-6 to a low 3.

It is about the draft. It is about the inner workings of the draft. That's it. Just the draft. This is not a movie about the game of football. It is a movie about the game of DRAFT. You could have substituted corn hole tossing as the sport and you'd still have the same movie.

But yea if i didn't have a profanity blocker i'da turned it off in bout 5 minutes.
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Found Footage fans, this is one of those little gems we all look for
21 October 2022
You know what i mean. Wading through countless hours of ff that, let's face it, if we didn't love the genre we would be singing the tune of these uninformed and unenlightened heathens giving this a 1.

But we aint them. Ok.

This is Extraterrestrial FF. Low budget of course but the pacing, the story, and concept are the bomb. This is the kind of movie that if you had a bigger budget would be meh.

But it so works as a found footage. I found myself constantly trying to figure out what's around the next corner. I am being vague because as you know FF is best served with no hype and no expectations. But do trust me on this. For any ff fan this is a must see before plowing back into the morass. I hope you enjoy. Because i sure did. I gave it a ff 8/10.
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Paul (2011)
Anti Christian. Foul mouthed un funny humor.
29 July 2022
This movie is why these 2 aren't making more movies together. This one is the nail in the coffin for this duo. They spent so much effort trying to get across how much they hate Christianity that humor comes in a distant second. Just wow at how bad this movie. Loved shaun of the dead and the cop one. THIS IS NOTHING AT ALL LIKE THOSE!!! Be warned. The fun loving duo you have come to love, die a boring droning unfunny death. Bleh.
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13 Minutes (2021)
When you walk into a surprise birthday party and everyone yells, "WOKE!!".
23 July 2022
Yea. They yell Woke instead of happy birthday and all you get for presents is 2 tickets to a planned parenthood BBQ, three bags of hemp gummy bears, and a "how to sit in a circle with friends and smell each others farts: The do's and Don'ts edition. That is the same way you will feel if you watch this movie. Except more pissed off. Nice try bagging this garbage as a disaster flick pffft. To Those hardcore Disaster flick fans out there. You know who i am talkin bout. The ones who get excited when you find some new stuff on youtube that you know will suck but you rate it a 4 anyway because it is your favorite genre. Yea, don't watch this movie. It's that bad.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
If you are a fan of planned parenthood this shows for you.
10 July 2022
Was great in season 1 and then the wheels fall off in season 2 and it is just unwatchable. I guess they had watched breaking bad and thought yea, there's an idea. But they didn't have the talent to pull it off.
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Was great till the writers decided to try and make it resemble real life.
18 June 2022
Was great little fantasy series then they go and start using beelzebub and Archangel Raphael names in second season which immediately turned the whole series into blasphemy. Was just bunch of fantasy stuff until they felt the need to bring real world into it. Wtg numbnuts. Would have been a 9 but walk on with your woke selves. Avoid this like the plague with the clap.
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Bad found footage is 100 times better than bad spoof
9 May 2022
There are 2 sides to a coin. On the bright side of the coin the makers writers and directors will be going to hell for the blasphemy. On the other bright side for them they could find their way to Jesus accept him as their savior and be redeemed. I am not even gonna make a joke because it could maybe happen and that would be awesome.

Now then. I have found in this movie a stone cold fact. Bad found footage films are usually incredibly better than a bad spoof movie. At least with found footage there is an element of the unknown and curiosity is a pretty powerful motivator.

Bad spoof films are like having 500 ten cent off coupons (limit one per visit per table) to Applebee's that expired 3 years prior stuffed in your pocket as you walk in to the outback steak house. Think about that for a minute. Now that is the feeling you have watching a spoof movie written by one of those people who post to the conspiracy forums about 9/11 being an inside job.

Well this movie is worse than that. You're welcome. I accept tips.
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Toradora! (2008–2009)
Ruined by to much blasphemy
16 March 2022
This was a lovely anime i was probably going to give it a 9/10 rating but at like episode 6-7 it was GD this GD that using Jesus name in vain. It was constant. Totally unwatchable. Just a heads up for any that care about Our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Really sucks because i loved it till that started.
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Greenland (2020)
All end of the world movies must have divorced couple
21 September 2021
Or split apart couple. Look hollywood, i know your people haven't a clue what marriage means and i guess you figure making movies with people who fail at marriage validates your own lack of morales. We get it. You can't stand marriage because it means putting someone before yourself and that might make you sad that one time and it's all about you so no thank you. The rest of the planet is sick of it. Stop drinking the hollywood kool aid and make something good instead of the predictable, boring, same plot all the rest of your kool aid lip stained ilk makes. You ruin a perfectly good genre with your ineptitude. You get a 2 for the simple fact you went with the tired plot of divorced couple. Been there done that over and over and over. Think for yourself.
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Very big suprise from Afflek
10 September 2021
I had this rated as a 1 forever and a day. I just watched the ultimate extended cut. I can't stand afflek. He comes across as stuck up a hole in all his films. His smirky little smile makes me want to vomit. Did the guy take some acting classes? Cuz all his usual little quirks were missing from this movie. As much as i wanted to dogpile and cherish the "sad afflek hello darkness my old friend you tube video... He actually made a pretty good batman. There was one part tword the last where he makes a crack about wonder woman that i thought his a hole smirkiness would rear it's ugly head. It didn't. This is not The afflek you've come to disdain and roll your eyes at...This...This was Batman. I had no trouble believing it at all. Don't get me wrong. He is still a liberal wingnut loon but then again 98% of hollywood is the same. Give this a watch. I promise you, he left his afflek putridness at the gate to the studio and Batman Showed up to do the acting. Good job. This one time lol.
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What you get when lazy unimaginative studios bank on the name.
15 August 2021
These horrible reboots need to just stop. Lazy writers and directors toolkit: time travel and reboot.

That's all they need to keep from coming up with anything original. Don't watch this tripe.
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Unending Boredom
7 July 2021
Watching paint dry.

I'm sorry to use a stock term but dang.

Ok i'll elaborate.

It's like watching paint dry, with the lights off,using night-vision While sitting on an oscillating fan that sometimes gets stuck. A paranormal investigation that leaves you uncaring whether they find anything or not. Very bad.
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Not worth the time.
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Blaspheme...clown.blaspheme..rv...blaspheme...clown. blaspheme nother clown string of blaspheming then 2 clowns...trunk...blaspheme blaspheme.. now just times that by 10 and you have the whole movie. sad that this is in the found footage genre. be scarier watching paint dry.
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The Boys (2019– )
If liberals puked up their ideology and it turned into a series this would be it.
5 October 2020
Seriously. they must have aoc writing this mess. it is unwatchable.
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Why this movie is
19 November 2019
Imagine if you will being the posterboy for Camera shy There is another word but i can't remember it right now..Kinda like the editor of this movie when cutting scenes. Anyway Now imagine someone puts a gun to your head and forces you to act in front of a bunch of cameras. Now imagine that person making you do your acting in front of all those camera's invites every school bully you ever knew to watch each and every scene. now imagine you are a camera shy fellow having to act in front of all those cameras with the gun at your head being laughed at as you try to act and then noticing your mother is doing a striptease poll dance routine to entertain the class bullys between takes. and she is joined by your sister and grandmother. That friends is the only way i could think of describing the lead...The lead...i am not gonna say actor. thankfully, halfway through the movie some birds show up, you can take no more, and turn off the movie. I assure you. This will happen. You may thank me by saying yes this helped and deposit vast sums into my paypal account. Have a nice day.
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
Horrible. Tacky. When i learned was made by history channel...
25 June 2019
If you want to see how progressive liberals think of the knights templar, here is your chance. Corrupt characters to massage their belief in me me me, mine mine mine, no. The ends do not justify the means. We aren't roaming dogs History channel has all of history to re enact and this is what they come up with?.
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Social Justice Warriors Soap Opera
2 May 2019
I wanted to like the show. However having to sit through a man having sex with another man sex scene just after the Professors debauchery 2 minutes before was just so run of the mill hollywood, I couldn't takes no more. This is the first 15 minutes of the show. Way to many other shows to spend time watching progressive liberal wet dreams.
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One of the best shows ever made.
8 March 2019
Review Little house. Hmmm. Ok. To do the review I am gonna have to borrow your imagination if you dont mind. Thanks! Now then. Lets learn the only word you are gonna need to know while watching The Little House: FEELS. Urban dictionary says the following about the word FEELS: A wave of emotions that sometimes cannot be adequately explained. We are going to use that definition. Now as to the review...

You walk down the hall in your house when you see a donkey standing there. Suprised? Yea. You notice the donkey has "The Little House" painted in big letters on its rump. You notice the word "FEELS" on both rear hooves carved in relief which are both in the air heading for your forehead. You don't have time to duck.


You wake up laying in dirt, your hand immediately going to your forehead where you can feel the word, "FEELS", has been imprinted on said forehead. You raise up to a sitting position and realize you're at a ball field with a rather large man holding a baseball bat. Almost as an afterthought you see the word "FEELS" burned into the bat. As it reaches the set batters position, you see "The Little House" on the mans uniform as the bat blocks the sun. All you can get out in your current condition is "OhHai!". You then hear the man: "This ain't Mudville and I aint Casey it's Babe, Now pucker up butter cup."


You wake up with a rope tied to your ankle and your forehead and jaw hurt like the dickens. Through the tears you notice the rope runs over and attaches to a huge arm and the arm is attached to something called a "Trebuchet". Letters Flashing in neon on the legs spell out : "The Little house". You raise up to a seated position tears and snot running down your face. Through them you see on the other side of the trebuchet a little distance off , someone has laid a steel block on the ground with the word "FEELS" raised on it's surface.. You begin to sob uncontrollably. THUNK. As you whistle through the air heading for the block you notice in passing some jackass has put a motor on the side of the machine attached to the winding and release mechanism. The sobbing turns into hiccuping wails.

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Don't bother
5 March 2019
An atheist talking about god. No ty. You may as well discuss it with a garbage as you will have a better conversation.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
25 January 2019
Total surprise. I really enjoyed the show. the costumes are amazing beyond belief and lend themselves to the performances. The host is likable and entertaining and the judges for the most part do engage the audience in a way that makes you feel part of it. All in all great fun and looking forward to the next show.
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Pine Gap (2018)
Could you possibly have a film more political correct?
15 December 2018
It's as if the part of Australia that hates America all got together and tried to put in everything They think might offend someone from there. What a joke. Slow paced. thank heavens it was only 6 episodes. The makers of this film need to just take up knitting. it would provide more entertainment.
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