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The Beast: Mercy (2009)
Season 1, Episode 8
24 March 2009
There's a blatant mistake at the beginning of the episode... Agent Barker (Patrick Swayze) is looking at the files of two Iraq war veterans who have been murdered, identifying one as a Marine Lance Corporal; the other as a PFC in the Army. But the two photos in his hand both show men in U.S. Army uniforms. A bit later, Agent Ellis Dove, who is supposed to be a Marine vet, refers to his decision not to re-enlist by saying he didn't "re-up." That's an Army term. Re-enlisting in the Navy or Marine Corps is referred to as "shipping over." Additionally, two characters refer to the dead Marine as "corporal." That's just not done. A corporal is a non-commissioned officer; a lance corporal is not. You NEVER address, nor refer to a lance corporal as "corporal."
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The Closer: Speed Bump (2008)
Season 4, Episode 2
Goof for episode "Speed Bump" IS a 'goof'
28 July 2008
The goof shown for the episode of "The Closer" entitled "Speed Bump" says Lt Provenza sent flowers to the paroled rapist/killer... Actually, it is Anthony John Denison's character, Lt Andy Flynn, who admits sending the flowers. Additionally, the line in the goof attributed to Kyra Sedgewick's character, Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson, is correct as is... It would in fact be a DEFENSE attorney's job to suggest an alternate theory of the crime by bringing up the Lieutenant's harassment of the parolee, and implicating the detective as a potential suspect. The result of that would be to establish a basis for reasonable doubt.
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