
2 Reviews
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Jim Davidson's Big Breakdown
16 September 2008
The unspeakable in pursuit of answers from the unemployable, Piers Morgan managed to make Jim Davidson look good for once, simply by sharing screen space with him. David Quantick was on hand for some talking head quips that almost became interesting - the hypocrisies of the 'Comic Strip' and 'Comic Relief' vanguard are worth documenting in and of themselves - Davidson came across like a man who, to paraphrase Scorsese's mission statement for the LaMotta character in 'Raging Bull' acted in his personal and now public life like he didn't deserve any of his trappings. Many would agree - his act made Freddie Starr seem like Robin Williams in retrospective comparison - but he was used by the establishment and eighties Tory government as a living breathing Robin Askwith character - a working class boy who knew his place, loved Queen and country and was "one of the boys". Davidson's disturbing mantra, ruminating then denying his homophobia, was revealing. Morgan gave the example of the considered goading of Brian Dowling on Marco Pierre White's 'Hell's Kitchen' last year. Coupled with Davidson's self-confessed dislike of women, this pointed to an inner struggle Morgan was either too obsequious or too incapable of probing. Was the grotesquely womanising friend-of-the-forces hiding a potential friendship of Dorothy? An unsympathetic figure, Davidson's biggest crime seemed not to be his clinging to the old values people accuse him of having anyway - it was that he never exploited the opportunities money gave him to educate himself out of them. Thatcher's child indeed.
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Bring Back... Star Wars (2008 TV Movie)
Not Affording Ford....
16 September 2008
Justin Lee Collins - who looks like a young David Bellamy crossed with a Black Country wookie - hosted the latest in his erstwhile series of 'Bring Back...' just to reinforce how moribund a piece of television it is. The format is that he attempts to 'guerrilla interview' celebs connected to a film or TV franchise (previous being 'The A-Team and 'Grange Hill') then persuade the most iconic actors and crew from these productions to reunite in one room. One private function suite in a nightclub or hotel, in fact. Working back through the programme, the fact that the reunited participants don't walk through a smoke-filled archway into a huge audience-filled studio is a missed opportunity. Collins went for Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, as well as the costumed celebs who turn up at the opening of a sci-fi convention first-aid room. The celebs he rounded up, surprise surprise, were only the costumed celebs - the guy who was R2D2, the guy who was an ewok, Dave Prowse AKA Darth Vader (although stunt-men Vic Armstrong and Peter Diamond were in the helmet and cape about as frequently as Prowse ever was and moved/fought better - Lucas' words not mine) Collins is more corpulent and more faking of his trademark 'Dulux Dog in Rutting Season' enthusiasm in this one. Previous shows just had Collins annoy and blackmail celebs to appear at his drearier-than-a-wake "drinky-poo" at the end - this one had his legion of trustafarian runners and gophers gain equal screen time as his "team". Mix in unsubstantiated rumours, gossip and the downright disrespect of celebs who had sense and dignity enough not to pop up at the end reunion and you had a show that left a bittersweet taste in the mouth. What you had were a collection of UK actors who had been the right size and shape for the monster costumes Lucas created at the time of the original movies and simply were not needed anymore. The reunion could have served only to highlight the fact that Prowse had seen better days physically and professionally or that Warwick Davis, the ewok in question, could return to acting only if UK soap-opera 'Eastenders' have an episode where a witch bursts in to the Queen Vic and shrinks Ian Beale - he comes across as a nice guy though, unlike Anthony Daniels who does his aloof reputation amongst fans no good in this. Good idea Channel four - just try harder, better and be more professional next time.
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