
10 Reviews
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Lady Dynamite (2016–2017)
9 June 2016
At the beginning, I thought this show was, as people have said here, "derivative" and only marginally funny. Kept it on because I was doing something and didn't have the free hands to turn it off. I had a few chuckles and wasn't expecting much. But every single person on the show is a great comedian and/or actor, and the situations are novel. By the end of the second episode it had gained momentum, I was won over, but switched to The Americans. Then I woke up today and it was the only show I wanted to watch, for some reason it stuck with me. (Probably because it brings up memories of when I was in the music business and how people treated each other, and times when I made great money but walked away, but this time I'm laughing.) So I put on episode 3 and I've been laughing my ass off ever since. It gets funnier and funnier at each new episode!

I came onto IMDb just to find out more, and see there is a contingent for whom it isn't reaching. Well I would say, maybe you have to watch a few more episodes. But I'm someone who loved BoJack Horseman, Action, Party Down, Extras. Also, there are so many funny details that people might not get -- like the Minnesota hair when she flashbacks to Duluth, or the "Latin" saying on the wall of the church. When I see the flashbacks, I'm laughing already, before anyone opens their mouths.
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Better than these reviewers realize
3 May 2016
I can totally get why someone would say this is a poor effort. They don't get what's happening in entertainment today. Ricky makes it seem effortless. For example, My husband couldn't watch Bojack Horseman, until he heard it playing in our kitchen (I was watching while I cooked dinner) and then he thought it was hilarious. I'm willing to bet that if the negative reviewers find themselves watching this again by accident, they will find it better than they realized, like Coneheads or Goldmember -- our expectations ruined it for us. Ricky Gervais just makes us expect something that will shock and amaze and when he comes lightly like a thief in the night, we are underwhelmed until we come back and realize this is the type of comedy that creates classics. it doesn't hit you over the head, doesn't anticipate, but guaranteed to amuse over and over again. Real comedy from people who love to laugh -- Jack Benny style.
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Asthma (2014)
Beautiful take on a 60s-70s theme
10 March 2016
Visually this film is stunning and the accompanying soundtrack is perfect. Choreography of the scenes is also superb.I would say this is the most visually perfect movie I've seen in years, bringing to mind The Blue Light, High Noon and other beautifully filmed movies whose images stay with you. Everyone but Krysten Ritter is perfectly cast. Unfortunately having been in similar situations when I was young, I know that she had no idea what this girl was like -- her lines worked, she just didn't know what person would be saying these things and she just isn't that person. It kept taking me out of the movie. Too bad, with better casting, it might have become a classic.
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The Unfettered Shogun (1978–2008)
Outstanding Samurai Series
4 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
During the 90s I used to watch these every weekend on a UHF channel, with subtitles, and I never tired of them! I cannot wait for this show to be available on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, or just DVD with English subtitles.

It really says something to have never tired of this show because for 13 seasons, after the first (better) season, every show seemed to have the same premise:

The shogun travels through his shogunate in disguise (even though he looks the same in every episode), and comes upon some damsel in distress or illegal activities (reminiscent of The Fugitive, another show I love), and won't leave town until he's helped the good guys and punished the bad guys!

The classic Japanese costumes are magnificent and the hilarious hoodlums in every town are played by the same actors, who abide in a hideout that looks almost exactly like the hideout in the last episode's town. You learn interesting tidbits about Japanese culture too, and at the end of every show in true Samurai storytelling fashion, there is an epic battle where he pulls himself up to full height, everyone gasps (He's really the Shogun!), clicks his sword into place, the music starts, and he battles a huge crowd of bad guys, one by one. Yay, Shogun! (Also, Ken Matsudaira is hunky, like David Janssen was as The Fugitive!)
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Trashy! Makes Desperate Housewives sound like Shakespeare
6 March 2012
I do enjoy trashy TV and novels and this is certainly one of those. It is beautiful and Maggie Smith elevates every scene she's in, but otherwise...Meh. (I finally understand why people use that non-word!) The characters are wooden stereotypes and it recycles ideas from Upstairs Downstairs but only serves to expose its glaring inadequacies in comparison to that great show with every succeeding episode. At first I thought the actors were just not up to it, especially Ms. McGovern, but it's become apparent with every hack line and cliché that they have little to work with. Desperate Housewives is Shakespeare in comparison. Not an example of the better BBC offerings.
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Inside Job (2010)
Ai yi yi
27 February 2011
The quality of this film's perspective can be determined by reading an abundance of reviews on IMDb that prove none of its viewers actually understand the subprime fiasco.

The real joke is, the heads of these firms were more ignorant of what happened than anyone else involved. Their emails hardly prove complicity in anything but speculation, which is what one does in the financial markets -- financial speculation. The comments at the Oscars were inappropriate and further prove making the movie did nothing to increase either the filmmakers' or the audience's understanding of what happened.

We all know that there are ruthless "characters" on Wall St. as in every profession (even more in Entertainment!). The joke is, the biggest fraud turned out to be Spitzer, on whom the filmmakers rely for commentary! So, come to this film for a profile of said characters, but do not expect to find it a source of great illumination on the situation, and for heaven's sakes, do not believe for a minute that you are being told the whole story!
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The Naked Brothers Band (2007–2009)
Funniest Kids' Show I've Seen in Years!
2 January 2011
Finally, a show for kids that reminds me of when I was a kid, and all the stupid things we said/thought/did. I honestly am astonished at how many nasty reviews are here on IMDb that kept me from watching it until now (when I decided to just see what the hype was about). I'm so glad I did! These kids are hilarious! And their dad and all the other "adults" are so over the top embarrassing, just like real life! These kids make me smile and laugh. Not to mention that they are truly talented musicians. At last, Hollywood progeny that live up to the hype...I feel compelled to ask those who are trashing it so mercilessly, what do they think they would say or do if they were the same age in the same situation? Chances are, it wouldn't be as entertaining.
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10 March 2010
I thought this movie was loads of fun, though seeing the reviews I guess it's not for people who don't enjoy low-key send-ups of the entertainment business. This movie is like seeing all those situations and people that are usually stuck in here and there in a big action flick (or The Simpsons) to get in a slam to Hollywood culture, all strung together, but instead of being tongue-in-cheek, relentlessly sincere. Maybe the bad reviews reflect that it hasn't attracted its audience because of the way they marketed it -- they should be trying to get a Woody Allen crowd, perhaps? The cast is made up of extremely talented comedy stars and well-known character actors, each one bigger than the last, who play their characters so low-key and real. So much so, that the little ironies don't seem set up, they seem accidental like they should be but never are in comedy films. And a big surprise to me was how entertaining Margaret Cho was, as I'm not a huge fan of her stand-up.
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Rough Diamond (2005–2007)
If Gilligan's Island tried to be Alias
9 March 2010
First, Diamond Geezer is the proper name for this series, the change to "Rough Diamond" for distribution was a mistake. Diamond Geezer is funnier and in the spirit of the series. Second, I think the bad reviews discount its appeal to children and adolescents. This is fantastic after-school family fare! A lot of the plots (and most of the dialog) are goofy and predictable but there's always a fun twist to the stories and little interesting touches to the characters. Third, it probably was produced in the wrong decade. It does come across like it was written in the '70s or '80s but had been shelved and resurrected. If you're looking for John LeCarre, move along. But if you'd like a little I Spy mixed with To Catch a Thief...
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White Teeth (2002– )
Better than the book
10 February 2010
Not a fan of the book, as I had been taken in by the hype only to find it more the result of the publisher's effort to earn back the huge investment they'd made in the property than actual merit. That said, it addresses so many cultures and has so many stories, it's perfect for a TV series. And I have to admit, the series is quite interesting. Not the dialogue mind you, which is painfully plebian, but the visuals and wonderful acting. Now I wish I hadn't read the book, because I'm sure I'd find it much more enthralling, not knowing what is going to happen. Whatever the inaccuracies people are pointing out I also found in the book but that doesn't detract from the very interesting portrayal of these characters by a wonderfully cast ensemble in this very unique characterization of London as compared to most other films made about that period.
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