
6 Reviews
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Open Range (2003)
How openly wrong you are!!
13 March 2010
Whoever reads this review, please trust me. This movie will put you to sleep. I've tried to watch this movie twice now, and both times I fell asleep. The first time around I blamed it on being tired. So after once again reading the great reviews, I figured I'd give it another shot. This time, I watched it after 12 hours of sleep, on a Saturday evening. Same thing! The beautiful western scenes, the boring slow go nowhere story, and the lack of any interest what soever of what might happen - is a sure cure for insomnia. The ones who think this movie is good are either: 1) Crazy or 2) Nuts. It's not just me folks. Read others who hated this rotten apple. If you thought this was a good movie, you are just wrong.
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Robodoc (2009)
Pretty enjoyable.
5 December 2009
If you like the show Scrubs, and love Data from Star Trek the next Generation, you will love this movie. The movie is about a slimy lawyer who sues every doctor for even the dumbest little reason. And gets filthy rich doing so. The hospital is full of comedy. Ultimately the hospital needs a doc that never makes a mistake, so here comes robodoc to the rescue! Can the slimy lawyer sue a doctor that never makes a mistake? How do the human doctors and nurses take to the perfect doc? It's worth finding out how this plays out to the end. Lately I haven't watched a movie all the way through, but this one was entertaining all the way to the end.
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Slumdog - yes indeed!
27 November 2009
So.. this is the great movie I've known about for almost a year. Sure I've heard about all the hype about it. Read the glowing reviews. So what did I do? After watching many bad movies, I saved this one for a time when I really wanted a winner. My trust is my fellow man at calling a good movie good is blown. Since when does a movie that is completely disjointed become Oscar material? My whole enthusiasm was gone when I saw the cops torturing the kid for winning the game show. What? That's right. The whole movie is built around a kid that wins the millions on a foreign version of "who wants to be a millionaire." Oh come on. The kid while acting the part is so unbelievable - as he wins more and more money.. shows ZERO emotion - no wonder they think he cheated! But the torturing done it for me. WAY over the top unbelievable. Then we get the most bizarre flash backs I've ever seen to try to "explain" why he knew the answers. The movie is a humiliation on the intelligence of mankind. If this movie was a 10 minute you tube clip I might have enjoyed it. Wasting 2 hours of ones life to sit through this - is something i recommend you do not do.
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One of my top 10 movies of all time.
12 October 2009
I saw this movie in the early 70's when I was about 10 yrs. old on TV. It was on after school, and as I watched, I was so drawn into the whole idea of the two astronauts going on a mission to another undiscovered planet, that I asked my mom if I could get the cassette recorder out. She let me. So I wrapped the cord of the mic around the Channel knob, so the mic was hanging in front of the speaker. This movie is the first one I ever paid enough attention to - and cared enough about to record. (Just the audio - there were no VCRs at the time.) The plot will have you hanging onto every word.. every minute of this film.. The ending will blow your mind. After watching the Journey to the Far Side of the Sun.. You will Have flash-backs in your mind about it for a long time. I did replay the audio recording for many years... and "saw" it over and over in my mind. Then - maybe 15 years later.. when VCR's were common, and they sold tapes in stores.. I always looked for it.. but never found it. But when the Internet came along one day I searched for it and purchased it in a second. So.. after about 30 years after seeing it for the first time - I got to see it again. WOW!~~ It was spectacular! Just for reference.. I must have watched it 50 times since.
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The Fugitive (1993)
Pretty good - but a little drawn out.
10 August 2009
This movie is the typical plot of a man who is innocent and is then wrongfully charged with murder. Harrison Ford plays this man - a doctor, who supposedly kills his wife. Right away the movie sets it up where you really care for Ford.. and you want his justice served. The cops are of course dumber than dumb - Ford just shaves his beard - and dyes his hair.. and can walk around conducting his own investigation. While the movie is well done given the above scenario, there came a point where I thought: "OMG" how much longer can this plot line be played out? We all know what is going to happen in the end anyways! It seem to me that better editing (shortening) would have made this movie much better. As it is, it takes too long to wrap up. About 2/3rds the way through I got bored.
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Not worth your time.
29 June 2009
I love a good action movie. I've seen some good ones that were rated high - and deserved it. Like Terminator 2 and The Matrix. Haven't seen a good one for a while, and I did read the reviews here before I went to see this. I saw all the negative reviews. But the ones who loved this movie wrote things like: Excellent superb!! Brilliant...simply brilliant! etc. One even said it was a roller coaster ride in the theater! Wow! There were so many positive things said, I thought maybe the critics were just wrong. But.. they are right. This movie is nothing but special effects gone overboard. That's all it amounts to. There is absolutely no reason on earth to care about any of the characters.. Half way through, I almost got up to leave.. But gave it a fair shake. Wow! was I wrong! I should have gotten out when the getting was good. If you are wondering if you should go see this so called blockbuster - DON'T!!! Save yourself from a total waste of your time and money.
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