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Constant side scholarly side interviews/ narration ruin it from being great...
6 June 2024
Good documentary series but not worth the build up for several weeks on Netflix. It would really be strong if important historical documentaries stuck with a solid single narrator (Peter Coyote/ Martin Sheen) & not a constant trope of random academics who provide their two sense as if they were first-hand witnesses.

Most of all, documentaties like this need to get rid of the constant 10 second frames of random individual men/ women in a semi-darkened room speaking when they can just continue with the interesting footage or re-enactments that they already have. This doc series has plenty of unique footage & decent reenactments but is ruined by the consistent random guy/ gal sitting legs crossed with a red curtain behind them.

The tones of the voices from the speakers are a bit whiny/ annoying & there does seem to be many personal opinions given without the speakers stating that what they were saying was actually an opinion. If I watch again I would write them down but I likely will not watch again. If I do I will worth the watch with closed captioning on & volume muted.

Lastly, I understand WW2 & Hitler covers tons and tons of information, but it is hard to understand how large events kinda just get muttered but then they fixate on smaller events & really blow them up. Not a word mentioned about the "Danzig Corridor". Lots of jumping around takes place but this is truly a cliff notes version of many things at best.
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Best Rock Doc of All-Time
28 March 2024
This is by far the best Rock 'n roll documentary & I've watched them all. The director Brett Morgan used the same phenomenal combination of music, story-telling & video footage in telling the story avoiding the boring drowned out conversations which tend to slow down most rock docs.

If you haven't seen this, take the time to watch. The Rolling Stones are not my favorite band but up there. Irregardless of your love of the band, I think this was wonderfully done and should be a staple for all rock docs. If I met Brett Morgan, I would implore he try to do this again for any bands who would be interested.
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Amazon has 6.8 iMDB score
30 August 2023
Guessing Amazon fooling us now not with just deliveries being shipped later than agreed per transactions. They gave this a 6.8 per iMDB which is not accurate as a 6.2 which is more than generous in my opinion.

This movie is far worse than the 4th? Why? No story & way too much CGI! This was an ugly money grab just like half of the marvel movies showing every time you head to the theater.

I figured 15 years after disappointing Indiana fanatics after a 19 yr hiatus they would really make this one really well. Sadly, this is not the case. It dows not appear anything was filmed outside Universal Studios incl. The over-killed as it is car chases or train top fights. I turned this off after a good 25 mins of little plot & way too fake action.

One day when I decide I have nothing left to watch I'll try to enjoy this but it will be tough. The first 3 movies were terrific, the next was mediocre and this was terrible.

Clearly this was your typical money grab movie made for meathead viewers who don't see that filming in the right locations such as on top of a train should actually be done on an actual train. I'm upset. This was impossible to keep watching even though I just paid $20 to prime video. 2nd day in a row I saw prime juice a score up on a big purchase movie.
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Watched Bugsy for the 2nd time just before I watched this for the 1st time
28 August 2023
How is it that Bugsy score 1/10th of a point higher at 6.8 vs. This over Hollywoodized version of a historical figure or time in LA which seems extermely unrealistic? I am more than halfway thru this & already disappointed seeing car chases in the 40's like it's Fast & the Furious 9.

Mickey Cohen is played by Harvey Keitel in Bugsy & appeared to be this legitimate tough guy & was then an errand boy for Bugsy. Sean Penn plays this character who appears more like Warren Beatty's buddy Al Pacino in Dick Tracy!

I'm upset I took the chance & bought it instead of renting. For me, if helps when you include dates or years in movies like this which are based on real characters & actually give some more dialogue instead of universal studios backlot type slow-mo fight scene with limited dialogue & character/ story building.

And Emma Stone's role is like Kate Beckinsale's w/ the 2 boy toys in Pearl Harbor. Gangster Squad ia a letdown as it makes a historical police movie or squad appear to be Gothma city cops that tries too hard doing flash/ bang and not enough time discussing interesting character connections which is usually what makes movies like "Bugsy" appear to be way more interesting unless you are 8.5 years old & have your buddies over for a sleepover while shooting nerf guns.
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30 for 30: Celtics/Lakers: Best of Enemies (2017)
Season 3, Episode 16
If Ice Cube narration removed = Flawless
7 January 2023
Ice Cube doesn't bother me as a actor or rapper, but him narrating the Lakers is a total joke. This would be an amazing documentary if the over-exaggerated and idiotic narration by Ice Cube was dubbed over by anybody else on the planet. He is so bad, he makes Stephen A Smith or Skip Bayless sound like Pat Summerall.

Otherwise, this is a great buildup and review of the wonderful rivalry between two cities which are located on opposite sides of the country. I was lucky to watch Jordan as a Chicagoan so only knew of Lakers/ Celtics 80s duels like I knew of the 85 Bears (by storytelling & some highlights). I really enjoyed the first episode and want to close caption Ice Cube for the remaining series episodes.
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The Omen (2006)
Carbon copy of classic w/ boost of added cinematography
4 January 2023
Not as bad as those make it out to be...

While I do agree there are one too many regurgitations of very basic lines from the original classic, this movie does serve a purpose unlike some other strong reviews that were provided here already. The updated cinematography makes it strong & bringing attention to a new generation regarding the original version which is arguably the most underrated and possibly greatest horror movie ( in relation to The Book of Revelations on the Bible) make it all worth while.

It did seem sorta tacky when they had those billboards advertising this movie's release without stating what "6/6/06 The signs are all around you" really meant (assuming was a way to get people to talk in the late spring of 2006 to draw attention) but I have found myself watching this for maybe the 4th time in 15+ years after seeing the original maybe 10 times in 25+ years so I find this movie still as valuable than the original since it is the same story with some added bonuses.
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Motive for suicide is all I see unfortunately...
25 October 2022
The 18-20 age group have extremely high risks for suicide especially if alcohol is on board. She was at a party all day + just was caught doing something probably uncharecteristic which made her feel extremely ashamed. There's nowhere else she was going & people don't accidentally get hit by trains on foot. I want to believe this is not a suicide but having had 15+ years experience as a paramedic and firefighter & also having had friends commit suicide as a young adult I cannot see any other way. Also, I recall being young & stupid and doing many uncharacteristic things when I was this age most notably the summer before my freshman year of college while under the influence. This is a very scary point in many 18 year old'd lives and when you fuel this with excessive partying you end up doing many things you regret.
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Hostages (2022– )
Sad & extremely informative story esp. for those born just before & after these events.
17 October 2022
This documentary was extremely humbling & as strongly put together as any good documentary I've seen in the last few years right there with Ken Burns's Vietnam War, The Last Dance, etc.

Sadly the Iranian regime has seemed to be the one country who's really had their way with us even after & I could not imagine the turmoil of Carter's tenure as president which could have happened to any POTUS. Worst of all, I could not imagine the pain & frustration with the uncertainty of return for the victims & fam.

These types of documentaries deserve better attention vs. Netflix's Dahmer which has 40X the IMDB votes for example & offers the view of one's sickness as opposed to a country's oppression which went from bad to far worse. M

It is important we understand Iran's revolution & continued volatile disgrace towards women's rights, religious freedoms & hostility towards the west as it is a dangerous a country now as it was then & I predict will form an axis type alliance with China & Russia before we know it as these countries close-mindedness & extreme dictatorships can crumble our globe 100x over WW2 w/ 3 countries like these as compared to Germany, Japan & Italy did appx 80 years ago.
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OJ25 (2020– )
Only 2.5 episodes in & wow!!
8 June 2022
This is perfectly done & should be watched before OJ Made in America or the People vs OJ on Netflix as it is most factual & unbiased. Also, there are so many trial testimonies already that I have never seen and put more things in perspective & not bring in the dramatic interviews or biases that exist in other documentaries. This is the best of the best of any documentary I've seem with OJ and highly recommend it to all.
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Carlito's Way (1993)
Too predictable in all key scenes but good..
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 3 biggest scenes in the movie you could see coming from the moment they begin:

1. The pool hall scene you see it with the door opening but was obvious they wanted us to see that.

2. The boat scene was obvious because the lawyer said they would likely kill them once he got the mob boss and son on shore.

3. Aside from the fact the beginning of the movie shows Carlito being shot and gurneyed off, it was clear that Pechanga was going to do something to him as that stone was left un-turned in a previous scene in which Sasso is informing Carlito of Pechanga's unhappiness with pay. Made it too obvious that was gonna happen & he would flip.
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Tigerland (2000)
Worth your time!
29 April 2022
I was quite taken aback considering this is a war movie that never left the training ground. Similar to "An Officer & a Gentleman" in that preperation for the possibility of dying young. I was moved by the performance of Colin Farrell who showed that some leaders lead by not falling in line but through their heart in looking out for those around them, specifically those who do not see the end result if they were to fall in line like the rest. Watching this with a fello army vet did make me ask the question: "Do any soldiers in training really talk back like this?" He said no, but I also understood that he did not go thru PT in the early 70's when you were drafted to go fight somebody else's war. This movie has some absolutely tremendous acting comong from younger characters, many of which just started out. Worth your time & your watch. Pvt Bozz makes me kind of want to carry myself like he did. Nothing is stronger than somebody who can stand up for himself & those around us who are in trouble yet nobody else is willing to do anything per status quo. Pvt Wilson is that maniac we see in many dangerous jobs (like mine as a firemedic) who has no empathy & gets infuriated over anybody else who he perceives as a threat to his own manhood. Enjoy the ride, it's worth it!
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The Sopranos: Mayham (2006)
Season 6, Episode 3
Please no more Keven Fartity
3 January 2022
2nd episode w/ Kevin Farity farting around was enough to make me hit FFWD on the remote. I'd rather the show be half the length then have to sit through more dream sequences. Otherwise the show is great as usual.
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Fantastic documentary...
15 December 2021
An unbiased depiction of a triple homicide at maybe the most visited & popular state park for any Chicagoan. I have visited this location a few times in my life & have never heard of this story but find it captivating irregardless of it being so close to home.

The Illinois justice system has the largest history of improper convictions resulting in reversal of sentences across the country most notably from the 20th century. This documentary explores the tremendous amounts of flaws in this investigation and in the criminal justice system.
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Interrogation (2020)
Great story, trying to watch in chronological order..
4 November 2021
This is the actual chronological order which I think they should have aired the show to create a less confusing timeline... 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 8, 2, 9, 10, 7.

But they want you to ONLY watch the #1 episode first & the #10 last, so we are watching in this order... 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 2, 9, 7, 10.

My wife & I have watched 7 of the episodes (only have 9, 7 & 10 left). I am not sure if I will watch 10 last as I feel like it might be hard watching episode # 7 (2005) before #10 but I guess we'll see what happens.
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The Courier (2020)
Most underrated movie I've seen in years...
19 September 2021
Not sure why this movie didn't receive the Oscar noms as comparing to "The Imitation Game" for example, "Bridge of Spies" or "Argo" but it is essentially all 3 of those rolled into one. The acting is fantastic, the story is incredible & the lack of notoriety for this movie is a shame. I hope our society would stop shelling out big bucks for useless Marvel sequels & jump back in to the world we lived in & still live in. This movie is not boring & proves that we take most of what we have in a free society for granted!
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Greatest Movie of All Time
2 July 2021
This movie is absolutely phenomenal from start to finish. The acting is phenomenal. Ted Lavine aka Buffalo Bill should have not only been nominated for an oscar but won one as well to go along w/ the rest. I cannot think of another movie & say that is better than this one. If you never have seen it, make sure you see it now. If it's been 30 years since you saw it, go watch it again! It never gets old.
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Great screen work, weird story, longer than Ron Jeremy
14 June 2021
Okay, whew. Just watched this for 1st time start to finish. I like the orginality of this but the movie is just weird. Kinda like Clockwork Orange weird. Don't give it a 10 cuz some yuppie former hipster dude said it's brilliant. Nothing of a terrific story here. Fantastic work was done in making this movie especially amongst the actors, but the story has little point & there's really no happy ending. Some scenes will make you look at the person next to you & be like... oh now I see why it's rated an 8.5 & then you'll say now I know why I never saw this on tv or watched this for the 1st time after 10,000 movies 1st. Once is enough for a lifetime for me.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
If love triangle removed, this would have been terrific...
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching "Midway" at the moment, makes me realize how great special effects were in the 90's (when CGI did not dictate EVERYTHING) on the screen like w/ "Pearl Harbor"(s) 12/7/41 reenactment. The love story ruined it but the 12/7 action scene from the movie in 1999 was far more realistic vs. "Midway" in 2019. At least appreciate the fact that this action scene was what makes this movie great. If you want the story, watch the many awesome WW2 documentaries that exist, not this movie.

CGI used to be cool when you inserted a dinosaur on to a location, but you cannot insert a location & everything else that goes on, around a dude in a studio playing patty cake (see Christian Bale's Terminator blow up for ex.).

Today, you see just how awful CGI has made movies when you compare Midway vs. Pearl or the 1995 Mortal Kombat to the 2021 one, or the 1997 Godzilla against 2021 Kong vs. Godzilla today.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
This makes the original look like Shawshank...
26 April 2021
The original Mortal Kombat was a solid action film w/ good actors & a plot w/ classic fight scenes. Why are we allowing ourselves to pay for movies based off computer generated garbage with no plot?

If this movie didn't want a sequal title, it should have produced something similar to the 1990's version. This was extremely hard to watch & I love Mortal Kombat in & of itself. Can we please stop paying to watch movies based off the title or computer generated action scenes with zero plot? If you are excited for Fast & the Furious 9, then this is up your alley...
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The Father (I) (2020)
Anthony Hopkins is masterful
27 March 2021
I watched every movie nominated for each Oscar nominated actor & if somebody else wins not named Anthony Hopkins, then the Academy Awards should cease & desist. To play this role at that level is remarkable.
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Nomadland (2020)
Climax of the movie was the unforeseen bowel movement. Overrated!
11 March 2021
I thought this movie was going to be very good initially, but it never really shares a point or significantly interesting purpose throughout the story other than this is what it must be like to live in a van down by many rivers. The bowel movement scene too was just unnecessary & it being real & spontaneous just makes it all that much more pointless.

I'm usually that guy who generously scores above the averages for most movies, but for this & Minari to be the more acclaimed of movies (personally don't understand how either have a higher score than "News of the World" or "The Little Things" to me, meant more & is placed far higher in comparison to this movie. Then again,a year in a pandemic, how many good movies can we expect to spend $20 & watch at home?
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Gary Oldman's Performance here...WOW!
28 February 2021
I can say after watching thousands of good movies & hundreds of great ones that Gary Oldman's performance here is quite possibly the most underrated of any character in any movie. I know 1994 was probably the greatest year ever for movies but Gary, Jean Reno & Natalie all deserved Oscar noms at the very least. Please look over some of the Natalie Portman uncomfortable scenes because those are only really bad if you think that way since she's beautiful as an adult. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Copycat (1995)
Most underrated movie score on IMDb IMO
3 February 2021
This movie is one of the best thrillers I have seen in my life. I have watched it so many times. For those who haven't seen it please watch & bring this dang score up to where it should be please haha.
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The Lost Tapes: Tet Offensive (2018)
Season 2, Episode 3
Must see for anybody who was born 1960 & after
24 January 2021
Some of the best war footage I have ever seen on any documentary. If you were not a soldier in this war or were not glued to your tv in February-March 1968, I recommend watching this out of appreciation for what these brave men had to deal with. A faceless/ invasive enemy in the biggest city in Saigon + an enemy that was nearly invisible in treeless parts of the jungle who burrowed holes to get closer to Marine bases just past the demilitarized zone all at the same time which began on the Vietnam New Year. I was moved & kind of upset it took me 35 years to find this on my own.
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1st episode turns into you watching them all!
14 January 2021
Not sure if it's the title or what but cannot believe it took me 9 years to watch this show. Went way over my head. Thanks to the new History Channel App, I immediately saw it & gave it a try & then bought the whole season. So much valuable information and greatly produced. Very underrated. Everybody who is an American should watch this show.
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