
9 Reviews
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Easily one of the worst movies of 2013
17 December 2013
This was easily one of the worst movies of 2013. I can't believe I wasted 90 minutes of my life on this garbage. The movie should be called, "Ryan Gossling Stares" because that is all that seems to be going on in it, Gossling and the supporting cast staring pointlessly, and endlessly. The director was obviously trying to make some symbolic artistic statement about something - violence perhaps - but that statement was lost on me. Gossling's brother is needlessly violent with literally no explanation and that sets the tone for the movie. It is insinuated that Gossling himself is violent, but he fails in his attempts and violence. Chang the policeman is violent, but in some weird vigilante manner that always ends with him singing karaoke in an empty bar to his co-workers. Gossling's mom order's others to do violent acts and seems to know that it will come back to bite her in the butt. All of this with the backdrop of dark rooms with weird lighting and minimal - and I mean minimal dialog left me scratching my head and saying "huh?" Don't waste your time with the movie unless you're way into art house movies and speculating about pretentious artistic statements.
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The Departed (2006)
Matt Damon gets hit in the face many times
8 October 2006
This movie had an all-star cast that delivered. Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg delivered some great dead pan lines, Leo DeCaprio was great as a tortured soul, and Jack Nicholson was a fantastic bad guy. But this movie could have under gone some serious editing. Jack Nicholson had a girlfriend that served no purpose, heck, for that matter the love interest of Damon and DeCaprio didn't really serve a purpose either. DeCaprio's love scene served no purpose. There was symbolism with a church at the beginning and end that really wasn't tied into the movie as a whole, and Nicholson's character starts to go mad and we don't really know why, or it isn't show in a fluid manner. I know this movie is a remake - I've never seen the original so that doesn't matter to me. While over all, it was entertaining, the best thing about it was that Matt Damon was hit in the face numerous times. Bottom line, save your money and rent this on video instead of going to the theater.
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Don't waste your time
22 March 2005
A porn star moves next door to a high school nerd. The story practically writes itself as the hilarity ensues. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happens. This movie was so hard to watch, despite the presence of one of the hottest leading lady's around, that I had to turn it off after 45 minutes. And it was some of the most painful 45 minutes of my movie watching career! I'm embarrassed to have rented it. My questions is, who wants to see a serious, feel good, porn star gone good movie when this could have been a comedy classic? There were a few "dream sequences" that were funny and had pretty good camera work, but unfortunately, those were far and few in between. Don't waste your time with this schlock.
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Is this where Mamet got his style from?
22 March 2005
If only the powers to be that decide what is a good movie kept this movie in mind! The set up to who John Caul is, is truly amazing. It paints a portrait of a truly lonely man whose loneliness ultimately leads to his downfall. It all felt very "David Mamet" like but done for the first time. In retrospect, John Caul seems to be developed much like the Val Kilmer character in "Spartan." The cinematography completely adds to the character development and the feel of the movie. Dialogue is kept to a minimum to give further insight to who we're dealing with. In sum, watch this movie, you won't be disappointed except by the current state of movie making!
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Stevie (2002)
Excellent - very disturbing
22 March 2005
"Stevie" is easily one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen. Stevie has been shat on his entire life and nobody cares. His family has failed him, the system meant to protect him has failed him, and the people who are supposed to be his friends have failed him. People knew since Stevie was a teenager that the specific trouble that got him into trouble, which is the core of the movie, would eventually happen. Yet, nobody did anything to prevent it, instead seemingly choosing to say "Aren't you stupid for letting it happen. Now live with the consequences." The only problem is, the people that created the monster that is Stevie don't share in any of the blame. One of the most appalling things about this movie is that it was made. Steve James does a great job of injecting himself into a situation while trying to wipe his hands clean of any responsibility. He tells Stevie what Stevie wants to hear, but doesn't follow it up with any action. Steve James is just one more person to shat on Stevie and should be ashamed of himself. Hell, everyone in Stevie's life should be ashamed of themselves. If nothing else, this movie is great at showing the outcome of child abuse in every sense of "outcome."
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Cross of Iron (1977)
A debt of gratitude
23 September 2004
People often say that "Saving Private Ryan" has the best war scenes ever shot. Well, after seeing this movie, all I have to say is that Speilburg has a debt of gratitude to pay to the Cross of Iron. For a 1977 movie, the horrific detail of the frontline is incredible. There as a seen where a troop transporter rolls through the mud, and over a long dead soldier whose smashed body is barely visible. It was a small but great detail. When bombs exploded, bodies, and body parts flew. I couldn't believe how graphic this movie was allowed to be for being so old. The quick stop action like filming was sort of John Wooish, only pre John Woo. The only complaint I have is the accents seemed British and they tended to fade in and out.
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A sad waste of time and money
16 May 2004
I sure wish someone would explain the ending to me. Both the person I was with, and myself, fell asleep several times during this snoozefest. The sets were interesting, the smarmy American character was good, the heartbroken father, the bitter Rosselini, the way the music competition was set up, were all good - but damn, I had no idea what was going on under the surface. The girlfriend/wife, the girl from Pulpfiction, seems to have acting like an airhead down. At one point she whispered into a deaf-man's ear. Why? There was a sleepwalker in the movie that made no sense who she kissed or said something to. I think the sleepwalker called her mother but her kid was supposed to be dead. Oh yeah, the movie starts with Mark McKinny asking a fortune teller if anyone is as happy as he. Then he dies happy! I just don't get it.
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Vulgar (2000)
The most disturbing movie I've ever seen.
20 January 2003
Simply put, this was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. It makes Todd Stoldz (sp?) and "Happiness" look like a walk in the park. It renders "American Psycho" mere child's play. The main character is s**t on by life from the first scene to the last. Even as the movie ends, the tone of the lead's voice and the look in his eyes indicates that all that ends well is not necessarily well. Is this a good movie? I honestly can't say. But if someone were to stop the vcr in the middle, pull the cassette out and stomp the tape to bits, I would completely understand. This movie certainly does show the depravity that lurks in the darkness of the writer/directors hearts and minds.
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Empire (2002)
don't waste your time or money
23 December 2002
this movie was horrible. Don't waste your time or money. The trailer indicates that it will be a movie rife with intrigue and double crosses. Instead, half the movie is about an unbelievable love story between a college student and a heroin dealer. The other half is filled with a ghettofied politically correct message that the Wall St. investment banker is just as corrupt as the street heroin dealer, that if a Latino enters the "white world," there is no one who he can trust. His homies are the only ones that will be true to him. The main character plays a heroin dealer with a heart of gold. He buys a gamestation for a kid in the neighborhood because his mom is has been stealing the kids money for smack, the very smack the lead character sells. The main character is supposed to be a streewise businessman but he gets sucked into a wallstreet investment scheme with seemingly no thought at all. Give me a break. I want my $18 back after wasting a night and a date on such tripe.
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