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Toy Story 3 (2010)
Toy Story 3. Let's be kids again...
13 June 2010
I am a 21 year old male. I watched the first Toy Story in theaters when I was 7 years old and the second Toy Story when I was 11. These films are a part of my childhood and I can assure you anyone between the ages of 18-30 have a special connection like I do for them. I personally have been waiting for this movie for 10 years now, since the ending sequences in Toy Story 2. Ten long years later, I finally received my wish.

Toy Story 3 is the story of our classic and new favorite characters Woody, Buzz, Slinky, Ham, Rex and friends as they try to cope with the fact that Andy is going off to college. They haven't been played with in years and they're becoming restless. As much as they want to believe Andy will save them and keep them in the attic as Woody predicts, our beloved toys start to question his motives as college day is coming and Andy's old room is starting to deteriorate into a trash hold. Which will Andy decide upon? The plot for this movie at first glance made me very satisfied, seeing as Pixar and the writers are trying to follow the time frame we are accustomed to. Back in 1999 when Andy found his new toys Jesse and Bullseye, he was still a child with imagination and joy to play with these toys. Ten years later, he is no longer a child but grown into a graduating senior who is ready to venture off the college for the first time. This plot is a classic scenario that new-bound college teens deal with on their moving date: whether or not to give up hold on our childish bonds. It's time to grow up sometime. This plot grabbed me in easily.

As the rest of the movie continued, Pixar led us on a classic Toy Story adventure, much like the opening scene in Toy Story where the Army men move downstairs to find what Andy receives in his birthday presents, or the scene in Toy Story 2 where the gang try to manage their way to the toy store across the highway. These very simple and drawn out scenes are what grab our attention because of the detail with every move, every instant that our friends are in peril. They also help a child who is watching to use their mind to follow along, from one frame to another, as Woody jumps from floor to toilet seat to toilet paper roll and nearly falls creating applause, up to the stall to the ledge and out the window for freedom. These actions take a lot from a child to stay along, which helps develop brain activity in problem solving. Step 1 to Step 6 leads to success, and this is a positive attribute to teach to our children.

This movie is a little longer than most child films, close to 2 hours, which is a perfectly acceptable time frame for a movie so anticipated. Having it be under 90 minutes would have been a little selfish for the animators seeing as they knew how long we waited for this. If you are seeing this in 3D (which I believe is a must) you will be drawn in very easily and your attention will be kept throughout. With introductions of new characters and vigorous imagery, it is hard to lose track of what's going on. The animation was flawless as usual, storyline close to perfection, characters are lovable... I truly see no reason to dislike this film.

Overall I gave it an 8 out of 10. This movie lives up to the first 2 in the series, not so sure about being better than the original. Close but undecided. You can make your own judgment call. If you are between the ages of 18-30 or you have children of your own, this film is one of the better ones you will see all year. Be a kid again, it won't hurt for 2 hours.
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Counting down the days until I can add this to my DVD collection...
19 February 2010
Similar to my rating for this film, you can argue that 9 out of 10 people who watch this movie, it will not be their first Scorsese film. Most of us know the genius that he is and coming into this showing we should expect brilliance, and gladly he delivers a captivating storyline driven by great acting. Unfortunately with the release of Shutter Island was also a press release that Taxi Driver may be remade, so that news made me hesitant to care, but I'm glad I was wrong.

Shutter Island is the story of Teddy Daniels, A U.S. federal marshall sent to the island with his partner Chuck Aule to search for the disappearance of a patient. Each scene provides a turn against their leads and compels them to look for more whilst searching in places we couldn't comprehend, including their minds. Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo feed off each other and supply great performances for their characters as expected, but some of the other characters whose names are riveted on the posters or marquees are sensational as well. The two that stuck out to me most were Ben Kingsley (Dr. Cawley) and Michelle Williams (Dolores, Teddy's wife), each of whom brought so much dramatics and new questions to the movie, developing plot twists and controversy. I don't think this film would be the same without them.

Even to begin explaining details of the plot and how everything comes to fruition causes me to feel migraines alike the ones Teddy gets in the movie, therefore I won't ruin anything for you now. Take my honest word that if you enjoyed any Scorsese movie in the past or have enjoyed movies that include surrealism, Shutter Island combines the two into an intense thriller that boggles the mind and possibly even "corrode it, rusts it". Also, if you are hesitant to watch this film because the trailer perceives it as a horror film with a lot of "jumpy" scenes, ignore that. I had the same feeling entering it, and there was only one towards the very end, but it was worth the shock. You will miss so much detail trying to cover your eyes for a few minutes sporadically throughout that it's not worth it. Take the risk of jumping out of your seat for once, because it was the best scare I could ask for.

9/10. Not Martin's best work, but come on, could you make a better movie than him?
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If you only see one movie this summer yada yada yada...
15 July 2008
Remember those sayings that magazines or critics would say? One of the more popular ones was: "If you only see one movie this summer, this is it". Well, until now I never understood that too well, but now I really... really do. The Dark Knight is THAT movie. As plain as I can say it, The Dark Knight is by far the greatest, most entertaining movie released all year. Period.

I had the privilege of seeing an advanced showing for management only in IMAX about a week before this movie released. I was ecstatic that not only was I seeing this much anticipated movie a week early, but it was my first IMAX experience. If you have the option, definitely go with IMAX, it was unbelievable really. It felt like you were flying thru Gotham City about to fall into another scheme by the Joker. But enough about IMAX, how about the movie? Well, Batman Begins received exemplary ratings from critics, about an 8 out of 10 on IMDb if I recall correctly as well. Since Batman Begins turned out so well and ended with Batman receiving word of the Joker, every fan was ready for this movie ASAP. Just a short, quick, 3 years later... we finally got The Dark Knight. The main attraction for this show was Heath Ledger's part after his sudden death. Some will be saying that this was one of his best performances, and I can agree strongly. The Joker was thrilling, yet comical. Heath brought out the dark villain even though he is, well, a joker. All his phrases and sayings made the movie what it was, but it still kept your mindset in fright mode; very hard to tackle.

Looking back on every scene, noticing it was 2 hours and 30 some odd minutes, I can not find a scene unnecessary. Few movies bare the exception of being insanely long but not at all boring, and this one fit that perfectly. Very long, very detailed, but with patrons paying that IMAX ticket price, you want every minute you can get. I also could not find any flaws really with the movie, except for the casting of Maggie Gyllenhaal. Anyone but Katie Holmes wouldn't be good enough. I mean, Maggie is pretty, but not nearly as good looking as Katie Holmes; sort of ruined her character for me. She is very talented though, absolutely.

So after all was said and done, this movie to me was just about perfect. 10 out of 10. Christopher Nolan absolutely took Batman to a new level and said 'forget the rest'. This is top notch... I want to watch it again.
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The Strangers (2008)
Are you also still looking over your shoulder?
29 May 2008
It's tough for me to put a true say on this movie compared to the average movie-goer. I saw a private show with my co-workers just a couple hours ago, just the six of us. Throughout the entire feature, we kept joking around, laughing at each other and made fun of each scene as best we could. But with all of that said, we still watched and enjoyed The Strangers.

You may want a basic view on my thoughts of this thriller. Well, as I am writing this review, I am still looking over my shoulder. I can't help myself. I know nothing is there, but I get a small chill down my spine if I don't take 2 seconds to doublecheck the what ifs. That's what this movie did to me, and I'm glad. I haven't seen a movie like this in awhile that made you feel like it could happen to you. Sure, several movies in the past give us this feeling; but there is just something about the way the trailer makes you feel. There is just something about the situation. There is just something about the vibe. There is just something about The Strangers.

The plot is very basic: a couple after a romantic date go off to one of their uncle's cabins in the woods for a romantic evening. Little do they know that a deserted house in the woods is the perfect place for a horror movie... duh? So, as the night goes on, several small occurrences come about from knocks on doors to russels in the woods. I will not give anything away, but it evolves from minor spine-chills, to brutal shocks.

Overall the plot was decent, too predictable. The cast was good (my friend's kept yelling out Speedman during his scenes). Liv Tyler was average in the film; some points very good, others almost like she wasn't trying. I know if I was her, I'd be terrified in every scene and not turning my back on open areas like a stupid person would. Then again, I've never been in this situation (Thank God), so I'm not sure how I'd react exactly. The rest of the movie was very entertaining, including the ending. I would have tweaked some things, but it is based on true events for a reason. Like my friend's said, "Based on true events, yeah this is what would have happened if the couple lived in Hollywood". That should be enough for you.

7 out of 10 for me. Worth your money I would say. This is the scary thriller movie we've been dying to see, do not pass it up.
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Cloverfield (2008)
I liked it... believe it or not, I did.
17 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There was so much hype for this movie that you didn't need to know what it was about to see it. I'm sure many viewers this weekend are going to not know anything about the movie, just know that it's called Cloverfield and it was produced by JJ Abrams. I would think the movie wouldn't be as enthralling for someone who doesn't know much about it compared to someone who has been following message board posts for months, but I don't think it should matter.

So, let's begin. Cloverfield. The general plot of the movie is a home-made movie about a mans going away party that turns into a first person action thriller about a "monster" terrorizing the city. Well, I'm intrigued. I have been waiting for this movie for awhile since nothing exciting has come out recently. Everyone talking about the movie only made it more anticipated, so going into it I had high expectations. To be completely honest, I am satisfied. Shocked? Cloverfield is a movie like nothing I've seen before. I am sure this movie is based upon a few other films, but I haven't seen them. First of all, no it is not Godzilla. Second, I didn't get a chance to see Blair Witch Project so the first person thing was new to me. I know, I know. This however is what Made this movie what it is. It made you feel like you were in the action, on the streets running in fear alongside the citizens. It was freakin' sweet.

The action was intense, I expected nothing less from JJ. Once the movie got into motion with the city "earthquake" everything from then on was thrilling. I sat in the seat shaking in anticipation like I was sitting outside in the 20 degree weather; butterflies in my stomach for more than half the film. Awesome. The other part that was great was the sound and sights. It really felt like you were standing next to the soldiers shooting at the monster. And last but not least, the comedy... no seriously. There were many funny parts thanks to the cameraman. "Oh My God, you know Superman too? Geez I'm feeling a connection... have you heard of Garfield?". Classic.

Overall a solid, solid 9. Maybe a little high, but I thought the movie was amazing whether or not the ending was satisfying. No, I'm not telling you how it ends! To me, it was good though because it ended the film on a good note... yet kept the suspense and questions flowing. Also, no monster tips from me... I want you to be awaiting "its" face. Very good work, except on the title... what does Cloverfield have to do with it?

90 minute flick, so why not. Action/Thriller fans will love it; so go see it!
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The Mist (2007)
Kind of like Tremors meets War of the Worlds.
21 November 2007
The Mist is a thrilling film about a town swept over by, well, mist... and the movie focuses on a supermarket that has roughly a hundred trapped local citizens, along with a few out-of-towners. Everyone is confused about what is going on, but a few people stick out as they try to pressure their ideas onto others. Some are petrified of the mist while others believe it's the work of God trying to warn them.

This movie was extremely entertaining. It kept my attention thru the entire 2 hours. First, there's no "dilly-dallying"; the movie starts off right with a storm. The mist slowly forms over the lake by the horizon once the storm settles. The local run to the supermarket for supplies, but soon upon arrival, the mist swarms to the store and traps them inside. Some try to escape early but are torn away like mice to mice traps. The mist evolves as the movie goes on to these vial creatures that take over everything outside. As days pass, the people become desperate and that's when they try new plans, only leading to more danger.

Here are the strong points of this movie. You don't know what is in the mist for a good part of the movie, which lets your imagination take over. In my opinion, that is much scarier. Another thing is that the mood is set very well: police cars speeding across the supermarket, the bull horn, the rolling of the mist towards the supermarket; the director did a remarkable job. The last thing was the psychological warfare amongst the people at the market. A quote from the movie was a reply to someone who asked why drastic measures needed to be taken, and he said "People are civilized, but when you take their possessions and put them into the dark, they will listen to anyone who says they have an answer". This movie isn't just about the mist, it is a metaphor for how trouble or error will only be acknowledged when it occurs. We can be civilized today when everything is normal, but once something happens we are lost. We turn to whomever gives advice or a solution because we are so wrapped up in misery that we will try almost anything to get it back. The Mist is a perfect scenario for this occurrence.

7 out of 10 from me, you don't want to miss this if you have the opportunity. Even reading the book if you could would be great.
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Bee Movie (2007)
You know it's not going to be bad...
1 November 2007
It's Jerry Seinfeld for crying out loud, he only does gold! You've seen the commercials, trailers and advertisements: "Bee Movie is a hit". Come on, what did you expect? Hopefully nothing less than, "yeah it was pretty funny". That's what all these animated movies are like. How can you judge one above the other? There have been so many to this point, it's like they're all the same.

Bee Movie is a cute little movie about the life of working bees that come across a corporation selling their honey. Jerry Seinfeld's character Barry decides to talk to the humans, and once he discovers the "stealing" of the honey, he starts a lawsuit against the humans... this can only be animated. Come on! It's cute!! Although this movie shares similar qualities with other animation films, I did notice one thing that most animated films don't have: adult humor. Yes, it's true; it's rated PG for a reason. This film is the best of both worlds because it has both the funny little immature things that kids crave, but also humorous one-liners that adults will appreciate. I loved that about this movie, it was actually very funny.

6 out of 10 for my taste. Yes, it's the same movie as every other animated movie. It's only goal is to make money, and it WILL be successful. However, the plot was satisfactory, characters were very submissive and once again, Jerry's one-liners killed. Try to take notice of the little things. For only being 90 minutes, this movie is worth your time if you want a few good laughs. I hope you all enjoy.
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Saw IV (2007)
Let's hope the games never end
25 October 2007
Will it ever end? I don't know, but after this one, I'm eager for more still! I know what you're thinking, it's been overdone. I admit that it's your opinion and you can judge the series after three movies, but you don't close the book on the 3rd movie when the story is "just beginning".

Should you bother seeing this movie if you haven't seen the other Saw movies? No. What if you like gore and suspense... sure. But this movie is strictly for the Saw fans who have seen the first three and followed every step and hint, otherwise it's a big waste of time. The only thing that helps those people is that every Saw movie shows flashbacks. Honestly though, it's not as useful as seeing them to begin with.

Now to the movie...

This was the first Saw movie that was not written by Leigh Whannel. Is this a problem? I don't really think so. Saw IV was just as riveting and plot-detailed as the first three. I watched the movie tonight with 2 friends in a closed theatre, and we were all talking during the entire movie asking each other questions and trying to figure out the plot. I feel bad for the massive amounts of people cramming the theatre on opening night; there's going to be so much talking, it will be unbearable to follow. "Who's that guy?" "Do you think he really died?" "I bet he's playing a game as well". Not so much fun.

Let me be completely honest about this movie, and that will be all for me. There were many twists and turns, all what we hoped for. The details are superb; everything clicked and was managed well. Most of all, the gore, violence and games were top notch. I was stunned at how amazing the tests were... seriously. It was a joy to watch.

Completely entertaining. If you liked the first Saws, then you will not want to miss this one. 7 out of 10. In my opinion, it was better than Saw III, but slightly below Saw II... and of course, not near the original. But still, Saw IV was brilliant.
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Superbad (2007)
Thru Hell and Back
17 August 2007
Superbad is an unbelievable comedy about the lives of three high school seniors right before graduation who are trying to get laid before they go off to college... but wait, I've heard this plot before. But this is a new century for this American Pie, and Superbad fully succeeds in its attempts to create humor and entertainment like the classic would have wanted.

The new line of comedy from which Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Steve Carell are all a part of has been killing at the box office as of late, and if you haven't hopped on this bandwagon yet, you're long behind. Even though all these movies have the same main cast of characters, each one is different and unique to a specific degree. Superbad has a special entity which derives differently from such titles like Knocked Up or The 40 Year Old Virgin. This movie was much more for teens, whereas Knocked Up was for slightly older partiers and 40 Year Old Virgin was for middle-aged men but could also include all ages due to its humor. Thankfully, these men have worked Superbad in very well to their line of titles.

Superbad has whatever the average teen would want to see: brief nudity, sexual situations, comedic punchlines to use on your friends, etc. Everything from A to Z to McLovin has been covered and Superbad leaves little left for you to need.

Overall the movie was very entertaining. The plot was constructed well and everything tied in together nicely. The ending was decent but I would have liked more significance in terms of letting us leave it to our imaginations... don't worry, no spoiler. I would give this movie a solid 7 as a comedy. It could be better in a sense that it attracts more of a diverse audience, but as a comedy it does not disappoint. Well done Seth, well done.
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1408 (2007)
23 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had such high expectations for 1408 and I really feel left down after seeing it. To compare, it was like seeing the trailer of 300, except that movie was great. The trailer made the movie seem so intense, but 1408 wasn't that good. I would have been more excited to see it if it was rated R and not PG-13. That somewhat killed it for me, because now it is classified as a teen thriller, and we all know how great those movies are.

The plot was well done, credit given to Stephen King obviously. The scenes that occurred during the film were good as well such as the water filling the room, the snow and the fire. John Cusack played a convincing role, and as much as I admire the guy, this wasn't the movie for him. The reason I didn't think the movie lived up to its hype was how it ended. It was odd that it ended halfway through but then started up again for more. Everyone in the audience thought it was ending that way and you could hear their groans from the front row.

I say 5 out of 10 stars. If you want something to watch, this is good and I do say it is worth your money. However, it's nothing special and I don't think it will change your life.
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Don't RSVP to Eli Roth's Dinner Party
8 June 2007
Eli Roth's Hostel Part II was a follow up to an already mediocre feature that churned stomaches, but didn't really deliver what the audience wanted. Hostel II made sure it followed up with that same deliverance.

This plot was similar to the first movie except that instead of three men going to Europe it was three women. This concept alone tells the audience there will be just as much sex appeal, if not more. Overall, that is what will gross sales. The three women go to Prague and stay at a local hostel that is suggested by a student who they discovered was staying in the same area. All three women are lured into this hotel and are later put up to bid on the hostel network. They stay at the hostel for a few days before being taken to the torturing cells where the women try to fend off the blood-thirsty masochists and save themselves.

Eli Roth should really understand that this movie was really unnecessary. I applaud him for his efforts but if the original was not successful, then why bother with a sequel. Maybe he just wanted to go with the times since now-a-days all movies in theatres are sequels anyway. He should move on from this scene and come up with new scripts.

As far as the movie in general went: it was sub-par. The torturings were very very gruesome and I enjoyed that part... when there were parts like that (I believe there were three or four total), but the entire movie leading up to it was a waste. Everyone knew it was coming, he should have given the audience what it came to see and not the hour and fifteen minutes of dialogue beforehand. The only scene I wanted to see that I knew I wasn't going to already see was the ending scene with the little kids... come on it was hilarious.

4 out of 10 stars. If you want to see tortures, by all means. However, its not worth your money. Save it for Captivity or 30 Days of Night.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
A lot better than what it's given credit for...
25 January 2007
I've read some of the reviews for this movie, and I can't agree with them. I completely disagree in that I thought this was a very entertaining movie. The concept was very well thought out but it wasn't perfect, obviously.

Basically, the movie was about several groups of assassins all gunning for the same man for the same price. The reason he is wanted dead is because of his snitching and deceitful ways. I'm not going to give anything away, but once you watch the movie you'll know there's a lot more behind that. Only thing you really need to do is pay as close attention as you can during the beginning, because it does get a little confusing. The story moves along pretty quickly, but you will get the gist of it.

Overall, I thought it was very well done. The plot was good, the characters were amazing (especially Ryan Reynolds), and there were some nice action parts. Even though it dragged on a little bit during the middle, it was necessary to develop plot details. 9 out of 10 stars from me; it was very entertaining and thought provoking. Last but not least, the white karate kid in the trailer was hilarious, "Why you eye-ballin' me son!?".
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The Hitcher (2007)
I thought it was a waste of time
19 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the past month I have watched nothing but meaningful movies such as American Beauty, Memento, Eyes Wide Shut, and Shawshank Redemption. Coming into this movie I had seen horror movies before, but this one just did not live up to any of them.

First off, it was very short, just under 90 minutes. Not what I'm used to. Secondly, the movie was not suspenseful as much. My friend called every scene back to back because it was so predictable. The other friend who saw the first Hitcher saw some parts coming as well. Thirdly, there were no gory scenes that made the movie stand out except for one scene, but nothing much was shown. Fourthly, there were many obvious mistakes, such as the windshield of the 442 kept going from completely broken to broken to dented to dirty in different scenes. It was very annoying, and that kept my attention more than the movie.

Overall I thought the movie was pretty bad. The plot was fine, but they never told us why he was hitching rides to kill people. There's no reasoning behind it. That really kills the movie. Like my friend said, "They could have avoided all this is he just kept his f***ing eyes on the road".
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
Almost what we expected.
19 December 2006
What did you really expect from Rocky Balboa? Hopefully not too much, just like I did. I'm not a huge Rocky fan, but if you are this movie will be fun for you. It shows many past memories of each Rocky movie throughout the story. For not being a big fan, it was still a fun movie to watch.

The story goes that Rocky loses his wife Adrian and is going through hard times. So, he finally decides that in life you always move forward, and it's hard to hold on to everything you love. He then decides to start fighting again. The current undefeated heavyweight champion, Dixon, chooses to have a final fight with Rocky for publicity means.

The movie plot is actually very good for Stallone's standards; I thought it was going to be short and stupid with a lot of fight scenes. I'm glad he used his knowledge to make a creative movie. Overall I gave the movie 5 out of 10 stars. The reason is it's like a sequel that was not needed to be done, and because Stallone did not have to do much with the movie. Since there were so many Rocky films, he used the previous stuff in the current film. Nothing is really new.

If this was not a Rocky film, and the plot was "a retired boxer wants to get back in the ring one last time to re-live the sport he once loved", then I would watch it and probably rate it a lot higher than a 5 out of 10. But be honest, this isn't considered a great movie.
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Saw III (2006)
Back to Basics: Pain
27 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting to see this movie since I left the theatre of the second Saw. We've all waited patiently for this and it's finally here. You could say I got my money's worth... but I wanted more.

Yes, it lived up to the original expectations of the first two Saws, and I'm happy with that. You will get most of what you expect or want from this movie if you compare it to the first two. After seeing it, I now wonder what they could do more if they continue production of this series. All those ideas of how to torture people must be hard to think of to make the audience cringe and creep as they watch, so it can't be that easy. What I truly wanted was a return of Dr. Gordon. That would be a good highlight, but unfortunately, they left him out and put other twists into it.

I mainly expected a twist, and yes we got it. It was a good one in fact. The characters blended to the style of writing and screenplay so that helped the movie a lot. I was also glad that there was more "games" in this movie than Saw II, where it was basically one big game. This one had a few random ones, and then one big one that set the mood for another. It went back to basics by telling unfinished business in the first two Saws, and we all needed that. A refresher can help us get into the movie better. They had a few of those, and that helped set the mood.

I was really happy to finally watch this movie, and I will buy it to complete my collection of Saws someday. No sequel of Saw will live up to it, and we shouldn't expect it to since it was new at that time. Anything from here on out will be "like the original", and that's fine. I will still watch them, but I won't love them as much as the first.
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Not as funny as I hoped, but was a good watch
23 September 2006
School for Scoundrels is a movie about a group of men who sign up for a class in order to improve their self-esteem and motivate their lives. Taking lessons from a crafted Professor, each student increases their ability to succeed in life and enjoy it. Featuring Jon Heder, we knew there were going to be many stupid funny moments. I was surprised at how professional he was in this movie.

I thought that Billy Bob Thornton was excellent. He really portrayed his role well as the professor and showed us his leadership side. All the thought processes he had to go through in the movie show intellectuality and poise as a teacher. Truly a good job I thought on his part.

Shown as a comedy, School for Scoundrels was much less what I anticipated. Not terribly funny, but mildly entertaining. The plot was well thought out and run, especially towards the end. The relationship between the three main characters made the movie. Overall, it was an okay film, but I wish there was more... don't we all?

5/10. Fun to watch, but I'd wait until it is broadcast on TV. Save your money for blockbusters.
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Jumped out of my seat Laughing
21 September 2006
Where do I begin? I sat down ready to laugh a bit and I was blown away! This movie is just perfect, it's indescribable. Jackass Number Two in all honesty was grosser, more obscene, funnier and more entertaining than the first. This was just what I needed tonight.

There are so many scenes in this movie that will make you say "Oh My! No Way!" or "Ouch!". Perfectly mastered and set up, each event and scene were coordinated way before and therefore made it even more perfect. I loved every minute of it! I'm just going to say that there was even a scene where it was necessary to censor particular footage in order to prevent an NC-17 rating! It was so hilarious that they had to put it in anyway! Amazingly good.

9/10. Incredibly funny, Do Not Miss Out!
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Beerfest (2006)
"If you attempt to drink this much... You Will Die"
25 August 2006
When the movie opened with warning labels like this, you know you're ready for a great movie. Beerfest was top notch of it's class. Drinking beer for sport is a classic money maker; I'm surprised this wasn't made sooner! We know that almost every partier will go out and spend money to see this movie, and they should. This movie is great for learning new games and getting wasted fast. This is a perfect example of a movie that is not for younger audiences.

Beerfest has all you need for a good movie: comedy, plot, creative thought process, Beer and women... lots of women. The typical frat party kind of movie where you watch it then go out with buddies and wake up the next morning forgetting that you even saw it. This show is worth watching because of it's great comedy. The creators of Super Troopers should be proud to have a good sister movie.

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If you enter with low expectations, you'll leave happy.
17 August 2006
Snakes On A Plane... possibly the most negatively anticipated movie ever. For a couple years now this movie had only bad messages, poor plot development, definitely a poor title and unsatisfactory acting (disregarding Samuel L. Jackson that is). Be honest, how well did you think this film would do after the rap sheet it received? I was one of the millions who thought Snakes On A Plane would be a huge disappointment. I hyped it up out of mockery, yet today I am glad I promoted the film and stuck with it for so long.

I came in with low expectations of how well this film could possibly be and I left satisfied. I truly enjoyed this movie... no lie. It was completely entertaining regardless of the fact that there was a crummy storyline, acting flaws and critic schemes to hate the film. Knowing of how much of a piece of garbage this movie was supposed to be like, most movie-goers won't bother to give it a chance; that disappoints me.

My suggestion is that most people should give this movie a chance. I liked enough that I might see it again before it leaves theaters. This is a good movie to go with a group of friends, even if you point and laugh at it. They always say "don't judge a book by it's cover", so don't judge these motherf#$@ing snakes on that motherf#$@ing plane until you sit down, relax, and watch it.
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Very Lacking
14 July 2006
I expected You Me and Dupree to be one of those films where all the funny scenes were spoiled in the previews, but surprisingly there were a few more left for the movie... not many though. I didn't have any upheaving laughs, no, not that kind of movie. To judge this movie after I had already planned for it to be a huge failure of a production means that I can not criticize it too much. Exceeding expectations is part of the film making world too.

A problem I noticed was how there were lacking actors. Matt Dillon, Kate Hudson, and Owen Wilson were in the film entirely, and only about two more were in it for over 5 scenes. Amanda Detmer's name appeared in the opening and ending credits and I didn't even see her! I'm not sure if it's all about deleted scenes, but she is a good actress and I was disappointed to not see her in this movie. On the bright side, Kate Hudson filled in the hotness that Amanda would have brought.

The plot wasn't too good. I didn't like the flow of the movie or the situations that occurred. It seemed somewhat entertaining, yet was made wrongly. I didn't expect much though.

Overall, it was average. You will see this on TV and watch it in a few years. 5 out of 10. Save your money. I did, free passes for employees!!
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Click (2006)
Entertaining... wish it was better though
23 June 2006
I tried not to expect too much out of this movie. The plot was very simple, a man uses a remote control to control his universe, but his life starts to change once the remote control uses its memory to program itself to what it thinks are Michael's (Adam Sandler's) preferences. We knew that this was going to be interesting, but newest Adam Sandler movies are not as glorious as everyone provoked them to be.

I was pretty surprised by this movie however. As decently funny as it was, there was a lot of drama thrown in there also (especially towards the end). The dramatic scenes really showed how this movie was unlike the previous line of Happy Madison movies, so it will tend to stick out. The comedy was good but not as much as I would have liked; a few key lines stick out. I thought overall it was enjoyable and entertaining, a good time waster if you will.

Probably the best it could have been, so I can't ask for much more. 6 out of 10 stars.
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Truly a Winner
20 June 2006
The Lake House might just be the best movie I have seen all year. I was actually surprised that this movie did so well and that it received such high ratings. I, for one, completely agree with the interpretation that reviewers give to this movie.

I need to start off by saying the plot was phenomenal. This movie was almost perfect for the development of the plot, every piece of the puzzle fit. Other than that, the story flowed well, the acting was good, and the ending was adequate. I felt the ending should have just ended, instead of seeing them walking, leave it at the high point...

Everything else was great. I loved this movie. 9 out of 10.
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Nacho Libre (2006)
Not Good at All
16 June 2006
I came to this movie with high expectations, and I left unsatisfied. I also left before the movie ended. I wanted for it to be a great new funny comedy for the summer and for me to kick it off by getting a premiere showing; however, it was not funny and was not interesting. Granted, I was tired at the point, but it does not help when the movie almost puts you to sleep.

Honestly though, I know that this movie will make a good amount of money just because of what is said about it. The previews were funnier than the movie, that gets people to come. Besides, if you stick Jack Black's name to a movie it's guaranteed to make some cash, and I expected that. But overall, this movie was very poor, bad plot, no comedy, yet funny music.

1 out of 10 stars. This is only the second movie I've walked out on.
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Not Bad for someone who didn't see the first two.
26 May 2006
I didn't have much of an interest in X-Men to begin with, but I work at a theater and this was a big movie, so I got to see a premiere with some coworkers for free the night before. After it was over, I was pretty happy I had gone.

X3 was a really intriguing film, even as a second sequel. I'm sure the first two were good as well; although I won't plan on seeing them. This movie had a good plot development, so without seeing the first two I pretty much understood most of it. The graphics were amazing, the fight scenes were terrific; I just thought all around it was a damn good movie.

7 out of 10.
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Date Movie (2006)
Lacking, but funny
17 February 2006
Date Movie was funny at times, but too redundant. I don't think this will be a big success, however once Scary Movie came out (with it's 17 sequels), there's been chances to succeed it, and many failures. Date Movie is a perfect example.

The plot was a woman is transformed into a young attractive female who is trying to find true love, but there are many plunders along the way... many many plunders. An ex fiancé tries to win back the man that she gave up, and wears next to nothing while doing so (many teens will see it for this reason).

I thought that this movie was pretty stupid, but that was the point. The producers did not try to make a sensible movie, and they did well not to. They tried to make a funny satire, and they didn't surpass adequate. Very lacking, but somewhat funny. It's something to watch on a boring day. 4 out of 10.
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