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25 August 2010
After several referrals from friends and hearing their incessant quoting, I decided to see this film. I grew up with the Macchio movies, but never had the pleasure of watching this train wreck of a movie.

We meet Swank's character, and with no regard for subtlety, we learn her story: teenage girl, parents died, mad at life, no respect, looks like a dude. To show her defiance, she sneaks out a lot. Where does she go? That's right. Swank visits an injured hawk on the top of her school building that she feeds raw meat to every other day. Genius.

Jester from Top Gun is the Faux Cobra Kai's sensai. It's depressing to watch Michael Ironside's career take a nose dive (get it) with each of his scenes. "Absolutely." The FBK is pretty ridiculous. Somehow they get away with trespassing, vandalism, arson, property damage and assault because they are some sort of pseudo-ROTC. And what was with the prom-night bungee-jump scene? The love connection between the two homosexuals (Swank and Conrad) is entertaining. As is the first fight scene at the gas station. Miyagi taming a vicious Doberman, and the owner of the dog picking a fight with him because of it? . And of course, watching Swank perform Karate moves is nothing short of hysterical.

Best Line of the Movie: Miyagi explains to Swank, "Your Grandpa saved Miyagi life... a long time ago... so Miyagi tried to say thank you... teach him karate. He love Karate. He teach your father. Your father teach you." To which Swank replies, "And then they died. Everybody died." Awesome. It was this scene and the delivery of that line that I learned the real range of Swank's talents. I also projected what I was drinking out of my mouth across the room. How this was the jump-off to Swank's career, I have no idea.

It's just sad this movie was the last thing we will remember from Pat Morita's acting career. I understand he needed the money, but this is a travesty towards his memory. RIP, Morita. We forgive you.
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