
18 Reviews
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It doesn't work it just doesn't
13 March 2024
I like the MCU movies and there have been some great characters both male and female. What doesn't work is when you try to tell fans the "the king has new clothes when the king is naked!" We want what we want and you can't force us to kneel down to you because you want it. Stop pushing your BS agenda and just entertain us. I have enjoyed all of the female characters as long as my eyes and brain don't tell me that it's sunny outside when it's storming. How any can have the arrogance to take someone else's money and then abuse it to the point that it's getting flushed down the toilet is just beyond any logic!
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Green Acres meets Hipee fantasy land!
19 June 2023
Ok I saw this advertised on Hulu and thought oh wow this might be a good program about rich banker becoming a farmer (loved "Green Acres" when I was a kid Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor). First thing you have an ultra rich guy who apparently had wealthy parents and family who in turn owned a great deal of land (that's what's suggested in the beginning) then you throw in a bunch of free help to farm this rich guys land. Of particular interest should be the couple who traveled all the way to Germany to learn farming from a guy who is familiar with the "theory" of farming. Let's not even discuss the fact that he is coming from a part of the world where you can literally plant rocks and they will grow. The Incas invented complex agriculture more than 600 years ago (my father is from Peru) of course you could just fly from the United States and learn farming from people who have been farming for generations. This is just complete garbage! Glad I only watched the one episode. Oh, please understand I am sure there are some nice people in this program. And I'm sure they are all LGBTQ...etc friendly (which is not sustainable in itself...two bulls trying join) I noticed that there was a lot of "partners" which only tells me the level of commitment these people have to life.
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The Butler (I) (2013)
The Flat Butler
2 January 2023
I had very high expectations going into this movie forest Whitaker is one of my favorite actors. The subject matter should have been very interesting. I enjoy history, and I enjoy a good story. This movie provided very little entertainment and added nothing to what should've been a very interesting story, the main character in this movie did absolutely nothing during his lifetime taking no risks no chances, he simply stood on the sidelines and watched. This is not worthy of a movie, regardless of how good the acting is or the actor or the story or the writing or the other characters something should've made this movie exciting entertaining. I would not waste your time watching this movie.
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20 November 2022
This movie is so bad it's hard to focus my editorial! The first Black Panther movie had many problems and some very horrible scripting but this next movie is so bad that I don't know where to begin. I hope that this movie quietly sails off into the horizon and then falls off the edge of the earth. Don't waste precious time on this tripe! It's a shame Chad Bozeman passed away so young he was perhaps the only socially redeeming quality of the first movie. The clearly racist anti male anti family over tones are just disgusting. Is this the best we can hope for now from the Marvel universe, really? Run away from this one you will regret the lost time.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Excellent look at aging in American culture
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning the writers and director lay out what this is about, an old man who was once a very dangerous operative. When the man character gets up twice in the night to go pee you know this is realistic. There are some very subtle things "mistakes" that he makes but you can see it in his face later. He put something in the microwave that he shouldn't have and then he forgets it as he goes out. The silencer on the gun the angle of the shots. These are things that he would have done when he was on top of his game. That he was old, rusty losing his edge. Wow this is great so far! I can't wait for the next episode.
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Father Stu (2022)
Great story poor execution
29 April 2022
Mark wahlberg is a good actor fun to watch. I have always enjoyed his movies however this one was flat. The dialogue just seemed a little off as well as the pacing. I wanted this movie to be better because I am catholic and wanted something positive for the church. I gave it a "6" because I like the actors and the subject.
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Sarah, Plain and Tall (1991 TV Movie)
Great story ok movie with problems
1 April 2022
The book "Sarah, Plain and Tall" is a great book for children 8-11 YOA. My granddaughter really enjoyed reading the book. The problem (s) with the movie we're somewhat typical for a made for television movie. Christopher Walken and Glen Close are great actors and their performances were what you would expect from two professional artists. The faults were very poor casting. Walken is about 48 years old and Close is about 43 years old when this movie was made. Way to old for the characters they portrayed. In 1910 old parents would have been in their 30's and the characters in the book were younger (Walken & Close). The screenplay was poorly written and the timing was off throughout the movie. I would love to see this movie done with a good budget and great screenplay but it may not have the "woke" appeal for today's Hollywood. This movie could be much better!
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Complete trash!
5 December 2021
Wow I used to look forward to watching Seth Rogen's movies. I could barely sit through the first 1 minutes of the first episode it was so bad I just don't know how to say in words how utterly hopeless this show is. 1 is to high of a score!
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Wow! Unbelievable
2 July 2021
No really completely unbelievable. Great action film don't look for anything that might be remotely believed. Just enjoy the fantastic action!
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The Mosquito Coast: Foxes and Coyotes (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
To much smoke not enough fire
7 May 2021
This is my second episode. I'm trying to get into the story but it just seems to wander aimlessly. The main character alley has some secret that he can't explain to anyone even to his family. He's a genius of some sort but after the second episode I still don't know what? Clearly the show was written by somebody who has absolutely no idea of jurisdictions and law-enforcement and how all of the rules of engagement work. These two government agents who go around muscling their way in to peoples homes and businesses wouldn't get very far certainly in today's society. People will literally tell you to do physically impossible things with your head and your posterior. This story is not moving fast enough and then all of the references to left-wing anti-government anti-religion anti-establishment are a little bit trite. I think this one is going to definitely get a pass from me waste of time. Do you think that the riders could come up with something better than this.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Without Remorse?
30 April 2021
Wow! What an incredibly bad movie adaptation of a great book! I'm glad Tom Clancy is no longer alive to see what they did to one of his great stories. The young man who plays "John Kelly/Clark" is a good actor who I have seen in several roles. I like his talent. There were some other good actors in the movie not including Guy Pearce. First problem the story does not resemble the book which was an outstanding idea. Second John Clark has been in so many of the film adaptations and in the Clancy novels as a white male that I found it a little distracting to now have a younger black man in the role. I think he would have been outstanding in the role of Greer. Greer was horribly cast in this movie and I won't go into the whole a woman as a navy seal and team commander. Hollywood attempting to tell everyone that a woman can do everything a man can do, but hey men can't do everything that women do. I know Hollywood won't be happy until men are playing the role of expectant mothers. I don't even want to think about that! I was so disappointed by this movie but it won't surprise me when everyone gets an academy award for this movie. Why couldn't the producer just make a great movie from a great novel by a great writer. Don't waste time watching this movie unless you just want to be disappointed.
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Worse than a B movie
3 January 2021
I watched this movie with my granddaughter hoping for an action filled movie with great scenes and character building. What I got from this movie was a very cheap poorly written, directed and executed film that went from bad to worse. Gal Gadot showed great promise in her first appearance as WW and is perhaps a good actress but not even she could save this movie from the hands of the studio executives who clearly thought they could pass this movie off as something along the lines that we have come to expect from action hero movies today. I can't adequately express my disappointment here in words.
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Purely Propaganda
5 September 2020
This movie is badly written and badly acted. How this movie ever got rated a seven is a mystery to me. I love old war movies I enjoy the history aspect of the movie but this one is just terrible. The acting is dry and uninspiring. The costumes are terrible all of their uniforms are queen and they wear them buttoned all the way to the neck. I'm sure this movie was intended to sell war bonds. Horrible movie.
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Not a great movie
6 May 2020
This movie had the potential to be a very good movie. Shortly after it begin and start to go downhill. I find it very distracting that Thomas Jane's characters name is Moore according to his uniform shirt but everyone in the movie calls him Beckett? I'm still wondering what his actual name was. A lot of good actors who had apparently very little to work with.
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The Outsider: Fish in a Barrel (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Edge of your seat excitement!
19 January 2020
This show has the page turning suspense of one Stephen Kings books! The episode grabs you at the beginning and drags you in physically. The cast is perfect.
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Messiah (2020)
Page turner!
4 January 2020
This is like a great thriller in the same the fashion of John Lecarre or Tom Clancy! The acting has been great the plot has twists and turns that just keep spiraling into the rabbit hole. I can't wait for the next episode.
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6 Underground (2019)
Just a lot of fun!
15 December 2019
This movie is not going to win an academy for best movie but it was completely a fun movie from to finish. Ryan Reynolds has become a great movie icon in the fashion of Connery, Ford, Cruise and all of the many great action guys. Just enough tongue and cheek.
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A Breath Away (2018)
Great possibilities...wasted!
19 May 2019
This movie started out as a great idea good actors could've been an outstanding movie the story is a great premise but the movie simply had no organization nothing is explained and it doesn't even lead one to make any conclusions at all. Running around with two oxygen tanks that seem to last way longer than realistic.
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