
10 Reviews
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The Favourite (2018)
lower your expectations and you can get through this!
18 February 2019
The problem with this film and to me the reason it has so many negative / low votes is because i get the impression people go into it expecting it to be like a merchant ivory 'remains of the day' or a classic 'pride and prejudice type film when its actually more a self indulgent playful art house film that clearly has a good cast and healthy budget...

i do agree that a couple of times the same repeated piece of music had me almost reaching for the mute button and some of the ballroom scenes were like they were taken from Adam Ants prince charming video but over all it wasn't terrible mainly due to the strong 3 lead females...

it's worth a watch if only to make up your own mind after reading the reviews that are poles apart

i'm stuck on the fence

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Spread (2009)
7 September 2015
oh my... what can i say... i really did try with this one, i like some of the directors other films so i thought i would stick with it... the story begins with a ludicrous scenario where gigolo/hustler/party animal Nikki meets the Anne Heche character at a party... she of course just happens to be a highly successful lawyer with a dream apartment... oh and no partner or children of course... or even friends or so it seems! within a few minutes he's charmed her and is driving her and her car back to the luxury apartment for a night of hot sex etc... and so begins a relationship based on need/lust/desire between two empty vapid people... the story continues with lots of flashy snippets of the couple having sex and as usual for films of people who live in these dream show apartments, everything is always clean and immaculate, the fridge is always full, the bathroom always has fresh towels, the pool is always clean and not full of leaves... i could go on but lets just say watch it yourself and find out does the player get played or does he have a heart after all? and much more importantly will you even care!
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hard work as well as hard core!
27 April 2015
yawn, my goodness this film and the second part are both so dull and boring .... the only one good thing about this film is Charlotte Gainsbourgs voice, i could listen to her all day however boring her dialogue is, the rest sadly is just pretentious art house dragged out tedium with some hardcore smut thrown in... if you want porn just go find it online, if you want dreamy surreal art house go watch Krzysztof Kieslowski... this mishmash fails to be either and i'm sure if it had not been made by one of the media worshipped art house crowd 'luvvies' like Lars von Trier it would be panned even more... Nymphomaniac neither shocks nor arouses, it just bores... but then maybe Lars Von Trier was being all deep and meaningful and sardonic and playful all at the same time seeing as how he is such an incredibly talented 'genius' and all that by having the actors literally bore the pants off the audience... and boy did he succeed!

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11 April 2015
so here you are sat at home with a nice new blu ray of American Hustle that you've just purchased because you've seen the glowing reviews and wrongly assumed that this must be some sort of modern masterpiece on a par with casino or good-fellas not to mention it has Christian Bale in it and he's always good right?

erm wrong... i'm not going to write any major spoilers but lets say whilst the budget and costumes are clearly top drawer the plot, writing & film length isn't... not to mention that Christian Bales mumbling tends to have you reaching for the remote to turn up the volume so you can hear what he's saying only for you to quickly have to turn it right down again when the overbearing way too loud as well as long drawn out music comes in...

American Hustle is not a dire film by any stretch of the imagination, it's just nowhere near as good as i was expecting and is pretty much your standard confidence trickster, scammer, cops & the mob seen it all before a hundred times type movie...

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Julia (I) (2014)
seen it all before...
13 February 2015
i sometimes wonder just what exactly has gone wrong with both human and cinema evolution that tired old movies about criminal acts and revenge are still being made all be it a female revenge this time but that's hardly anything new what with i spit on your grave, ms45 and various others over the years... Julia is your standard seen it all before nasty rape, left for dead, seeks out and takes revenge on the men who assaulted her type movie, it doesn't leave you feeling thrilled or excited or good or empowered, it just leaves you questioning why you wasted time with it and how come you just never fast forwarded it to its clichéd predictable ending... i do appreciate actors, camera people sound technicians etc all need to make a living and maybe for them this was just another job and a few weeks work but i really don't see how anyone involved could seriously expect the film to be anything other then a very minor success at best... 3/10
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was this a spoof?
13 February 2015
i can't even begin to express my disappointment with this movie, it is just shameless self indulgent self promotion where the camera follows Nick about with him waffling on and hinting at how talented and what a creative genius he is when in fact it's actually all rather dull and boring and ultimately very poor indeed! i really did think he would be better then that!

i actually found that live concert scene with him on stage and all those 'Q' magazine, guardian reader types swooning to be so cringe worthy and embarrassing it was almost laughable... and as for scene with his therapist i presume that was some sort of joke but without a punch line... after watching this i am genuinely amazed at the love some people have for Nick cave...

don't get me wrong Nick cave has done some great songs in his career, some truly beautiful pieces but he has also in his time done a lot and i mean a lot of very average second rate rubbish... and this movie is second rate at best! 2/10
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'triumph of the will'... fully ignorant
5 February 2015
yet more shameless war propaganda aimed at the call of duty generation where 'Amerika' has been attacked our hero wants to go off to do his duty and kill the bad guys over there somewhere... he's clearly a disturbed cold hearted psychopath and is no better then the terrorists, in fact in many respects he is far worse but i doubt that the point good old Clint was trying to get across... that's assuming he even directed this film or maybe he is simply just a name being used to give it some sort of credibility, a ghost director!

it's a war film for Fox, CNN, BBC news watchers and people who don't even question the fact that some if not all that they see on the idiot box may not be true... not to mention that the world is really in a dark place if this is classed as mainstream entertainment
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By the Gun (2014)
a tale of the expected
30 December 2014
i watched this earlier today, its fairly well filmed, realistic locations etc but to be honest is was clear after 30 mins or so that i was really wasting my time, even so i decided to see it through to its bitter clichéd predictable end, it amazes me how actors of the calibre of both Toby Jones and Harvey Keitel ended up in this movie all be it playing bit parts... maybe they 'had to do a little favour for someone' by being in this very average clichéd seen it all before type film... a familiar tale of protection rackets, strip clubs, hits going wrong, family loyalty, revenge and of course no one gets away clean! including the audience! 4/10
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cutting through the matrix
26 December 2014
firstly i understand fully why people see this movie as an abysmal American psycho rip off as there's not really much humour and action for them, also the movie is pretty empty but then maybe that's the point, the main characters are all pretty empty as are their lives... swanky apartments, flash cars, girls etc but its all rather empty and life is not what it should be... then you have pharmaceutical drugs, paranoia and the internal struggle of serving the system that enslaves you, there are snippets of all in this movie... not to mention that maybe if more people drove around listening to Alan Watt in their cars the world may in time become a far better place.

5/10 this movie will be of limited appeal to mainstream movie goers!
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party hard
14 December 2014
reading the reviews of this move its clear to see some people think its a best thing since sliced bread type film and others think its dire... i personally think it falls somewhere in-between, i guess a lot depends on how many similar movies that you may or may not have seen over the years... the basic premise is that the end of the world is coming, the clock is ticking down into the last few hours, hence some people are partying wildly, others are running amok with machete's and others have decided to take their own lives in a variety of different ways when in reality given such a doom laden scenario they would be the extremes as most people i guess would probably want to be with their loved ones or pets or whoever and whatever was important to them in their lives... i'm not going to write any major spoilers here but you have your standard action movie muscleman tough guy fighting his inner demons but with a conscience and a heart of gold using up some of his last few hours helping a young girl to find her father before the world ends and meeting several over the top characters along the way as the clock ticks down... its an OK movie given its budget, not great, not dire reasonable! 5/10
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