
30 Reviews
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Candyman (2021)
Don't listen to the haters this movie is incredible
7 September 2021
Ah yes the review-bombing brigade is at it again. Anyway. Ignore the troll reviews. This movie is SO GOOD.

It is a true child of the original, seamlessly weaving in the 1992 film's plot and expanding on the issues it presented. Yes, the original film was about race and class too. It's almost as if these subjects are nothing new.

It's a beautiful movie, amazingly shot, and well-acted. This is not a jump scare movie, it is a slow burn that fills you with dread. Just enough body horror and gore to satisfy those of us who enjoy such things. And yes, much of the horror is based on black people's actual lived experiences. It is based in systemic injustices woven into the fabric of our culture. The monstrous results will continue to exist until we examine them and are willing to admit the roles we all play.

And apparently, a lot of folks are too scared to look in the mirror and see what's reflected in it.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
I genuinely don't understand all the hate?
16 May 2020
Maybe I have bad taste or am just the specific niche audience this movie was made for, but I really don't get all the 1-star reviews. I'm glad I chose to watch it anyway! The shortest way to explain it is a gender-swapped Funny Games. This movie takes a lot of cues from other home invasion movies but still had its own flavor.

I think this movie is exactly what it sets out to be, and nothing more: a kinda trashy thriller with attractive people doing weird things. That's it. And I thought it worked for the most part. Anyone who knows Roth's work will see it in this movie-it's just that he usually employs gore to make us uncomfortable, but this time it's...the bizarre. I enjoyed seeing him make a movie that didn't rely on gore at all.

I genuinely laughed in many parts, and I think at least some of that humor was intentional. This is a solid B movie, not too much of a downer due to the great playful acting by Izzo and De Armas. Keanu Reeves feels pretty flat at first but it gets a bit better as the movie goes on. As another reviewer mentioned, if you're familiar with Nic Cage's "not the bees" meme, there's a scene in this movie with similar energy and I laughed pretty hard.

This movie is pretty ridiculous, but that's kind of the point. I thought it was interesting and never got bored. I also liked the way it ended. It won't be for everyone but it worked for me.
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Midsommar (2019)
Absolutely horrific and incredible filmmaking
18 January 2020
This movie definitely won't be for everyone, and I probably won't ever watch it again, but damn am I glad I saw it.

I'm a huge horror fan, but I think modern horror films often depend too much on jump scares and quick movement. This movie did the exact opposite. It took its time building dread and existential terror, fully immersing you in the nightmare. The intentional juxtapositions left my skin crawling. I don't know about you, but I don't watch horror movies to feel comfortable.

This movie was incredibly effective and unlike anything else I've ever seen. Excellent filmmaking on every level. I agree with other reviewers in that it felt like a bad trip, but I disagree with the claim that that's a bad thing.
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Definitely not perfect, but a treat for film lovers
13 January 2020
Polarizing movies are some of my favorites to watch. This most recent Tarantino piece is no exception.

The flaws in this movie are the same flaws QT always has-but I'd argue the same for his strengths, which this film also has in spades. I would argue this is his best work in world building, and some of the best acting performances he's brought out on camera. For a nearly three and a half hour film, there were only a few moments where I could feel it (unlike the Hateful Eight, which had the opposite effect).

This movie's first priority is obviously to pay homage to the era it portrays, but any complaints about a lack of plot seem unfounded to me. There was plenty of plot, enough to give the movie some direction, and left plenty of room for ample character development and really fun references to both real events and fictional.

Far from a perfect film, but a fun few hours for those of us who love movies and love Tarantino's portfolio.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Grisly, compelling slow burn that's worth the wait
30 September 2019
A horror/western genre mix may sound odd at first, but Bone Tomahawk is a brilliant example of why it should be a thing that happens more often. A simple premise and plot line allows the brilliant acting, script, and atmosphere-building to really shine. This is a true slow-burn horror film that carefully builds a sense of dread, and leads to a spectacularly awful climactic ending.

This film is not for newbies, and certainly not for those with weak stomachs. I consider myself a pretty seasoned horror film watcher, and this movie will stick with me for a long time. It requires a bit of patience, but the payoff is worth it, and the journey there is beautiful.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Did the low raters even watch the same movie I did?
22 July 2017
Just got out of what I'm sure will be the first of many viewings of Dunkirk. I'm a huge fan of Nolan's work and method of storytelling, and when I heard he was taking on a historical event for the first time I was incredibly excited but also a little apprehensive. Historical films are either fantastic or terrible, depending on how you approach them. I knew Nolan would take his usual methods for this one and I hoped they would work well but came in to the film open-minded. I was not disappointed, on any level.

This film was visually stunning, viscerally suspenseful, claustrophobic and compelling. The thing about World War 2 events is that most of us know how things play out. So the point of this film was not to fill us in on something we already know, but to give us a new perspective on it. This film gives us three. I thought the perspective-switching was a brilliant way to build tension and tell the story from angles we may not have thought of before.

I do not understand the complaints about poor editing, bad music, or boredom. I especially don't understand those who claim the film had no depth or that the characters weren't compelling enough. There are many ways to show an audience who someone is without giving their entire backstory, and I thought that Dunkirk in particular did a fantastic job of showing how human beings actually act under pressure. I wonder if those who rated this movie poorly even watched the same film I did, or if they are at all familiar with Nolan's filmmaking style. Dunkirk was different, but it was phenomenal.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
Predictable story with good cinematography
3 August 2016
I was able to predict most of the plot of this film within the first ten minutes, but somehow still ended up watching it all the way through to the end. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe it was the clever way the film was shot, the camera angles that made otherwise normal situations seem otherworldly and foreboding. Maybe it was because it took far too long for the film to reach its climax. Maybe it was because I kept expecting it to be a little less bleak. Maybe it was the acting that somehow brought trope-laden and potentially flat characters to life.

I don't know.

The film's redeeming qualities were more in its design than its content. It is not a pleasant film. It is not an easy watch. It is quite thought-provoking, but only inasmuch as the subject matter already was before it was used in the film.

Watch it for the acting, the cinematography, and the one redeeming twist at the end. But do not watch it anticipating that you will be surprised by much or be particularly blown away by the story line. Watch it for the discomfort. The sour taste it leaves is probably intentional.
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Hilariously awful
15 September 2015
I personally enjoy watching bad scary movies and roasting them in real time. If you also enjoy doing this, then Rites of Spring is the movie you've been waiting for. The plot is just barely passable as an actual coherent story, with "twists" you'll see coming a mile away. I found myself completely not caring about the characters at all. In fact, this movie features quite possibly the most annoying female "protagonist" (who just barely qualifies as such purely by process of elimination) I've ever seen. The acting is bad. BAD.

But, like I said, bad horror films are kind of my bag. So I had fun watching it. The only reason it got two stars instead of one was because of this. And because the gore was actually pretty decent quality.
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Sushi Girl (2012)
A bloody gem
6 April 2013
I saw the preview for Sushi Girl a few months ago and had forgotten about its existence until it popped up on Netflix. I figured the trailer looked interesting enough, why not give it a try? I wasn't expecting much out of it, and ended up being very pleasantly surprised.

Sushi Girl is a (comparatively)low-budget B-movie that manages to not feel at all like those two descriptors. It manages to mix together elements of a crime thriller, a gripping drama, and just enough torture to keep you locked in for the whole runtime. The plot twists are unexpected, but never out of place.

By far, though, my favorite takeaway from this film was Crow, played by Mark Hamill. He portrayed the giggling sociopath in a way that I found absolutely delightful and scary all at once.

All in all, I ended up being incredibly satisfied with this movie. It's dark, tense, and very fun. I'd definitely recommend it!
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Die (II) (2010)
Dark and intriguing
29 October 2012
I'm sensing a theme among negative reviews: that this is a SAW rip-off without the gore. As much of a sweeping statement that is, and how little credit it gives to this movie, I can see where they're coming from. I was always fascinated by the small amount of psychological horror in the SAW franchise, but felt like it was too much of a gorefest to truly be able to appreciate it.

On the other hand, "Die" takes all of the elements I had wished to see in SAW and uses them full-force: there's the murky morality, the inescapable desperation, choices that don't feel like choices. "Die" is violent, but it is subtly so, and focuses a lot more on the characters and what they're going through. I found it incredibly intriguing and entertaining. The acting was good, the cinematography well-done--overall, I was impressed.
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Hunger (I) (2009)
Twisted and brutally good
22 October 2012
I'll admit, I have a thing for low budget horror films. But I don't review all of them, just the ones that impressed me. This one definitely falls in that category.

Here's a few reasons:

1) It's less about gore (although there is some) and more about human behavior. It's an incredibly psychological film that really makes you wonder "what would I do in this situation?" and, possibly, leave you surprised at your answer. Not what I was expecting, but definitely kept me watching.

2) The acting was pretty good. So many of the low-budget movies get stuck with a good story but wooden acting--not this one.

3) The story. They actually give you a solid background for what's going on and it never felt too rushed or too slow.

This isn't the goriest or grossest I've seen, but you still might want to leave your stomach at the door. If you're into dark, scary movies about human depravity, this one's for you. I found it entirely fascinating.
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The Final (I) (2010)
Flawed but interesting
9 September 2012
I will start out by telling you straight: the first act of this movie is terrible. The acting is terrible, the setup is terrible, almost all of it is terrible. But you should keep watching. Trust me, if you try to watch this you will think I'm insane for about the first 20 minutes. But you should keep watching.

Not for the acting (although it does improve, especially with the outcasts). Not for the film quality (low budget) or the gore effects (almost none, and again--low budget). Keep watching for the story, because it is this film's best asset. It is riddled with ideas: who is truly evil here? What is the meaning of consequence? How much power lies in our words and actions? At it's core, The Final is not a revenge movie. It is about consequence. It is about realizing that the way you treat other people can be monumental--in both good and bad ways. No one is right here. No one is safe. The Final is unsettling, but its message is worthy of attention.

It's a far from perfect movie--Horrorfest films are always hit or miss. The Final has a lot of potential and I really wish someone with a bigger budget could get their hands on the story, because it could be so much better. But I still found myself, at the end of the movie, feeling moved by the plight of the characters. And that, to me, made it worth it.

"What you refused to see with reason, you will understand with wrath."
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Playback (II) (2012)
Interesting idea, less-than-excellent execution.
21 August 2012
Playback could have been a lot worse, but it could also have been a lot better. The underlying story had a lot of potential, but ultimately ends up getting lost between too many other details. This is one of those movies that proves why the editing room is so important in the world of film. Playback drags on for far too long, so that by the time you actually get to the interesting part, you feel like the movie should have ended a long time ago.

I'd put the characters under the "nice try" category: they're far too flat--cliché high school students whom I had no desire to relate to, much less feel sorry for. The only interesting character was Christian Slater's, but only for negative reasons. The special effects were laughable for the most part, which should have been attended to more considering this is a horror film.

The only reason I watched Playback all the way to the end was because of the main storyline--which was actually quite good. Unfortunately, it ended up being almost completely buried under a mêlée of things I couldn't bring myself to care about.
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I have so much more respect for Paris Hilton now
13 August 2012
Your life will legitimately never be the same after you watch this movie. It is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life. The closest description I can conjure is if Sweeney Todd and The Rocky Horror Picture Show had a baby.

In all seriousness, however, this really was a great movie. It is not something everyone will enjoy. But for those who do, you will fall in love in the first ten minutes. It is a rock opera unlike any other, with fantastic goth visuals and beautiful accents like Sarah Brightman's voice. I was so overwhelmed by all of it that I didn't even notice that Paris Hilton was Amber Sweet until nearly the end of the film.

Simply put, you will know whether or not you like Repo! very quickly. I hope for the sake of your artistic life experiences that you do.
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ATM (I) (2012)
Better than expected (SPOILERS ONLY IN 2ND PARAGRAPH)
10 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILER-FREE REVIEW) To be honest, I really only picked this up because Josh Peck was in it. But, this really wasn't as bad as most of the reviews on here are saying. I really enjoyed it. It builds up a really nice tension by using an everyday location in some not-so-everyday circumstances. Three characters, whom I found quite relatable, and a villain who you continue to think should be harmless (which, I thought, was a factor that made him even more terrifying). If you're looking for a couple hours' entertainment with something suspenseful, give it a go. It's not exactly Oscar-worthy, but it was fun to watch.


Personally, I found the fact that the villain didn't have much of a reason other than that he just enjoys doing it and watching people suffer to be pretty effectively spooky. The killers with no reason, no justification, no way to let yourself explain it away--those are the ones that are truly terrifying. I didn't mind the ending at all. Once I saw the shelf of "souvenirs" from his victims, I had a very chilling moment of understanding. So at least for me, the "explanation" I was waiting for the whole movie was different than expected--in a good way.
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Brotherhood (I) (2010)
Greek done right
30 March 2012
I didn't expect much out of this movie coming into it. It popped up on Netflix one night, and grabbed my attention because it was a "frat movie." I'm not in the Greek system myself, but I have many good friends who are, so the subject is of interest to me (also because they are so often misrepresented in the media, but that's a discussion for another day). I prepared myself for another overblown party movie, and ended up being served something completely different and far more impressive.

What I ended up watching (instead of a fluff-piece on partying and sex) was a gripping, well-paced, superbly-acted and well-executed drama. Brotherhood is about more than "frat boys": it is about human motivation and decision making, it is about loyalty, and it shows how just one simple turn of events can change everything you had ever planned or expected.

I know the plot description for this sounds cliché and awful. Trust me--I almost didn't watch it myself. But don't pass this one up. It is a truly engrossing ride from start to finish. I really wish this film were more well-known!
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From Within (2008)
21 January 2012
I often come across people who prefer horror films that happen to have a good story. I, on the other hand, prefer films with a good story that just so happen to be scary. "From Within" is one of the latter. After having watched it, I'm surprised I had never heard of it before. It has a sense of overall quality unique to its class (relatively unknown, made for a Horrorfest).

The story is the movie's strongest point, with a plot that throws in appropriate twists without wavering from its core. From beginning to end, it is emotionally engaging and suspenseful. The character development exceeded my expectations as well, along with the performances from the cast. There is violence, but the film never drowns itself in gore. Most of the actual deaths happen just off-screen, giving you just enough build-up to use your imagination.

Supernatural horror/thrillers are a dime a dozen, and many of them fall short of expectations. "From Within" stands out among the crowd— proving that given a well-executed plot and the right casting, films of this genre can be as powerful as ever.
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Red State (2011)
Reality is scary
19 November 2011
I'm going to be honest with you: I've never watched a Kevin Smith film other than this one. Yes, go ahead, have problems with that. But that's not why we're here. I'm telling you this so you know that I had absolutely no expectations of this film coming in, other than that a friend of mine told me it was very thought-provoking.

And she was right.

I think "Red State" is an unappreciated gem of a film. Coming from the perspective of being fascinated with the Westboro Baptist Church, I especially got into it. If you don't know about the Westboro Baptist Church prior to watching the movie, you need to look them up. Because much of the film is based around a religious sect that is quite similar. In fact, Abin Cooper (brilliantly played by Michael Parks) gives a sermon in the film that essentially quotes the WBC's beliefs verbatim. It's hard to believe that people can actually believe this stuff--but they do. And that is what makes this story truly frightening. My favorite horrors are based enough in reality to be believable--as a matter of fact, I think something MUST be believable in order for it to be scary. "Red State" is not scary because it has monsters or buckets of gore. It is scary because it is probable: there is nothing more frightening than the terrible things human beings are capable of doing if they choose to.

In reading other reviews, I have noticed that many people criticized "Red State" for being all over the place or inconsistent. I didn't see that at all. Frankly, I appreciated the Coen-brothers-esque comedic breaks. John Goodman, especially, brought up some fond memories of "The Big Lebowski"-type humor. But I never felt that these breaks took away from the film or made it any less compelling.

Another note, and I mentioned this before with Michael Parks, is that I thought the acting in "Red State" verged on superb. Parks' performance as pastor Abin Cooper was spot-on, and the rest of the cast followed suit. The story was put together well, with a nice but brief intro and a plot that never felt too forced. I was pleasantly surprised at the way the story was wrapped up, too, even though it probably wouldn't count as a typical "happy ending." But stories like this don't typically have those anyway, do they?

To sum up: I wasn't expecting a lot from this movie. Negative reviews gave me low expectations. But, as usual, my curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't help but check it out for myself. "Red State" is a movie that I can genuinely say pleasantly surprised me. It is a little off the beaten path, slightly unorthodox, and subtly disturbing. But I loved it.
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Victim (I) (2010)
Kind of like a car crash...
16 November 2011
...the content is pretty horrific, but you can't look away. I knew very little about this film going into it, and I think that's the best way to approach it. So I won't tell you too many details. It's better if you find it all out for yourself.

I will tell you that I don't consider this to be a "good film" because I necessarily enjoyed watching it. In fact, it was almost painful. "Victim" is probably one of the most vicious films I've ever seen. But there's something about it, so much purpose in its cruelty, that I believe it was well worth watching.

I will also tell you who this movie isn't for. First off, gore-hounds might be disappointed with it unless they're armed with the right information going in: There is definite violence, but this isn't Hostel. Although, I have to say I was surprised (impressed, actually) that a movie could be this dark and sadistic without excessive gore. So people who are into dark films in general will probably get a kick out of it. On that same note, this film is not for the faint of heart. It throws some pretty hefty stuff at you.

All that being said, like I mentioned previously, this is a film that is disturbing, but effective. And I believe it is most effective if you don't know the details going in--but prepare yourself for something quite a bit out of the ordinary. My vote is: take a chance with this movie. If you don't like it, you don't have to complete it. But especially for those of us who love a good detour into the dark side of Psychology, "Victim" is a well-made (and very thought-provoking) way to spend a couple hours.
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For once, a sequel is better than the original
27 October 2011
To be honest, I wasn't impressed by the first Paranormal Activity. It moved slowly, didn't have a very strong plot, and the so-called climax barely made me jump. I genuinely didn't understand it's popularity. After expressing this concern, many friends of mine told me that the second installment was much better, I just needed to give it a chance. I happened upon the opportunity to see PA2, and it turns out, they were right.

A lot of things went into this sequel being more effectively frightening. PA2's plot line is significantly stronger and, I found, more convincing. Also, the creators were smart to put in a whole family this time, because you automatically have more empathy for a baby. The film is much darker and braver overall--from the increase in loud sound effects to the night-vision scenes--and it gave a much more fear-inducing atmosphere.

I can gripe all day about how the first film wasn't as good, but in reality, the two movies really do need to go together. I won't tell you why (don't want to spoil it for you), but trust me when I say that they definitely complement each other. That may have been another reason why I enjoyed the second one so much--because it helped me enjoy the first one more.

So whatever your thoughts are going into this, if you were even intrigued by the first one, give the second one a try. Its not the best film ever, and when it comes to horror, there are films far better, but I still found it to be quite jarring and entertaining all at once--even when I didn't expect it to be.
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Gruesome and impressive
12 August 2011
I'm a huge fan of the Final Destination series. They aren't Oscar contenders, but they are certainly quite entertaining. However, after hearing a lot of negative feedback on the 4th FD, I decided not to watch it and hung my head in disappointment. I genuinely thought my favorite deadly franchise had finally bit the dust itself, and in a bad way. But when I heard about this fifth and final Final Destination, I decided to give it one more chance. Because hey, I hadn't been to the theater in awhile and if it sucked I'd at least have a good laugh. But, I am very happy to report that I was pleasantly surprised by Final Destination 5.

The story, as other reviewers have mentioned, really sets FD5 up to good prospects. It feels a lot more like the first FD, much darker without being too complex. I honestly liked the 2nd and 3rd ones a lot, but they were missing the creepy factor that the first installment had. This fifth episode really brings it back. The characters are surprisingly believable. Granted, you have the gratuitous hot chick and ladies man, but the characters never feel contrived or forced. Kudos to the actors for keeping this from being a $5-bin campy horror film.

The effects, even in 2D, were just as I think a film's effects should be: realistic enough to avoid the fake-factor, but not so excessive that they drown out everything else in the film. Yes, one could argue that these movies are all about death, but what always made them different for me from other horrors was the focus on build-up. The FD franchise has it's fans trained to watch for every little thing in a scene that could cause someone's demise until your skin crawls--and FD5 gives the audience this "detective" feeling perfectly.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much out of this movie. However, from the very beginning, I was impressed. A few points of warning: it is very graphic, but anyone who has seen any of the other FD films should know that already. Also, you will not enjoy this film as much if you haven't watched at least the 1st FD, if not the 2nd and 3rd as well. When you factor in the story and characters, the death and mayhem we've all come to love, and one of the best plot twists I've seen this year, FD5 is very worth watching. Go on, have some fun.

But you all just be careful, now. ;)
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Stone (2010)
Great acting wasted on a murky story
11 August 2011
Make no mistake: the acting in Stone is impeccable. I am always impressed by Edward Norton; DeNiro and Jovovich were extraordinary; and I've never heard of Frances Conroy, but this movie makes me wish I had. That being said, Stone left me utterly disappointed in most other aspects.

The cinematography is hit and miss, with some beautiful close-up shots that work and some that feel entirely unnecessary. For the most part, it was visually understated to the point of banality. Although, considering the story being portrayed, I guess that's fitting.

Stone starts out great, with a chilling setup and plenty of witty banter. It holds onto being a great movie until the third act. This is when (like many almost-great films before it) Stone falls flat. I honestly forgot what the point of this movie was--or even if there was one. It started as a psychological thriller and turned out to be an existential mish-mash.

But Stone's biggest problem were all the loose ends and unanswered questions. When the movie ended I was genuinely lost as to what in the world I had just seen. The last thing you want to do with a story is leave the viewer completely in the dark about everything meaningful that happened on-screen and, even worse, replace any logic with vague, useless, mildly-spiritual blather.

I had high hopes for Stone, but ended up being highly disappointed. Just further sad proof that the cast is not all that makes a movie. I wouldn't recommend it.
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Imperfect but fun
28 June 2011
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie, to be honest. I'm not typically a fan of gore, but My Bloody Valentine just might make me willing to indulge in more slasher flicks. It was fun, entertaining, and exciting without being too dark.

The plot line was far better than expected, and at times, even delved into some appropriate complexity. My Bloody Valentine's strong suit is that it never takes itself seriously. It was a film created to entertain. This isn't The Silence of the Lambs, and it never claims to be.

That being said, there are significant problems. It was overtly predictable (maybe on purpose) and I really wanted to tear my hair out at the end. The subtle complexity became overworked near the end, and then decayed into total confusion. The so-called "intelligent twist" was one of the oldest tricks in the book, and unbelievable to the point of idiocy. As I mentioned before, My Bloody Valentine is not meant to be a serious movie. However, I was incredibly disappointed with the ending, because this movie is almost perfect.

Despite the disappointing final act, My Bloody Valentine is worth watching. Don't go into it expecting something Oscar-worthy, but let yourself have fun with it. Because despite its imperfections, My Bloody Valentine certainly succeeds in being entertaining.
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Positively incredible
3 June 2011
My Intercultural Communications professor had our class watch MNIK this week. I am so glad I was able to see it! This is one of the best and most powerful films I have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

I am not an expert in Bollywood film, but I daresay MNIK has made me a fan. For those of us who are mostly exposed to the American mainstream, the best example I can give of similarity to this film is Slumdog Millionaire, which also had very Bollywood-esque overtones.

But enough about that...onto this amazing movie. There are few films I have seen which I could call "flawless," and MNIK is one of them. The characters are portrayed with undeniable strength, and you feel a closeness and empathy for each of them. The storyline gracefully balances out a love story while also tackling issues of culture clashes, religion, disabilities, politics, natural disasters, and morality. Everything is so successfully interwoven, you don't notice until after you are done watching that you essentially just watched six or seven different movies rolled into one.

But where MNIK is most powerful is in its statements about world issues that are very recent and very relevant. Through the eyes of Rizwan Khan, all that matters is whether you are a good person who does good deeds or a bad person who does bad deeds. It is an incredible lens to look through, and it can teach you a lot about how you perceive and treat people who are different than you.

Please take the time to watch this movie. It is beautiful, honest, and powerful in every way.
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Blindness (2008)
Genuinely disturbing...not necessarily in a good way.
29 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My best friend and I were at Blockbuster, about to rent another horror film for the night, when Blindness caught my eye (ironic, yes). I convinced her that the premise was interesting and we decided that this film would be more worth watching than the other one. I still wish we had picked the other one. My friend complained about watching this at every opportunity the next day...I couldn't even bring myself to speak about it. It was that disturbing.

The only reason Blindness isn't labeled a "horror" film is because modern use of "horror" translates to excessively gory. Blindness is not gory, but it is one of the most disturbing films I've ever seen. Blindness takes an unfortunate situation and uses it to demonstrate the depths of human depravity and hopelessness. It is emotionally exhausting and depressing. Please understand, I don't automatically think depressing movies are bad. There are times when negativity, darkness, and harsh reality are warranted. But Blindness is so somber, it feels like an assault.

Especially when you got to the part when one ward gains control of the food and demands the "services" of the women in the other wards in exchange. As a woman, it's hard enough for me to stomach a rape scene. But this was a no-holds-barred, completely depraved group rape scene--I have yet to see something like it since, and I consider that a good thing.

It's unfortunate, really, because this movie had a lot of potential. The actors are talented, the cinematography is excellent, the premise is promising. But in the end, it was just too much. I guess, in a way, Blindness is successful in that it is hauntingly unforgettable. I haven't watched this movie in three years, yet I still remember exactly what it felt like to watch it. It isn't all terrible (which is why I gave it four stars). Little things (like the juxtaposition of the movie looking so light and white, when the content is so dark) saved it from being a complete failure as a film.

If you don't mind seeing something that is god-awful depressing and want a harsh reminder of the terrible possibilities of the human condition, then Blindness works exceedingly well. But don't expect it to make you feel happy or even content. I did not enjoy watching this movie. It was well-made, but is so dark and brutal that it's hard to watch. I guess, though, with a title like Blindness, I should have expected that.
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