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Der Todesking will dich!
12 October 2023
Back in the 90's I saw an add for Der Todesking in a issue of filmthreat magazine. I had to track down and was fortunate enough to check out. I think the first of Buttgereit's films I saw was the Ryko release of Schramm. Of course I had to dig for more so I ended up picking them all up.

There is truly one thing about Jörg Buttgereit that separates his films from most. It's the fact he hits the viewer with confrontationally visceral attack right from the onset and I find that truly admirable. Nekromantik starts with a gory and effective car crash the 2nd one tops it by starting with the crazy ending of the first. Der Todesking doesn't disappoint either.

I have read reviews where they slam it for trying to be too arthouse. I don't see that all. Everything the film tries to be it succeeds at in spades. It's well acted, shot and scored. Actualy the score by Hermann Kopp and friends is a tour de force for a Buttgereit film. That is not at all saying that Nekromantik's 1 and 2 and Schramm do not have excellent scores, but that this one is my favorite. It adds a lot of feeling that eventuates every frame of what Herr Direktor captured on celluloid for us lucky viewers.

I read another review where reviewing was upset there is not backstory to the suicides other than the chain letter. Well, that misses the point in my humble opinion. The chain letter is the reason and beyond that we do not need anything more. But I understand some people freak out when the narrative doesn't have more ' why's ' than 'whats'. I don't need whys, they insignificant to the story. Herr Buttgereit gives you plenty of what you need here; trust me.

Thankfully Der Todesking is available on blu ray from multiple sources. And I do sincerely hope that if you are unfamiler with his work you go back and check out the other 3 films I mentioned earlier. And for something different check out his Captain Berlin vs' Hitler videotaped stage play and Art House Monsters where his radioplays are expertly acted out. I understand why Mr. Buttgereit has been reluctant to return to cinema as radioplays are more lucrative and at the end of the day you have to do what pays the bills. But selfishly I hope he returns to cinema (other then his story in German Angst, which is the best one).

Yeah, I know this review was very general. I really don't want to spoil this for anyone. I was magnetically attracted to this film decades ago by an ad in a magazine. I had one picture and that was all I needed.

Vielen Dank, Herr Buttgereit!
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I said Captain, I said what!
27 September 2023
OK, so maybe Captain Sensible's 80s single hit song has nothing to do with the mighty Captain Berlin. I couldn't come up with any other way to start this review, so sue me.

I have been a fan of Herr Buttgereit longer than I can remember. His early projects were very hard to get a hold of legitimately over here in the states, but many people were bootleging them. I believe it was the early 90's that someone handed me a blank vhs tape, telling me 'you're gonna love this S*^t!' Well, it was Nekromantik...and was he right. Oh boy. I have been hooked ever since. Jörg Buttgereit has the ability to do what very few filmmakers can do, which is assault you from the moment you press play. Which is what most of his films are; an assault on the senses.

This one is a little bit different. Not quite a movie. It's actually a stage play that is shot through multiple camera angles. Heavy in dialogue and props. It's very clean, no gore or too much craziness, yeah, he still manages to assault you, but in a different way. In a much more subtle way. Through a quite entertaining narrative, delivered lightly but dramatically by skilled thespians, and of course with that killer technokraut theme song.

I had watched captain Berlin years ago, also on a bootleg, and now finally on my own legitimate release. I am hoping that, like the comic book series, we see more of these. I may even write my own screenplay for it to present, humbly, to Herr Buttgereit. Very few cooler characters exist out there.

To those of you into Buttgereit's main body of work, do not expect that here, this is completely different. But it retains his originality. And if you do end up, loving Captain Berlin, there is a whole slew of comics out there although they have not been translated into English they are cool to look at.

If you can find this one, I highly recommend it. I think I picked mine up on Amazon so it's not too difficult to find. And the version I got does have English subs.

Long live the Captain...Captain Berlin.
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Tread lightly when on previously charted waters
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever a new story is extracted from or inspired by existing material one must be careful what liberties to take with the narrative and what to add. What to recreate and what to fabricate.

I will give Last Voyage credit for staying truer to Bram Stoker's 1890's novel with the Demeter being found shipwrecked on the rocks of Whitby versus other adaptations that had it dock safely and crates unloaded and moved to Carfax Abbey.

I was enjoying myself with the film up until the stowaway, Anna, was revealed. This, to me, was a cheap way to pad the running time and in the end I feel it largely effects the pacing of the movie. Her presence opens up some plot holes and inconsistencies. Like, how the hell is the Count feeding on her and yet she hadn't turned? In the end there is an attempt to explain due to the blood transfusions but that clearly didn't work for the kid. Also she is not the best actress and really hurts the cast I feel because Liam Cunningham is spot on, as is Corey Hawkins and David Dastmalchian. When Demeter comes out I'm going to recut it myself. It's quite bloated pushing two hours. I can probably trim it to 90 minutes comfortably.

Also the Demeter had no survivors.. That means NO survivors. The Captain was the last one left alive, not Clemens. By the time the captain completes the last log entry everyone has been eaten. And where is talk of the 'large dog' seen leaping from the schooner? Or the crates being acquired by Billington? Clemens should not have survived for now you run a parallel timeline narrative to existing lore and that I have an issue with.

Visually it seemed like an overload of CGI although there were some really nice practical sets. Maybe perhaps it's a digitally shot movie and not shot on film but it looks really plastic at times. It seems that no one is using real film these days and that is tragic.

Bear McCreary sometimes really impresses me with his killer scores. This is not one of those times. There are some decent musical cues here but not anything I will walk away with humming to nor run to get the score to.

I did enjoy the direction by Andre Ovredal, who has impressed me ever since I caught Trollhunter 13 years ago. Shots are very well framed and cameras where they should be. Angles and POV shots are spot on, as his his coverage. From a technical standpoint he knows exactly what he wants and how to get it. My gripe is with editing and pacing.

Awe...the best for last: The Count himself looks killer. They got him down. Nosferatu reborn! I would've made his nails longer more like Murnau's but not going to get hung up or petty on it.

Final verdict: Writers took too many liberties with Stoker's creation. Editing and pacing are bad. Anna scenes should've been left on the cutting room floor and a few other scenes trimmed a bit. Without her scenes and a tighter edit I would've given it a 9

90% of acting is brilliant as is direction.

Dracula himself looks awesome!
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A masterfully crafted tale
8 June 2023
I have been watching Richard Stanley's the Secret Glory ever since it was included with the release of Dust Devil on DVD. Many years before I had picked up the Starlog issue, talking about the real "Indiana Jones". Of course I was younger and didn't really pay that close attention to it. When I saw this documentary, I connected the dots a much more clear and succinct way. Stanley's doc provided the missing pieces I needed to really drive my curiosity in the subject matter. Full disclosure, I already was a history buff; in particular WW2 and the Occult. Otto Rahn's story checks both those buckets. But a lesser filmmaker would've not pulled this off. A project like this takes passion and tenacity to pull off.

Otto Rahn is a fascinating historical figure. He became obsessed with finding the Holy Grail as he felt, from his research, that he more or less knew it's final resting place. Simultaneously he attracted the attention of Heinrich Himmler who of course would go on to pursue him, at first aiding in his quest, although for completely different reasons.

I could go on but then I'd spoil the documentary for you, dear reader. And I wouldn't want to do that.

Now there are a few things one can critique about the Secret Glory. The picture is a funky frame rate which wastes a lot of screen and the sound mix is sometimes distracting as you cannot quite here the subjects speaking due to the sound design being mixed too high. There are subtitles though that work well and it isn't a constant issue.

Technical issues can be very easily overlooked as the content is worth its weight in gold. And it's all about content. I have watched Secret Glory at least 7 to 10 times. Probably more. I seem to pick up on something new or something different than I previously recalled with every viewing and to me that speaks volumes to how well put together this documentary is.

Fingers crossed that someday we see a feature length film about the life of Herr Rahn.
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Ultramarines is ultra cool!
4 January 2023
I have always admired how Games Workshop was able to take early 80's role playing to a new level with Warhammer and others. Always wanted to more info terms of live action or animated adaptations.

Having said that I cannot believe I didn't know about this feature length animation until a few months ago when it had been released over a decade ago.

Warhammer 40k is an amazingly huge world where Space Hulks battle it out for control of other planets and civilizations. You have politics, corruption, betrayals and plenty of cool guns and action. For its part, Ultramarines does a fabulous job of capturing this world, albeit with less than impressive visuals most of the time.

I say most of the time because there are times where the animators do get things right. But I wished they would've either went live action or fully hand animated. Even Final Fantasy animated movie had better CGI and that was nearly a decade older.

But that is honestly my only gripe and why I rated it a 9. The voice acting is superb, not just by Terence Stamp and John Hurt but by everyone. These actors gave it their all and it comes thru in spades. The story is engaging and very well paced. Never a dull moment. Editing and sound are top notch as is musical score. I only wish it was a little bit longer.

I can't wait to see what comes of the Henry Cavill Warhammer project. The blueprint has been laid out with Ultramarines. Let's keep it going!
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Bad Taste (1987)
Bad Taste has never tasted so good
15 December 2022
Peter Jackson's debut film Bad Taste was not my first, 2nd or even third entry into the wonderful world of Wing Nut. I read about it in Fangoria but couldn't successfully track it down. I had heard of a 'gory AF' film called Dead Alive that a few friends of mine had seen and was able to get my hands on a copy...and loved it. Then I saw Meet the Feebles somehow; and loved that. Then it was The Frighteners and by that time I was able to finally watch the film that launched a career and was so happy impressed by it.

Cleverly written, directed, cut and put together with make up FX a cut above what you'd expect from a film essentially shot on weekends and on a shoe string budget. I had a vhs dupe of it and watched it over and over. Bad Taste was an incredible effort... That I am sure seemed daunting to the young filmmaker and his mates. But it was an effort that was seen through and paid off ultimately.

Well some people have a difficult time connecting bad taste to modern Peter Jackson films I see many similarities. I see a filmmaker that gets his vision across no matter what obstacles are thrown at him. No matter the cost or scale. Sure, King Kong and all of the Tolkien films were huge in scale and production value. But it's all relative. I am sure Bad Taste seemed like an unscalable mountain at the time. Perspective is very important here.

Bad Taste may be silly at times and a bit cheesy but this is not a b movie. BT bleeds quality through and through and we are treated to a filmmaker who knows how to use his environment to add production value and how to get the most out of the simplest of effects and pull off more complex ones.

All these years later, I still enjoy the hell out of this film. I had always hoped to get a sequel. Maybe someday I'll make one somehow. If Mr. Jackson ever wants to ask me I have a pretty good idea for a sequel. It would be grand. But if that date never comes, I am thankful for what he gave the world here.

If you enjoy seeing the fruits of one's labor... The perseverance of creativity; you will love Bad Taste.
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Ray Dennis Steckler's 2nd film shines in its own unique way.
11 December 2022
I know there are not many positive reviews for many, if not all, of Ray Steckler's films. You will find a lot of similarities between Steckler's films and the works of Ed Wood or Bill Rebane or Al Adamson. You either dig them or you don't. These filmmakers may not have been the best at their trade but they had heart and were able to use their resources as best possible.

Aside from having an insane name, Incredibly Strange Creatures is a fever dream of sorts. An era long forgotten of carnies, boardwalk amusements, sinister fortune tellers and PG titillation. It's fun, imaginative and engaging. And I'll say no more about as this is a ride best experienced for oneself.
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Shenmue (2022)
Relieving the masterpiece
25 November 2022
Yu Suzuki's groundbreaking creation was a huge part of my life. Being in the game industry back then and already familiar with his work I had seen the tech demo titled Project Berkeley that came with Virtua Fighter 3 in Japan and from then on it was a long arduous wait until Shenmue came out.

I played 'What's Shenmue?', a short demo that was released in Japan, as well as both Japanese and American versions of the first game and the UK DV import of Shenmue 2 as well as the Xbox US version which had the Shenmue movie packed in with it.

Shenmue the animated series essentially covers all key moments and characters up to the end of 2nd game. It's like reliving them without investing the hours playing them. Something I don't mind since the story is so cool. Hopefully many will watch the anime and want to play the original games (remastered for PS4) or Shenmue 3 which would continue the story.

Shenmue is one of those intellectual properties that have a loyal fan base but eludes the mainstream...which is part of its allure. But I do hope that enough people find the time to watch this series so that we can keep it going. There is so much more in store for Ryo Hazuki and friends. I don't want it to end here.

Please watch. If you like simple yet engaging stories well told and like anime you will dig Shenmue.
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Warcraft (2016)
A much underrated masterpiece true to the franchise.
23 October 2022
Perhaps a bit odd I waited 8 years to review Duncan Jone's interpretation of Blizzard's much loved Warcraft franchise. Not sure, to be honest. My first viewing of it during its opening weekend I was really put off by Ramin's score. Not that it's a bad score but the music already in existence is so much better.

Then I continued watching it...and watching it...and watching it. I was able to embrace Ramin's score and then the rest of the film's brilliance fell into place. The story takes elements of the original RTS as well as first 3 WOW's but just bits and pieces stitched together in a brilliant patchwork that works and works well. While I am not a big fan of films that rely so much of CGI I give Warcraft a pass because there really would be no other way to do it.

I really hope there is a sequel. Travis Fimnel needs to return as well. Maybe put in the Worgen! Just a thought.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Might as well been titled ; Hellraiser WTF!
11 October 2022
I was 15 when I first saw Hellraiser. It was 1988 and I got to see both Hellraiser and Hellbound during a limited run double feature. Having already read Clive Barkers first Books of Blood volume and The Hellbound Heart I more or less knew what great sights I was about to be shown. Since then I have been a devout fan. Of course the first film is the best. Hellbound does have its moments, as does Hellraiser 3 and had Kevin Yeager had his way Bloodline would've been much better. A majority of the sequels that followed were decent but they were films that seemed to only add cenobites as cameos.

Fast forward to a few years ago when news started circling of a Hellraiser reboot. I was emphatically against this. Doug Bradley was selling tshirts that said 'no remakes please, it's a waste of good celluloid' and I bought one because I believed that. But I gave David Bruckner's vision a fair shake and yeah, finishing this Hellraiser I was left feeling the same way i felt when I bought that shirt from Doug Bradley. I was left thinking about that line in the Highlander; 'There can be only one!'

I have no issue with the female pinhead. After all, that was the original novella. But the cenobites are just so bland looking and uninspiring. Whoever designed them went out of their way to try to make them look as different as possible and in my opinion failed miserably. The cenobites reminded me of the one from Hellraiser three that has CDs. We do not have the sophistication and elegance of the original cenobites. Also gone is the grit and grime of the original. This world is too clean. These characters are too clean and neat. Ben Lovett's score, when he is not redoing Christopher Young's cues, is bland as heck. Until you hear Young's music it sounds like every other horror or action film. Yeah not particularly horror composer material here.

I will say the story is decent and pacing is good. It's never slow or disengaging. Acting is decent except every time they're surprised by something they have the same line; 'what the f@&!' But that's more the fault of the screenwriter. Which is why I headed this review what I did. That line gets so old and every character says it just about.

If you've never seen a Hellraiser before, treat yourself, if you can, to the Arrow box set of first 3 films and just stop there. Maybe Bloodline and Hellseeker since Ashley Lawrence returns in Hellseeker. This one, like the others, is completely missable.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
I'll see you, and raise you one killer sequel
11 October 2022
I let a few days go by before reviewing so that I can figure out how to best get my points across spoiler free.

I really enjoyed this sequel. The first Terrifier introduced us to Art the clown, a seemingly supernatural homicidal maniac of boundless wit and charm who you really want to root for and forgive his transgressions. To me that has always been the formula for a successful slasher film.

Terrifier 2 continues this whole upping the ante quite a bit. The gore effects are incredible. They must be seen to be believed. And all effects are practical. None of that CGI nonsense. No weightless gravity defying computer generated blood here. It's refreshing to see that there is still artistry like this around. I know it's dying which is even more reason to support it. Acting is fairly good across the board. Probably even above average when compared to other slashers. Cinematography is on point as well as score. Every element hits the mark here. I also appreciate the Takashi Miike- esque change of direction that occurs and to elaborate would only force me to reveal a cool plot twist and I really don't want to. I want you to experience Terrifier 2 for yourselves.

I did ding it a point due to its running time. It does run a bit long. This may have been a case of loving the material too much that concessions weren't made to trim it a bit. Editing could've been a bit tighter. The dream sequence towards the beginning of the film I could've done without it altogether or shortened it quite a bit. Also the last that could've been trimmed a bit. But quite honestly these are just things I am nitpicking because the film is that good that I am trying to find something about it that isn't perfect. Despite its longish running time I will gladly watch this film many more times. A well deserved 9 is pretty solid in my books.

Damien Leone is a visionary and I eagerly await his next film. Hopefully Terrifier 3.
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Red Sonja (1985)
No this is not a Conan film. But it's still fun
1 October 2022
Country from a few reviewers here, this is not the Red Sonja of Robert E Howard creation but rather Ray Thomas' for Marvel. DeLaurentis did a slight of hand on the public with this one. Robert E Howard is given character credit yet his Sonja was actually Red Sonya of Rogatino.

But of course, wanting to cash in on the Conan name DeLaurentis draws as much similarities that he can well trying to avoid any litigation. Schwarzenegger's name in this film is Kalidor and I read a review where someone erroneously stated that Conan's other name was Kalidor. That is not accurate. That name was Kull.

But none of that tells you if the film is any good. It is a fun film. It has good action and a really good score by maestro Ennio Moricone. The cinematography is what you'd expect from a 80's sword and sorcery film. And Onoe this is nowhere near the league that John Milius' Conan, or even Destoryer, Beastmaster or The Sword and the Sorcerer, it'll give you a good time if you let it.
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Amateur hour is upon us
19 September 2022
4th episode in we are treated to some serious bad writing and even worse execution of the bad writing.

This episode really made me wonder if the writers even read any Tolkien at all. I could be wrong but I feel at the end Amazon is going to regret not getting Peter Jackson involved.

On the plus side the orcs look pretty cool and the cinematography is more than adequate. CGI looks above average as well. But the script is weak and drags on. There are also more useless, annoying characters introduced in this episode and dull filler material. Yes, only 4 episodes in and already we have an episode comprised of filler material.

Still going to keep watching.
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Lessons of Darkness (1992 TV Movie)
Only the dead have seen the end of war!
18 September 2022
When viewing Heir Herzog's fantastically haunting documentary that famous Plato quote comes to mind.

Lessons In Darkness is truly something else. The visuals are so arresting they're almost fictionally abstract. So tragic how we continue to destroy ourselves and our planet. The Cathars believed that hell was earth. Watching Lessons in Darkness makes an excellent case in that direction.

Cinematography is what you'd come to expect from a Werner Herzog film; striking. And it has to be because the narration is minimalist. Just there to accent the visuals, not to add to them. While it was filmed before and after the siege on Kuwait this point is not made. It could be anywhere and that's the whole point; our planet is dear to us and this shouldn't happen anywhere.

A must watch for anyone of any age but essentially our youth for they are our future policy makers and keepers of our planet.
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Let there be Garbage!
8 August 2022
Talk about a failed franchise. And here I thought Venom was a massive disappointment as it failed to capture the nuances of the character. Venom is a work of art compared to Let There be Carnage.

I am a long time Carnage fan. Read all the comics up to Maximum Carnage, played both video games and even love the Green Jellö music. And from its announcement I knew it wouldn't hit its full potential since they weren't going to go full bore with an R rating. Cletus Kassady is one of the sickest serial killers in comic book history and they completely fumbled on fleshing him out properly but tone wise his scenes are more appropriate than the silly slapstick relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom that somehow manages to be even more ridiculously absurd than the first one...not sure how.

This is absolute garbage and the ONLY reason I gave it 2 stars was because 80% of Carnage/Cletus scenes are okay and Shriek kicks butt. I feel bad for her though because Harris seems to be the only one who took her role serious.
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Flash Gordon (1980)
Brings me back to simpler times
11 July 2022
The first time I watched Hodges' Flash Gordon I was probably 10. In fact I think I had just seen Return of the Jedi its opening night and that same weekend I was at a friends house playing Astroids on the 2600 and his parents had rented Flash Gordon on VHS. Return of the Jedi was fresh in my brain so watching flash I almost felt it was a cheap knock off. A film trying to cash in on the Star Wars fervor. I had dismissed it initially. Years later I would watch it again as a young adult and had a different experience watching. I liked it much more because I was able to understand what it was trying to pull off. But still probably a couple of decades went by until I would see it again recently. This time Flash Gordon did something completely different... It impressed the hell out of me. Now is a middle-aged adult I'm able to appreciate it for what it is and what it accomplished.

And so refreshing to watch practical effects. In a time where everything is CGI ad nauseam it is refreshing to see how these older films would have to solve their problems creatively. How it was more about lavish sets, camera placement and costumes. Also I have watched the entire 1930s serial and the film captures the essence of the serial so well. I don't feel this can be replicated ever again.
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Under appreciated Rondo gem!
29 April 2022
Thanks to Kino Lorber we are able to enjoy what is the best quality sound and picture Spider Woman has ever had. Fingers crossed they also release The Brute Man, House of Horrors and The Basil Rathbone Pearl film that's name escapes me right now.

I'm sure someone wonder why I scored this film so high considering the average is much lower. I am a long time fan of Rondo Hatton and Universal Horror films in general. Perhaps I'm a bit biased but when you watch these films now you have to watch them through a certain lens. You're not gonna get slick productions or special effects but you don't need them.

Spider Woman Strikes Back was an attempt to cash in on Gaye Sondergaard's previous Sherlock Holmes film but that doesn't mean this film isn't beautifully filmed or well written, because it is.

The only thing I would've done different is have the reveal of the green room lab more dramatic and the other reveal, which I'm not going to spoil, done differently where the Jean character entraps the Spider Woman. But these are minor things. If you enjoy classic Universal films you'll appreciate this one.
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You're gonna wish your were blind and deaf after watching
27 April 2022
Let me preface by saying that I am a huge fan of the Blind Dead series. I didn't want to watch this because everything I had seen on it looked like crap. But it's free on Amazon Prime so I tried to watch.

The good; Anton Abril's score is heard in the beginning and sprinkled throughout. The composer also did a good job of blending the original music to match. And...that's about where the good ends.

Armando De Ossorio is rolling in his grave. If I were in charge of his estate I would sue these guys to remove his name from it. It has nothing on his creation. The post-apocalyptic setting is unbelievable. The idea to set it after an apocalyptic event is plain stupid as it could've been set in contemporary times. I actually had written a treatment for a Blind Dead sequel and was able to pull it off.

The original 4 films had atmosphere and were well acted and scenes were well staged. You'll get none of that here. Acting is a joke. CGI is terrible. The gore effects are decent but. It enough to redeem this train wreck of a movie. Also the Blind Dead themselves look like they're wearing Halloween club discount isle costumes and masks. The original films were low budget as well but pulled it off much much better.

I would've scored it better for the gore and music but the insult this is to Amando De Osorio is simply unforgivable.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Breathtakingly stunning.
15 March 2022
Let me start by saying that generally when I hear of a spin off to a series I enjoy my usually reaction is to run the other way. But...I gave this one a chance because I love westerns, love Yellowstone and love Sam Elliot...and I am so happy I have it a chance.

From the first episode to the emotionally charged 10th you are treated to an hour of breathtaking scenery, a compelling story that is expertly driven by top notch actors across the board and an overall polish that works so well where most westerns would fail. I mean that because generally with westerns you don't want polish, you want grit. And the funny thing is you get plenty of grit here as well, but it is pulled off with such polish and expertise that it comes across quite sophisticated despite the fact it is a gritty western.

I already knew what to expect with Sam Elliot and his quality of acting but Faith Hill and Tim McGraw impressed the heck out of me. Often times musicians or athletes do not make the best crossovers but they sure did.

At its core this is a Dutton backstory on how the family landed in Montana. I hope to see more as there is so much material and potential here. Check it out.
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Why can't we enjoy a simple slasher film?
27 October 2021
I am not sure at what point in the past couple decades or so did we come to this juncture where we can't simply sit back and enjoy a simple slasher film.

If you read most negative reviews on Halloween Kills it seems to be written by people who are looking for a different kind of movie, not a slasher flick.

People are looking for depth, deeply fleshed out characters, compelling story arcs, melodrama, etc. This is a movie about a guy wearing a mask running around killing people you care little to nothing about. What is the basic formula for your basic slasher film. If you're looking for anything else you're not going to find it.

Now Halloween Kills is not without its issues. The second act in the hospital does seem a bit disjointed, like they were two different Scripts written and they were both cut together randomly and handed to the director to shoot. But overall it doesn't really take away much. The finale is pure visceral overkill...quite rewarding. The opening and set up is effective and I love seeing Donald Pleasance again even though I know it really isn't him.

If you want to enjoy this film, like many like it, stop looking for something you're not going to find. Turn off the lights, grab your popcorn, and enjoy the bloodshed.
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Dune (2021)
Picking your poison.
23 October 2021
When David Lynch unleashed his interpretation of Frank Herberts largely unfilmable political science fiction opus, many critics panned it as too condensed and disjointed.

Fast forward to 2021 and another filmmaker takes a stab at Dune. There are many things Denis Villeneuve does well here, but again missing much of Herberts tone. In the end I feel Mr. Lynch had a better idea of what to cut out and what to leave in than Villeneuve did.

You cannot have a adaptation of Dune without the politics, without the religion, without the internal monologues...even the crappy Syfy channel miniseries got that right.

Now where this film does shine is in the visuals and costumes.departments as well as art direction. There is plenty to see and gawk over here.

The casting is good. Timothy Chalamet is probably closer to the novel's description of Paul Atreides although Kyle MacLachlan captured the characters spirit and demeanor better. I'm a fan of Josh Brolin but I feel he is miscast here as Gurney. Patrick Stewart nailed it. The rest are good.

I'm not too happy with the Baron's diminished role. And also the pronunciations of house names and titles are more like SyFy channel and less like Lynch. I prefer Lynch.

It is definitely worth a watch or two. I look forward to seeing how it will be wrapped up in part two. But David Lynch's Dune will never be equaled, unless someday Jodorowsky gets to make his.
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Worthy of a sequel!
15 August 2021
Being a native Californian in my late 40's it's quite interfering to compare/contrast late 70's Venice CA with current times. But let me return my focus on Spawn of the Slithis.

Slithis is not a perfect film but it's quite enjoyable and I tend to grade films on how enjoyable they are. The creature design is pretty cool and the backstory about its origin story is interesting and even believable. Acting is a bit inconsistent with some actors doing really well while others play themselves like silly caricatures, although none of this really takes away from the overall experience.

There are some really good gore effects and stunt work for being a low budget film. Especially the work on the boat.

I'm really surprised this one never got a sequel. It'd be great to do it now, in Venice's current state. My brain is brimming with ideas.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Ask Ridley Scott about Scientology....you get Prometheus
14 June 2021
Seriously, you strip away the dull acting, cool visuals, music and poor character development and you're left with a 2 hour Scientology lesson.

Very disappointing to fans of Dan O'Bannon's creation. Alien Covenant is far better and that's not saying much.

The last shot of the film adds insult to injury like no other.

And what's with the squid?
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The Predator (2018)
The Predator delivers exactly what it promises!
27 February 2021
It seems like most people drank Haterade instead of Coke and munched on dingleberries instead of buttered popcorn when they watched The Predator.

The Predator is exactly what it's supposed to be; a fun, fast paced, crude humored , gory good time. There are a few issues with it but at the end of the day it's all of no consequence because The Predator is one killer ride.

The Predator is an homage to its own pedigree. It pays tribute to the first film in spades and in both serious and tongue in cheek ways. There is quite a bit of suspension of disbelief but when you're dealing with a film about aliens from another planet coming down to earth and sport hunting humans...everything kind of fits right on in.

Dialog is witty and humorous. Yes, a bit politically incorrect but that's a welcome breath of fresh air for me considering all the bland dialog other movies have these days because everyone is so afraid to push buttons and get canceled. A appreciate the testicular fortitude displayed by Shane Black and Fred Dekker.

Gore is on point. Blood flows, limbs and bullets fly all at a frenetic pace. Music and sound effects are spot on. Not sure what else anyone expected.

Bottom line; if you enjoyed first 3 Predators this will not disappoint, unless you have a large stick lodged up your bum. Then maybe watch The Avengers instead.
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Entertaining and with plenty of heart
23 January 2021
When it comes to documentaries I find myself more times than not seeking out the ones I know nothing about, as those are the ones I can truly gauge how much more I come away with.

I've known about the sport of Jai-Alai, like many, thru Miami Vice's beginning credits montage and it's one episode; season 3's 'Killshot'. I had thought the sport to be pretty much extinct but recently realized that it's still hanging in there down in Miami Dade. By a stroke of luck I searched something Jai-Alai related and this one came up...I'm so glad I gave it a chance.

The narrative is simple; a handful of once pro athletes that for one reason or other found themselves in different places in their lives and were given a chance to make a comeback in the most unique sport and in the most unique way.

The story is also a very human one, told thru the lens of truth and honesty. While these guys may not have sustained their early careers they all had one thing in common; hard work and perseverance. They hustle, they do whatever it takes to take care of themselves and their families...very honorable.

While their motivations may be different their work ethic and determination is kin with the guys. Watching their stories unfold is equal parts inspiring and motivational. It'll also make you chuckle a bit as well as the director knew when to lighten the tone and when to dial it in.

On an informative level; if you don't know much about Jai-Alai, you will learn some of its history and its inner workings. On a technical level; documentary is very well shot and cut together. Gorgeously colorful aerial shots and edited to a steady pace. But what trumps both the informative and technical aspects is the human component of Magic City Hustle. That part will no doubt move you.

Check it out. It's a unique ride you will enjoy.
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