
29 Reviews
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Abysmal acting, incredibly boring, unoriginal plot
20 August 2021
This doesn't even do a job as a run of the mill 5/10 action movie to keep you entertained for an hour and a half. The acting and especially dialogue is terribly bad. 2/10 because ultimately it follows some semblance of a basic plot from A to B. I think the worst part is the weird shaky camera, THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOVIE. 2 characters will be having a conversation and the camera will be flying all over the place like there's an earthquake happening.
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Hold up, why is this one so low rated?
28 May 2020
It's an absolutely hilarious episode full of great little one liners, really weird that it's got a lower rating than usual.
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Boring, dull and disappointing
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The general premise of this show I thought would be very interesting. It looks like a decent amount of money and effort was poured into making it. The actors are hardly unknowns and the show somehow has 8/10 on Imdb.

I say somehow because it shouldn't have anything over 5 and even that is generous.

Season 1 was OK. The episodes are way too long and it's pretty slow, the times it picks up for a bit of action are few and far between. The same more or less goes for season 2. It was watchable, but again dull at times and again too long. There are way too many scenes of characters (Tagomi being the main culprit) staring thoughtfully at random stuff for ages, but not saying or doing anything. The scene then changes.

Season 3 is an utter disaster. There are numerous plots started, and characters given lots of screentime, that contribute next to nothing to the story, go absolutely nowhere and aren't even remotely interesting. I still have no idea who the random lady Tagomi is seeing is and what her significance was meant to have been. There are 2 very forced gay relationships that contribute nothing to the story - and while we're at it, Thelma and Nicole are the most pointless characters that could easily have never been in the show. Of the other pairing, Ed is an important character, but Jack is again pointless. The episodes drag endlessly, and I'm not sure why I didn't give up on the show halfway through. Helen Smith's character becomes incredibly irritating - it's quickly established that she's upset about losing her son, but there are endless scenes dedicated to showing how upset she is.

I'm now 3 episodes into season 4 which has even worse reviews, and I will probably finish it because I don't like leaving series half finished, but straight away you have
  • Ed vanished without a trace.
  • Tagomi is killed off screen. One of the main characters, who was incredibly important to the story, just gets written off because the actor didn't sign on (I don't blame him). Ridículous. While we're at it, the rebels Gary and the American/Asian lady who Frank was running about with in season 2, also got conveniently executed off screen after getting so much screentime. Idiotic.
  • Suddenly there is a brand new never-before-mentioned resistance Group called the BCR who are quite a big deal, but had zero mention in the first 3 seasons.

What a joke of a series this is. The cinematography and acting are good but ultimately its awful and a total waste of time.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Seriously baffled by all the negative reviews
19 April 2019
Why can't people just enjoy a movie for what it is? This is a really decent action movie with good acting - Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx and Ben Mendelssohn are on point - as well as some incredible music and sound throughout. There really is very little wrong with this movie and it absolutely does not deserve anything below 7/10. And no, it doesn't ruin the other versions of Robin Hood at all, it holds its own pretty well. I enjoyed this.
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Good but too slow and dull at times
27 December 2018
I have to agree with many of the other reviews I've seen here. This movie suffers from being way too slow and dull. There are particular moments that are frankly just boring. It's not a bad movie by any means, the acting is fantastic from a decent cast, but this would have been better off as a 1.5 hour long movie.
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I enjoyed it - stop being so serious
18 December 2018
Any bad reviews are clearly from people who can't comprehend the fact that nobody involved in the making of this movie ever intended for it to be taken seriously.

It's clearly just meant to be a dumb comedy that is silly for the sake of being silly. There are some really funny moments in this one, and a simple storyline to follow. I watched this while bored on a random Tuesday night and was engaged throughout. It's just an enjoyable movie.

I can't shake one feeling though. This movie has some excellent cinematography, a good soundtrack and some very good actors. I just wonder whether using all those resources with the budget, while trying to make a serious movie, could have produced a decent western? I guess we'll never know.
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Tau (2018)
It's average - not the worst Netflix has made
16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've recently been catching up on the Netflix original movies (as per the UK region anyway), and gave Tau a go. The premise was fairly promising, and while Gary Oldman only lends his voice here, anything with him in it is worth checking out at least I think. I'm a fan of Ed Skrein too.

The good:
  • The acting
  • The whole premise and idea of the AI
  • The action we do get isn't too bad
  • Despite most of the action taking place in one building, it's a great looking movie I thought.
  • I liked how the relationship between Tau and Julia was developed

The bad:
  • Overall plot. Ed Skrein's character supposedly kidnaps these people, and has a highly intelligent AI (including a killer robot) in his arsenal, yet allows Maika Monroe's protagonist to steal a pair of scissors and somehow not notice, then lets her roam free and has basically zero control over what happens when he's not around. He seems kind of dumb, and I guess the fact that he is after all meant to be a psychopath in this movie is meant to make his lack of logical thinking believable.
  • Felt weirdly rushed at the start, then too slow through the middle, only the last 25-30 mins was paced well.
  • the ending was predictable and nothing special.

Worth a watch but nothing special. Forgettable.
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Beautiful but incredibly boring
19 November 2018
I wanted to give a different sort of movie a go and thought this looked promising. The creators of the movie don't need introducing and I thought the idea of 6 short stories in one movie could be intriguing.

The movie actually starts off really well, the first story has a Tarantino/Fargo sort of feel to it and had me excited for what I thought would be an awesome movie.

Sadly from there it goes downhill. Badly. James Franco's segment is very good and there is some great acting on show throughout the full movie, but the last 4 stories are incredibly boring to sit through.

The cinematography is phenomenal and the movie definitely shows some (at times very dark) of how the Wild West was in the past, so in that respect it definitely achieves what it set out to do.

This is a very unique movie and one for the purists I think. I fully understand the multiple positive reviews, but I watch movies for enjoyment, and even slow movies can be done right to be enjoyed. This one didn't work for me.

Lastly, I thought perhaps the 6 stories would come round to a finish that has them all come together. But this wasn't the case and it all felt a bit pointless.
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Z Nation: White Light (2015)
Season 2, Episode 2
Crazy good episode
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was amazing. It was an insane ride from start to finish and just when you thought it was about to slow down, we see poor Mack's fate.

I absolutely loved the all out action and chaos with our heroes, Murphy, the bounty hunters, and of course the zombies all fighting throughout the town. It's brilliant TV where you're entertained for the whole episode.

Then there's the badass dude with the rocket launcher.

I hope there's more of this to come
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Z Nation: Die Zombie Die... Again (2014)
Season 1, Episode 9
Really not that bad at all!
10 November 2018
I've recently got into Z Nation as I've had enough of what TWD has become, binge watched up to this episode in 2 days and read all these negative reviews, thinking oh dear this will be bad. But it's not. Yes the show up to this point had built up great momentum with some really awesome episodes involving the whole gang, so this one kind of slows things down for obvious reasons. However, I think it was done in a pretty cool way. I think it would have been better to have more character development in an episode containing only 2 characters, but I enjoyed this episode nonetheless. All the 1/10s need to calm down.
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2nd worst movie I have ever seen
8 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
...closely following Movie 43 which retains top spot. I didn't actually finish this movie, I only lasted around an hour. I thought the moment it tries to make fun of killing a dog it became sick. Let me point out that I acthally enjoy comedies that try to be funny by being silly and dumb - for example, I really enjoyed Superhero Movie for what it was.

Game Over, Man! is simply a terrible, terrible movie. It is not funny in the slightest. It tries to be funny by being violent, disturbing and sick in general. It's just not amusing in the slightest. The acting is abysmal. This movie literally has nothing going for it.

What was Netflix thinking? What were the director/scriptwriters/producers thinking? What were the actors thinking?

Avoid this one at all costs.
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Loved it, critics need to calm down
2 April 2018
You know what I genuinely enjoyed this movie. Visually it is absolutely magnificent, probably the best movie I've seen in that regard since Avatar. Sure the story isn't up there with Shutter Island or Se7en but it's a science fiction movie and has other appealing features.

I am seeing a lot of incredible negativity towards both of the lead actors - I will say this movie could have used a lot more genuine humour in the dialogue as that is where I think it is quite weak. But both leads do a very solid job here and don't deserve the negativity that is being thrown at them. I felt the supporting cast was excellent too.

The world created in this movie is incredible and I would like to see a sequel.

Yes it does use similar ideas to those that have previously been used in other movies. What movie nowadays doesn't?

I think people genuinely need to stop taking everything so deadly seriously and learn to enjoy a fiction movie that doesn't necessarily take itself 100% seriously. Every rating below 5/10 is full of massively exaggerated criticism from people who seem to have expected a masterpiece along the lines of The Shawshank Redemption here.

I greatly enjoyed this movie and am happy to give it the 10/10 purely because I enjoyed every minute of it. I think in particular younger audiences would love this one.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
30 June 2017
Gillian Anderson has got to be portraying the most irritating, bland, shallow, dislikeable and frankly dumb main protagonist I have ever seen in a series. The constant whispering and a never-changing facial expression are just pathetic and whilst I realise she is meant to portray a 'cold' character, it is definitely over done.

The series itself is poor. It is WAY too long, whole story could have been told in 5-6 episodes as a mini series. There are countless pointless scenes, mainly involving zooming in onto expressionless faces of the protagonists. They can go on for a minute or two and there can be several of those in each episode - it's just extending the episodes for absolutely no reason.

The acting is OK but the protagonists responsible for catching the killer just seem to be plain stupid, unable to connect some rather obviously connectable dots.

Jamie Dornan's character is somewhat interesting due to how twisted he is, but again not unique.

This series is just bland and has no 'wow' factor to it whatsoever, it doesn't stand out at all from all the other crime series out there. In no way does this deserve to be anywhere near the 8.2/10 it currently has on IMDb.

The sole reason I am giving 2/10 is because the action somewhat picks up and actually engages the viewer in the second half of season 2. That being said, it then goes right back to being insanely slow, dull and boring in season 3.

Not recommended, there is a multitude of MUCH better shows of this genre out there.
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Locke (2013)
Jesus Christ what the ****?
21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously the dialogue in this movie...

Hey I think the traffic is good, I think traffic should be clear, I think I'll get there if the traffic is good (repeat 50 times)

Hey lets talk about concrete like we're so passionate about it blablabla

Hey dad mums wearing the shirt come watch the match... im wearing the shirt and mums wearing the shirt... oh by the way mums wearing the shirt

This movie has the characters repeating pointless boring lines over and over. It is 1 hour and 20 minutes of a guy driving in a car and talking about concrete and calling some woman he had a one night stand with and made a baby with to tell her he's coming to the baby's birth but also doesn't care about the woman.

This is literally the worst excuse for a movie I have ever seen and you have to be mad to give it all those positive reviews (they must be joke reviews)

Avoid this like a plague. It is worse than 'masterpieces' like Left Behind or Skyline Please can someone stop making such nonsense and claiming it's a 'movie'.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
Average but watchable - better than many other B movies
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers** Short summary: Starts off well, has a very good cast, the sets are very good and the post apocalyptic world (or part of the world) presented looks very impressive. As much as the reason for the cataclysm is not exactly realistic, it is quite original so I will give the writers a plus for that.

The movie builds a good, dark atmosphere from the start, there is no real introduction to the characters or development, we kind of gather who is good/bad right from the start. Yes, there are a lot of clichés in this movie, but it's not exactly possible to make a movie without any clichés these days. But then there are certain issues I had with this movie:

1. Were all the 'cannibals' (let's call them cannibals, the subtitles in my movie called them 'feral people', so it's either zombies or cannibals I guess) the people who lived in the other colony and turned into that state, or were they entirely different people who attacked that colony and killed/ate most of the people there? There is no real explanation bar the fact that there are still a few people remaining in that colony when Sam and Briggs escape it.

2. What exactly made the 'cannibals' so feral and mad? There is a vague suggestion from Briggs (at this point I would like to say that Laurence Fishburne plays well in this movie - in fact the movie benefits A LOT from having a good actor like him) that it's because they were hungry and desperate. But hunger and desperation in a post apocalyptic world does not turn you into a feral animal who grabs a machete, kills people and eats them, and also seemingly loses the ability to speak. Somehow it turns out that a whole group of people turned into those crazed animals. Would it not be at least a tiny bit more believable if they suggested that some sort of virus turned them into such monsters? Again - no explanation.

3. So Briggs threw a pretty powerful dynamite down the shaft him and Sam escaped from, right to where the 'cannibals' were standing a second ago snarling and screaming at them. The dynamite took out the whole tower, clearly destroying that exit. Surely it would have had some sort of destructive impact underneath? No sir - we don't get told what happened, but the cannibals not only are not affected by it in any way, they immediately manage to organise themselves and follow Sam and Briggs. Which leads onto the next point...

4. Every time we get shown the outside world, it is snowing. It is snowing all the time. So I think it is reasonable to assume that as Sam and Briggs spent the night after escaping in the helicopter, the snow would surely have covered their tracks? And yet they seem untouched.

5. Did Briggs really have to kill himself? When he went back to light the fuse, why did he headbutt Sam first? Surely in that situation it would lower both their chances. When he was relighting the fuse, seeing as a second ago he was facing the wind and had Sam cover it, did he not think to turn the other way to avoid the wind and light it quicker, or was that too much to ask for? Even after he set it alight surely he could have just left it and ran, that would have given him more of a chance?

6. OK, fine, Briggs sacrificed himself, fair enough. The bridge is now in no way possible to cross. SO HOW, JUST HOW do the cannibals - who at this point seem to have a level of organization of an elite military force - manage to get across so quickly, and find the colony? Surely if they went another way they would not have had any footprints to follow this time...?

7. So Mason and another guy are looking at the cameras. They see nothing and the cameras seem to cover a fairly decent distance. They leave for 2 minutes and... the cannibals are already at the colony, making the banging noises! How?!

8. This was not said for definite but it seemed to me that the colony was quite well organized at first, people knew what they were doing, they had guns and stuff. And yet as soon as the cannibals get there they just seem like they've not ever came up with a plan for when they get attacked. They seem to shoot everywhere but not at the cannibals. Fair enough they were in the middle of a little power struggle (the big bad evil Mason deciding to take charge for himself), but did that really make them so useless?

9.Backtracking a bit. Sam comes back without Briggs or the young lad who got killed quite early on (why did he ever separate from Briggs and Sam anyway?). He says they got killed by a band of people who were now coming to the colony. Did this not ring any alarm bells not just within Mason but anyone who was listening? So overall the cannibals, despite seeming mindless were actually geniuses, and the seemingly well organised community in the colony was in fact full of brainless people and was not organised at all.

Anyway despite all these things this movie was still OK - in fact it was quite entertaining. But my main issue with it is that it seemed to have a lot of potential, for the first 40 minutes. In the end, if you think about it, the whole movie could have been 2 episodes of some sort of survival horror TV series.
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Excellent but... season 3?
15 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent show, very dark, full of interesting plot twists, the characters and their development is fantastic, the actors are very good - especially Joel Kinnaman. There is no point in me writing long paragraphs about how good this show is but let me put it this way - it will not disappoint you, ever.

However, I have a slight issue with season 3 (a bit of a spoiler now, but not much): just what exactly was the point of Twitch and Lyric's storyline? All season I thought it would have just a tiny bit of relevance to the main story but... it didn't. It genuinely seems like it was one of two things: 1. A filler to make the episodes a bit longer, a side story. 2. (To me a lot less likely): A way to make the viewers think it HAD something to do with the main story and that it would connect to it at some point, just to make the list of potential suspects longer for the viewers.

This, and the fact that overall some of season 3 seemed like meaningless fillers (eg. some of the conversations involving Danette), made it my least favourite season.

That being said, this is still a brilliant series and the season is worth watching.
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The Grey (2011)
Very poor, only enjoyable for a specific group of people
11 February 2012
I had mixed feelings before going to see The Grey. I had read the movie description and in all fairness 'a few men stranded in the middle of nowhere and wolves hunting them' really did not sound appealing in the slightest. But then the cast did include the usually brilliant Liam Neeson. The reviews on here were also very positive. It was actually a friend of mine that wanted to go see this and wanted me to come along. I thought, why not, it would make for a fun night out at the cinema (we went to a late viewing).

Unfortunately, my original fears of what the movie would turn out to be were confirmed as I watched the movie. I will start by listing the positives.

Well, there are not many. I watched the movie in the cinema and the sound effects were fantastic, it genuinely felt like I was experiencing it myself. Some sudden, unexpected horror-like moments (I do not want to spoil these so will not go into detail) were also pretty scary and therefore impressive.

However, a movie cannot be enjoyable just due to its sound effects. The Grey has many negatives. The biggest one is that it is extremely boring all the way throughout. There is a lot of sitting around, thinking about what to do for far too long, talking about boring things, and then there is the seemingly lately popular theme of the main character having flashbacks of his wife. All that is extremely boring if the viewer hopes to see action. People who are interested in slow drama stuff might enjoy this.

Character development is fairly poor. You only really engage with the few that are left towards the end and to be honest they are not really likable. Another problem with this movie is its predictability. Once again, I will not go into detail but if you see this movie you will understand what I mean.

Dialogue is just irritating. It is as if the characters are attempting to break a world record of swear words uttered in the shortest possible amount of time. I understand that this was an attempt to make it realistic, what with the characters being men that we should not expect a lot of good manners from. However, it just becomes slightly irritating and I would prefer the characters to act as if they are not really that scared of the situation (and perhaps have interesting conversations?).

The plot itself seemingly has several holes that leave the viewer questioning a lot, but I guess this is down to an individual's opinion about what could/should have happened. Apart from this, there is hardly any originality or any intrigue in it. In a movie like this it would have probably been better to have a less known actor playing Liam Neeson's role, because at the moment the movie quite literally screams 'this is a poor movie that we attempted to save through having Neeson in it'.

Overall this was not a pleasant experience. There are many much worse movies that I have seen and The Grey is not really that tragic given you have low expectations, however I was falling asleep towards the end of the screening. A 3 out of 10 and that is mainly for the sound effects. However, I would recommend that if anyone has the opportunity to see this movie for free/cheaply, then give it a go, as it is the kind of movie that could appeal to different people.
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A very enjoyable action-adventure movie
11 February 2012
I enjoyed watching The Three Musketeers. A lot. I was not expecting anything that would leave me praising it for years like Avatar or King Kong did, but the movie was very pleasing to watch. There is action, humour, surprises, a fairly interesting plot, friendship, romance and other values that are important in life. Some of the scenes may be unrealistic, but of course nobody can expect a movie like this to portray realistic events. This is an enjoyable adventure with some edge-of-the-seat action. One of the top reviews on here states that the dialogue and characters are poor. Utter nonsense. There is nothing wrong with either. Character development is nice and smooth and makes you engage with the characters. Sound and graphic effects are brilliant.

Overall this was very enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone wishing to watch a nice action-adventure flick.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
24 January 2012
What can I say. This movie is simply fantastic. Bradley Cooper's acting is pure brilliance. The plot is interesting, engaging and not boring in the slightest. The movie keeps you watching throughout. There's lots of action and suspense, oh and the soundtrack is AMAZING. I would go into major details and outline in long paragraphs why this movie should have the highest rating out of them all on IMDb, but I prefer to just keep it short and simple. There are no bloopers, plot holes, not a single thing I could complain about. The 7.3/10 score that this movie currently has here on IMDb does not reflect its brilliance in the slightest. I sincerely hope that this movie reaches reviews and popularity like Inception (which is possibly the most overrated movie of all time).

If you haven't yet watched Limitless, then get to it! Perfect movie.
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Much, much better than the first one
31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the first Hangover and not being able to stop thinking of it as the most overrated comedy movie of all time, my expectations for The Hangover 2 were low. In fact, at some points I vowed not to go and see it, afraid I might just be wasting my money. However, with all my closest friends going to see it as a group as part of a night out, I couldn't help myself and decided to watch the movie.

As you can guess my expectations were fairly low - "I just hope it's better than the first one... but than again, anything is". From the very beginning it became obvious that the whole storyline is basically a copy of the storyline from the first Hangover, with a few changes. From the very beginning though, I seemed to be the person laughing the most. After a horrible, lazy performance in the first one, Zach Galifianakis excelled himself in The Hangover Part 2 - 'My uncle Roger once saw an albino polar bear', or 'Asiatic people', as well as pretty much every single other line of his in the movie are fulfilled with hilarity and amusement. The whole idea of Zach, or Alan, hating Teddy from the moment he met him was also incredibly funny.

That being said, the other characters - Phil and Stu, played excellently by Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms, are also fantastically hilarious. Justin Bartha's Doug character is rarely seen in the movie which is a tad disappointing as it seems that adding him to the group would make the movie even funnier.

There is hardly anything that I could complain about when it comes to The Hangover Part II. The movie does what a comedy should - it makes you laugh.
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Repo Men (2010)
Mixed feelings about this
13 April 2011
What can I say, I really don't want to criticise Repo Men too much, but don't want to give it too much credit either as it doesn't deserve either of those two. So I'll start with the good. A very interesting idea of a future world, where people have to walk around with transplants. Originality is something that the producers of the movie cannot be denied. Jude Law's acting is very good. The movie does follow that "the hero finds a beautiful girl and saves her" storyline, but does so in a good and interesting way. Overall the action isn't bad at all. However, the main thing that really did put me off is how disgusting this movie is. Now I don't puke when I see blood, but I never wanted to pursue a doctor's job either. The movie really does get into the details of removing people's organs, it gets to the point where it is simply disgusting to watch. I appreciate the idea, but this really was a put off... However overall this isn't a bad movie to watch. Assuming you have strong nerves - even the most realistic horror movies with gruesome murder scenes don't beat the extremely real scenes in Repo Men.
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10,000 BC (2008)
Incredibly underrated
12 April 2011
Yet again people on here are going crazy giving a movie a 1/10, saying that this DOESN'T FOLLOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN HISTORY? Are you serious? Not only do we not know what really did happen around that time as it is all simple guesswork (or, as people like to call it, the effects of research by archaeologists or other smart people who are, by nature, extremely credible), but moreover this is a FANTASY MOVIE. The sole nature of a fantasy movie is for it to be as imaginative as possible and give the watcher lots of entertainment. And this is what 10,000 BC does.

The dialogue is very good, the characters and their acting is fantastic, the whole storyline is thoroughly enjoyable, emphasising the importance of values such as friendship and trust. My review won't change the fact that some apparently fully-qualified historians decided to rate this movie so low because it didn't fit their orthodox ideas of whether mammoths really existed.

However, the movie is still a really good fantasy flick and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys such movies. However, if you watch a movie to look for confusing plots/endings, boring acting and a general lack of action, then avoid 10,000 BC, as it won't fit your taste.
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Legion (2010)
Brilliant movie - criticised for no reason
12 April 2011
I get the impression that people watch movies just to spot even the tiniest possible errors just to point them out on here and give those movies unfair ratings. This is what happened to Legion, how on earth does this deserve a 1/10? Even though its a different genre, the movie is still a thousand times more entertaining and more interesting than Inception.

Moving onto the movie, it is really, really good. A very interesting and original idea for a horror movie (and no, there are no DETAILED explanations as to why angels turn against humanity and why the baby was the saviour - but who cares? Perhaps this is a suggestion for a sequel?). The suspense was created and built up in a great way. Oh and Willa Holland looks absolutely beautiful in this. An icing on top of a cake. If anyone is reading these reviews whilst thinking whether to watch the movie or not - watch it. Even if like the other critics on here for some reason you won't like it (for example, in one scene a pen is at the wrong angle or something else extremely offensive), it i still worth a go. I do hope Legion 2 is made.
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Incredibly hilarious
6 April 2011
How this is only rated at 5.1/10 and trash like The Hangover gets over 8.0/10 is beyond my understanding. As many people have pointed out, IMDb is becoming less reliable. Yes, this comedy is "stupid" (I don't actually like the way people on here use this adjective to describe the movie - too many negative connotations), or, as I like to put it, it is so light hearted it isn't supposed to be taken seriously at all. The plot simply proves it. But it is the ridiulousness of the plot and the fact that this would never happen to anyone in real life that make this move insanely funny. I mean, who didn't laugh at "Dude, it's a llama!", the "And then" scene, or "My name is Zarnoff. This is Zabu, Zellnor, Zelbor, Zelmina, and, uh, Jeff."? The movie is hilarious all the way through, there aren't any scenes that won't cause the watcher to stop laughing. If anyone wants to watch a real comedy movie, which does it's job of providing comedic entertainment, then "Dude, where's my car?" is the movie to watch. Although judging by the fact that people these days prefer to claim that Zach Galifianakis doing his typical "Look at me, im fat, therefore im funny!" is absolutely hilarious, this movie won't get the deserved rating and recognition, simply because people have a boring sense of humour.
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Inception (2010)
Not even half as good as people rate this
4 April 2011
In my eyes this movie was awful. Now most people who I've told my opinion have accused me of being "simple" and "not understanding it". I believe I understood the movie very well, I appreciate Nolan's original idea and effort. It's just a shame that this idea is a piece of garbage. I enjoy intelligent movies, but there is nothing intelligent or even remotely exciting about people going into dreams, and then into dreams, and then into dreams again. The whole idea is simply ridiculous, and when Leonardo and Ariadne are in a dream together and Ariadne starts moving a huge glass door around - what on earth? Moving on to Leonardo, I cannot understand how such a poor, boring and depressive actor gets so much fame. I'm assuming this is all because of Titanic, but his role in Inception is shockingly boring and bad. And am I the only one who seems to see a pattern in Leo's movies (in both Inception and Shutter Island Leonardo's wife is dead, but he seems to think that she isn't)? Anyway, out of all the cast only Tom Hardy playing Eames is remotely likable. After seeing Cilian Murphy in some other brilliant roles (e.g. 28 Days Later) I was extremely disappointed while watching him become more miserable with every second in Inception. Leonardo's sidekick Arthur is plain annoying. I wish there had been more action in this movie other than in the scene in the snowy place. Aside from that, Inception is just a lot of talking about complete nonsense and lots of views of Leonardo's scared, confused face. Christopher Nolan made this movie way too "intelligent". The end result is tragic. One of the most overrated movies ever.
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