
33 Reviews
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Mostly true to the source
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just binged the entire first season of the live adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender in a single day (don't judge me). I've gotta say, I was pretty giddy at seeing the characters that I knew and loved brought to life. Did they capture the core personalities of each? I'd have to say no. Sokka was neither sexist nor fundamentally funny. He had some laughs to be sure, but he wasn't the true Sokka. Katara was... not the physique of the animated version. Almost nobody was! These are supposed to be kids or teenagers in prime physical shape. Yet almost everyone is... well, not. They're all chubby Americans, true to stereotype. You'd better put them on the treadmill before they have to shed their outer layers. Bumi was disappointing, as was Koh and the story surrounding him. In short, I now understand why the original creators parted ways with Netflix, but it's still pretty good. I give it a seven.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Perhaps I'm just simple...
12 May 2023
It could be that I have simple tastes in entertainment... at least, sometimes. Such was the case with Ghosted. No, it certainly wasn't perfect. Nevertheless, I was thoroughly entertained. I saw nothing wrong with the acting, nor the action sequences. The writing was good enough for my taste. I loved the cameos by Anthony Mackie and Ryan Reynolds, fellow MCU buddies. I've always enjoyed the performances of Chris Evans, even though I don't necessarily subscribe to his politics. He portrays a certain humility and quiet dignity that I find pleasing. I have no idea why I'm in the minority in my opinion of this show, but I don't really care. I enjoyed it.

UPDATE: Just watched it again and, upon further review, the writing was pretty bad. Was probably merely smitten by Ana the first time around... and the second, but the script was poor... like it was written by a middle school creative writing class. I downgraded my review to 6 stars, which I consider barely worth watching, and only if you're hard up.
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Trash, refuse, garbage, filth, rubble, etc.
11 January 2023
Sorry, I couldn't come up with additional synonyms in my title. How is it possible that creators/show runners are unable to learn from the past? Look, the reason why the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy was a monumental success is the same reason why the rings of power (see what I did there with lowercase?) is a monumental failure. THE SOURCE MATERIAL!!! Peter Jackson was as true to Tolkien as much he knew how to be. The rings of power writers said to themselves, "I'll bet that we can do soooo much better than that old has been!" Poor, silly writers. Many have tried, none have succeeded, and you haven't done as well as most.
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Perhaps I'm simple, but I actually enjoyed it
24 October 2022
I can see from the general populace that She Hulk is not a fan favorite. Fine. To each his own, right? I knew of the Marvel character back in the early nineties, though I never read any of the comics. As such, I don't have any comparisons like many others. I took it on its own merits... and I found myself entertained. I thought that it was witty at times and pretty funny at others. The KEVIN AI at the end actually made me laugh out loud. Turns out, Disney does know how to make fun of itself. Yes, I may be simple minded compared to the average reviewer, but I absolutely despise bad writing. This was not so bad in my opinion. I hope that she makes it into the MCU. She'd certainly be better than some of the recent flops.
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Annie (1982)
6 October 2022
I saw Annie in the theater when I was just 9 and I was mesmerized. This show has charisma coming out its ears. At that young age I was enamored by Annie's confidence, tenderness, and toughness. The music was nostalgic and fun. Carol Burnette was delightfully menacing and hilarious. I bought the whole story, hook, line, and sinker. I don't know how well it has aged, as it has been an age since I've seen it, and perhaps that's good. I certainly don't want to ruin the wonderful memory of going to that old, dilapidated theater in Clearfield, Utah in 1982 and watching that movie with stars in my eyes.
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
Not terrible, not great
6 October 2022
I find it interesting enough to keep watching. However, I absolutely despise how they blatantly vilify conservatives. I'm a right leaning moderate, but I'm still disgusted by their double standard. Accept everyone... but don't accept conservatives. I agree that we should love everyone, regardless of their life choices. I don't agree that we should cut down people because of their political views or personal beliefs and morals. The second to last episode in season five was especially intolerant of conservative views, with the entire battalion running after the conservative mother in rage at her standards. I say shame on the show runners for their treatment of the right. They clearly don't care that they're driving away half of their potential audience. Not sure that I care enough to wait for the next season.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Well... there are some things to like
25 June 2022
I liked some of the songs and performances. I thought that Tom Cruise was quite good, bordering on great. That is one talented man. Julianne Hough, however, sounded very nasally, kind of (extremely) like Brittany Spears, and Brit was never known for her fantastic voice. They absolutely destroyed REO Speed-wagon for me. CZJ has a great voice that's underutilized. I personally don't feel like they properly represented the 80's. Sure, it's called Rock of Ages, but it was also a tribute to the 80's and there was a lot of alternative music that hit the top 10. In fact, the most popular music of the 80's was alternative, according to Billboard. I know that there will be some hateful responses. Whatever. I enjoyed both, but alt was my favorite, just like most people I knew who were in High School in the latter part of the decade. We all have our preferences, eh? Anyhow, they laid out some interesting subplots that were never explored. Character development was given a back seat. Tom Cruise's character seemed like he was always either high or drunk, no depth at all. Perhaps that was intentional? I just thought that it was awkward.

In summary, it might be worth streaming when you've already seen everything else... twice. Then again, it might not.
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Archer (2009–2023)
Awfully irreverent, terribly funny
30 January 2022
As far as I know, Archer is the original comical adult animated series. It's devilishly clever, and so quick. If you're not on your toes, you'll miss the almost constant humor. I think that many miss the exploration of various personalities. The titular Sterling Archer is the self proclaimed "world's greatest spy" and, in many ways, he's not wrong. He's an extreme example of self confidence, optimism, impetuousness, fearlessness, and narcissism. He laughs at almost everything, including impossibly awful situations, while all around are losing their minds with fear and dread. He doesn't fear death in the least, though that's partially due to his excessive luck, which he often makes himself. He sustains countless injuries, and somehow they don't dampen his optimism and fearlessness. He will, on occasion, allow anger to get the best of him, but it always gives way to his humor. In rare, uncharacteristic situations, he will soften and become sentimental. That too is short lived, and his primary traits pull him back to his default track.

The polar opposite of Archer is Harold Figis. Harold tries, really hard at times, to exude Archer's confidence. But when Archer responds with his deep rooted, genuine confidence and sense of superiority, Figis always cowers. Even when he seeks to bolster his confidence with committed and impressive weight lifting, his inner sense of inferiority gives way to the handsome, charismatic Archer. The keen observer will likely identify with one of these two stereotypes.

Lana Turner is the only other relatively normal persona; Archer's on again off again love interest. Lana is the mature, serious, responsible counterpart spy who almost constantly finds her head bowed and shaking at Archer. Her nature often lends to superior performance. This mildly irritates our protagonist, but that too is short lived. Nobody can match his fearlessness. Now, Lana sees a small fraction of his injuries due to her circumspection, and there's certainly something to be said for her methods. She has her own unique sense of genuine self confidence, but also vulnerability and occasional insecurity. She might be considered the median between Archer and Figis, and probably closer to many people's reality.

Kreiger is one of my favorites. He's the eccentric genius who generally works alone. He's the quintessential IT guy who nobody understands; They only know that they can't live without him.

I've said enough. Archer is so clever, hilarious, and entertaining. The language is probably calmer than today's street vernacular, though I wish they used less religious slurs. It's often smart humor, so the jokes won't land for everyone. In short, I smile just thinking about it.
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A nice depiction of the childhood of Jesus the Christ
28 January 2022
So many reviewers cry foul. It's non scriptural here, or blasphemous there when the truth is, we know precious little about the childhood of our Lord and Savior veiled in flesh. Is it really all that far fetched? Could he have performed miracles at a young age, before he knew that he was the Christ? I don't know... and neither do you. I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, only trying to make a point. I'm a lifelong Christian and student of the scriptures. There's no definitive evidence that Jesus of Nazareth didn't live the life depicted in this film. I'm not suggesting that it's a true account, because nobody knows I'm only saying that it's within the realm of possibility. I think that the film was respectful and in good taste. Nothing to offend a reasonable Christian.
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A wonderful little first... chapter?
22 January 2022
Nope, haven't read any of the books. Even so, I can appreciate a film that's well done. The smallest version of the little kids is delightful. They didn't all age well (I'm looking at you, Rupert). The kids did a great job at portraying their respective characters. This sole performance of the original Dumbledore was sublime. His replacement in subsequent films didn't hold a candle to the original. His passing was ill timed indeed. This particular inaugural chapter is rather nostalgic to me, because it was released when my kids were little. I miss those days (older kids have greater difficulties). Christopher Cross directed the children like a true professional. Even my now adult children maintain a special fondness for The Sorcerer's Stone. It remains, and ever will, a staple in our hard copy collection.
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Encanto (2021)
Disney is getting real, and closer to real life
4 January 2022
This is my two cents on the message of Encanto. You may not believe as I do, though I have no desire to offend anyone.

While we are all blessed with gifts, and I sincerely believe that we are, they are not all especially visible. It can be easy to feel less than someone with a gift that everyone can see and appreciate. For example, singing or playing the piano. But the truth is that less visible gifts are no less valuable. Everyone feels safe around a good listener with the gift of compassion. The world wouldn't be what it is without STEM masters. Empathy and understanding are truly wonderful gifts. Nevertheless, none of these gifts make us more special than anyone else, and they don't always define who we are. Each of us is a child of God, brothers and sisters in the human family, and of infinite worth. Embrace your gifts and use them to bless your family and your fellow man. This is the stuff of peace and prosperity, and I don't necessarily mean financial. My humble two cents.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
12 November 2021
I was expecting it to be irreverently funny... but it was only irreverent. I was barely entertained enough to watch 3 episodes, then I'd had enough. Nothing felt original. Every once in a while one side of my mouth lifted slightly, only to fall again at the next "funny" line. The voice actors were fine but the writing, sorry to say, was crap. I get that it's hard to find fresh humor anymore, but you've got to dig down deep if you want to keep audiences of today entertained. Warmed over jokes of yesteryear just don't cut it today. You haven't reached the very low bar of making me touch that "next episode" button. It was so bad that I felt compelled to share my dismay with other unwary entertainment seekers. In the immortal words of the Mos Eisley storm troopers, "move along, move along".
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Free Guy (2021)
So, so much fun, even for a cynical critic
27 September 2021
No, I'm not a professional critic, just someone who gets easily irritated and disappointed with poor writing. This was so much fun in so many ways. I loved the actors and characters, as well as the story. So rare for me these days. Oh that more movies were as clever. Not exactly epic, but so worth the price of admission. Ryan Reynolds rocks!
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Freakin' Hilarious!
1 August 2021
I first watched this on a plane. I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing hysterically! The guy sitting next to me asked how I liked it. I replied that I found it to be hilarious. He informed me that it didn't do well in theaters. I thought for a moment, then replied, "I'll bet that most people didn't get the humor, to which he replied, "I think you're right!" You must go into this film realizing that it's all humor, not a serious line in the movie, and that it's very subtle in many cases. If you understand that, and have a modicum of intelligence, you'll enjoy it thoroughly. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
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Julie & Julia (2009)
6 May 2021
In this day of streaming media, full of personal and political agendas, deplorable debauchery, lies and deceit, infidelity and unfaithfulness, I found this film an absolute delight. Meryl Streep was a joy. Amy Adams, I thought, was relatable, pleasant, and enjoyable. Stanley Tucci was his usual self, practically perfect for the role. I loved the old and new stories. I had never known Julia's history before seeing this movie, and I'm so glad that I know it now. I was just a young boy in the 70's, but I remember seeing her on TV. Naturally I thought she was funny to watch. Now I understand and appreciate the respect that she deserves. I'm also very respectful of Julie's efforts to add that spice to her life in such a colorful manner. I could easily watch it again!
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31 March 2021
Truly superb in every sense of the word. The orchestra, the soloists, the chorus, all absolutely wonderful. I was very happy that they used the King James Version of the Bible in their narration. It was worth so much more than the price of admission. All of my family expressed a similar sentiment. I hope to own it some day so that I can learn the songs and sing with them. Bravo!
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Zootopia (2016)
Wrong metaphor
26 September 2020
Predators will ALWAYS BE PREDATORS! The story was all about breaking stereotypes and respecting others in spite or because of their differences. I can absolutely get on board with that. However, the vehicle used to convey this message was predators and prey living together in harmony. I gotta tell ya, I don't see it happening till Christ reigns on Earth for 1,000 years. They conveniently dropped almost all instances of the predators eating. Some of them were carnivores, which means they eat MEAT! When Judy Hopps makes a statement to the media that biological instincts could be the cause of the savage behavior, it's a gross understatement, not an irresponsible opinion. Sure, children may possibly learn appropriate lessons. However, they may also become confused by the same token. I actually really enjoyed the show. I just don't see, as an adult and parent, how the lesson can be effectively taught using broken nature. Parents could do worse than discussing it with their children.
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Michael (1996)
Wrong Subject For Easy Living
16 July 2020
I hear what people are saying, that this movie shouldn't be over analyzed or viewed with religious perspective, just enjoyed. Now, I enjoy movies more than most, though I found the fundamental subject in this film to be very poor indeed. See, I view Michael as the literal father of humanity on Earth, and the original prophet of God. He is the ancient of days, the archangel, the co-creator of this world, the man who cast satan out of heaven. To see him portrayed as Lebowski is sincerely disappointing. Personally, I believe that a line was crossed. This was simply the wrong story for one of the greatest men this planet has ever known. When making light of things, some subjects are just off the table.
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Hamilton (2020)
Funny parts, catchy tune or two, forgettable.
6 July 2020
I grew up when Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables came out (and rap was new and annoying, to me). The music and the story were intoxicating. Now I really love the story of the American Revolution, though I still don't like rap much. However, the opening to Hamilton was really impressive with lyrics and rhythm. Even so, the only song that I will remember is King George's You'll Be Back. I thought that the actors did a great job, though I was bothered by black actors portraying historical figures that were Caucasian. Now don't go judging me to be prejudicial, I would be just as bothered by white actors playing black historical figures. I am anti-racial actually. I simply appreciate authenticity. Overall, I don't understand why this show is so widely loved. Yeah, it was good, but not compared to the monumental shows that came out in my youth. I thought that King George and Thomas Jefferson were really entertaining. Otherwise, I didn't find it very compelling.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Parents of boys will love this
10 April 2020
I'm not entirely certain that younger audiences will truly appreciate the depth of the lessons taught in this movie. Brothers have a special bond that can't be replaced or replicated. Families come in many configurations, but that doesn't really matter. The love that is shared really does. Words fall short when attempting to share how this movie made me feel. I thought of my own boys, and I thought of my little brother. Family love is paramount.

The other primary message is that we can find magic from the past. Take a walk in nature. Ride a horse in the mountains. Disconnect from the modern world and explore with all of your physical senses. Build something with hand tools. Learn to play an instrument. Read a book. There is magic in all these things if we take time to discover it, and now (this was written during the global pandemic) is a great time to start!
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The Croods (2013)
So creative and meaningful
17 March 2020
I'm so impressed by the writing and voice acting, as well as the animated story telling. The way that they used ancient history to parallel a modern day story is truly astounding. I absolutely love the moral and metaphorical message: don't be afraid. Live life and chase the future with all your might. Watching this movie, for maybe the fifth time now, gives me a degree of hope and courage to live my life without fear. Hard to explain, but true nonetheless. I want to be more like Guy, and more like Grug. I hope that I can. A truly wonderful movie, so underrated. Superb for all. One of my favorites.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
I get it!
2 May 2019
I thought that this film was quite strange when I watched it, same as most everyone else. After pondering the meaning behind it, I suddenly realized that it was a metaphorical children's story! If you watch it with this in mind, then it will make much more sense. The main characters are Kit, of course, and the eccentric though wise store manager, whose guidance helped Kit find the things that she desperately needed in her life. Once she found those things, she realized that she didn't actually need that unicorn when she finally met him. The writing could have been a little better, but the cast did a lovely job with what they had. There are great lessons to be learned from this story, if you will take the time to understand it. If not, then it will appear as simple nonsense. The choice is yours.
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Spirited Away (2001)
What the...
28 April 2019
Okay, I'm an American male adult. I didn't see anything special about this film. I still love children's movies, when done well. This one completely failed to capture my attention. Granted, I don't understand (and therefore appreciate) Asian culture, and maybe that's the whole reason for my dreadful review. The value of art is largely objective, and my point of view is that it stinks. Not putting anyone down who enjoyed it. I understand that it wasn't made for people like me, but I saw it anyway, and this is my two cents.
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
Palatable for the right
18 April 2019
If all Democrats were as benevolent and altruistic as the characters in the Bartlett administration, I would be one. As it is, I consider myself a moderate with right leanings. The rather extreme polarization of the two major parties in this country has disenchanted me from both of them. I love how the Bartlett camp cares deeply about the American people, both collectively and individually. I don't like it so much when they occasionally villify Republicans and Christian groups. As a political drama, it's about the best I've ever seen, if sometimes flawed and overly partisan. Would that all politicians were such men and women of integrity, and mostly moral.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
I believe that it's an allegory
22 March 2019
In allegories, one must be careful to not seek for parallels in all aspects of the story. I believe that the message is simply this: The corruption of nature begets the destruction of man. Man must endeavor to prevent the corruption of nature. I could be wrong, though this seems the most likely interpretation. If there is more, then the rest is inconsequential, when compared to the primary meaning. Plot holes exist because it's all about the message. Thought provoking, and mildly entertaining.
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