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Nefarious (2023)
Not Bad as Psychological Thriller, Not Really that Scary Though
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
On the positive side, Flanery is a great actor and does a fantastic job. Film makers do best when they depict demon possession, not as the witchy, pale-faced old ladies with a sinister grin, but when they highlight the dramatic personality shifts in the possesser and possessed. As the movie progresses you see the characters seperate more and Flanery suspends your disbelief well. The demon is cool and collected and has a plan that makes sense as to why he'd want his host to be executed. The man on death row, Edward Brady is an abused and broken man being controlled by the demons he slowly let in over his lifetime. Flanery does so well at this that it almost had me in tears when he ordered his last meal.

Being a movie written from the Christian perspective it is one of the few that actually explains the subject of demon possession accurately, which to me, is more terrifying than your typical horror flick of "oh we disturbed the ghost of old Joe's mansion" or whatever.

On the negative side, the movie setting barely ever leaves the interrogation table which leaves the entire thing feeling "small" and like you've really already saw the whole thing in the preview.

I said earlier that this does a great job of explaining "correctly" the demonic realm, however, because of that it comes across a bit much at times...like we're getting a "Screwtape" perspective on the theology of the demonic. It seems a little like the demon is overly anxious to explain everything to the psychologist.

My biggest complaint is that even though the subject of demon possession is creepy, this movie never felt scary to me. Anguishing, yes. A bit thrilling, yes. Psychological, yes. But never that unnerving creepy feeling I want from a horror movie.

Lastly, they could have done without the Glen Beck interview in the end. I like Glen and the Blaze and all but I have a feeling the movie's target audience either wouldn't like Beck or wouldn't know who he was. For someone that does know who he is, this really seemed to break the 4th wall to me. All in all I don't really think that was needed in the movie.
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Will Make You Cry and Move You to Action
25 July 2022
It's strange that this movie is averaging 5 out 10 stars as I write this. After looking through reviews it seems we all LOVE it. The only slight draw back is the quality might just be a tad under Hollywood high budget (I guess, maybe?), but even at that it is really well done. After watching a million throw-away empty films that you forget in week - this kind of film exposes the destitution that so many children face in this world and inspires you to open your heart the way Hud did. It breaks my heart to see so many little children orphaned and trafficked in this world. Let's all open our homes and adopt at least one child!!

Thank you Bring Me Hope for making this and highlighting this need! ALso thank you for showing the real adoption stories at the end!
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Stripped (2014)
Best Documentary on This Subject I have Seen
23 August 2021
I have wanted to be one of these quirky comic strip artists since I was kid reading Garfield and Peanuts in the papers. The problem was, in pre-internet days, how do you even know what to do do get there? You read some books you can find in your local library but trying to get the info you really need always seemed impossible to me. To actually see the faces and hear the interviews of Jim Davis, Stephen Pastis, Bill Amend and of course, the legendary Bill Watterson and others is just so sought after for a nobody cartoonist like myself. (The only other similar documentary I know of was Dear Mr. Watterson and that one's really good too). There are just a few scenes of the artists actually drawing and this is something I have been dying to see for I-don't-know-how-long.

It's sad that it's really a documentary about the death of newspapers and therefore the end of the printed newspaper comics as we used to know them. It does shine a little light of hope in the direction of web comics - but I'm finding, at least for myself that it's nearly impossible to get seen and heard in a world where any kid can post a meme on social media and call it a "comic". I still think to myself, there has to be another way to aggregate all of us old-school ink & paper cartoonists outside the web...Like a yearly...or quarterly...no weekly...well heck, how about a daily printed volume or something...I don't know. We could call this printing something like "The Funnies" or "The Funny Paper"...yeah that'd be funny.

Anyway, this is a MUST SEE for anyone who draws comics (of the funny variety) or who who just loves them.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Must See Wake Up Call of a Movie
15 March 2021
I knew reading negative reviews was going to make me feel sick because I knew the pushback against such a movie would be almost overwhelming. This movie is well-made (not like a lot of the low budget, cheesy Christian flicks out there). The acting is top notch, the storyline is gripping and will make you cry. The writers did an excellent job with such a controversial subject, sticking with truth but not going overboard with the graphic details for shock value. The movie offers a gentle touch from the pro-life side, I promise. This isn't movie about hate and shame, it really is just a biography of the true story of Abby Johnson. Dear Woman-Considering-Abortion: Watch this for yourself and judge because you seriously have to ask yourself "Why are people so harshly tearing this movie down?" the same question you should ask when you see people standing outside PP praying. Why is this such a controversial topic? Why do many of these "medical facilities" have tall fences and restrict who comes on the property? It's because this ramifications of this "procedure" are far, far greater than getting a tumor removed. But you're an intelligent person, you know that. You're considering terminating your pregnancy because you KNOW there's no way you can take care of this kid, right? I get that, WE get that. Not all pro-lifers are here to shame you. Please, before you go to a PP, just consider talking to a Crisis Pregnancy Center first. They can help you TRULY explore your options. Your mistakes do not define you! You still have a chance to make a decision you live with the rest of your life!
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Man with a Plan (2016–2020)
Finally a Good Sitcom - Wait, Cancelled Already?
1 December 2020
My wife and I have become increasingly bored with what's on Netflix and Hulu. We've watched through all the TV shows we really like and have been floating around in limbo searching for something new for a while. We thought we'd give this show a try. After the first few episodes we were like "Yeah this is not bad, let's keep watching," and then the show just got funnier and funnier! You know what I like MOST about this show? It's relatively clean and doesn't have this underlying social agenda to cram a world-view down our throat like most modern TV shows. We breezed through the 4 seasons of this show and are sorely disappointed that it was already cancelled. Thanks a lot CBS - I guess you were looking for some more PC garbage to make sure society is fully indoctrinated in the modern globalistic, socially conscious, progressively tolerant, homogenization of the world.
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Klaus (2019)
Probably Just Became My Favorite Christmas Movie Ever
3 December 2019
We just happened to come across this on Netflix and gave it a try. Very quickly it moves from "oh here's ANOTHER cutesy animated film trying desperately to contrive feelings of Christmas magic" to "Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!" This movie is genuinely funny, excellently illustrated and quite possibly the most original Santa Claus story I've ever seen. The character of Klaus as this massively manly woodsman living out in the cold backwoods and friends only with the wildlife was so cool! The story of the fighting villagers was so full of little funny details and had my wife and I literally laughing out loud. It also has some heart wrenching moments that I won't spoil here.
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Michael bay are You Done Yet?
8 July 2019
This review is about The Last Knight but will about sum up my feelings of this franchise. As an 80's kid whose heros were Jesus, John Elway and Optimus Prime you can imagine my excitement when I heard the Autobots were coming to live action big screen in '07 (As a side note I was absolutely thrilled when I heard Peter Cullen's nostalgic voice in that fist movie) But I was quickly disappointed and with each sequel in this franchise it is like salt in an open wound. There is barely a thread in these movies of the basic fabric of what it even means to be The Transformers. Admittedly these movies are visually stunning and exciting. They are fun to watch and even have some pretty deep and layered plots. All that is great, but Bay, if you're going to change just about everything about the Autobots and Decepticons....why not just go make your own thing? The things I cannot stand about these movies include (but are not limited to): 1. Obliterating the innocence of the original. When adapting a childhood favorite, you kill the essence by bringing in crude language and innuendos. Bringing a super hot, sexy chick is fun to look at but really is a just a distraction and has nothing to do with the story. 2. Character design. This is really the most annoying thing about these movies. The characters are so damn overly detailed it is hard to even realize what you're looking at half the time. I think a large part of what we loved about the Transformers in the 80's was their character design. Modern CGI artist have the ability to knock it out of the park and bring into reality those cars & trucks transforming into robots but here they just overdid the crap out of them and on top of it, gave them all these weird insect-like faces. 3. Tough chicks. *barf* This all Hollywood cares about anymore and I'm just over it. In the real world a tough-chick is a rarity - in the movies you'd think that's how all women are. 4. The "transforming dance". OK, on paper it sounds kind of cool, 'hey, let's make it like a break dance when they transform'. In reality it is just needlessly showy and seems to mask the actual transformation. Look, this entire story is about vehicles that transform into robots. Slow it down and lets see how that works. And don't tell me it doesn't: they did in the 80's cartoon and I have a dozen toys from that era that DO work. 5. Relentless action. OK, we all love action, but good grief, put in a breather every few scenes. The best way to really highlight a battle is surround it by quietness, not more battles. 6. Too much going on. Along the lines of that last point, this is the same reason I just can't with the Avengers franchise. Why on earth do the writers think they need to stuff EVERY character and EVERY storyline into the same movie and then ADD new characters? Do you even realize the The Last Knight really only deals with like four Autobots?? Where's Jazz and Ironhide and Powerglide and Cliffjumper? etc. etc. etc. 7. How do the humans even hold a candle to the robots whenever they fight? This is just unbelievable. 8. In The Last Knight, they ALMOST forgot to have Optimus transform. In a 2.5 hour movie about TRANSFORMERS, the main autobot transforms ONCE. 9. Is this movie about Mark Wahlberg and others about Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel and Shi LaBeouf and Anthony Hopkins? Or is it about the freakin' Transformers? 10. Why can Bumble Bee STILL not talk?....oh he kind of did in the end. And WHY does he not transform into a VW Beetle? Again Bay, go make your own thing.

I could go on and on and I would if I knew Bay would read this and just stop. If you want to make us 80's kids happy how about this. Reboot this and scratch everything Bay did. Start all over. Make a period piece so that you can still keep all the same vehicles. Make them transform into what they originally did. Simplify the animation so you can see them transform. Make the movie about the AUTOBOTS. Maybe a little about Spike and Sparkplug but they are the SIDE characters. Keep it innocent enough for 7 year olds to go see. Try to approximate their original voices or go find those actors like they did with Cullen. Keep Peter Cullen though....definitely keep him at all costs. You don't need to write new storylines or add characters. The original was fine. Hell, ALL you need to do is remake the original cartoons just use modern CGI to make it live action. Mm k? Thanks.
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Steaming Pile Of Horse Manure
25 October 2018
When did filmmakers start mixing up "Shock" with "Horror"? Most of these stories weren't scary at all, just horribly and utterly grotesque. Most of these filmmakers seemed like they were crunched for time and ideas so they just went for the nuclear option - shock value. How completely intellectually lazy! I can't believe how many depraved minds got together to write, act, film and edit this drivel. There is everything from pornography, racism, masturbation, animal cruelty, child pron (thankfully only alluded to), drug use, S&M, way too much gore, stupid juvenile, low brow humor, and on and on. A couple of the the titles may have made for a really cool full length movie, like Cycle or Vagitus, but the rest are mind rot that never need to be watched by another human being. I watched this as part of Hulu's "Huluween" and can't believe they actually have this kind of X rated crap on Hulu. I am always trying to find good scary movies, not a bunch of almost-smut thrown together for pure shock value.
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Creep (I) (2014)
Waste of Time
31 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I keep trying these "found footage" movies only to be utterly disappointed almost every time. In fact, Paranormal Activity is the ONLY good one out there. This movie was based on improv conversations and it shows. It is slow and doesn't build up. It is predictable and boring. It offers nothing to keep you scared (there are a few jump scares which I view as cheating anyway) My advice to the makers of this movie: write a good story instead of improv. You have to trick the audience. In this movie we knew who the "creep" was the entire time. There are a a couple small little twists, but they don't really make a difference in the story. The "Peachfuzz" mask is the scariest thing in this movie.
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The Signal (2007)
Low Budget Gorefest with Aggravating Plot
22 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so the idea of a signal being broadcast over all TV and radio that drives people mad and causes mass hallucinations is a great story idea. Also, though there was a slight "B" feel to this flick, the cinematography and acting really weren't bad. I even liked some of the layering of the story. However, I am sick of movies making killing, death and gore so cheap and meaningless - not even for moral reasons, but because it just makes the plot unbelievable, un-relatable and gives the writing crutches to get over impossible situations. Also, I get angry at cheating little skanks like Maya and so I'm secretly rooting for Lewis, but no- he's made out to be the bad guy in the end. And my biggest problem with this movie is that it never explains the source of the signal! (Or did I miss it?) Is it from a terrorist organization? Is it alien? We'll never know. Also, the movie finishes with all kinds of loose ends, there is never any resolution. What happens in Terminus? Does the signal ever quit? Does everyone in the town just kill everyone? What is the rest of the world's reaction? ***The end I was hoping for: The signal caused massed hysteria and hallucinations causing people to believe they needed to, and were killing everyone. However, in the end it is revealed no one ever harmed a single person and everyone was using toys and rubber knives on each other! There! Better ending, right? I think so.
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B Rated Impotent Gushy "Romantic Comedy"
22 December 2014
I was drawn in by the cover photo...there was something "Royal Tenanbaum"_esque about it. Very quickly in the opening scene with the fortune teller it was clear we had rented yet another B movie by the film quality and acting. What really made this a bad movie, though, was the story itself. The fact that Jack becomes agoraphobic because of what the fortune teller told him was hard to swallow, but the fact that he becomes cartoonishly terrified is just too much. He is such a freaking pansy that I'm sure a 5th grade girl would even want to kick him in the nuts to see him do something brave. I can see where the writer was going with this story but it is just so one dimensional. Also most of the scoring and pacing was done so poorly that there was no punch in events. Audrey was all this film had going for it. She's beautiful and her character had a bit of depth (unlike Jack). Also...the secret (I won't give it away here) that Jack told his psychologist seemed to have nothing to do wiith the plot. Finally, I did not like how it ended.
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Very Pleasantly Surprised
11 August 2014
These days I'm just about sick of computer animation and special effects. It seems each new movie is just trying to out-do the last with more CGI, louder effects and packing the movie with more & more action. Guardians of the Galaxy had all the ingredients to be another blockbuster Marvel movie yet somehow sidestepped (most) of those pitfalls. I have to be honest, I had never heard of the comic book and actually never even saw a trailer before seeing this. There was a TON of action and there were the clichés that make me want to throw-up (tough guy girls, bad guys that are just cartoonishly bad, unstoppable & unknown powers being volleyed between the good guys and the bad guys),but here's what made this movie great: The plot was unpredictable, it was original and creative - except the main guy being kind of Rocket Man/Ironman-ish, the cast of heroes were unlike anything I've seen (especially from Marvel movies). Lastly, just when you think CGI has reached its peak, somehow some studio comes along and is still able to wow you with the visuals! This movie was visually stunning! PS Groot was easily my favorite character and probably won me over for the entire film. Stories need more characters like him who are slow, thoughtful, wise & loving even while being the most of the team.
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Gave Me Chills
2 June 2014
I don't know why, because I'm a pretty harsh critic, especially when it comes to horror movies. I feel like the majority of "scary" movies rely too much on the "boo" factor and are somewhat predictable or have some silly monster that is just not believable. A lot of them, too, seem to borrow from others and just try too hard. I knew nothing of this movie going into it and started to roll my eyes after the first scene. However, when the real story in the 1800's got going, things started to get pretty chilling and I was pleasantly surprised. I was also surprised at some of the cast being some big names(Sissy Spacek & Donald Sutherland)I didn't think the plot was predictable which kept me on the edge of my seat. Unexpected elements such as the black wolf are necessary to keep a movie original and unpredictable. I wasn't a huge fan of the twist and how the hauntings were explained...In fact, that seems to be the downfall of a lot of horror...when they try to neatly tie everything up and explain the happenings.
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Her (2013)
Interesting Take on A.I. but Sad Prophecy
30 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Like Steven Spielberg's A.I., Her gives us a glimpse into very plausible future. As society becomes more and more reliant on technology, especially kinds of artificial intelligence such as Apple's "Siri" and gamers are becoming engrossed in ultra-realistic games using technology like Microsoft's Kinect, you can almost see how a lonely guy could start to fall for companionship of a computer. The story starts to fall apart, however, on the part of the Operating System "Samantha". If you know anything about the basics of a computer program, you know that all operations are based on "If,then" parameters and nothing more. A computer does not, and cannot want (perhaps one of the best aspects of this film is provoking philosophical discussion over what sentience really is and where the dividing line is that separates human from animal and machine). If I were in Theodore's position I would never be able to get past the thought of knowing that Sam's ultimate objective was probably programmed "to make the user happy" and not that she loved me. Anyway, the story is a great idea and my biggest beef with the plot is the ending. The story needed to end somewhere and so Sam just sort of dissipates in her cyber universe. I really think the ending should have been Theodore coming to a realization that Sam was only a program with human mask and that his needs could only be met in a real human and thus choosing to walk away. The movie gets points for cinematography. I enjoyed the color palette, score, drawings on the wall in Theodore's office and (even though the wardrobes were drab)the choice of a future "look" in fashion.
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Cover is Misleading: This is a B Movie
27 May 2014
The only thing I enjoyed about this movie was the concept. I was hooked by the cover art and the synopsis on the back of the DVD and so I rented it. I was very disappointed in the low budget quality and poor acting. I could have made a better movie using my old mini-DV camera. If "B" quality doesn't bother, perhaps you could get into this. I can think of hundreds of cool ideas to take this idea - the idea that only 180 something people are left on the planet. Think of the infrastructure - buildings, roads....THINGS, you could pillage from billions of abandoned buildings! The film seemed to barely touch on some of the essentials you'd be forced to deal with right away, like how to sustain your food and shelter. Let's hope maybe a bigger studio or something buys the rights to this story.
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slow, dull, boring
25 May 2014
Me & my buddies love obscure, art- house, independent films & so we're always going out on a limb to find something good. I really wish there was some kind of warning like a scarlet letter for movies like this. This movie is painfully slow and so dull I couldn't follow what was happening. The acting is bad, the sets & costumes are low budget. The eyeliner on the bad-guys was so distracting I think I paid more attention to it than the dialogue. It seems they could only film in 5 locations, one of which was someone's apartment. There are no ups & downs in action- if the pacing of the film were on a graph it would flat-line.

We kept hoping things would change but a half hour in we gave it the fast forward treatment.
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Lowered My View of Google While Bring Nothing New to the Table
30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Internship is guilty of what so many movies have done with Adam Sandler and Will Farrell. They used a "caricature" of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson and I have a feeling they turned them loose for some improv comedy that did not deliver. Their characters in the movie are two cliché "down & out" guys who lose their overly simplified jobs as salesmen (depicted as a job for tech-challenged "dinosaurs")and decide to try out the internship program at Google, despite knowing nothing about computers. Their relationships with each other and the rest of the cast come across as forced and offered up only a few laughs. Enter Google, the futuristic, Utopian workplace that employs only young, good-looking, smart people that our two goofy heroes somehow manage to trick their way into an internship with. < sarcasm > Hilarious adventure ensues < / sarcasm > The characters, who seem like phoney cliché personalities themselves, end up teaching the dinosaurs about their world and in turn learn some lessons from the old guys. There are plenty of fantasies that come true for the movie stars that never happen in real life (like the kid getting a free lap dance)all the while the dialogue moves along in lightning-fast, pre-programmed, impossibly witty banter. In the end each character's story is summed up nicely except the villain who gets what's coming to him. All the good guys come rolling in like rock-stars in front of everyone to surprise you and win! (No way!)All the while a giant Jib-Jab video of them play on the screen on stage (Really? Jib-Jab? Why not the animated gif of the Hampster Dance?) I really feel like I've seen this movie before... That was just the plot...the other part the gets this movie such a low rating is that I feel like it was written by Google just help them look even better to the public while they slowly infiltrate our lives and take us over. Behind those colorful letters and image of being the funnest place in the world to work, is a borg-ran, tech company that's got its powerful tentacles in every aspect of our lives. First it was a search engine, then mail,then they took pictures of the entire world & now for the coupe-De-gras: winning your heart through a cheesy, heart-felt, Disney-esque movie with big-named actors playing underdogs who win in the end. Just watch, Google will own IMDb soon....and then Disney too! hahahah
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The Descent (2005)
Like/Hated This Movie
4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Can I say that I thought this was a really well made movie while hating it at the same time? I'm always on the lookout for a good scary movie & I'm very critical at what makes a good scary movie. I think the "Boo" factor is a cheap way of getting a scare out of you, while an intriguing creepy plot is how to absolutely terrify. I don't care for stupid monsters and goriness. I love dark, mysterious, haunting movies like What Lies Beneath and the first Paranormal Activity. Descent threw some curve balls at me. I hate movies like Sanctum because I feel uptight and claustrophobic the entire time and this is what Descent does to you. It's intense and really makes you feel like you're there. One girl breaks her leg and it almost made me want to vomit because it was so realistic. The sequence of events had me saying "I hate this, I hate this," but then as a couple of the women rose to the occasion to fight for their lives I started to like it. Juno wields an ice axe becomes a true bad ass attacking the creatures that have come to feast on them. When Juno accidentally kills one of her friends, she becomes a "bad guy" which I hated. Yes, she was a coward by walking away, but I hated that she ends up getting killed by Sarah in the end. What I did like about this movie was that it was extremely realistic. Most movies like this have me saying "Oh come on! No one would do that!" or "There is no reason they couldn't get away" or "Yeah right". In Descent each of the women act like real people, real outdoorsy chicks and when they are forced to become bad asses, it's not like some stupid tough guy chick like in Ultra Violet or Underworld. These girls are real bad asses (Mainly Juno & Sarah). Although the "crawlers" seem a little cliché horror movie-esqu, they achieve a bit believability mainly by vulnerabilities: they're blind and they can actually be killed. When Sarah finally breaks free of the cave you find yourself remembering to breath. (I didn't like that her escape turned out to be a dream and you're left wondering whatever *did* happen to her. Overall, not my type of "horror" flick, but very well made and realistic.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Unpredictable & Surprisingly Layered
11 September 2013
The first time I saw a trailer for Iron Sky I thought it looked like a high-budget blockbuster type film and looked kind of cool/interesting in the vein of Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow. Then I believe production was held off for a few years & I forgot about it. Yesterday I saw it on the shelf at the video store & thought "Oh yeah! I'm very curious about this movie about moon Nazis!" As the opening scene unfolded I started getting that yucky feeling that I had just rented a "B" movie. Through the movie there was that low-budget feel, but it was as if the producers knew it and owned it. Iron Sky does not take it self at all seriously and this attitude is precisely what it needed to bring us to a place of actually being impressed with the special effects, the humor, even the plot with its societal commentary. You might think there's not many turns you could take in a movie about Nazis on the dark side of the moon, but this movies takes many twists and turns making it very unpredictable.
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Hollywood Remakes Another Hero by Deflating Him
5 July 2013
I have to separate myself from my tiny little involvement as an extra in this film to write a fair review. Let's start with the bad: After having been a part of the Moab, Utah shoot I decided I had better brush up on my Lone Ranger knowledge and so I bought a DVD of the first few black & white episodes and watched them all. The Lone Ranger was an epic character. He was a courageous, fearless good guy who, with his horse silver and his signature silver bullets, became a legend in the old west. In this 2013 rendition, he is reduced to a cowardly wimp who is scared of guns. When you cut away all the action sequences, he really didn't bring anyone to justice, little lone Cavendish. I am so tired of our modern cinema's reliance on special effects rather than plot lines to tell stories. There were plenty of my pet peeve moments when I'm left rolling my eyes going "yeah right!", like when Tonto jumps from one train 40 or 50 feet down to another movie train & it doesn't break both of his legs. Though I think Johnny Depp is great actor, I think his personality & his version of Tonto made this into a huge Depp-fest whereas they could have given the role to a full-blooded Native American to give them honor & stay true to the story. Another bone I have to pick is the senseless deprecation of Christians or, I guess, "church folk" in this movie. They are made to look like a bunch of backwoods, nerdy, half brained dogmatists preaching hellfire & brimstone. What was the point in that? Also John Reid makes it a point to show that his "Bible" is a law book, rather than the Bible. The original Lone Ranger could actual be seen quoting the Bible in the old black & white episodes! OK, now for the good: This movie is a high-budget non-stop adventure. It's fun to watch & is has a good amount of humor dispersed throughout. I enjoyed the aspects where they stayed true to the original story. The look & feel of the film seems authentic and is overall visually exciting, not to mention filmed in beautiful locations. If you really liked movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, then you will probably like The Lone Ranger.
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Each New Paranormal Activity is Worse
27 February 2013
I really wish people would stop making hit movies into franchises. I guess from a monetary standpoint, why not milk something for all its worth? From an artistic standpoint, however, movie makers should only make sequels if the original material planned for it (i.e. Lord of the Rings). To add more stories after the fact is to dilute what made it a success in the first place. The first Paranormal Activity was one of the creepiest movies I have ever seen and it wasn't because of some formula that you could apply to another movie. This is exactly what they are doing with each successive movie. It was like they thought "Oh it really freaked people out when something invisible yanked her out of her bed" and so they just keep doing the same thing over & over. IT'S NOT SCARY ANYMORE! There were certain things that happened in the first one, like the main girl actually becoming possessed and the way her character just changed, that you cannot just repeat. Anyway, this particular film is basically just a teenage girl Skyping with her boyfriend the whole time and maybe like 2 scary things happen in the whole movie, but you've been waiting for it so much that it's anticlimactic when it finally happens. The idea of this spooky little boy seems to have potential but in the end he's not spooky at all. Dear writers & producers of Paranormal Activity, it is time to move on to something new.
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The Tall Man (2012)
Keep Watching! It's Not What You Might Expect!
28 January 2013
Something in the trailer of this movie made me think of a story I've been trying to write since I was a teenager & that was why I was curious to see it. However,The Tall Man was nothing like what I had expected. For the first 2/3 of the movie I was getting more and more disappointed. I was thinking "Why do they always make these movies about a heroine that is constantly crying & screaming & limping & dragging herself away from some bad guy?"Boring! I thought it was going to be hard to finish the movie because it seemed like another cliché thriller. The plot makes two hard twists, however, that make it all worth it and you will be replaying the movie in your head hours after its over to see how it all fits together. There are very, very subtle clues throughout and you are left trying to figure what in the world is happening right until the very end! It's strange that I could be hating a movie so much until the end where it changes my mind and I say "Oh...well...OK...now that's pretty cool and original!"
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Surprisingly Freaky!
18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Last night was one of those "free promo code at Redbox" nights & so I went to peruse & rent some movie I have never heard of or that I wouldn't be able to watch with anyone else. I love creepy movies but not necessarily "horror" movies. I am disappointed in the scary movie genre 98% of the time. The Apparition's opening scenes had me rolling my eyes as usual. The "raw footage" was so obviously not raw - top grade film made to look old & grungy and camera angles that would never be taken on a home camcorder. I hate the whole idea that they are applying science to ghosts...like machines & computers could really measure the supernatural and I hate that there's the one guy, Patrick, that knows so much about all of it (How does he know all this stuff?). Then in the introduction of the characters, the music and filming style become so upbeat, slick & polished, the characters so good looking that it feels like a car commercial or something. It's not until the freaky things start happening in the couple's house that the movie becomes unexpectedly good. Even the score becomes original, twisted and melded with the strange things that are happening. The writers get an A+ for coming up with new ways freak you out. I'm so tired of every movie copying all others in timing, the "boo factor", score, etc. The use of this strange mold appearing in the house, the variety (& not overuse) of the subtle mysterious happenings (all the doors suddenly being wide open), the weird weird way that *something* knotted Kelly's clothes up and impossibly twisted all of her hangers... I love that there is no real "bad guy", no person in a rubber mask playing some stupid monster, but it's this subtle strange, faceless, darkness that is happening. The setting, unusual for a horror movie, is in a modern clean suburban neighborhood. This, on the one hand, loses all the creepiness of an old dilapidated house or terror of a fall wood, but brings the story right into your own plush home. When the couple goes to a hotel and they are followed by the haunting it serves to widen the horror to their whole world. Also what happens in the hotel room was so terrifying to me that tears were coming out of my eyes because of a real life situation I was in (as well as some true stories from friends). The movie is not without its silly Hollywood gimmicks or plot problems,(also having a main character that is so hot that I can't help staring at *her* instead of what's happening, damn you writers/casting people) but this is a good freaky movie if you're in the mood for the adrenaline that comes from being terrified.
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Orange County (2002)
One of My All Time Favorite Comedies; A Classic
28 November 2012
How this movie has an average rating of 6.1 at the time of me writing this review is beyond me. The semi-serious base story of Shaun, a high schooler trying to get into Stanford is a good enough drama on its own, but then you ad the social commentary (albeit exaggerated...maybe)on the southern California mindset with an all star cast including Jack Black Lily Tomlin and Chevy Chase the movie becomes outrageously funny. I think Colin Hanks is an excellent actor (I have no idea why he has all but disappeared in the last 10 years), and does a bang up job of being the one kid in school who actually cares about his education all the while being pulled away by his numb-skull surfer buddies. Another of the cast who seems to have disappeared is Schuylar Fisk who plays Shaun's girlfriend Ashley. Ashley is the overly positive sweetheart girlfriend who will support Shaun through thick and thin. This is honestly one of Jack Black's funniest performances. He plays Shaun's druggie dead beat brother and when he gets mixed up in Shaun's quest for Stanford, hilarity compounds! Even 10 years after the movie was released I still laugh out loud watching this!
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Meh...Not Terrible, But Not Great
28 November 2012
My brother & I probably watched every episode of the original Hannah Barbara Scooby Doo cartoons in the 80's and so I am very leery of all these newer versions that keep popping up. There was a certain feel in those originals that will never be reproduced and perhaps Scooby is best left in the 70's. I was pretty let down by the Freddie Prince Jr. movies which tried to update Scooby (like a lot of CGI updates, Alvin & the Chipmunks, Smurfs, Garfield, Transformers, etc.)with modern lingo & culture which for some reason means crudeness, krass jokes and even sexual innuendos. This movie was better in that sense, but is annoying when they stray from the original (Freddie is blond, ghosts are ALWAYS people in masks, etc.) And since we're making a "realistic" version, why is Scooby CGI? Why not just use a real Great Dane? Nick Palatas, though doing a decent impression of Casey Kacem's "Shaggy" voice comes across annoying and contrived after a while. Maybe I'm a purist...maybe I'm a grouch, but I kind of wish people would leave the old cartoons alone.
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