
16 Reviews
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This Space for Rent (2006–2007)
30 March 2022
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Chop Kick Panda (2011 Video)
Worthy addition to Kung Fu Pandas legacy and a great stamp on how to "copy" right!
18 December 2021
LPF is so so but this is great, not perfect like Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2 but has grand 2d animation, and sound effects, wonderful music and voice acting, simple styled story retelling the Kung Fu Panda mixed with some Iron Fist comic inspiration, and a gollybopotty sense of humor and comic timing which holds this up from actually being a "terrible rip off version" of the latter masterstroke of cinema and animation. Please give this one a chance guys, seriosuly. I am ignoring the rest of the reviews on this list cause most either 1 star it or give sarcastic 10 to 8 star opinions saying it is berry heaven on 2d animation storytelling. It is a clear COPY of Kung fu Panda, yes, but PLEASE give this one a watch!!!! Honestly, it is a worthy addition to Kung Fu Pandas legacy and a great stamp on how to "copy" right! 1 star removed cause of the fact its 2d Kung Fu Panda AND WORTHY OF YOUR TIME AND MONEY.
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The Da Vinci Code (2006 Video Game)
Art Lemon! Beauty ann Life
26 May 2021
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DC Super Hero Girls (2019–2021)
Great Comedy with amazing references action and heft hearty
6 April 2021
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Spider-Man: Keeping Secrets (2003)
Season 1, Episode 2
Best Dressed?
4 December 2020
PLEASE..... the girl's got hips like snack trays.... I'm Black C... erm, I mean Talon, I am Talone! Fear my wrath Speaker adn he thus shall be named bi-atch.
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Constantine (2005 Video Game)
Constant... Vigilance.. The Name is John.. Constantine... JOHN Constantine... A&*holes!!!
18 November 2020
The gameplay the mechanics the music the voice acting the atmosphere.. the graphics, the hub worlds the story extensings the creatures/demons/and angels the bosses the powers the guns the fighting the game... is just PERFECT!
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Fell for Mythica
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fell inlove with Melanie immediately(and not cause just she is ravishing & "so" right, if you either get me), Adam Jonson' Thane is riotly funny, and Kevin Sorbo, aka Herc, is the man! I loved this film... way best than people criticise it for. Go and ignore the low budget affairs, and watch this wholesome tale drama with high octane intense mucho action and sexy garments. Truly, this film, and its sequels too, is masterfully done. Honestly I am not kidding. Go and see it, and you will THANK me later...
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Ellipsis (II) (2017)
Unbiased review "Ellipsis" film...
26 September 2020
If you love "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" set on one night, then this movie' for you! Watch it, fulfill it, Love It!
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Squandered promise with a very strong ending for rip-off_adequate horror flick
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I just seen, this intricate rip-off of the Annabelle franchise name, and let me say... I actually warented promise of this throughout. Yes, seriously.

The start of the film had a great intro score and eerie setup, followed by a gosh awfully done open scene that made me ugh and roll my own eyes then immediately followed up by one of the most impressive and emotionally wrapping intro credits for a low-budget horror movie. The music by Keaton James Thompson is honestly captivating and morose as it intercuts some brilliant artwork by with the feel of the tone this movie has set up. Once the film began, however, I was assaulted by annoying cross cut editing that kept interrupting pace and all flow of the plot. Once the film actually gets "scary" is when I became truly impressed with this production.

The good: The music is the best element to this motion pic; the score complements the scenes of scare quite evenly; the second thing is the acting {suprisingly}). Each one of the actors (save for the guy portraying the security guard who was flat and had the worst writing of all the people there) gave their all encapsulating the dread, confusion, and terror in their faces whenever the fright strikes. Also, when it comes down to it, the directing by Craig Rees manages to successfully (not complete all frames) convey uneasiness, wareiness, subliminal euphoria (a little overdone with the blue visions of the stairs tbh), and creepiness... overall, this was creepy. I have to say production design and lighting was standard up until the final moments of the movie, where it started to increasingly better itself.

The fine: The writing. Just okay in most spots where it would garnish a scare or jump scare but never does to even character motives and decisions by TWO characters in the movie made me upset and furiated, to when the scares happen it is good to great to kinda thoughtful.

The bad: The editing , is the main culprit here; since the beginning of the movie, the numerous inserts of random segways and cutaways to scenes of people just walking around the museum, marked by jump cuts of the music as the abruptly end suddenly to start up again, long stretches of silence and subdued terror made this a problematic notion for me. Furthermore, it was NOT scary. One spot that held my attention was during the scene where it (unfortunately) followed the security guard around THE ENTIRE building }}almost} and he comes across this mannequin of a Spanish soldier. He longingly stares directly into its eyes as the camera cuts back and forth between his reaction to the mannequin' face, all with out sounds or music. This would warrant a proper jump scare that would have made sense and scared me but instead they lazily just have him yell and say 'got ya didnt I?". I got pissed and wanted so bad to turn it off. The film just kept holding attention to things that were oblivious to the story at hand, which made little use of its time as there were several detours in through and all over that kept going nowhere. The constant cuts and\or fades to blacks every couple of minutes made me close to shutting it off.... then the ending happened!....

The one most interesting element or elements of the entire movie is (and I am being 100% honest here, despite my low rating of this film, cause they DID try) the last whole 20 MINUTES of the movie.. it felt like the prouction to the directing of the scenes and actors, to the acting itselves, to the lighting to the suspense and story structure to the mention of the doll' background was horror 101, obviously, but it was invigorating! To the way the main protagonit, David, cowers throughout the hallways hiding and decoding the location of the doll, Annabellum, to the telling of the mythos story of the doll in David's words of the letters ws just immeasurable. His inflection of his voice kept getting weaker and more vulnerable with every foundation of clues he read next. This reminded me closely of Silent Hill and Resident Evil games where characters would find graphs or letters of events long happened that kept the players interest. It certainly did mine. It was kind of inspired. The film ends off with David dying from his possessed receptionist who kills herself, and his niece (corrupted by the doll) goes after the nephew, eventually killing him too. The next morning, detectives take the kid back to her parents and she proceeds to kill them too followed by a shot of her lying ground }presumably living though possible dead} with Annabellum right beside her.. erm, I mean Anna of Bellum :/ ugh. Forhtwhile, all this scene is inter-cut within the end credits to "create a mid-credits tag scene" that just doesn't work that way and should have been implemented into the end of the film as a result _and did I mention it is all done with sepia_toned stills of abandoned town that lead to the parents house that goes on for over a minute long? So weird.

Once the scares DO happem, it is done with just the right amount of subtlty and taste to which the director and producers SHOULD be commended for, because they tried their hand and mostly failed (or faultered) yet but managed to properly segway into a forthright horror flick that rides the line between horrifying and awkward. It is completely a squandered promise with a very strong ending for a rip-off.. an adequate horror flick. socame into it, sees intent and attempt was at a 6 or 7, it being a rip-off down to certain visuals and details gave it a 5, poor editing and randomness gave it a 4, and the masterful ending that could have salvaged this AT a four was slightly punctured by the endcredit issue that makes this a 3.5 (not quite a 3.6) for ME. If you have seen it and gave/give it a higher rating, go ahead. It is worthy of just that.

Anyone who HASN'T seen this (if you havenot then why are you reading a spoiler review? kidding, he), I honestly recommend you check this out. It is sort-kinda worth it. It is boring, but not trash, and it was well-done. That is the best thought-of complement I can think of right for this now. D
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Birds of Prey (2020)
24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Who ever calls this boring and forgettable will have to fight me with a mace on the side of the street! This film motion picture, emphasis on the motion, was MASTERFUL !!!!!! MUCH BETTER and watchable than Suicide Squad (both versions).. FINGERS CROSSSED AYER!!!! and warner brothers} {Ayer Cut PLEASe} Can't wait for this to be folowd up on Hoping Cathy Yan returns to the chair and from The Suicide Squad JG movie YEEEEEE!!!!!
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10/10 episode, yet it is a fun episode !!!!
29 July 2020
Out of all Se1, this is the only one that is a one that sees showcases them mentioning they are LEGOs; the rest of the season episodes are serious and more proermissed on the mission and character ideals. It is a (if you'have nt seen this show and want to, skip it, otherwise fans of the obmissive LEGO media props shoud check it) fun and engagingly hilarious and self aware episode that is a great distraction from the dark and intense aspects of the rest of the _-so far_-- two part seasons show!
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One of the Best shows (animated or not) ever produced.!!!!
4 April 2020
Just... everything. I could count on my fingers, but gotta jet, dude! Cowabunga !!
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The Hobbit (1977 TV Movie)
There and ...
4 March 2020
Recommend Rating : PG for scary scenes and some adventure action (animated).
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The Return of the King (1980 TV Movie)
Return of the King 1980
25 February 2020
Recommend Rating: PG for Animated Action\Violence, scary imagery including some brooding content, brief suggestive material, and thematic scenes.
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Santa Claus (1985)
Undeserving Backlash for a Decade-Old Family Christmas Masterpiece !!
10 December 2015
This film gets rightfully undeserving backlash for no straightforward apparent reasoning (at least, not to my knowledge). I saw this back in 1998 on a VHS when I was 7; this meant whatever I saw could be wound and rewound again, and again. I remember my mother and I would sit down on our comfy sofa, curled up by the fireplace next to the tree, with a cup of hot mocha, every Christmas week, every Christmas eve, and almost every Christmas day to watch this beloved rare nostalgic treasure. Every year that I watch it, the heartwarming memories come flooding back to me. To me, it holds a special place in my heart as a timeless tale of warmth, joy, belonging, and togetherness, a feeling that most live-action "kids" films now adays, especially "family pictures", seem to bypass, confuse, or forget. This film does what a number of Christmas Fantasy Films began to emulate: the "fantasy". It feels like an Historical Family Christmas Comedy/Drama, if that makes any sense. It touches on themes of upbringing, unconditional & unconventional compassion, helping those in need, love, belief, faith in one's self, and most of all, destiny.. that we can choose to follow our own path; a path towards enlightenment, a path towards a better life, a path to a brighter future, for everyone. I know like I'm sounding as if this turned into a paragraph-long sermon for some sort of masterpiece that gets wrongfully accused of being "too commercialized", "too adult, sometimes", "too weird", "too strange", "too 80s", "too much like watching a set", "too cheap looking visual effects", "too long", "too drawn out", "too boring".

Well, here is my final statement: This film, to me, captures EXACTLY what Christmas is all about; not only that, but it can show young and old, children and adults alike, that with "a little magic", anything can happen (I know, a corny line, but here me out).. You just have to BELIEVE it will happen.. And ALWAYS hold on to faith.......

Final Grade: 10/10 --------- A glorious beautiful masterpiece that will continue to transcend the ages as One of the Pinnacle of Defining Christ-mas movies that shows every child should "never stop believing".
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My childhood is over :( BEST FILM EVER!!!!
6 August 2011
Well, I never anticipated I would see the light of day when I would walk into the theater going to view the last and FINAL Harry Potter flick, and wouldn't you know it, I was stunned! This movie is not just the best HP film of them all, but is breathtaking, jaw-dropping, dazzling, shocking, and amazing movie-making at it's FINEST! Right from the very beginning, you are sucked into the end of it all, where the Wizarding World has now been corrupted by the evil and insanely dark Lord Voldemort and his posy of Death Eaters, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron must search for the remaining Horcruxes in order to once and for all defeat him for GOOD!!! It's prolonged action sequences, with spectacular special effects are the brim-hold of this film, and the emotional scenes are enough to make anyone cry their eyes out for a decade long for seeing these wonderful characters grow into fine actors. Daniel Radcliffe really gives it his all in the last moments of the film, and Alan Rickman's performance will show his sensitive side that WILL make people loose it. It is a Definitely well-crafted film monumental masterpiece, with Oscarworthy performances from the whole cast, Deep and Tragic scores from Alexandre Desplat that sound unlike any movie score I ever heard of, and matching that of John Williams(which his music "Hedwig's theme" makes an appearance in this one), and an Epic battle sequence that COMPLETELY butchers the last battle scene in ReturnOfTheKing into dust, there is nothing to stop this PERFECTLY SPECTACULAR MASTERPIECE from receiving "the" Oscar WIN for BEST PICTURE!!! I was in complete tears by the time it wrapped up, that I didn't know how to control myself. I was speechless! I will Definitely miss this series way too much :( :( :( Fans AND Movie-goers alike will absolutely LOVE this Epically Masterful conclusion to the BEST SERIES IN THE WORLD!!! 1,000,000,000/10 stars!!! GO WATCH IT NOW!!! YOU WONT REGRET IT =)
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