24 Reviews
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
HOW is this show rated so high?!
18 May 2024
First of all, the show was pretty decent in the first season. However, Reese Witherspoon (both the actress herself and the character she plays) has rendered it essentially unwatchable. Bradley is the epitome of hypocrisy - judgmental, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, preachy. Overall insufferable. The way her character makes, quite literally, everything about her and what she wants is infuriating. 99% of Bradley's scenes are utterly exhausting.

Aside from the godawful leads, the show is just...meh. Characters die, and no one really grieves. They mention someone who was at some point or other a somewhat integral character every now and then, but there's no real concept of the loss you feel when someone you're with all day every day suddenly isn't there (and the deaths that occur were under truly tragic circumstances as well, making the gloss-over doubly suspect). Other characters just...disappear...and the rest of the cast acts like they never existed. Oh, and "character development"? Not a thing on this show. They display someone as being one way, then have them do a complete 180 for no. Apparent. Reason.

I'd like to say it's just bad writing, but the casting is awful, the preachiness is headache-inducing, and I honestly cannot believe I watched this whole train wreck from start to finish. The Morning Show isn't as bad as that Palm Beach show, but it's pretty awful.
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Palm Royale (2024– )
Cringey and pointless.
6 May 2024
It is really, really hard to watch a show where every move the lead character (who apparently simply MUST be in every. Dang. Scene. For some inexplicable reason) just makes you cringe. She's extremely unlikable, in fact none of the characters are likable, and nothing she does makes any sense to me - then again, I could only suffer through about an episode and a half before I figured I'd start getting serious wrinkles if I continued. Maybe at some point it explains why she just HAD to be in Palm Beach OMGRIGHTNOW to the extent that she's robbing family blind on their deathbed. Maybe it explains why she feels the need to do any of the sheerly cringetastic stuff she does. The problem is that, if that explanation does come at some point in future episodes, I've already gotten to the point where whatever the motivation, it ain't enough - chick is irredeemable.

I will never get that hour of my life back. Save yourselves.
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Sugar (2024– )
You know a show is good when you're ticked that you have to wait for episodes.
5 May 2024
This show caught me totally by surprise. I am not typically overly impressed by pseudo-noir style shows, but I'm hooked. Only reason it's not a 9 or 10 is due to the cliffhanger-esque ending of episode 6 without 7 being immediately available. :p

The acting is superb, casting is perfect, and I'm eager to see exactly wth is going on. I'm usually very good at seeing things coming in shows/movies (to the point where during certain films *coughNun2cough* I am legit saying what's going to happen before it does), and several times already I've had to "wait, what?" and back up a few scenes.

Really interested to see where this show goes. Don't eff it up, Apple.
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All downhill after 5...
4 December 2022
I was HOOKED on this show after the first episode. Legit the "omg I can't wait for the next episode" kind of hooked. Then it just kind of...died? The show seemed to have no idea what it actually wanted to do with itself, the constant conversations about THE SAME DANG THING got REAL old and I'm sorry, but does anyone actually LIKE the main character? She's really started to annoy me. Through what I guess is the end of the season (btw whoever said whole seasons of shows were now 6 or 8 episodes can suck a fat one), explained next to nothing that they built up in the first four episodes, and just...completely lost me. I'm struggling to make it through what they're apparently considering the season finale, if that tells you anything. I fold laundry, cook dinner, do dishes, talk to my kids while I'm watching the show. And that, my friends, is not good. Don't waste your time - you'll be left dissatisfied, slightly confused, and wanting.
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The English (2022)
What in the actual eff was that ending?!
29 November 2022
What could've been a fantastic, poignant story was utterly trashed by a nonsensical ending and bad editing. They jumped around so dang much that you were left with very little idea of who the hell you were actually supposed to care about.

And ugh. That ending.

It has its truly beautiful and heart-wrenching moments. I teared up at several points, but I also cry every time I watch Homeward Bound, so take that with a grain of salt.

Uggghhhhh the ending.

Chaske Spencer was fantastic while Emily Blunt was...tolerable...at best. Her character's sudden shift from someone who cried at shooting a dude that tried to kill them to instant Betty Badass was ridiculous and unexplained. I kept watching thinking that the so-called would wrap itself up in a perdy (or at least coherent) little bow. It did not. If you're SUPER into westerns and don't mind suspending your belief to the nth, you'll love this.

But freaking UGH, that ending.
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Shark (2006–2008)
This is canceled, Kardashians live on.
12 August 2022
I'm legitimately distressed by the fact that shows like this and Boston Legal get canceled but the Kardashians are on, like, their 87th spin-off. I officially have no faith in humanity.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Film is NOT a 9, BUT!
24 July 2022
I legit cannot understand the hate I'm seeing. Rate it for what it is, not what you want it to be. Is it Inception, The Dark Knight, or hell, even Boondock Saints? No. But it's got lots of action, some heart, and despite predictability is one of the better action movies I've seen in recent history. Disregard any preconceptions, and give it a chance - promise you'll like it. :)
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Marry Me (2022)
Movie, or J.Lo promo?
9 July 2022
I mean, really. They not only cast her as a singer and have her singing all the time, even when SHE'S not singing, her songs are the soundtrack to the movie. Homegirl had the hookup with this movie. If you love her music, you'll love the movie. Otherwise it's just a little TOO much Jennifer.
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The Endgame (2022)
Wth @ bad reviews?!?
9 May 2022
So, most of the time I tend to lean towards agreeing with bad reviews on shows. Not this time.

This show is freakin amazing and had me hooked from like ten minutes into the first episode. Do I like the FBI chick? Not at all. Is it one of those shows you want the "bad guy" to win? Absofreakinglutely.

I don't understand the bad reviews, I really don't. The show is compelling, fast-paced, great acting with the exception of the FBI chick, and satisfying. Satisfying? Yes. Satisfying. Freaking watch it because if I don't get a season 2 cuz of inaccurate and crappy reviews, we're gonna have words. :D.
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Really just kinda meh.
24 April 2022
The characters are cardboard, the plot is paper thin, and the "big reveal" is really just a "duh." And don't even get me started on the unlikelihood of someone growing like SIX FREAKIN INCHES, AFTER college. If you make the mistake of watching this, you'll see what I mean.

In a series about rape, you'd think at least ONE character would be likable or sympathetic, but you'd be wrong. Save yourself the time you'll never get back, and pass on this.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Why, oh whyyyyyy...
12 March 2022
Do shows like this end after five seasons, but the frickin Big Bang Theory lasts veritable centuries?!?

This is, legitimately, one of the best shows I've ever watched. They managed to make the protagonist lovable, then unlikeable, then sympathetic, then lovable again...all while maintaining the solid core of the show. The costumes are great, dialogue and chemistry compelling, acting is fantastic. So unfair that this is the final season.

I am legit upset this show has ended. GIMME MORE, DAMMIT!
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Lucifer: Partners 'Til the End (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
Complete, and insulting, trash.
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you like finales that completely eradicate the LITERAL ENTIRETY OF THE ENTIRE SHOW BEFORE IT, then you must freaking love this episode. And the last season of GoT.

This episode, this whole painful season in fact, essentially nullified the entire series. Lucifer could come and go from hell as he wished before, but now suddenly cannot because his kid won't be as much of a twat if he does? Seems legit.

Speaking of, Rory was a truly terrible character. Not a single likable thing about her, except maybe the cool wings.

The entire season was pretty bad, as you can see by the average IMDB score when compared to previous seasons, but this episode was probably the worst I've seen since the finale of GoT. Made ZERO sense, utilized probably the most offensively stupid "logic" I've ever seen in a tv show, and honestly, I only saw that there were some people that actually bought this crap when I read the reviews on here.

They need to do a movie or something that pretends this season was just a bad dream. I'd buy that before I'd buy this preposterous ending to what had been a great show.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
I'm going to get so much hate for this.
15 February 2022
I absolutely hated this show. I watched the vast majority of it and found it alternately predictable and completely implausible. I mean, I watched and enjoyed GoT so the plausibility factor didn't bug me TOO much, but like...seriously, y'all? I see reviews where it's called "brilliant," and "the greatest drama series ever," and I feel like I MUST'VE watched a COMPLETELY different show. I'll watch (at least some of) it again, but for now? Boring, predictable, unlikeable characters. 👎🏻
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Reacher (2022– )
Not entirely sure what to think.
12 February 2022
So, hm. I'm one of the very few that neither read the books nor saw the Tom Cruise movies...mainly because he's like pint-sized and I've always had trouble with him being this supposed badass. But I digress.

This show is, honestly, pretty damn good. The plot and sequence of events was actually rather convoluted, which made me pay closer attention. Unfortunately that also allowed for further critique.

  • Ritchson (dude who plays Reacher) is a truly terrible actor. I get that supposedly SpecOps dudes are all about the stoicism and cardboard, but, uh, no - I know several, and they're not like that. Being an exceptionally skilled fighter/soldier/investigator does not immediately eradicate the ability to show any facial expression ever. He was wooden to the point where I legit didn't buy any romance between he and Roscoe because while, yeah, I'd dig seeing the dude naked, he has all the chemistry and passion of a blow-up doll.

  • I can't help but see Finley as Clive from iZombie, but I freaking loved that admittedly campy af show, so...this was just him attempting to play a sterner version of the same type and to me, somewhat failing.

  • The women's "southern" accents were freaking terrible. Really, ladies, you're getting paid beacoup bucks to sound like you're living in Georgia. Make it work. It ain't hard. *facepalm*

That being said, I found the show compelling. There were parts that legit made me lol. Oh, and not sure what this says about me, but the violence in the show is...creative...and I found the unusual methods curiosity-inducing. Unfortunately the show, in one of its MOST egregious flaws, doesn't give a rat's ass about explaining why the bad guys do what they do the way they do it, so...sociopaths? I guess?

All in all, watchable. When season 2 comes out, I'll watch that too. Just take it with a grain of salt and don't expect Emmy award-winning performances. :p.
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Outlander (2014– )
Could be amazing.
16 January 2022
But is really just kinda "huh." Some truly great scenes and a good story, just terrible writing and oh my god Caitriona Balfe is annoying. Chick should've been a soap opera star.

That being said, the chemistry between the leads is damn near palpable. Of course, that dude could have chemistry with a rock. 🤤🤤

All in all, I'll keep watching it while I wait for better period series to come out.
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Encanto (2021)
Too much movie, too much stupid.
19 December 2021
Overlong, nonsensical, overly musical without the singing talents one would expect from a Disney movie. The movie was boring, obnoxious, and had literally ONE good, compelling scene in the horrifically long hour and 45 minute runtime. Just picture a whiny, monotoned Coco without the decent premise and you've got Encanto. 👍
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Black Panther (2018)
Ugh. Couldn't finish.
31 July 2021
I got 22 minutes and 9 seconds into this movie before I gave up. It's just. SO. BORING. Overhyped, overrated, and I will NEVER get that 22mins and 9 seconds of my life back. Only reason I gave it a 2 is because the costumes are decently cool.
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
What in the actual eff was that?!
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie was actually pretty dang decent...until about 15 mins before the end. Seriously, what the hell kinda ending is that? We watch almost two hours of movie just to see it end with him shooting hoops at the beach?! Grrr. So frustrating.
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Hollywood (2020)
I wanted to love it...
10 May 2020
But quite frankly, was pushed way too hard. Damn near EVERYONE in Hollywood is gay? Hm, no, straight people do still exist. As a bisexual female, I found it to be trying too hard to shove our sexuality down the viewers' throat in hopes of gleaning some controversy or "kudos" from the LGBT community. Honestly, it would've hit a LOT harder if you'd simply told the truth. Reminded people that the world wasn't always as accepting* as it (mostly) is now. It was just way too much, and it did next to nothing for the plot, so it was pointless. :-/
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The Originals (2013–2018)
Great, except...
29 January 2020
The Finn character is annoying. Tiresome. I'm only on season 2 and I want to skip every scene he's in. Ugh. Hopefully the storyline gets better, because I'm about to throw in the towel based solely on how annoying he and Cami are.
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Messiah (2020)
Torturously slow. Also, wth.
7 January 2020
I'm not going to get super detailed here. Cliff's notes version? 75% of the time you're waiting for something to happen. The other 25 you spend wondering who the hell all these people are. This show is terrible about introducing characters, terrible at plot forwarding. The show is just terrible in general. My god, I want those hours of my life back.

Note: will totally increase the rating if God does in fact give me my hours back. 😂
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Free Rein (2017–2019)
Annoying, yet addictive.
17 December 2019
This show is seriously cute. Or would be, with different actors. And by different actors, I mean the main character. So the writing is flawed and grotesquely unbelievable as it is, but the main character (Zoe) is beyond obnoxious - with the actress playing her amplifying that by about a thousand. We're supposed to believe that this self-absorbed kid tames a wild horse within moments of meeting him, and as a result suddenly has the right to boss everyone around (at a stable where no one's ever working and nothing ever gets dirty...) and demand concessions and considerations of everyone around her. I mean, this is annoying and implausible in itself, but the actress playing her does it with a shrillness that makes you root AGAINST her. Chick gives me a headache. Cute show, could've been done better.
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Missed. the. Point. (MAY spoil it, not sure.)
19 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a movie that does its book justice, keep on lookin.

I won't bore you with the details, as the movie's not all that detailed yet inexcusably boring, so I'll point out rather glaring omissions, questionable additions, and unnecessary changes.

1- "Love interest". We're talking' Ben-JLo-Gigli chemistry here. It was completely unneeded, totally irrelevant to the story, and the scenes felt incredibly awkward.

2. The "Cowboys". Again, an unnecessary change in the age/demeanor/scenes with the cowboys. It, again, felt forced.

3. The ENTIRE correlation with the cemetery, the golf course, the lot...they left out hugely relevant sections of the book here, and as a result made the scene that was supposed to be touching feel...you guessed it. Forced.

4. The climactic, poignant end was removed. Not just changed, 90% of the point of it was just NOT THERE.

It really was painful to watch. The movie entirely missed the point, a la Michael Bay with Pearl Harbor.
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Dreadful adaptation of an amazing book = bitter pill to swallow.
24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***May contain spoilers, haven't decided yet.***

Quick summary : In post-apocalyptic America, the government dictates each District must provide via lottery-style drawing one boy and one girl between the ages of 12-18 to fight to the death for their viewing pleasure. Katniss Everdeen, a resident of poverty-stricken District 12, volunteers to go in after her sister's name is drawn and has to fight for survival in a whole new way against 23 others.

Let me just start by saying, the book made me cry. If you've read it, I'm sure you can figure out which scene it was, but the fact is that a book made me cry. As a result, I had ENORMOUS expectations for the emotional roller-coaster that the movie should be.

Key word there being "should". Director Gary Ross presents a future in which kids slaughter each other for the Capitol's jollies as if they're all just having a big ol' tea party. A book that left you feeling drained by its matter-of-fact telling of shocking horrors that children (yes, people, please do not let Hollywood make you forget that these are CHILDREN) must go through just to survive, was basically put forth in such a way that you're expected to cheer when a 16-year-old is hacked to bits. Oh, but don't worry - in spite of a truly gruesome novel, the movie kept it PG-13 in order to sell more tickets so you don't actually SEE any real violence.

Peeta has been dreadfully miscast, as the actor portraying him comes across something of a pansy. Jennifer Lawrence does what she can with a ridiculously amateurish script, but still, she ain't so great either.

There is ZERO character development - Cinna, Katniss' stylist, is portrayed as a slightly metro, rather flat dude that just sticks her in dresses and that's that. We all know he was a good deal more substantial in the book. Her prep team isn't mentioned at all, and considering the roles they have in the remainder of the trilogy, that strikes as a rather glaring omission. The Avoxes are left out completely, which considering book 3, is also another questionable decision filmmakers made. Clove is tiny, Jennifer Lawrence isn't exactly a shrinking violet, so their scene together is a bit...um...odd. Also done poorly, considering how the scene went in the book. They changed a number of other things for no reason that I could think of, except maybe they think their target audience is a bunch of utter morons that couldn't put 1 and 2 together without getting 5.

You're never, not in the slightest, given a reason to give a damn about Peeta one way or the other. There's no banter between the two, and the major plot point of feigning a relationship to provoke interest and thereby gain sponsors was for all intents and purposes ignored. Another horrendously botched relationship is what develops between Katniss and the little girl from District 11, Rue. The time with Rue is so abrupt and mishandled that you find yourself wondering why Katniss mourns her and THAT was where the film really started becoming unbearable.

Long story short: The film jumped from scene to scene in a way that felt rushed, was two and a half hours long without going deep into ANYTHING, and crucial plotpoints were left out completely. What should've left you emotionally drained and depleted instead left you wondering what the hell genre this pile of crap would be classified as. I thought after I read Mockingjay that I couldn't possibly be more disappointed in this trilogy. Way to prove me wrong, Hollywood.
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