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The Crown: Willsmania (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
Harry grew up 10 years just like that...
15 December 2023
The Crown is a vert good written and acted show. One of the principal things why I always loved the series was the accuracy with the cast for each period... here we have a couple of months gap between Diana's death and the new life for her kids. And, men, what a terrible choice of casting for Harry. Just one episode before, he was played by a 12 year old. Now, he looks older than William! How a show that is obsessed with details can make such a mistake? Every scene with new Harry lost me: it's a young adult man playing a 12 year old that pours champagne in Williams tea... What a shame and waste of good taste with this decision: it makes this last season, that had already some pacing issues, the weakest of the show.
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Irma Vep (2022)
Such a waste of talent
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For cinephiles and movie critics this is brilliant. I know the work of Assayas and this miniseries lacks of story, more concentrate in all the metafictions inside the fiction that give us, at the end, this feeling of emptiness and boredom. Lot's of characters with non developed stories, an inner conflict of the Mina's character that remains superficial; the LGBT subplot that leaves us with with the idea that it was just to show how conflicted Mina was, but not exploring for real; they try to show how empty and dumb could be the movie industry, but it's more like a cartoon than a social critic... So many talents wasted in this series of a director stuck in his pretensions.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Where are the infected?
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understood since the beginning: the adaptation of the Video Game was more focused in the father/daughter relationship between Joel and Ellie; not much infected people in the first episodes, Ok, no problem. But in the final mission, when they find the hospital, Ellie and Joel had to face all type of infected, showing how they could face any danger sticking together. That missed in the final episode of the show: the final confrontation with the infected before the hospital carnage. I know this is not TWD, but it left me a bittersweet feeling. An anticlimactic final season, and the idea of a TLOU world with few infected and no many dangers besides the human violent behaviors in an apocalyptic scenario.
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Bones and All (2022)
Badlands enjoying flesh
3 January 2023
"Bones and all" is a movie about loneliness, guilt and hopeless people living with a horrible condition: they have to eat human flesh to calm their inner hunger. Luca Guadagnino's direction is masterful, he took all the good decisions in the "mise en scene". But the story sometimes seems a little dull, the love story is not very well developed and between the gory scenes and the metaphors about canibalism, we arrived to a final scene that lacks of surprise. It's not a horror film, it's a drama with some horror scenes. Not bad, but could me much better, specially with the cast and the original material that the film had.
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The OA (2016–2019)
Another great series cancelled by studio incompetence
18 August 2022
Why Netflix cancelled The OA and renewed a mediocre product like La casa de Papel?

Why Netflix cancelled The OA and renewed a mediocre product like Elite?

Why Netflix cancelled one of its best shows just to produce garbage television?

Questions without answers.
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Nope (2022)
Nice try, but something is missing
14 August 2022
There is no doubt: Jordan Peele can direct effective thrilling scenes and he has a great eye creating tense moments with some touch of humor. I want to think "Nope" is his love letter to UFO horror films, specially de classic ones; it has some references to the Spielberg movies about that genre (War of the worlds, specially). The movie works as a blockbuster, but it's third act is rather a draft that a well executed climax. I still think he has more to give and explore as a director, but "Nope" is a well crafted idea, with good budget and cast, but something is missing.
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All for Love (2020)
Stupid and repetitive
3 August 2022
First of all, it would be a better production if Irene could sing something different besides the same 4 songs all along. Every time she started singing the same songs, I wanted to throw a shoe to my TV.

Writing is lazy and stupid (how many hours has a day in this soap opera?). All the mafia story is lame... I keep the original series in my mind as the better version.

The only good thing is the acting of the senior actors and Yuri Vargas's part.

On the other hand, the guy who plays Brayan needs some good years on a Drama School, like 10 or 15 at least... Same for the Alba's actress.
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One of the saddest crimes in recent Colombian History
22 July 2022
Today, thanks to the hard work of The Truth Commission, we know that 6404 people were killed by the Colombian army between 2002 and 2010, in Álvaro Uribe's government. This victims were disguised as guerrilleros and paramilitary and shown as terrorists killed in combat. The more people were presented as kills, more money and upgrades the soldiers received. We are talking about a systematic genocide created and financed by the Colombian government. "Silencio en el Paraíso" is the story of one of this victims, a young boy who struggles in a hard neighborhood in Bogota, just to go back home with some money to help his family.

It's a sad film, but necessary. In the construction of historical memory, every story is valuable.
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Journal of a killer
23 March 2022
This is a rough movie to watch. Violence in it isn't just graphic, but psychological also. We are in the mind of a teen killer with any emotion or empathy towards the people around him; The worst of all is that, at one point, you can feel some empathy for Bruno. Based on a true story, this film is a detail journal of how a little boy became a killer. With a slow pace, the film involves you and in the shocking parts, it doesn't have any mercy: you will see in detail how evil can show its face in the most violent way possible.
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The Innocents (2021)
I love horror movies, but this stuff...
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ten years passed since the last time I walked out of a theater. During this last decade I've watched great movies and a lot of bad ones. I love horror movies and I'm used to see violence and torture on screen. I watch films from the whole world and I have a special crush on nordic cinema. But torture and animal cruelty without a point is not something I love. Sorry, I'm not interested in watching kids dropping cats from an eighth stores building and then smashing their heads. Neither for the torture of an autistic child. I had a lot of interest on this movie, but after 30 minutes I preferred to walk out. A waste of time.
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Moonfall (2022)
When you think this director couldn't do worse...
13 February 2022
Moonfall is dumb, stupid and old fashioned. Emmerich put in a mixer all of his disaster movie's plot, wrote a script about it and the result is this silly movie. Some CGI was as good as a bad video game's graphics, acting was awful... The next time you'll watch Moonfall, just hope the moon will really crash on earth and end this suffering.
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Belle (2021)
Visually stunning, but...
27 January 2022
Hamada's new film has emotion, sweetness and an artistry that combines 2D animation with some of the most stunning visuals in recent animation. Nevertheless, the plot and the storytelling fails to built a narrative. Lots of holes and some unnecessary comic scenes in the most dramatic sequences turns down what could be the best animated film of the year.
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Boring, pointless and so predictale
27 August 2020
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The New Mutants is a movie about 5 teenagers, all of them a stereotype seen in hundreds of movies (the shy girl, the outcast, the rebel, the sexy and the traumatized), that try to survive an "evil" experiment of a big corporation. All of that with bad CGi, horrible performances and a pointless script. If this movie was an attempt of a Mavel Horror movie, the only thing scaring enough was the price of the ticket.
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6 Underground (2019)
Another awful Michael Bay movie.
15 December 2019
When you think Michael Bay has already made 30 bad movies, he will not disappoint you: he makes another one. Pointless, boring and completely useless.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
When we thought Lost had the worst ending...
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
2 years. D&D spent 2 years writing and producing this last season. The result? A "Days of our lives" plot, with characters losing all logic common sense. Jon reduced to a servant who kills her queen. Danny's death scene had as much dramatic climax as a death in Celebrity Deathmatch. Tyrion is the first and only prisoner who propose a new king... And became hand of the king! That's having a lot of luck. A Dragon that burns a throne because he understands more than anybody that it's the symbol of greed... Such a shame. Lost had a horrible ending. GOT just surpassed it. Well, what can we expect when you leave in "Troy" screenwriter's hands the final season.
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