
43 Reviews
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Unfrosted (2024)
Good Jokes, bad timing.
12 May 2024
As I have said in other reviews, when it comes to comedy, TIMING IS EVERYTHING!!!

I loved all of the cast, the '60s setting, the inside jokes. It started off fairly well. But it got tedious after a good start. The Very end got better.

Comedy has to keep you guessing and spring jokes on the viewer when they aren't expecting it. It has to 'keep you off balance'. It has to flow, without a mass of 'dead spots' that seem like they were created by a committee. Unfortunately the writers didn't seem to know which audience segment to play to. Boomers who lived the '60s, today's adults or just kids. It did not work for all three at once.

I was expecting a quick, smooth paced, funny comedy like the fantastic Seinfeld TV series. It didn't quite make the grade.
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The slow burn of illusion & deceit into painful, touching reality
14 April 2024
This is not for people who like fast paced action. This is what I refer to art. Like books, some are simply entertaining, some are cheap crap and then you have the category of actual literature worth reading for it's thought provoking emotion.

This is such a film. It is not just a quick "make a buck" made by committee money maker. The acting by the 2 main character does not come across as simply acting, It comes across as real. As a matter of fact, everyone in this came across as genuine. Will it be a "blockbuster"? Not for the general audience. But it is for true fans of well made touching films. A good film has lasting value. It makes an impression on the thinking viewer. I give it a 10.
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Dune (2021)
Slow, dark Burn to boredom
14 September 2023
Lot of money spent on this. Whiz Bang effects etc. But sad to say, All for Nothing.. Half way thru I walked away to make yogurt, while my wife finished it. She actually liked it.

For me, a film has to have a steady pace that has me wanting to see what's next. This did not. It was overdone with fake languages and boring dialog. A few scenes were halfway acceptable. But it was just a slow, boring drag. And even for fiction it was not believable. Too many holes. The characters sparked no sympathy or interest in me.

The whole premise of the storyline just did not jive.

A good film needs a good pace, this just did not do it.
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29 January 2022
What's with yammering about the blood and gore? It's a NINJA Slice & Dice.

Action GALORE. What the hell did you expect???? Polite Society having tea & digestive biscuits with linen table clothes, real silverware in a musical?

You don't watch a film called NINJA ASSASSIN to see a lame ROM COM.

RAIN has Charisma & this film is just PACKED with ACTION!


Get the popcorn, drinks, settle into a comfy seat and let it rip.

No whining!
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Love Hard (2021)
Quirky twist on a Christmas Rom Com. Don't overthink it.
10 December 2021
Some critics trash this movie because it's not an Oscar Winner.

Is it a good Christmas Movie? Yes! Of course it's a bit of a formula plot. DUH.

But this one has a new, original and funny twist with a very touching & very important message about seeing people for who & what they REALLY are. The 1st few min. Are a bit slow but give it a chance.

If you can say a formula movie can also be original and funny, This is it!
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Evening (2007)
Bland, boring, flavorless done too long.
14 February 2021
A story of privileged well to do people that bored me to tears. There was little chemistry between the lackluster characters. I felt no sympathy for them. If there is one thing that this story tells is that being rich and having a beautiful house at the ocean can't make some ingrates happy.
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Knives Out (2019)
It's a Crime how this put me to sleep.
27 February 2020
My wife just started some tomato seeds and watching them grow was more exciting than this snooze fest. It was a boring stream of dialogue that just droned on and on. We could not even finish this. We cut our losses about half way through. I enjoy a good mystery, But it has to keep you in suspense and it must MOVE ALONG. I like all of the actors and that is all I can say that's positive. The Characters, on the other hand, were not interesting, nor likable. If I were to try to finish this film I believe I would have lost the will to live. This movie lacked suspense, timing, and interest. Now, I will stop here, I have to go watch those seedlings I mentioned earlier grow some more.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
This film died with the Rabbit.
23 February 2020
I have a Rule! If a film shows cruelty to animals, even though I know it's make believe the film is OVER for ME! END OF STORY. Minutes into this movie I stopped watching. I'm sure the rest of the movie had a good message overall and was well made with good intention. But to even risk showing animal cruelty to possibly gullible and impressionable people (You Know they are out there) who would try to copy this cruelty is a non starter. End of Story!
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Night School (2018)
For the right audience, the right message. Read review
6 September 2019
Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish and the rest of the actors did a fine job. Most reviews seemed to have missed the point of this film. This was never intended to be an Oscar winner. Yes it was sort of a formula film. But the real essence of this movie was the ultimate message that you should always face who you really are and that if you fail once, you pick yourself up and try until you succeed and that cheating is a dead end. The vehicle used to get that message across was just perfect for the target audience. It was silly, funny and had a great ending. It's not for everyone but it worked. After a few minutes it got better and was worth watching.
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Drunk Parents (2019)
Off the wall funny, weird comedy, entertained and made me laugh to the end.
2 June 2019
Some of these critics need to lighten up!!! This was one of those oddball, funny "Shaggy Dog story" comedies. Not a masterpiece, but it appealed to my sense of humor because it was original and FUNNY. This was a get the popcorn and drink and just enjoy this oddball comedy. It's sort of like "Neighbors" starring John Belushi or "Fun with Dick and Jane" starring George Segal and Jane Fonda.
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Puzzle (II) (2018)
A finely crafted Puzzle of a film where all the pieces eventually fit perfectly!
27 April 2019
Agnes, the totally unappreciated housewife, treated like a servant by her family and just taken for granted as if she were a kitchen appliance. In the opening scene there is a birthday party, where she carries in the cake with candles she lit and it turns out to be her own birthday. The family is so clueless that they even make her work on her birthday. They even left her to open her presents alone.

One of the presents was a 1,000 piece puzzle which she discovers she can put together in record time with ease. This is a life changer for her. She begins to put her life together piece by piece. She finally sees the "Big Picture".

I won't give away the rest of the movie. Just let me say that even though you have loved ones doesn't mean you are disloyal to them when you learn to become yourself.

This fine film is WELL WORTH WATCHING. IF you don't mind thinking for yourself.
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Glass (2019)
James McAvoy's acting carried the film. But..............
20 April 2019
The only reason I gave this two stars is because of McAvoy's performance, otherwise this film didn't deserve any stars. I just don't understand the positive reviews by a lot of the reviewers here. There are more holes in this plot than a giant wedge of Swill Cheese. I always thought a "Super Hero" was a good guy who SAVED people. But in this screwed up story there are three people with super powers, two of which are psychopaths and one (Bruce Willis) is a real "Super Hero". Yet this film implies that all three are "Super Heroes". HUH???!!!! All three were deeply affected by a childhood trauma. Yet there is no explanation as to why or how they developed "Super Powers" and why two of them murdered people and only one saved people. The whole philosophical argument here is BS. I won't divulge the ending but it left me wondering what was the whole point to all of this.
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Mary Poppins Returns and skids off the runway
28 March 2019
Why pour so much money and talent into a sequel and then have a script that seems to be written by committee that never saw the original? I mean, COME ON!!!!!!! The original with Juie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke was upbeat, imaginative, "magical" and had CATCHY songs. This version was a predictable formula movie with dull songs and it went on and on and on. I was so glad it was OVER! Emily Blunt was good as Mary Poppins but she could not carry this film. No one could. The special effects were good but over done. The Chemistry that VanDyke and Andrews had in the original is not to be found in this new version. There was NO Magic in the story. The "Magic" has to be developed in a subtle way so as to WOW the viewer when it comes to full bloom. You can't force "Magic". The bathtub scene was the best thing in the whole movie. Everything else was over worked and forced. Go see the original, you'll be more satisfied.
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Not always perfect but has message, heart and tackles points of view!
18 March 2019
I gave this a 10, not because of it's technical perfection but for it's "message" and INTENT perfection. It starts off a little weak, almost came across as a dippy teen movie, but THEN it takes off. The ability to show ALL views and how they are linked to each other. The underlying message is the solution if only all involved would take it to heart. See if you get it. I recommend it! Amandla Stenberg did a wonderful job of portraying an awakening of her character to the truth of the conversation. You have to watch it to the end.
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Nope, nope, nope!!!!!
10 March 2019
This might be a good film but unfortunately it crossed the line during the first few minutes and caused me to stop watching. Why? It showed EXTREME Cruelty to an animal. I know it wasn't real, but this kind of "cheap button pushing" does not cut it with me. To see a horse on fire running from a burning barn in such a graphic manner is disgusting. It's a cheap shot. Thus I CANNOT give this film ANY good points. Since there is no option to give this ZERO stars, I had to give it one. One that I wish I did not have to give.
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The Favourite (2018)
Let's make a "Frankenstein" Movie!
8 March 2019
You take a little History, very little Comedy, some Drama, some Irritating Soundtrack, and stitch it all together. What comes out is a hodgepodge of various elements that do not quite fit together, and the final product is a film that irritates, wastes the talents of good actors and lasts too long!
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The rise and fall of a talented writer comes to convincing life.
23 February 2019
Writer Lee Israel portrayed by Melissa McCarthy is a fascinating study of a writer's disappointments, despair and loneliness After her biography of famous journalist Dorothy Kilgallen made the New York Times best seller list Lee Israel's star faded, sinking her into a life of despair, poverty and drink. Mellisa McCarthy deserves an Oscar for her performance or at lease a nomination. So does her co-star, Richard E. Grant who portrays her misfit friend. This is not a comedy, action or adventure movie. It is a serious and eventually heart wrenching story. I won't go into details about the ending. I highly recommend this film to anyone who appreciates a well crafted film.
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A Snore Is Born
22 February 2019
My wife asked me what rating I would give this. I said, "zero". She asked why? I asked her "would you like your time back on this one?" She said yes.I replied, "I rest my case". She said she'd give it at least 4 because she like the actors. I told her it was a pity vote.

We saw the last version in 1976, starring Barbara Streisand and Chris Kristofferson. It was really not that good either but at least there was real believable chemistry between them and it flowed from beginning to end with at least 2 hit songs. This current version died at the beginning and the corpse had to be dragged to the painful end. No chemistry, no good acting and the only two good things were one song Gaga sang at the piano and the dog.
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This film DESERVES an OSCAR!!!!
3 February 2019
Here's why: As this film unfolds, it exposes a treasure trove of gems. A powerful film of Love, Redemption, and Forgiveness. Each character turns out not to be what you expect. Many viewers will not get it. On one level it's a simple thriller that keep you guessing. On other levels it exposes human failure, pure evil, weakness, hate, brainwashing cults etc. Many layers of failure and victory. I don't want to spoil this by giving away any more. Just to say this is on a certain level is very, very deep philosophically with a lot of symbolism. It tackles the dark side of politics, war, cults, religion, lust. I highly recommend this film. This one goes in my collection.
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Terminal (I) (2018)
This goes on my list of "Special" films that I would keep a copy of.
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Few films make into my collection, films like NEIGHBORS starring John Belushi, Blue Velvet starring Dennis Hopper, MOTHER starring Jennifer Lawrence, the original BLADE RUNNER. SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS, DREAMS by Akira Kurosawa, etc. Each of these has something special, out of the box, so to speak. Each good film of this sort is like a Parable. TERMINAL starring Margot Robbie, Simon Pegg, Mike Myers, will be one of them. I must bow down in respect and appreciation to Director and writer Vaughn Stein. Simon Pegg and Mike Myers did their best serious roles in this film. Again I must add, this movie is not for everyone. If you like simple action, comedy and just pure entertainment, you may not like this. It is a film for those who love to think and analyze the meanings, messages and symbolisms. This film has a lesson which becomes clear at the end. See if you can guess what it is. The next section below is a spoiler, don't scroll down if you don't like spoilers. watch it first then come back and read the rest of this below.

Warning spoiler:

My interpretation: This is about "karma" and how people in power abuse the innocent and how the guilty MUST be held accountable The "Terminal" symbolizes the place of judgement at the end of your life on this earth. The hole or pit is "hell" for those found guilty. There is a lot of other symbolism that would take too long here to get into. See if you can find it.
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Click (2006)
I swore I would not see anymore Sandler movies, Glad I saw this one.
28 July 2018
This came out in 2006 and somehow I missed even hearing about it, until I happened upon a preview of it. After several Adam Sandler movies, I swore I would never bother with any more. I saw the previews for Click and figured if it had Christopher Walken in it that it might just be worth watching. It was a very pleasant surprise. It was just quirky and funny enough to be enjoyable. Granted, some of the jokes were a bit forced and corny, but overall it held my attention and entertained me. There is one scene near the end where Sandler gave a great heartfelt performance. Click is not a dark comedy or goofy, instead it is a comedy with a touching message that everyone can appreciate. Would it win an Oscar? No. But it is certainly worth watching!
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Future World (2018)
Learn how to make a baaaaaaaaaaaddddd movie!
27 July 2018
This is a lesson for you aspiring film students on how to take good actors and make a grad F movie. That's right, grade F, this is beyond B. I rented this film because of James Franco and other good actors and I never dreamed this could be such a big, fat disappointment! I wonder what Franco and producers were thinking. Was it a dare during a drunken stupor? "Hey dude let's make a crappy movie and see what happens." My question is WHY?????!!!!!! There are no spoilers, there is nothing to spoil.
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Frank's Place (1987–1988)
WHY, OH WHY has this not be released on DVD??????????
1 July 2018
This was, hands down, THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION! EVER!!! It had class, it was well written, well acted, intelligent and funny. It was BEAUTIFUL. EVERY character was likable, Every episode was a masterpiece! I taped every episode on VHS, the quality is not good but at least I do have copies that I can watch. I sure would like to know who owns the rights to this and WHY THE HELL has it been buried???????!!!!!!!! This gem needs to be shared!!!!!!
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Oh Dear!!! Wake me up when it's over!
28 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I almost believed the hype that this would be a wonderful, magical movie. What tipped me off that this might be a real loser were the tacky eyebrows on Oprah. I have great respect for Oprah, but she was either miscast or the victim of bad directing. I also like the other actors, but they also were victims. This film reminds me of badly locally produced Saturday children's fare of the 60's done by amateurs.

Once again, as I have said before, a good film MUST have great timing and a story of this caliber needs to unfold from believable, real characters and reality into something extremely MAGICAL. A Magical WOW FACTOR ride without dull, slow moments, that leaves you in AWE by the ending.
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Magic City (2012–2013)
Lot of talent and money wasted on sleaze!
26 June 2018
I've watched shows and movies about mobsters before. Some had relevance. A well written and produced story with some lesson or meaning is worth watching. This series shows the rotten, slimy underbelly of humanity in 1959. I found absolutely no sympathy for any of the characters. They were not likable or even the least bit interesting. In the first episode and part of the 2nd (I did not waste any more time after that) three instances of animal cruelty were shown. THAT is where I draw the line. Yes I know, no REAL animals were hurt. I STILL draw the line. Sorry! That is a standard I stick to. To me a film has to have some value as to meaning, art, enlightenment, comedy, adventure, thriller, mystery or education. But meaningless sleazy tripe is a waste of my time here on this earth. I have better things to do. Why did this get cancelled? Gee, I wonder why!
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