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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Fun film with good chemistry
2 May 2023
It's not a serious film, let's get that out of the way. The film doesn't take itself serious and the cast doesn't take it serious. It's meant to be fun to watch and poke fun at the spy genre films at the same time.

If I had to pitch the premise, it would be "True Lies" meets "Austin Powers". Not a serious as the first but has the personal relationship amongst spies aspect. Not as overtly funny or campy as the second film but very much plays a low-key version of this humor.

Is it a great film? No, I can't call it that. Is it a fun film? One where you can kick back, turn off the brain, have a couple of laughs, and enjoy? One with highly talented actors having fun while plying their craft at something silly? Yes... totally one of those films.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Doing some head scratching here...
23 December 2022
OK, Season One was solid. Some artistic license, some implausible events, but the plot? The plot was pretty solid. Add to that relatable characters and antagonists that were, at least at one point in their lives, sympathetic figures and you had the making of a great show.

Season Two? A corrupt third world dictator right out of Central Casting. The villain couldn't be more stereotypical. As much as I like Noomi Rapace, her character was just there to add some occasional action and a subplot that muddied the waters. And where is Cathy?!?!? Plot was weak, just felt like the script was "phoned in". Very predictable. Only the solid acting made the season with watching.

Now Season Three... I love Nina Hoss. She is slaying it. Betty Gabriel is doing a nice job too. But as I'm watching this I first think "I didn't realize the Czech Republic was so close to Ukraine.", only to later think "didn't the writers, producers, or... anyone look at a map?!?!?". So far it's a good plot. It's timely. Based on Putin's actions, it's believable. But it's set in the wrong country!!! They should have used another NATO member, one closer to Ukraine. It's written pretty well and seems believable, until you start thinking about the map of Eastern Europe.
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The Peripheral: What About Bob? (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Well, that ending felt a bit rote...
11 November 2022
Some of the episode still felt fresh but the face-off at RI?!?!? It's sort of like the Pacino-DeNiro scene in Heat. Just an opportunity to put the show's two big players on the screen at the same time.

As a reader of the source material, I can't say I'm fond of this whole "Research Institute" facet to the storyline. It's invented whole cloth, not at all a part of Gibson's novel. I strongly dislike the leader of the Research Institute. Which that maybe the desired reception of the character, I dislike her even more for the intrusion upon and minimization of Lowbeer's role. Don't get me wrong, I like T'Nia Miller's performance, but I hate the character. Lowbeer is just such a great character though and much of her role from the book seems to now be attached to Miller's character.
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A wacky, fun, and self-effacing good time
22 October 2022
It's basically a movie made about making fun of a movie they were trying to make. It's a bit like a Nicolas Cage "greatest hits" album, referencing many of his best and worst films. Lots of self-effacing humor.

Cage is really good in the film. Pascal is really good. There are more profound and more productive ways to spend your time, but this was at least an enjoyable way to do it. Greatest film ever? No. Greatest Cage film? Not really. Wackiest idea we've seen in a while? Yeah, it is indeed that.

It won't change your life, but you probably will have no regrets about how you spent your time. Great movie to view as a rental. Enjoy!
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Andor (2022– )
Wow. A bit slow, but gritty (based on 1st 3 episodes)
25 September 2022
Very well done. Lead cast is exceptional. "Tone" is a bit of a departure when compared to earlier Star Wars/Disney+ projects. ANDOR is more of a down in the trenches view of a rebellion; of fighting as an insurgency against an overwhelming force. No "clean" space-battle with only exploding ships (at least not yet). No, we are seeing the faces of those directly impacted by the neglect and abuses of an empire, those who are struggling to survive, and the hard decisions they have to make to survive. ANDOR is presenting childhood back stories, with adequate depth applied to convey how these experiences affected our main characters. We are seeing innocents dying at the hands of lower-tier imperial bullies who treat it as collateral damage. We are seeing VBIEDs and other tactics recently used by insurgent forces against organized military units. Seriously, get rid of some of the Star Wars tech, change the small arms and uniforms, and this story (so far) could pass for contemporary events.

Note: this review is based on the first three episodes that were dropped together on 21 Sep 2022. If the "tone" or quality change significantly, I will attempt to update this review.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Strong on Action, Weak on Plot
29 July 2022
Recently re-read book. I thought the characters and plot were a bit weak in the source material. With the exception of "Six" and to a lesser degree, "Claire", the character depth is even weaker here. They tried a few things that did work better than the book, at least in this medium, but a lot of the weaknesses of the source material are magnified when condensed down to 2hrs. To be fair, I'm not looking for a Merchant-Ivory level of depth and intrigue, but there were some great actors portraying characters with a depth, purpose, motivations, and backstory were far below their level and capability. It's a shame to see talent like this wasted on hollow characters.

Action sequences were great. Really, great action in the film. If that is all you're looking for, you may love the film.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Based on what I've seen so far, a valiant effort that falls short...
20 November 2021
Pacing is off, that's my biggest complaint. I can overlook the plot changes and questionable effects, even the casting, though not ideal... tries to do right by the source material. The pacing is way off though, mostly too slow. Yeah, some of the changes are a bit weird, but the pacing... 😩

That said, it's good for an anime adaptation. Unfortunately that's not saying much.
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Red Notice (2021)
Fun, relaxing, crime caper.
14 November 2021
Funny, especially if you like Ryan Reynolds' humor. No nail-bitting, edge off the seat suspense and a lot of it is just silly. It's a fun movie though and that counts for something too.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Good production value, too much relationship drama
30 October 2021
As of Ep 4, I have to say it's pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. It has slick production and some great actors. The relationship drama is a bit much for an alien invasion show and it certainly affects the pacing. Near hour-long episodes and there have only been hints of the actual aliens at end of Ep 4. Yeah, "Jaws"/"Psycho" hinting of the terrifying monsters/events is great when it is done well, but "Invasion" doesn't seem to have it quite right... at least not yet.
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Dune (2021)
Wow. What an experience!
22 October 2021
Wow. 2.5hrs and he has only just begun his new life. Chalamet's performance is a subtle one (most of the time), subdued and, at times, nuanced. Forget comparing 1980's VFX to modern CGI, as a reader of the first three books, the improved and more faithful storytelling is the lede here.

Damn well done. Certainly recommend. Those complaining about pacing or acting either watched a different movie or, dislike films which aren't non-stop action and which take the time to flesh-out the characters. A 100x more faithful to the original text and removes all the weird awkwardness of the 1980's (Lynch's) version (e.g. "weirding modules"). Anyone who prefers the Lynch version must prioritize "action" over storytelling.
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Stumptown: Dex, Drugs and Rock & Roll (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
OK, the plot was a little formulaic, but...
11 November 2019
It really wasn't that bad. Not like some of the folks are saying here anyway. So Dex had a girlfriend once upon a time (revealed in an earlier episode), so what? She is tied to the Rose City, it's not like they would get back together.

Oh yeah, and the main plot story? Yeah, predictable and formulaic.....
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The First (2018)
It's Sci-Fi-Drama vs. Sci-Fi-Action or Sci-Fi-Thriller
23 September 2018
OK- there's no alien, no in-flight crisis to solve every second, no time travel, and no laser battles. If these are the staples of your entertainment and needed by your definition of "sci-fi", you may be disappointed with "The First". However, if you can accept that "BSG", "Firefly", "The Expanse", and "Doctor Who" are all sci-fi, yet each has also incorporated other genres, then you may appreciate the drama storylines that are central to "The First".

Exceptional acting. Strong plot and storyline. Beautiful cinematography. The science seemed well thought-out. Oh, and did I mention the acting? Yeah, the pace was a bit slow but the breadth and depth of character development was quite impressive. You actually felt like you knew all of the major characters, understood how they thought, and felt empathy with them. Now that only comes from good development and exceptional acting.

Not what I expected going into it but coming out of it there's no saying "that was like ____", because it is a truly unique take on sci-fi. The closest I have ever seen was the movie "Contact", or at least the first 3/4 of "Contact", and that was what... 20yrs ago? So sit back, open your mind to a new experience, and enjoy.
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Baby Driver (2017)
It was good. Not great, but really good.
26 August 2018
Now having watched, not sure quite what all the hype was about. This wasn't a major difference in film making, like say "Pulp Fiction" was. This was more of an evolution of using music as a central plot device.

That said, it was good. Certainly worth watching.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Watch the "Super-Duper" Cut Instead
12 August 2018
Liked the movie, a lot. Big Deadpool fan. However, I disagree with the principle that drove the whole story arc... that DP must experience a personal and devestating tragedy in order to be interesting. Deadpool is insane. Adding the tragedy just changes his actions from "insane" to "insane with a purpose". For that reason, and what happened to "everyone's favorite character" early in the movie, I did not like it quite as well as the first movie. I do recognize I am in the minority however. Would rate higher than "7" if I were able to rate first one "8.5". In other words, I really liked it a lot, just disappointed with the tragedy arc, as I mentioned.

Anyway, the "Super Duper" cut is even funnier than the theatrical cut. Jokes are just slightly more raw but some of the scenes that seemed just a little awkward are better fleshed out. The Triad and Yakuza fight scenes are way better. So are the ending credits. His time at the mansion makes much more sense as well.
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Very clever, intelligent, and underrated.
27 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I did not expect much from this anime project because, ironically, I love anime but dislike most of the anime which are produced. In other words, I am pretty picky about what I like.....

"The Perfect Insider" is very clever, written about characters with far above average intelligence, and who also have unconventional views on life. As such, the dialogue reflects this with some of the discussions taking on direction and meaning that you would never find in most Anime (or most other serialized shows, for that much). Another thing that is somewhat odd is that for several episodes there is a jump backwards, to the events (and events leading to) which occurred 15 years prior. While they are frequently discussed in the confines of the current time, they are only viewed in a 1-2 minute segment at the very end of these episodes.

Without spoiling the perpetration of the crime too much, I have to admit that the way in which the character covers his/her tracks is quite clever. Mistakes are created in the OS that controls everything, which through their correction destroys key pieces of evidence. While I admit to figuring out the meaning of "F" early on (or at least what it represents) and while I did suspect the true identity of one character, I did not foresee the method used to cover the computer evidence. Quite simple, yet quite clever.

One thing that truly disappointed me is that there is very little shock and seeming no remorse from the perpetrator once the identity of the person on the cart is revealed. There is shock that the person ever existed but none at the sociopathic nature in which the perpetrator was able to perform these acts on this particular individual. As for who the person on the cart is..... well, I can't say that I "knew" in advance, but there are plenty of hints, if you pay attention and if you care to speculate. As for how this person ended up being inside the locked room, well, that was pretty obvious by the method in which the last minute or so of many episodes were scripted.

All-in-all, if you are looking for something without a lot of "fan service" and without "moe" (as in 萌 え or mo.e, NOT the female character's name) and without action, yet still has an intelligent concept and contains very intelligent dialogue........ this could be the one for you. If unconventional viewpoints, inappropriate relations (to include incest), and a slower pace do not appeal, then maybe you should head to one of the more popular titles.
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Black Box (2014)
Canceled Show- Great but Left You Hanging
14 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I really liked the show. I liked it enough that I bought the whole season on iTunes after watching the free first episode. It was a little bit like "Homeland" (early on) but set in a cutting edge medical facility instead of a world full of spies and terrorists. However, in the last few episodes, there was a story arc underway that was never finished. The main character, after seeming to be on a solid track to recovering from her public meltdown, is hit with two surprises..... one of them at the very end of the show.

The first surprise hits at about the 1/3 mark of the episode and it is left with one of those "this will get better in time" sort of vibes. The last one, the writers set you up for, lulling you into a sense that this problem has been completely resolved and that her career will withstand this, only to drop a bomb on you with the closing sentence of dialogue.

Why is this frustrating? Well, because it was a damn good show. Great acting all around (an interesting observation; although set & filmed in NYC, almost none of the stars were from the US). The main characters were well-developed and almost all of them had a fairly deep backstory. The show tackled an issue which is not studied in-depth on most shows (mental illness). All the main characters were capable of great & magnificent things (in their own way) yet every single one also had feet of clay. While some of the story lines were a bit of a stretch, they were more plausible than most episodes of "House" and the similar cases were presented more accurately and the solutions were more medically sound.

Well, if you don't mind being left hanging in the end and you are not bothered by a dark look into mental health issues, I highly recommend this show. It just is really frustrating when a show is canceled because of rating but it has been scheduled at an unusual time of year (the pilot ran in late April) and has been under-advertised. It almost makes you wonder why the network even bothered airing the program at all.... just let the production company shop it to another network like FX, TNT, etc.
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Great little movie. Does everything right.
22 October 2012
I watch a lot of movies. Usually I go for the serious or even dark ones; the ones that really make you think....... This was perfect though; light & warm with just a bit of a serious tone.

Entire cast was great but Aubrey Plaza was amazing. Bought it so my wife and I would have more movies we could watch together but I think this just became one of my favourites.

It sort of has a little something for everyone, unless you only like action movies. Comedy, a little drama, a little introspection, a little mystery, and even just a little sci-fi.

Not sure why it was rated "R", I have heard worse language in PG-13 movies. Same would apply for the sex & violence factors........ Maybe I missed something?
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Luther (2010–2019)
Just a BRILLIANTLY written British police drama
12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hadn't watched the show in a while; put it on in the background while working on other things. Then episode #2 comes up, sucks me completely in, and reminds me just why this show is so awesome! Idris Elba does an amazing job playing the role of a tormented, complex, brilliant, but morally compromised detective. His character is so completely filled with passion. Love, anger, fear, frustration, his obsessed quest for moral justice…. these feelings are never expressed in a subtle way with John Luther (Elba's character).

Characters counter balancing the brilliant but emotional dynamo that is John Luther are: -His partner, Justin Ripley who is smart, young, inexperienced, cautious, a bit strait-laced,"by-the-books" type, but incredibly loyal to Luther -His estranged wife, Zoe, who is nearly saint-like. She loves him deeply but cannot live with his demons anymore -A sociopath, Alice, who gets away with murder (Luther knows, she implies admission, but the proof was destroyed) in the 1st episode, is a equally brilliant as Luther, and seems to develop an obsession with Luther. She is a bit of a wild card. Brilliantly acted out by Ruth Wilson -Mark, Zoe's boyfriend, who in early episodes seems like a nice & honest guy but basically a weak character, perhaps added just to contrast with Luther and to illustrate the stability and "normal-ness" Zoe gained by leaving John Luther. Stick with this character though…. he develops into a strong character who is wonderful to watch as the series develops

There are other good (and even great) performances in some of the other characters. Casting and writing are very well done as each actor is a good fit for their role and each character is well-developed. It is certainly one of the best shows out there. I would recommend the show to anyone who appreciates strong characters and is looking for "something different" from the "normal" cop drama.
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Not bad. A few starts. Good acting.
8 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bailee Madison and Guy Pierce make this movie. The CGI was not as bad as some have said, but this was not a "big-budget" movie either so do not expect "Marvel" or Christopher Nolan-ish quality either.

It did have some suspense and did offer me a couple of anxious moments. This movie is as much about the creepy little critters who want to eat the girl as it is about the relationship change between the daughter and potential step-mother.

Other than being the voice saying "the little girl may not be crazy" and to forward the plot through research, Katie Holmes' only real contribution was that of self-sacrifice at the end. Her character is not well-developed (neither is Guy's for that much) but she lacks the "presence" to carry a scene to compensate for the weak character she was given. The only time she truly "owns" a scene is the one with the koi pond. The original maid, librarian, and the guy from Architectural Digest (played by the talented Alan Dale) all carry more screen presence than Holmes. I want to like Katie Holmes but she just does not seem to "step it up" in front of the the camera as do the actors with the performances which came off so much "stronger" Guy Pierce, on the other hand, does have a commanding screen presence and is able to somewhat compensate for his weakly developed character. Bailee Madison also does a good job at this although she lacks the seasoned emotional range of Guy. Bailee's character is also much better developed than the other two leads.

All-in-all, it is not too bad. If you need a spooky movie fix without dropping down to the ones that are so contrived that they make your brain hurt (we all know and sometimes even like some of these cheesy films), then this version of "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" might do it for you........
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The American (2010)
We liked it. Not a typical "American" film though
25 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Plot was fairly easy to follow, not a ton of action (has its moments, which are somewhat intense), not a lot of dialogue in much of the film either. This means that the dialogue there is, generally is pretty important.

I was initially surprised to see that this was a Focus Features film, as they tend towards the more "independent" or "art house" type of film. Smaller productions, smaller budgeted films at any rate, should you dislike my earlier terms. Once the film ran for a few minutes, I understood why. This is not what one would typically expect of a "George Clooney" film. Not glamorous, not a lot of fancy stunts, very much a minimalistic "European" feel, not a "Hollywood" feel to the film.

Nice tributes, although not directly, were paid to the novel "The Day of the Jackal" and to the 1972 film "The Mechanic", as well as many others. Well acted but very subtle acting. Several metaphors sprinkled throughout as well. A little touch of "Film Noir" mixed in too.

In short, if you are expecting to see a big budget, lots of action, typical "Hollywood" movie, you will likely be disappointed. If you like a film with solid acting, a subtle plot and dialogue, you would not even mind if it had sub-titles, and do not expect some sort of fancy big-budget, CGI-filled blockbuster, then you just may enjoy this film...... as we did.
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Rain Fall (2009)
Not a great movie, but not too bad either
29 May 2012
Watched this online last night…...relative to much of what I have watched online with Netflix, this was a pretty good movie, all in all. The plot was fairly predictable, almost formulaic. The producers made the right call in casting; Oldman's role is what convinced me to try it......

The dialogue is mostly in Japanese and a good 90% of the film is set in Japan. This means to be prepared for lots of subtitles. I usually do not mind and a fair percentage of my "all-time, top 20 favourites" are foreign. Just that night, I was hoping for a break from reading and as I mentioned earlier, this plot would not have required my undivided attention on the screen.

Cast: -Kippei Shiina,: does a nice job. Felt a bit like this was supposed to be something of a "vehicle" film for him. He did not become one of my new "must watch" actors but I would be interested in seeing more of his work sometime. He played the role of a reluctant "unbeatable action hero". Got the impression that he is capable of more...... -Oldman was not really at his true best, at times it almost felt like an "impression of how Gary Oldman may act"; Pacino does that sometimes in his less stellar performances. Little, oddly timed, fits of mania, the way he conveys the big "master plan" towards the end....... At times it just felt like a caricature of Oldman's best roles. -Kyoko Hasegawa.: Not one who watches many Japanese films, she was a nice surprise! I felt she was the actress who really "made the show". Does a very nice job of playing "the beautiful woman who was in danger"/ "love interest". Not too much screaming, not too much whining, and she did not try to "Rambo" up either. She was interesting, smart, understated, emotionally strong, very beautiful, and showed some real acting talent. She was far more than just a pretty face; I would be interested in seeing her work again. -Akira Emoto: did a very nice job but the role was sure not one to stretch his acting skills. A minor part, but he usually tends to stand out due to his talent and skill.

So, in summary, if you are looking for an action movie on Netflix (or a rental, do not mind subtitles, like Japanese movies (with some Western influence), and one that has a reasonably happy ending with good casting...... go for it. You could certainly do much worse than "Rain Fall".
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Splinter (I) (2008)
Not a great movie, but it did make me squirm & cringe a couple of times
28 May 2012
Plot was weak, actors were not really challenged by their roles (although it was fun to see Paulo Costanzo in his pre-"Royal Pains" days...... The monster(s), while not truly original, are somewhat unique and can keep you on edge as you wait to see what it/they do next.

Not bad, not great, much better than a lot of "horror" movies I have seen. If you like blood & gore, there is plenty of that to go around too; not quite "Zombieland" like, but certainly more than a movie that lives only off of the suspense.

In short: You could do worse on an evening when you need a horror/monster fix and you want to try something new. Not that you could not do better too, but you have probably seen most of them by now........ ;)
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Very well done, lovingly crafted. Great Cold War spy film
27 May 2012
Great movie. It is slow, the action is very subtle, and the plot is complicated. However, for those of us who lived through the Cold War, reading spy novels, and wondering if WW3 was right around the corner, this masterful film is a well-spent visit down memory lane. This is a snapshot of a time in history when tensions ran high on each side of the "Iron Curtain", a time period that lasted for decades and nearly disappeared over night. It had become a way of life, a time which many today never experienced and the rest of us often forget ever happened.

The lighting? For the mood and for the time, is spot on. The slow moving plot? Well, this is exactly how the Cold War would play out. Moles, conspiracies, and covert operations were often years or even decades in the making. Until the Reagan/Thatcher era came along, this is exactly how the Cold War played out; it was not like a James Bond movie. To back up this claim of realism, I offer this information from Wikipedia: "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is John le Carré's novelisation of his experiences of the revelations in the 1950s and the 1960s which exposed the Cambridge Five traitors, among them Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt, John Cairncross and Kim Philby, as KGB moles employed by the SIS. Karla is modelled after KGB Gen. Rem Krassilnikov, whose obituary in the New York Times newspaper reported that the CIA considered him as such. Moreover, skewing in favour of the latter, Smiley reports that Karla was trained by "Berg," Alexander Mikhailovich Orlov, an NKVD intelligence officer who defected to the West in 1938. The character Bill Haydon is derived from Kim Philby, who, in the late 1950s, transcended SIS suspicions that he too might be a traitor, given his connection with the defector Guy Burgess, and continued as an SIS intelligence officer until defecting to the USSR in 1963. David Cornwell (John le Carré) worked as an intelligence officer for the SIS (MI6) during Philby's tenure, and has said that Philby betrayed his identity to the Russians, which was a factor in the 1964 termination of his intelligence career. Connie Sachs, the Circus's principal Russia researcher, is modelled upon Milicent Bagot." (,_Tailor,_Soldier,_Spy)

If you are up for a slow, subtle, and artfully presented trip into our not-too-distant past, this is as good as it gets. The plot is complex with many players who may have straddled each side of the fence at one point. Oldman is masterful. If you follow him, his character will lead you through all the smoke and mirrors until you are able to wrap your head around the plot. Great movie if you are one to handle the pace.
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Life (I) (2007–2009)
Available on Netflix- Season 1 stronger than Season 2. GREAT acting
17 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what happened to season #2. Season #1 was VERY strong, although short. Season #1 was either in the year of the writer's strike or was a mid-season replacement for something else.

Much of the concept you have read already, the main character was framed for murder and sentenced to life in prison (hence the show title). After 12 years he was exonerated as the crime could not have been committed by him. He chose, as part of the settlement with the city, to take a boatload of money and a job as a police detective.

Story line is good and strong, especially in season one. Season two got a little weird. They felt a need to keep the conspiracy thing going but it got a little...... IDK, messy? Not so much hard to follow as much as there were so many people involved, or potentially involved, that you sort of lost interest in the conspiracy itself (even when it dominated the last few episodes) and wished they would go back to working cases again. The last 1/3 - 1/2 of season 2 took a whole new vibe and just was not as good. Acting suffered, the script was weak, and the whole thing (knowing there were only 2 seasons produced) had either a "we have been canceled so we have to wrap this all up" feel or a "we have been canceled so our hearts are no longer into this" feel. The best of the actors still managed to shine a little, but the rest felt weak and contrived. Unfortunately I was "invested" in the characters by this point and had to see it through to the end. (which is wrapped up nice and neat with Charlie Crews seeming almost god-like)

-Damian Lewis was, as usual, very good. -Sarah Shahi was incredible! A hundred times better than in her current show, "Fairly Legal" on USA. Depth of character, a broad range of emotions, fighting addiction issues, emotional vulnerability, issues with trust of her father, issues with trust of her partner, issues with trust of herself....... VERY enjoyable to watch, up until the last couple of episodes when she went "on loan" to the FBI. By then, the whole show had changed though. -Adam Arkin did a great job -Brooke Langton was great and the interaction (and potential for relationship) between her character and Damian Lewis' was great to watch. Her character sort of got phased out though, in Season #2, much to the loss of the overall series. -Donal Logue...... Now this is a tough one for me to rate. I usually like his work, a lot. He was a season 2 replacement for Robin Weigert's character (although they did have one episode together). I had a hard time liking his character and did not feel he fit in well, at first. He did start growing on me though and by the end of the series, really liked him (again). His potential to shine, at the end, was limited by the way Charlie Crews had morphed into something only this side of god.....

Other notable performances (not necessarily in order) include: Robin Weigert, Victor Rivers, Christina Hendricks, Shashawnee Hall, Brent Sexton, Jessy Schram, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and (not so much her 1st episode) Gabrielle Union. There is a lot of good acting throughout the series and I know I have missed a few on my list.

In short, there is a lot of great acting to see here. Just be prepared for season #2 not to be as good as season #1 and for the last half of season #2 to feel rushed together. It started out as a 10, ended as a 6 or 7, causing me to give the overall score of 8
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Divergence (2007)
Very slow movie with strong theme of connection
17 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Not the greatest film I have ever watched but far from the worst. Not much action gut not much to jerk the tears either.

Very slow movie that (finally) builds to the inevitable connection of these two broken souls and how they deal with his re-deployment to Iraq. It is an OK movie, a rental when you do need that slightly gloomy movie to remind you how we are all a bit "broken" and that we can still make something meaningful from what remains.

A lot of time is spent building up to their eventual "discovery" of each other. There is also a lot of time spent as they try to "figure out" how to deal with his re-deployment. She wants to run away together and he eventually agrees, but you can tell that he feels too obligated by duty to actually become a deserter. This outcome seems inevitable, regardless of his feelings about the war and what it has become.

In short, it is fairly well acted for what it is..... A film where two broken characters meet, bond, only share a little of how they are broken, accept each other for who they are, dream how to escape their lives, and then, in the end, are ripped apart although each is stronger for the experience. No happy ending, nothing to make you cry either. Their futures are left unresolved with no promises but some implied hope.
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