
6 Reviews
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It's awful.
15 December 2017
I'll add more later, just need to get this up. I'm sick.
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The Son (2017–2019)
A storytelling masterwork.
16 April 2017
This is a top-tier production in terms of acting, writing, directing, cinematography and the effort put into to accurately recreate 1915 south Texas. At first, I was a bit uncertain about Pierce Brosnan's seemingly self-conscious portrayal and iffy accent (he's an Irishman playing a Texan), but he quickly, comfortably settles in to his compelling character. The other actors are of the highest caliber, particularly the show's namesake played by Henry Garrett. The scenery is also beautifully shot. And the biggest surprise is the story itself, which becomes engrossing within 30 minutes into the pilot episode. I expect very, very good things from this show. Once again AMC proves they are serious about quality television, and I do hope viewers reward "The Son" because it entirely deserves your attention.

I should add a few people have noted some time-line discrepancies. These may exist, but they are completely unimportant. Some of the other reviews here seem to nitpick over ridiculous irrelevancies. I do not know how these people can enjoy television! We have to remember a product like this costs tremendous money for a television studio trying out an unproven new show without any guarantee of ratings, and we should at least be admiring of the effort put in.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
A masterpiece
1 March 2017
Absolutely stunning set design and special effects, realistic dialogue, interesting characters, and a wide-ranging plot make this one of television's all-time greatest achievements.

I was knocked off my chair by production values of this series. They have left no detail unnoticed. The special effects are indeed better than what we see in some Hollywood films today.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Not even in the realm of a quality show.
10 April 2015
Watching the first episode, I was expecting something pretty compelling:

the set up is this middle-class, uppity, dopey, clueless white-bread girl gets sent to prison.

you figure her world is about to crash down upon her. you figure the show will show her world unravel, and in the process watch her relationship with her boyfriend and family begin to disintegrate.

she's a criminal and she's going to jail. it's not going to be fun and games.

wrong. that's not where the show went at all!

the show is a silly soap opera, filled with gross humor and stereotyped characters.

now I only watched the first few episodes, but from what I saw it was a total waste of time. it's just mental rubbish. that said, im sure some of the characters get more fleshed out as time goes on. im sure there's "more" to it. but this is not a serious drama. i was just hoping for a different tone to the show, something a little more sobering.

the main character also struck me as being incredibly annoying, so I was looking for her downfall. didn't seem to happen.

not my cup of tea. seems like it belongs on NBC as a 30 minute sitcom. im shocked people are so wrapped up in it, then again, people love empire.
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Young Adult (2011)
This is a brilliant film, with much to absorb.
5 December 2012
I won't go into too much detail here, as others reviewers have already covered a lot of ground, except to add:

I loved the kitchen scene at the end with the sister (Sandra) and Mavis. Quite adeptly written (and acted) for reasons already fleshed out thoroughly in previous reviews.

I would like to add that it is the perfect juxtaposition: as Mavis is lamenting how small town folk find happiness so easily, we see a small town girl reveal she has no happiness and it is not easy for her.

This film is about what kind of person Mavis is, though. A great deal of attention was paid to her character and how she lives her life.

I suspect the writer and director probably had their own personal insight into many people they've met like Mavis and wanted to say something about them; that there are a lot of lost souls convinced of their own crap living completely empty lives, who are ultimately detached and attempting to find happiness through their own narcissistic fulfillment; they are emotional cripples and they are utterly imprisoned by their psychosis, they have no way out, because they don't now how to genuinely live (they may never have, even from an early age, often due to familial history, lightly touched on in the film).

It's not that the small things should make you happy or that the small town life is the answer, it's that Mavis is ultimately so cold, lost, unloved, and has lived an entire life without redemption, her road to recovery is neither certain, assured or expected, and not found in any city, big or small (or any cliché).

When she was lamenting how when she was with Buddy she was her "best", I was thinking, "You've never been your best," and Oswalt's character quite aptly reminded her of that.

I agree with another reviewer here, that the film felt incomplete, and a deeper study of Mavis' life might have revealed further insights. I look forward, though, to more from Rietman and Cody.
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Black Swan (2010)
It is an epic piece of garbage!
26 April 2011
This may be the most overrated film in years. Other reviewers have already hashed out its flaws, what we now have to try to make sense of his why so many people profess to like it and think it is a great movie.

I actually skipped through many parts of it on my DVD player, as there is virtually no plot.

It is truly one of the most pointless endeavors ever conceived. Some of the acting is a bit grating, as well. Portman's performance is one-note.

Maybe it's just good at being bad?
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