
17 Reviews
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Sisu (2022)
Invincible Ex Army No less than Marvel Hero
18 July 2023
This is probably my first Finnish movie and I must say it was a superb cinematic experience. After watching the trailer I had high hopes from the movie and it did reach my expectations. Jorma who plays the titular character doesn't utter a single word in the entire movie (except for the last scene in bank) and he takes the film alone on his shoulders with his agility and unhinged performance as an one man army. The movie may seem as a routine action movie with amateur style of filmmaking but it's not, there are flaws in the movie. Given that it is a Finnish film with low budget, I think the director should receive benefit of doubt for doing a commendable job on tight budget. Also the female prisoners who don't have much space in the script, do make their part of action sequences and appears completely awe inspiring. It also has an female empowerment theme layered in it towards the end.

I would love to see a sequel and thanks again to Mr Jorma and Jalmari Helander for making this amazing action movie.
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Watch it for leading for Prameela
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have rated the movie 9 put of ten. And out of which 5 marks goes to the leading lady 'Prameela' who essayed the role of Ragini and the mistress of Thakur. It is indeed a porn movie but the way 'She' has portrayed the character you will forget all the adult scenes and start rooting for her. It makes me wonder why so much character depth and emotions are added in movie given that it is going to be only viewed by audience who wants to see sleazy porn. 'Kumar' played by Suresh has equally acted so profoundly as a charming boy who entices Thakurain. There is not a single dull moment in the movie neither does the movie feel stretched. Supporting characters particularly Chaman Lal is funny and gives a lot of moments of laugh.
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Phenomena (1985)
Phenomenal Horror movie
5 April 2023
This is Dario Argento finest work ever, even better than 'Suspiria'. It starts off gradually with slow pace giving us detail about the character while terror is lurking behind the beautiful Swiss Alps. The professor and particularly his pet chimp were very inquisitively written characters making the audience root for more scenes. Cut to the terror, which takes place towards the end of the film but we get to know a lot about insects and larva and the protagonist trying to evade from the horror. Climax is both shocking and terrifying which viewers will absolutely love for it's surprise and twist take. The lead actor strong performance and Argento knack as skilled horror story teller keeps us hooked till the end. It's a must watch for every Horror fan like me.
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Old was much better
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I won't even call it one time watch. Mr Shyamlan is known for twist and complex ideas juxtaposed with thrill rides. But this movie has neither of its kind that speaks about Shyamlan films. The film is a home invasion take, only this time, the intruders have sympathy for mankind. Andrew and Eric and their daughter are hostage and what follows is the routine storyline of kidnapping and asking for ransom in this case to choose to kill oneself. That's it !! To keep some cheap, add an apocalypse where people are dying around the world. Entire movie is shot inside the cabin and close proximities to its forest. No lush photography of the forest and it's greenery. Save your time and money and let's hope Shyamlan will do it better in his next film.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Outstanding !!
26 October 2022
Dan and his team has done full justice to the sagging franchise which other films had failed to do so in the past. The story which is set in the 1700s about tribesman fighting a monster has an eerie feeling, they also took care of the creature design which looks hybrid with fangs being bigger and more terrifying now. There is a constant fear and high adrenaline rush to find out the monster and how to kill it. Amanda Midthunder is amazing as 'Naaru', the fierce warrior girl of the tribe. Some scenes are beautifully choregraphed between the monster and the hunters. It's a Must watch for everybody.
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Worth a watch.
10 June 2021
So people have been cimplaining that this is the weakest storyline in the series. But it is not, dont go by the rumour. The movie is very scary and engaging, it has jump scare, dark atmosphere and haunting background score. You will feel sorry for the character 'Arne' for inviting the demon into his body to save the 8 yr old boy. Also, scenes where he is traumatised by the witch are painful to watch. As for Ed and Lorraine, they both fight and investigate for the source of the curse with lots of horror and scares coming at their way !! I enjoyed the film very much and i found it very satisfying. You never know what is coming for you on the way and am sure u will too if u watch.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Its muddled up confusing saga of three generations of people
10 May 2020
The biggest flaw in this web series its just too many characters and its hard to keep track and follow the storyline. Ulrich, Joans Khanwald , Ines Khanwald, Katharine, Hannah, Tidelman and there are some charcters u wont even know the name if u dont rewind back to the earlier episode. And if thats not enough, wait till these characters are again reappear in the mid 80s. There is a boy who goes missing and the town of Widen has a creepy past of such disappereance. A sobbing cop looses his son after his brother went missing thirty hree years back, His follow up leads to a cave adjacent to a nuclear plant. Nearly every charcter is somewhow demented and pissed There is no coherent and focused storyline. There are jumps in between scenes u wont know, is it 1986 or 2019? Every ten minutes or so a new charcter arrives and u will start rooting just who is it ? There is no screenplay that even care to mention who they are ? A doctor, watchmaker, Nurse, transgender, old guy lurking in the woods and a time travelling dude. Its just too much of them. The film is engaging when the mystey behind the cave, bunker and a time device is told about. Barring that there are only needless prologues especially between the confused teens. 'Stranger Things' was more lucid and didnt gave me a headache as this one did. If only i didnt care for the first child who disapper i wouldn't have even completed the whole series. I dont recommend it to anybody !!
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I felt like suing the producers after watching the film.
26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I felt like suing the producers of this movie after watching the film. It takes four people to write the screenplay, three people involved in the writing and they end up conjuring a frustrating horror film. I have admired the last three films in the series but this film in its course grips the audience and raises the expectation to final showdown and when it finally ticks off; the makers completely disappoint the viewers. The film takes a good start and the encountering,confronting and investigating elements are quite intriguing , the lead actors do not let down the film and the little girl is a delight to watch. What goes wrong is the abrupt dissatisfying climax. The couple are both brutally murdered especially the character of mother whom the Satan chokes and strangles to death. The character whom you've been rooting for the past one and half hour are singularly killed and the film makes the devil win the game. This happened to be the final film in the series, after the gripping and edge of seat horror first film I had never wished this series would end up like this. 😔
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Creature (I) (2014)
Paisa Vasool
20 September 2014
I think we must applaud the efforts of Indian filmmakers to have challenged the Hollywood special effects by creating an indigenous creature film with fair amount of technical and prosthetic assistance to develop a beast which takes form the antagonist. It is surprising to see the Indian special effects is growing and rather commendable if they are able to make them with such low costs. The major part of the film focuses on the premise of a besieged hotel owner who must save her hotel from being bankrupted due to a mythical monster suddenly lurking and devouring away her customers. The cast is palatable and the music particularly songs are decent but not the background score which fails to keep up the scary tone,the growling and scowling of the creature are the only ones you would be smeared. As far the story is concerned it is an usual b movie type plot, where the idea of confronting the beast by our leading lady should be made the only choice left for her. In the late seventies "Spielberg" made a fortune out of using the formula to scare the audience, horror fans genuflect the film where sharks go berserk on beach goers in the thrilling "Jaws". Forty years since we still continue to see these films, whats intriguing this time around is; we have a homegrown film. .
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Loha (1997)
27 June 2014
This was the first Kanti Shah film that i watched and understood his style of making off beat exploitation films which later earned him the reputation of B grade "so bad that so good" filmmaker. Back in those days it was hard to differentiate between a mainstream film and a supposedly B grade flick due to lack of awareness in the media,. My grandfather who was an ardent fan of Dharam ji rented this film for 40 rupees back in the year 2000.Thankfully i didn't sat along with him to watch the film and decided to catch it later on. I was surprised and bewildered with the film's amateurish plot, intentional non linear flow of horrendous scenes and abysmal dialogues which intrigued me to watch the entire movie. In a nutshell the film induces elements of violence and sex and exploits them in a no holds barred manner that doesn't shies away from ignoring the principles of movie making and script. The travesty lies in the biased and motivated portrayal of women as underrated when they are raped in full public view and the extensive use of innuendos in dialogues that are directed towards the morals and ethics of being an women. Of the cast Dharam ji and Mithun da deliver a convincing performance , Mohan joshi as the Mafia don "Luka" is okay , the rest of the cast is routine in the form of corrupt police officials and politicians. The reason why i rated the film so high despite having such serious flaws is that it doesn't fails to keep u engrossed till the very end which definitely isn't an easy task. There are moments of "Laugh Out Loud " in an unintentional humor which are in my understanding epic , serious geographical errors when the villain is chased down by the hero, laughable cast as henchmen who appear to ave been picked up on the street just because they are dark and appear as goons, in one particular scene Dharam ji is hit by a bullet which he collects in his palm at ease as it fails to penetrate his tissue probably because Dharam ji happens to have "Iron limb". With these scenes the film neither qualifies as kitsch nor a film it's just a time pass entertainer with leave your brains at home declaration.
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Jai Ho (2014)
Jai HO
25 February 2014
There is no iota of doubt that Salman Khan prefers larger than life characters which boasts his machismo and mass appeal. Its the sole reason why audience drool and repeatedly cash in to see his persona in the multiplexes. This film needless to say packed every other element where he continues to retain his charisma , I mean we have Salman bhai playing an honest expelled army men frustrated with the corrupt administrator's way of governance , we have a good family comprising of a mother , brother in laws, sister in law , a supportive sister and a insolent cousin. Sohail Khan gives enough space to this family rejoicing and share their feelings to each other ,there are moments where we see them troubled and Salman's effort to be the caretaker of the family . The baddies are lazy police officers , Minister's dictatorial son in law and the minister himself ; Danny plays the main antagonist who after a violent spat between his son in law and Salman threatens to destroy him and his family. The story mainly focuses on influencing people to help others in the midst of all these ruckus .A systematic way of forwarding your deed to three people and so forth thus forming a chain of thousands of people helping each one. Performances; especially Salman Khan at the verge of 50 years can't be said that he "sleepwalks" or cannot act , i mean there can't be no smoke without fire. Newcomer Daisy Shah is good and she did induced humor at her part ,of the ensemble cast Mahesh Thakur deserves credit as the loudmouth cousin , rest of the cast play their part just for the sake . Music is soothing but not the level that it should have . The film is made in true to its fans style , it's entertaining , it's educative and above all it reflects the contemporary mindset of frustrated Aam aadmi thwarting the government . At the end i would say one word to Salman bhai ... Keep it coming.
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Pain & Gain (2013)
Pain and Pain
23 December 2013
what could have been a thriller ride about pitiful muscle trainers trying to earn their way out is hammered down by graphic violence, crass humor and unnecessary dialogue. The first half looked quite promising until Bay shifts the focus from the adrenaline to the muscle bodied machismo. The film is lengthy due to the filmmaker over fantastical approach to create humor such as body builders having serious private issue , people looking for fitness. Also every women in this film is either a stripper or hooker or at least behaves like it. It's all handled haphazardly and the result is a two hour long messed up film with bits of thrilling scenes sporadically added.At the end its the cast which saves the film by turning into complete trash ;Mark Whalberg was excellent as the dumb head trying to lead the team , Dwayne Johnson is funny and Anthony Mackie was quite convincing. The supporting lead of ED Harris and Tony Shalhoub does their job earnestly . I think Michael Bay should have remained to the P G rated film such as the Transformer series , its different when u r working with R rated. film .
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One of the best slasher film of 2013
18 December 2013
This movie had 100 million dollar plus box office potential , i wonder why universal didn't merit this film for theatrical release. The movie is not just any other revenge slasher ,what we see normally with each direct to video release. It's a story blended with as much horror and emotions for the fans. There are flaws but these are just minor nerve chuckles , for e.g why does the character has vested interest in selling the house or the au pair (nanny) is so sweet and hot . The plot centers around one night stand of the family which is followed by Chucky who recently came by mail, invoking carnage on each one of them. To add twist to the film we see a wild relationship between the family members, and it doesn't stops there, towards the end we see the climax getting philosophical and hard to digest and this is solved in the post credit. Until now i had only seen post credit used for signaling possible sequels. There is also a flashback sequence where it is established why Chucky is rampaging the family. Of course the gem of this film is "Fiona Dourif" as Nica with her excellent performance of a paraplegic girl, exhibiting both vulnerability and physicality . The supporting cast does a commendable job and i must say "Brennan Elliott" and "Maitland McConnell" were perfect cast for Barb and Jill . The gory scenes are quite disturbing but thanks to the director "Don Mancini" ,he doesn't makes it a mess .He has definitely made a horror worth watching , i strong recommend this film for horror fans . And am eagerly waiting for the next release .
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Aatma (2006)
Worth Watching ; not a waste of Time
20 March 2013
The film's biggest strength fact is that it is produced by a family who have entirely devoted to Horror genre in their entire Carree of filmmaking , the director Deepak Ramsay is the son of Producer Tulsi Ramsay . The film is not at all scary compared to the contemporary host of horror films . But the same point is inclusive in the fact that it's neither have silly stereotypes of Ghost movies nor it consists of a hackneyed plot of a deadly soul seeking revenge similar to the most of the horror film's which releases every week. Although it has the titled of Aatma and the main plot rounds around the soul of Avinash in vengeance, much of the story focuses on Neha wife of Aman whom the deadly Soul possesses, three antagonist who are eying the property , a serious Policemen investigating the case and Aman husband of Neha ; who wrongfully prepares the Autoposy report. Speaking of the performances everybody was amateurish , except Sadhasiv Amarpurkar who has very little to showcase his talent according to the script and the main Aatma Soul who only looks convincing as he keeps on staring. Surprisingly the film is shot with detailed and dark photography , which impressed me lot more than the whole film,shots with blue and red theme are vibrant and add meaning to the film plot. This is also plus point as nowadays horror films usually go for Black color theme which is quite invisible. It's not a good Scary movie but it will definitely keep you engrossed because of the Script which oscillates in many characters and remains steady . I rated the movie 9 because i really found the movie worth watching despite it's poor performances. I strongly recommend you to watch this movie as it deserves one time watch and it's worth it.
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Ra.One (2011)
not worth watching , movie lacks the potential of being a super hero movie
1 November 2011
I presume SRK might be feeling this was the biggest mistake of his career pertaining to the negative reception of the movie . The prime reason for such a fallout is that SRK treated the screenplay similar to his previous romantic films which unlikely is completely different genre (action) from this movie. In spite of having a good basic plot where the villain prevails the hero and the duo of son and father takes on him, the movie resulted in total fiasco, just because the makers wanted the movie to work on every level of popcorn masala entertainer regardless of the accumulating length .And i am astonished to see the addition of cuss words and crotch being mentioned several times in the movie which is targeted mainly for the family audience.I think if SRK should have stick to the concept of superhero movie rather than turning it to the usual Bollywood flicks , things might have worked his way . Nevertheless the goodness lies in the technical aspect of the movie which thankfully do seem to be visual arresting and convincingly realistic after all such a heavy amount invested for the action sequences consequently the emotions and depth of the story would have worked if SRK didn't tempted to use all the resources of masala entertainer.
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Darwaza (2002)
Watch it for it's quality as a b grade flick
23 May 2011
I have always loved kanti shah movies for their absurdity and insanely need to be an b grade flick fan for appreciating such ridiculous cinema.These movies are much appreciated for their adultery juxtaposed illogicality .when i watched it convinced and satisfied me especially with the scene where the devil snags and swings his hand inside sapna's breasts.disjointed plot,no production value,few eminent dialogs as if in charity,songs miserably added and low in I it if you are bored with major off beat cinema and tiresome.This movie every pinch of being a major b grade film and qualifies to leave you satisfied.
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Gunda (1998)
A must see for all those who like watching exploitation films
22 May 2011
i watched this movie back in 2003.after watching it i was extremely pleased because it was different from other Hindi films .why i loved it is the answer why you must watch it.people who enjoy b grade escapism will be rewarded with its content and style and the way the movie captures it's audience interest.literally the movie doesn't have any themes or plot for admiration.what makes you cheer up are the dialog's and story advancement which surely grabs your attention .They rhyme in a poetic tone,sexual innuendos consistently advancing with the story and lots of other stuffs like that.another reason why i liked it because it's an only one movie of it's kind.Its high on offending intentionally,dialog's which might make you puke,names that are genuinely idiotic and funny,rape sequence which are only subjected to excite audience offensively.these things are enough to interest any viewer but still it has a story amateurishly scripted and executed which has an essence just like watching John Rambo. this movie is very bad in terms of morality and ethics but still you will admire intense hardcore B grade quality.i have admired other works by Mitunda like yamraaj ,chandaal,shera,shapath (which aren't in the level of this movie)etc and also loved this too. all you need to be is a b grade movie fan to accept this kind of cinematic accomplishment.
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