
8 Reviews
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Def. Not Logan
6 August 2013
To be honest, the only reason I wanted to watch this movie is because I long for the days of Logan and Veronica. It seems like everything Jason Dohring does, soon ends. That being said, the character of Elliot is nothing like Logan, but the movie is still watchable nonetheless. It's a mystery movie with real mystery. As soon as you think you know "who done it," some new clue or misdirection pops up and throws you off. I was half expecting poor production quality, muffled sounds, all in all a cheap looking movie. Not so. It didn't have a large theatrical release, or if it did I missed it, but you would never know. Not to mention all the awards it won at film festivals. It's a good high quality movie, which you can watch for free right now on HULU
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Save time
2 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
... just watch the trailer. All the funniest parts and it's not long enough to get annoyed at. In my opinion the best part of the movie is the fact that the terminator is once again chasing and tracking someone down. I love Melissa McCarthy, and normally I find her funny in about everything she does. Instead through the whole thing I kept thinking, if someone stole my identity I would be so upset. I kept getting angrier and hating her more. And if she punched me in the throat, and let the stupid bounty hunter guy take her. And there's no way I would stay friends with her, visit her in jail and then hire her. If someone ruined my life like that... Anyway I spent most of the movie thinking of what I would do to someone if they did that to me.
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Makes me nostalgic
2 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really sure why I never watched this when it first came out. All my friends had crushes on Josh Hartnett, so they rushed to watch it. I on the other hand never made it through, but I did manage to go see Hollywood Homicide in the theater. Anyway, this movie is full of people from the late 90s that were huge, that now I'm not sure what they are up to. Shannyn Sossamon, Paulo Costanzo, Michael C. Maronna, Vinessa Shaw. Okay, I have seen them in some other things, but they are not nearly as big as they were back then. Quick summary, Matt is having trouble sleeping with random women because he is hung up on his ex, Nicole. He decides to give up all things sexual related for Lent, to kind of cleanse the pallet. RomComs being what they are, he almost immediately meets a girl that he could really be into. It wouldn't be such a huge deal, except he has given up all forms of sexual activity, including kissing and masturbation. Holding off on sleeping with someone for a little over a month doesn't seem that crazy, but not even a good night kiss?!?! Long story short, I'm not sure if it was really that god, or if it just made me nostalgic for the time when I was as free as the characters.
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Danika (2005)
2 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The surprise ending wasn't so much as a surprise as what happens when you say to your self through the whole movie, I bet BLANK is going to happen, over and over. And then poof BLANK happens. What was surprising about it was the subtle way they switched from her reality to the hallucinations, and then back to reality. Some movies make it really obvious that way there is no question about weather or not it is reality. Some of the delusions seem strange and disconnected to me. Bus explosion, there's on at the crash, makes sense. I'm still confused about the girlfriend giving Kurt AIDS. And the dog in the swimming pool. I wish Uncle Phil would have had a bigger part. And it was nice to see Regina Hill in a part where she got to sound intelligent.
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The Lorax (2012)
The kids like it
17 September 2012
We saw this movie as part of a summer program that shows movies outdoors in the park. It was a perfect movie for this. All the kids seemed to love it. Since it was outdoors instead of a theater, no one minded when the kids got up to dance through the songs. We have of course watched movies at home with our 10 month old, but not in theaters. It might have just been the fact we were outside, but I think he might have sat through it in a theater as well. He was clapping his hands and smiling the whole time. My 6 year old loved it too, and got the message. There is one song that sounds up beat, but if you listen to the words it's kind of a downer. On the way home he was singing it, then stopped and said "well that's kind of sad." My 3 year old niece was with us too, and she hardly sits still for anything, but this movie did the trick. I'm not sure if she got the message behind it all, but she was entertained. I have read the book, so has my son. We both noticed the changes, but they weren't so drastic that we were horribly offended. I have read they director/producer's reasons for the changes, and I agree with them.
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Not that bad
16 May 2006
If you go into watching this movie looking for the pothead humor of Half Baked or even That 70s Show, you will not find what you are looking for. By that I mean there is no "Man I am so high" giggle giggle jokes. Although there is a fair share of toilet humor, literally. The acting, in my opinion was good. There is nothing I hate more than an actor playing up to all the stereotypes to make themselves seem "intoxicated." Smoking marijuana may not make you the smartest person around, but you can still function. With the writing, it seems like they were trying to make built in catchphrases, by repeating the same lines at several points. It's not like they were randomly spoken, they fit every time. I just don't see them getting to be as big as say, "Your mom goes to college." But who thought that that would catch on? Irreguardless, I'm sorry, regardless, it is a decent movie. A good example of why a movie should go direct to DVD. It's likable, just not a blockbuster hit. It's good marketing not to waste money advertising it. The people that are going to see it know about it and are going to rent it or buy it either way. It's complex.
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Unbelievable but Good- Slight Spoilers
15 February 2006
I watched this movie last night with my fiancé for Valentine's Day. I wanted something funny and he wanted something funny. We decided on A Lot Like Love for a little of both. This movie was funny and sweet. It started out surprising, but got to be a little predictable in the end. But it still managed to make me smile at how cute it was and my fiancé laughed through the whole thing. You can't over analyze it, it is not War and Peace after all. My biggest question is how realistic is it that Oliver and Emily go years with out seeing each other, then they are back together like no time has passed? But, as long as you don't question things like that, it is a fantastic movie.
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Clockstoppers (2002)
Oh, come on.
19 August 2003
Yeah, okay. So the movie was pretty bad. But you have to look at it as what it is supposed to be. A fun movie for kids. No one expected it to be the next "Gone with The Wind." And you're an idiot if you did. I love this movie because of Jesse Bradford, my neice loves this movie for everything in it. And I think that it's great for its moments of comedy, yes, they are few and far between. And of course Jesse's face does not hurt. If I have to watch a movie while I babysit, this is the one that I pull out. I'd much rather pick it than "Bob the Builder" or any other crap.
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