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Public Awareness
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie deals with the issue of child sex trafficking. This is an issue that most of society doesn't like to think about. But ignoring the issue will not rid ourselves of the issue, it will only make things worse. I imagine that it was because the content of the movie is so unsettling, that it caused some people to delay the release of this film for five years. I'm thankful that the movie was released to theaters, and that audiences have been flocking to see it. Inspired by the experiences of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security Agent who has spent his career rescuing victims of human trafficking, Sound of Freedom tells the fictionalised story of Ballard's (Jim Caviezel) journey to Colombia to save a kidnapped brother and sister who have been seized by a woman posing as a model scout. The script is well written and the acting is exceptional. It's a sad story and a story that very much needs to be told.
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Skateboard (1978)
A Good introduction to the skateboarding world
28 August 2022
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I saw this movie in the theaters as a grade school kid and I knew nothing about skateboarding. This movie was a good introduction to the world of skateboarding. I've seen the reviews from others who said that it doesn't show authentic skateboarding. However, to an audience that was not aware of what real skateboarding looks like, everything looked really cool. I recently saw it again, and I'm sure that as a kid I didn't understand all of the references to sex, alcohol, drugs or owing money to a gangster. And I found it odd that Manny would tell the kids that they could win $20,000 when he knew that $10,000 would be going to the gangster to pay his debts. And even with the $10,000 being split up amongst all the participants, I imagine it wouldn't be split evenly and that Manny would get the lion share with his need to pay alimony to his ex-wife. However the movie ends before we find out how the money was divided up. I was also surprised that the parents would be ok with this random guy showing up who knows nothing about skateboarding and taking their kids on road trips on a bus with overnight stays at motels and making unclear promises of payment for their involvement on the team. However what makes this film shine is the use of real skateboarders Richard Van der Wyk, Tony Alva and Ellen O'Neal. A surprise is that the teenybopper heartthrob Leif Garrett looked very natural on a skateboard and doing most of his own stunts. I ended up asking my parents for a skateboard as a kid because of this movie, and they gave me one. I never got very into skateboarding but I grew up knowing guys that did. This movie was a small 1970's glimpse into the skateboarding culture.
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Overcomer (2019)
I got emotional watching this film
25 August 2019
I've seen most of the movies that the Kendrick Brothers have done and I've enjoyed all of them. It seems like they learn something more about making films each time, and this one is no exception. There were some parts of the film that were predictable and other parts that surprised me, and all of it was enjoyable. The Kendrick Brothers films always have a strong message about faith and family and I appreciate that. And they always have those moving scenes that drive the message home. Perhaps because of what I've seen in my own life, the scenes in the this movie made me more emotional than the other Kendrick Brothers films. If you're looking for a good family film with a strong moral message then check out Overcomer.
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I didn't watch Dora growing up but I enjoyed this movie
25 August 2019
When I saw the trailer it looked like a cute family film and that's what I wanted to see. I was an adult by the time the Dora the Explorer TV show came on the air, but she was so famous I ended up hearing about her anyway. Her show sounded like a fun way to teach kids about different places in the world and also to expand their vocabulary. Dora was a little girl in the cartoon, and I wanted to see what they would do with her story as a teenager. The actresses that they chose both for the child Dora and teenage Dora were excellent choices as they both looked, sounded and acted a lot like the cartoon character. And I liked how in the story it gave us a funny and entertaining look at what Dora's life would be like if she were a real person both as a child and as a teenager. It is well written, with good special effects and great acting. It's a feel-good family film that is well done that left me smiling. If that's what you're looking for then check out this film.
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Audacity (2015)
Have an open mind
3 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
(spoiler alert) The subject matter of this film makes it a lightning rod for comments and if you watch it with an open mind you may see the issue from a new perspective. The message of the film is that although there are some people who claim to be Christians that hate gay people, that this does not represent the majority of those of us in the Christian faith. Most Christians love gay people, and we love them enough to tell them the truth; that our sin separates us from God and that Christ died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. The movie tells the story of a young man and a young woman and the things they are going through at this point in their lives. They weave in a few clips from Ray Comfort's street evangelism videos. The film is simply a different way of looking at the hot button issue. If you're a reasonable person you'll consider what it has to say with an open mind.
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It's worth seeing
23 April 2016
It's an interesting movie. I enjoy watching films that defy the explanation of medical science. There are those that believe science can solve everything and science can explain anything when neither are true. We've come a long way with medical science, for instance when I had my appendectomy 35 years ago the procedure was very different from the one my buddy went through just a few weeks ago. There are things that can be cured now that couldn't be cured years ago. There are procedures that were very risky years ago that are now a lot safer. I'm thankful for all of the advancements in science. However, we still have a long way to go. And it's always exciting when God intervenes and heals people beyond a medical explanation. This is a movie about such an event.
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A timely message
13 April 2016
I really enjoyed God's Not Dead 2. I enjoyed the first "God's Not Dead" film as well. The God's Not Dead films are similar in that they deal with how God and the Bible are received in the modern academic environment. God's Not Dead 1 dealt with the issue from the perspective of a Christian college student with a professor that is hostile to his faith. God's Not Dead 2 deals with a Christian high school teacher that has to deal with an angry school administration. The acting in both films is good and the story lines are very insightful and creative. I'm very thankful that many different Christian films are making it to the theaters. Other Christian films like War Room, Mom's Night Out and Risen have done well and have shown some diversity in styles of films that are being released in the Christian genre. I hope more films like them are released in the future to continue offering moviegoers more options for what they can see on the big screen.
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It provides food for thought
27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A Matter of Faith is a movie that hits home with me. When I went to college one of the challenges that I faced as a Christian was the criticisms that I faced from some of the professors on the accuracy of the Bible.

I related to Rachel character's difficulty living her life as a Christian on a secular college campus that welcomed her but did not welcome her spiritual beliefs. I was different from Rachel because where she was raised in the faith, I didn't become a Christian until the summer before my senior year in high school and almost no one in my family went to church.

When I arrived at college my freshman year I found myself rather intimidated by my new surroundings. This was where my professors confronted me with how The Big Bang Theory and The Theory of Evolution challenge what is taught in the Bible regarding the origin of our species. At that time I believed in both the Big Bang Theory and The Theory of Evolution, I simply believed God used both of them to create the universe. However, I noticed that the Big Bang Theory and The Theory of Evolution had one word in common, and that word is "Theory." And since they are theories it shows that they can't prove them as facts. If they could prove them as facts then they would call them "laws" not "theories." Since they believe the theories it shows the professors have faith in the theories. So whether you believe in The Big Bang and Evolution or Creationism, either way it's a matter of faith.

As a Christian the only one I signed up to have faith in is God; I never signed up to have faith in my college professors. So anytime my professors said anything that went against the Bible I chose to believe what the Bible said.

However, I was generally quiet about my faith while I was in college. I never confronted a college professor the way the dad in the film does. The character named Evan who is a current student is vocal about his beliefs in Creationism. Professor Portland was teaching Creationism while he was on staff at the college and it cost him his job. I admired their courage and commitment to stand up for what is right. It inspires me to do the same.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
They did a good job
27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It can be challenging to take a concept written about in a book and then turn it into a visual moving picture projected on a screen.

It's especially hard when the movie being made is taken from the sacred writings of a faith because many in the audience know the writings well. Because of this the audience can quickly point out what parts of the scriptures that the film left out; or what parts in the film aren't in the scriptures at all.

It is exceptionally demanding to make a film about a Biblical prophecy that hasn't taken place yet because no one but God knows exactly how the prophecy will play itself out when it happens. And one of the prophecies the Left Behind movie is based on says this:

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." -I Thessalonians 4:16-17.

There are things in the movie that they could have done better and that's why I didn't give it a perfect 10. A score of 8 isn't bad though. Nicolas Cage, Lea Thompson and Cassi Thompson played their roles well. I especially liked the midget named Melvin who provided comic relief and was played by Martin Klebba. And it was good seeing Jordin Sparks and Lolo Jones on the big screen as well.

The Left Behind movie is worth a watch. All things considered they did a good job. I encourage you to watch the movie with an open mind and decide for yourself.
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The theater was still crowded and the film has been out for weeks.
6 June 2014
I wanted to see this film on opening weekend but I got busy and wasn't able to do it. I tried to see it the following weekend but that didn't work out either. I finally saw it last weekend and I expected the theater to be empty, but to my surprise almost every seat was filled. I get the feeling that some of the people had already seen it and came to see it again. I didn't know what to expect from this movie because some times in Christian films the comedy is corny. However I literally laughed out loud several time during this film, along with many people in the audience. It was good to see some familiar faces in this film like Patricia Heaton, Trace Adkins and Anjelah Johnson-Reyes, all of whom were sensational in their roles. And from the Christian film world it was good to see familiar faces like Alex Kendrick, Kevin Downes and Robert Amaya. The cast blended well to tell a funny story with a very encouraging and true message.
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Home Run (2013)
Grand Slam
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a great movie and it has something more than just stuff for sports fans. It touches a lot of serious issues like alcoholism, pornography, child molestation, fatherless children and more. Because of the seriousness of the issues addressed this movie it might not be suitable for younger viewers. Then again, with the things kids can see on regular TV these days the stuff in this movie is tame by comparison. And the serious issues in Home Run are mostly mentioned verbally with few graphic depictions of the issue. And the cast was well chosen for this film. Scott Elrod does a solid performance as the troubled star baseball player. Vivica A Fox lights up the screen as the player's manager. Dorian Brown is charming as the player's ex-girlfriend. And the entire cast work together with good chemistry to convey an important message of forgiveness and redemption. I was moved by the honesty of this film and the true solutions offered.
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It has a good message
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
With so many pop stars today having music that focuses on sex and drugs, it's refreshing to see someone stick to a higher standard. Many of the music stars today grew up singing in church. In church we are not taught how to sing but instead we are taught WHY we sing. We sing for God who gave us our voice and loves us more than anyone. Because of this, church singers learn to sing with passion and conviction. Unfortunately, some singers who were raised singing in church use the passion and conviction that they were taught to use to sing for God, and then they turn around and use it to convey a bad message. What will someone raised singing in church do if they were given an opportunity to have fame and fortune if they agree to sing about sinful things. It's interesting to see what we'll do when we come to a crossroads in life when we have a ethical crisis between what we know is right and what we want to do even though we know it's wrong. This movie deals well with this very issue.
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Veil of Tears (2014)
Eye opening
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a movie that takes the audience out of their world and thrusts them into another world. A world of extreme poverty. A world where people have no rights and no way to get justice for the crimes committed against them. And it shows how the gospel can make a tremendous difference in the lives of the victimized and those around them. As I heard the story of gal after gal I was horrified to hear about the terrible things that they had experienced in their lives. It's amazing that they didn't commit suicide with all of the pain that they had to go through, and I'm thankful they didn't end their lives because God has a bright future for them. As they gave their lives to Christ their situation didn't change at first, but because God changed them on the inside, their reaction to life changed on the outside. And God also started changing things in their surrounding circumstances as well and it was amazing to see. Gospel of Asia does great work in that area of the world, and this movie shows the difference Jesus can make in someone's life.
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Son of God (2014)
Good job!
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It can be challenging making a movie based the Bible because the audience knows it well, but they did a good job on this one. I appreciated how they showed that the disciples were not perfect people, they made mistakes just the way I do as a follower of Jesus today. I liked how they showed that Jesus loved the human race and He did whatever it took to make salvation possible for us. I liked how they showed Christ's resurrection and they showed him physically touching His disciples so that they would know he wasn't a spirit but that He had risen in bodily form. I liked how they showed Christ at his ascension with His disciples and after He was taken up into heaven Peter says "brothers, sisters we have work to do" and shows them following Christ's command to go into all the world with the gospel. And I liked how they started and ended the movie with John and at the end they show Jesus with John as an elderly man but Jesus still looks the same way He did after His resurrection. I enjoyed watching it and if you haven't seen it yet then I hope you enjoy watching it too.
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I loved it!
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
They did a great job with this film! It really shows how God can work through some of the most unusual circumstances. The professor in the film lost his faith because he prayed as a little boy that his mother would live and when she died he lost his faith in God. The pastor of my church has a similar story as he as a little boy lost his faith in God when his mother died. God caused some unique situations to happen for him to have faith again and I love hearing testimonies like that. In my own life God has had to put me on my back in a hospital bed in order to get my attention, and I'm very thankful He did that. Some people have expressed their dislike of this film, but if you haven't seen it I encourage you to watch it and decide for yourself. I loved it!
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Avatar (2009)
Dances with Wolves in Outer Space
19 April 2014
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Yes, the special effects in this film were fantastic but the story was very unoriginal. If you've ever seen the movie "Dances with Wolves," then just imagine that movie in outer space and you'll have Avatar:

An American goes to another culture and falls in love with one of the girls from the other culture. The American realizes that the other culture is better than his own and he joins the other culture.

I'm tired of seeing movies like this. I wish I hadn't seen this one. I never saw "The Last Samurai" but I heard that it had a similar storyline. James Cameron movies aren't very original. The main reason that James Cameron movies are successful is because he has lots of money to pay for great special effects and/or good looking actors.
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It needed to be said
29 September 2013
The film brings another side to the issue of our origin that needs to be addressed. Most people that believe in evolution only believe in it because their school teachers or their college professors taught them that evolution is a fact even though it's only a theory. Very few people have done their own research on evolution. People who believe evolution is true are putting their faith in their college professors and school teachers. They never consider the possibility that the school teachers and college professors could be wrong, and as a result the notion that we evolved from ape-like creatures could be a myth. Many times people who believe in evolution have never heard any other explanation for our origin, nor have they heard the theory of evolution challenged. It's good to consider all of the possibilities of our origin so that an informed decision can be made. I encourage everyone to watch this film with an open mind.
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