
3 Reviews
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Freelancers (2012)
complete disaster and disappointment
21 August 2012
Don't know quite where to start... I watched this only because Forrest Whitaker and De Niro were in it. Maybe one of them would take the money to be in such an inept film, but not both of them??? DeNiro's poor take on the role so much better played by Nicholson in the Departed was almost comical... Too often these days, DeNiro reminds me of a fading athlete - playing for a poor team with fading skills and no sense of pride left over. The only thing that was worse in this disaster was the lack of acting chops displayed by fiddy cent... I'm sorry, but this is darn near unwatchable, and anyone who wastes their time on this one will regret it. It's rare when a script is so poor that you have no empathy for the lead characters - I mean none. Please, dear fiddy... stick with a genre that suits you... After watching this, he does indeed have a face - and most importantly - a completely inexpressive one - made for radio.
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Donkey (2010)
can't recommend
18 February 2012
I watched the movie because of the high rating... was I ever disappointed... this would be noteworthy if it was the result of a high school film class project. Clichés abound, the acting is poor, and the lead proves an unworthy Michael Madsen wannabe (and with a few exceptions, that's nothing to aspire to). There is nothing here that we haven't seen before that was done so much better. Hate to be so negative, but don't expect much of anything at all here. With all due respect to those involved in the project, it's best to bring something original to a flick of this caliber... makes me wonder what the point of the entire exercise was. Sorry
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The Guard (2011)
Highly recommended
18 February 2012
I must confess that I'm a big fan of Gleeson... one of the most enjoyable romps of the last few years for me was "In Bruges". This movie is cut from a similar cloth, although Gleeson is anything but the straight man here. A delightfully politically incorrect caper, with some great characters and fresh writing. You may find yourself shaking your head in a combination of wonderment and pity at Gleeson the Guard, but ultimately, I wish every lawman on the planet had his sense of honor and fair play. Strong supporting cast with a notable performance from Mark Strong, and Don Cheadle plays it perfectly as well. Sure hope you'll give this one a look, and enjoy it as much as I did.
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