
14 Reviews
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Slow to start, but finishes well
14 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film was shown on French television last week, noting that it was the first ever television showing anywhere in the world. A few scenes were missing and had been replaced by still photographs, but this did not detract significantly. Taking into account the age of this film, I found it enjoyable, especially the acting of Eleanor Boardman, somewhat predicable in plot, but with some interesting twists.

As a silent film, the music is crucial to the film, and in this case it was acceptable, but not exceptional.

**** Spoiler **** Probably the best part was towards the end when Bardelys escapes from the gallows, a mixture of Buster Keaton and Errol Flynn, pole-vaulting over the onrushing soldiers, climbing walls with the aid of a pike, and swinging back and forth on convenient tapestries, until dropping in front of King Louis. **** End Spoiler ****

Overall, a film worth watching for any fan of Silent movies, but if you are hoping to see John Wayne you will have to record the movie and play it back a few times - I was unable to spot him.
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Average Pre-War Entertainment
13 July 2004
There is certainly more humour than horror in this rather slow moving offering from Michael Powell. The acting is, in general, on the wooden side, although Gordon Harker as Sam Higgins does his best to lift the pace. The plot is predictable after the first 15 minutes, although there are enough twists to keep the interest. I was surprised at the number of people required to run a lighthouse only half a mile offshore, and the apparent number of hiding places on a bare rock, but this is just a detail. Overall, nothing special, but pleasant enough not to be considered a waste of time.
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The Dead (1987)
And Buried
22 June 2004
Having read the IMDb comments for this film, I am wondering if I was watching the same film. The acting was reasonable, if nothing special, the setting and direction were good, although not to my mind outstanding, but unless you are a fan of Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century there is no way the dialogue and action could pass for reasonable entertainment.

To my mind there is always a problem in transferring to film a play or story where the action takes place in a single location, with a play or story one interacts with the characters far more than with a film, where one is much more of an outsider.

I am not an action movie fan, but I had to go and make a cup of coffee to stay awake through this valium substitute. One star for the direction and that is it.
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I think I missed the point
10 March 2004
Having watched the film, and then read the comments here, I wonder if I was watching the film described. Admitted I am not American, don't live in America, and have never before heard of A.M. Homes or Rose Troche, but this film was to me a total waste of time. I guess I am a cinematic dinosaur, but any film that makes me say to myself 'What is going on now', or 'What is the point of doing that', or 'I just don't understand this' is a film I have no desire to see.

Glenn Close is a good actress, and no doubt the performance she gave was the one required by the director, but personally I think she did this film because she needed the money.

I have no complaints about the acting in general, it is merely the arrogance of film makers who foist their meaningless efforts on an unsuspecting public which annoys me. I do enjoy films that make me think, provided they make me think about the content of the film, and don't make me think I have just wasted two hours of my life.

To sum up, think seriously before watching this film, if you are a member of a dysfunctional American family, with severe emotional problems, you might find something to empathise with, otherwise avoid.
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Cagney over the top
3 March 2004
On viewing the cast list I thought this would have to be good - but what a disappointment.

Cagney acts as a caricature of himself, in fact he seems like a cross between Mickey Rooney and the Bowery Boys, and although the rest of the leads are good (Gordon MacRae and Doris Day singing and especially Gene Nelson dancing) there is no real sparkle to lift this from the mundane.

The basic idea of using West Point is good, with the conflict between the unreal atmosphere of a training school and the real world, but this was not exploited, and one got the feeling that the powers-that-be in West Point had script approval to ensure that only a rosy view of life there was portrayed.

To make a successful musical comedy you need a good script with laughs and memorable songs, none of which this had.

Overall one to avoid.
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Slow to start, but gets better
5 January 2004
Not having read the book, nor seen the Taylor remake, I had no bias when I watched this film the other night on French television. I almost turned it off after the first 20 minutes, it was slow to start and seemed to be going nowhere. However I stuck with it and it was worth it in the end. The court scene was too long and the histrionics of the defence and the prosecution over the top, but I found the characters believable and became involved in the fate of Clyde. Not a film I would want to keep as a classic, but definitly worth watching.
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Nothing Special
14 October 2003
Having read a number of other comments about this film I started wondering if I had actually watched the same film. The plot was predictable after the first 15 minutes, the script/dialogue was mundane with a few good moments, the acting was better than average but not Oscar winning. Overall it was worth watching, but I have no desire to rush out and buy a copy. Summing up, watch it if it is on TV, maybe I am just too cynical for this type of movie.
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Night Ambush (1957)
18 September 2003
As a fan of Dirk Bogarde I was looking forward to finally seeing this film, but it was not really worth the wait. Although the plot was fine, there was remarkably little suspense, which coupled with some surprisingly wooden acting, left one with the feeling that this was just a group of men going for a walk over some hills.

For a war film there is an almost complete lack of action, which is probably true to life, but makes for very boring viewing.

There were also a number of continuity defects (appearing and disappearing mist, car going round the same corner twice) which might have gone unnoticed in a more gripping film, but were glaringly obvious here.

To sum up, one of Dirk Bogarde's worst films.
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Agent 8 3/4 (1964)
Enjoyable, if you don't think too hard
17 September 2003
I did enjoy this film, but the reason for saying above 'if you don't think too hard' is that after watching it, the thing that stuck in my mind was that Nicholas (Dirk Bogarde) seemed to adapt to the situations he found himself as a spy rather too easily for someone who is supposed to be an unemployed writer. That aside the film is a little difficult to categorise, IMDb call this a comedy, and it starts out in the same vein as the "Doctor" films that Dirk Bogarde made, but it changes to what I would classify as 'Light Drama', and that makes it much more interesting.

Overall the acting was good but not outstanding, and I would recommend it for an evenings entertainment, provided your idea of an evenings entertainment is something you don't have to think about too much, and you have had enough of sex, violence and obscenity.
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Fell as flat as a pancake
8 September 2003
Having watched the film in Greek with French sub-titles, it is possible that I missed some subtle points in the dialogue, but I don't think so. This film reminded me of something that might have been made by a talentless group of students in the 60's - everything just thrown together for the amusement of the participants, so they could show it to their friends and say "Look that's my idea".

If you have masochistic tendencies watch this film, otherwise avoid at all costs.
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Much better to watch the original
5 September 2003
Being of a nervous disposition I am not a fan of horror movies, but this was not what I would call a horror movie, although it was advertised as one. It is a slow moving thriller, with an obvious ending, and not very good acting, the only reason to watch the film is if you are enamoured with Jacqueline Bisset, (and it is not one of her better films).
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Not worth the time
2 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film unaware that it was based on a Stephen King story, so I had no bias whatsoever. I would class this film as a "paint-dryer" (about as enjoyable as sitting and watching paint dry), slow, boring and basically a waste of time. The acting of Anthony Hopkins was unconvincing to say the least, after his first few scenes I wondered if he was trying to portray a menacing person or someone with Alzheimers. I was more impressed by Anton Yelchin and Mika Boorem, the fact that some of their dialogue and actions were somewhat advanced for their supposed ages is nothing to do with their acting ability.

**** Spoilers ****

The worst part of the film was the rape scene intercut with the attack on Carol, and the curing of Carol by Ted - Firstly, I was convinced Carol was being raped, which was apparently not the case, secondly, I could not see how a blow with a baseball bat could dislocate a shoulder without causing other damage and thirdly, as far as I am aware it is only possibly to correct a dislocated shoulder by a simple manipulation within a very short time as the muscles spasm and lock the joint.

**** Spoilers End ****

The acting of Anton Yelchin and Mika Boorem push my grade up to a 3, but only just.
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The War Game (1966)
Dated, but still valid
22 August 2003
Once seen, it is impossible to forget this film. I watched it last night, for the first time since it was shown by the BBC in 1985, and its impact was as great as it was then. Although the style is dated when compared to current Docu-Dramas, and the premise that if more than 150 Nuclear bombs were dropped on Great Britain half the population would survive is obviously false (given todays bombs), its message concerning the government, and their priorities in time of crisis, is still as true as ever.

Peter Watkins is one of the most innovative directors ever, if you don't believe me watch "Culloden" (1964) [Just out on DVD], "The Gladiators" (1969) or "Punishment Park" (1971).
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In the Year 2889 (1969 TV Movie)
No redeeming features
19 August 2003
I had the misfortune to buy this film in a video sale, and then wasted an evening watching it. As a Science Fiction/Horror film the plot has more holes in it than a Gruyere cheese, and even for a very low cost movie it should have been possible to somehow indicate that technology might have advanced slightly by the year 2889. In addition the acting was like Birnham Wood on a bad day and the dialog as sparkling as distilled water. I am a fan of movies which could be classed as 'so bad they are good' like Ed Wood's, but this is 'so bad its unwatchable' like "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"

Avoid at all costs
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