
11 Reviews
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Another Life (2019–2021)
horrible execution, horrible acting, horrible writing, gave me explosive diarrhea
6 December 2022
This was God awful from the beginning. Interesting premise is utterly squandered by drama queens and psychotic characters. Top notch astronauts at the peak of their intellectual, psychological and emotional abilities and stability they are NOT!!! Unstable mental patients would not be trusted to run a neighborhood Starbucks let alone a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar interstellar mission to ensure mankind's survival. YIKES!!! Characters are one-dimensional caricatures, and display truly head scratching motivations for their actions. DO NOT WATCH UNLESS YOU ENJOY SELF ABUSE OR SOMEONE OFFERS YOU AN ASTRONOMICAL SUM OF MONEY TO WATCH!!!
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eh... so what.
19 February 2011
Actors are trying, but the director and writer appear to be going through the motions. Clichéd dialogue / story lines, and amped up dramatic background music (turn volume to 11!) do not a good movie make.

People in this movie look overly self-conscious that they ARE in a movie, even background people (eyes shift nervously everywhere, BUT toward the camera, which made this viewer conscious that they were trying oh so hard to not look at the camera! very distracting!).

Cliché, cliché, cliché... like being forced to watch Iron Eagle.. yuck.

way too much like An Officer and a Gentleman in Pennsylvania!

probably why this guy never directed another major movie after this and Clan of the Cave Bear (1986)...

He and/or his bosses must have realized he was out of his element.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Nebbish and the Shiksa, again...
23 January 2009
Hackneyed, pedestrian crap... we've seen it done before, and better. Nerdy geek hooks up with mysterious hottie... hmmm... another example of the creatively bankrupt tripe that passes for entertainment in this day and age of fast cuts and formulaic story lines.

Saw this back in the 80's with shows/movies like Gotcha! and Flying Blind... Hollywood! Please! Please! stop making this predictable, amateur, mindless, fluff that we've seen a thousand times.

NBC needs to get some shows that don't suck... for example: ER stopped being good five seasons ago... enough of the neurotic good guy who always wins in the end... neurotic is okay, but always winning in the end is too predictable and weak - he doesn't need to get destroyed each week, but he doesn't need to get the girl and save the world - too many shows written by high school nerds who lusted after the blond cheerleader...
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Firstborn (1984)
Wasn't a fan... two dimensional characters
8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think this movie was all that good, probably why it isn't on DVD (as of Spring 2008).

I couldn't empathize with any of the characters. Collett's character was a smart ass punk (not funny, clever smart ass; but kids who hang out at 7/11 and make rude comments about female customers and try to get you to buy them beer smart ass). I felt pity for Teri Garr's character, but a lot of her character's problems were her own doing especially when she observed RoboCop being abusive to her kids... a real mother would probably cut his ***** off while he slept or at least abscond with her kids in the middle of the night while his ass was passed out drunk in the lazy boy.

Weller's character was pure evil with no redeeming humanity to make his character realistic/sympathetic or make this a more interesting story.

The plot reminded me of the story in "Sling Blade", but even the thoroughly rotten character portrayed by Dwight Yokkem (sp?) was human (though fatally flawed). Weller's cyborg Robocop character was more human than this guy...

2D characters in a 3D world, good guys v. bad guys - makes it clear who to root for and also makes this a simplistic, puerile movie...

Was this movie the culmination of Christopher Collets 15 minutes of fame? I don't see a lot done by him in the 1990's and beyond.
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Alien 3 (1992)
Boring characters, story - two people were snoring in theater...
25 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember being so excited to see the continuing saga of the Alien universe... What I saw was a boring story, unsympathetic, annoying, one dimensional characters you wanted to die so they'd be removed from the story - we saw that again in Alien Resurrection... The characters in Aliens were one-dimensional also, but they didn't pretend to be "deep, thoughtful and complicated". You have to admire the change in feel of the third alien outing, but did anyone read the script? It also seemed to short change the heroic accomplishments of the survivors of the second film to have them die in their sleep because they didn't examine their ship properly before entering hypersleep, why did they need to sleep? Their ship was only 6 weeks out?... Maybe they could have found the alien homeworld or some military types could have smuggled some pods to earth or something... oh well now we have Alien v Predator because they wanted special effects and visuals to take the place of story... when will we have Alien v Predator v Jason v Freddy?
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Teen Wolf (1985)
Nonsensical, even for teen exploitation movie... a la SolarBabies...
27 March 2007
Terrible movie that sat on the shelf until the studio realized Michael J. Fox was in it and attempted to capitalize on his huge success in Back to the Future. One of several unexplained plot points, WHY WAS LEWIS MAD?? and less frustratingly, what's cool about a werewolf student? - was it suppose to be that as a werewolf he had more soul like some sort of black culture metaphor?? why did women want to commit bestiality with a wolf-man instead of a human? why did his enemies think it was okay to shoot him if he were in werewolf mode, but not as less hairy human mode even when he wasn't running amok like your typical movie werewolf?? why was this movie made?
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Utter excrement captured on film...
13 October 2005
Even the editors didn't want to watch this piece of crap movie... Notice how the first guy (obnoxious frat guy) from the group who comes to the island (with Gentle Ben's Cl*t Howard - no, that isn't a typo) and dies in Matrix style "Roto Cam!" has a load of hand grenades on his jacket, BEFORE their group finds the 'secret' weapons cache!! Awful, non sensical, amateur, CRAP!!

Someone needs to stop this Bolle, Boll, whatever guy from watching movies, let alone making them... this talentless hack owes me $6.50 for being dragged to this utter 2+ hour crapfest by a friend who's movie taste utterly sucks bung; and the 2+ hours out of my life that I will never get back... The existence of this movie and it's director is the strongest evidence yet for the non-existence of God.; i.e. I didn't particularly care for this flick. Citizen Kane, it ain't.
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The Single Guy (1995–1997)
Lame, formulaic, crap...
22 August 2005
This was one of many mediocre shows that tried to ride the Seinfeld/Friends, photogenic, funny, off-kilter, character train in the mid 90's. An ensemble cast that never really gelled, focusing on the trite, relationship foibles of a hipper, slightly less neurotic version of Woody Allen. Annoying, clichéd characters such as the whinny, geeky, best friend who is married to a totally hot, intellectually superior and socially comfortable dish (yeah, that would happen in real life... you know some guy who was a total nebish in high school wrote this!) - nerdy geek marries hot shiksa! because he's so sweet and smart!; doesn't tend to happen in real life unless the guy is rich, rich, rich. Thirty minute filler material between Friends and Seinfeld, kind of like A Different World was between Cosby and Cheers... A grade or two below Caroline in the City, which wasn't exactly a huge Emmy award winning laugh fest either...
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Easily, one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
18 June 2005
A one is the highest rating I could have given this movie, considering zero and negative numbers are not allowed. Pee yew, pointless mess of a movie with a lot of wasted b-list actors who have done better work, written and directed by some guy with the mentality of a twelve year old who smirks and giggles at stupid puns, and poop and fart jokes. For example, Gene Stapelton's (Ding-Bat from All in the Family) character telling Marilu Henner's character that she "swings both ways" sexually, was a cheap attempt at humor indicative of the general lameness of the movie... You want good, cheeky humor? Rent Animal House, American Pie (part one only), Old School or Office Space.
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Solarbabies (1986)
Total Suckfest
17 March 2005
Giving this movie a 1 is generous, although there are worse movies out there, Battlefield Earth for example... Waste of time, money, and celluloid. Moronic, 1980s era post-apocalyptic future movie, but instead of Mel Gibson, you have the lost boys from "Hook" or "Goonies", preteen, teen and post-pubescent pretty white kids skate, skate, skate to FREEDOM!! Formulaic trash, whoever wrote this movie was either an idiot or had a brain tumor, if the latter is the case, my apologies. I'm sure they gave a reason for why the little brats continuously engaged in roller derby for their tyrannical overlords, but don't look for a reason that makes a lick of sense.
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Totally unlikable protagonist, waste of time, go rent Wargames!
28 August 2003
Tedious, preachy movie with bratty, smug, arrogant protagonist... you're hoping, hoping, hoping that he gets killed! Only John Lithgow is any good, but they give him a lame, self-righteous and overly long speech at the end... don't waste your time... go rent Wargames! A much better and smarter anti-war film!
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