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Poor Filmmaking
19 February 2022
There are several "rules" of filmmaking for a very good reason. One of the most important one is that, given the unique universe the story is portraying, are your characters and the situations they are in believable in that universe.

The King's Man, obviously, is presented to be in some world very close to reality. One occasion, the situations, especially the tragic ones, are there for us to feel empathy for the characters. The problem is that we CAN NOT as portions of the film, especially the fight scenes, appear to come from OTHER universe where the laws of physics don't apply. I mean, some fights are SO SILLY that they stray into stupidity. I DO NOT like to be treated like an idiot so don't like when a director does this. Also obvious is that some individuals (writers, director, etc.) had several (not so) "bright" ideas for the fight scenes that stray absurdly far out of the reality of the rest of the film.

In the end I could NOT feel anything for the main character after the absurdity of MANY portions of the film. AND the plight and resolution of the main character's son was blatantly "WRITTEN" to force us to feel sympathy and never seemed like the ultimate resolution of the character's actual actions.
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Good Sam (2022)
OK, but no emotional connection to characters.
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, I do "like" some of the characters but they are almost all thrown at us at once so we don't really KNOW any of them. Then there is the whole father / daughter war about who will be in charge which really starts from the very first episode. The problem is the we, the viewers have not yet developed an emotional connection to any of the characters so I DO NOT CARE who is in charge and just want the stupid war to end and get on with the show. Also, like most American dramas, there are way TOO many contrived relationships and silly details which are supposed to provide internal/external conflict. Did the writers actually write the whole season and then go on vacation, because it plots are so thin, they might as well have gone on vacation first and then phoned in the plots.
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The Wine Show (2016– )
Love the show but wish the details were better
2 February 2022
Yes, I loved this show from my first viewing. Obviously some of the banter is improvised so some is funny and some not, but I like that part (as an actor myself). I have only been able to watch seasons 1 (only 2 actors in cast) and 3 (SEVERAL actors in cast). Season 2 is not available where I am. The format of the show is excellent with the various segments flowing together nicely and each has purpose and intention which fulfill there inclusion. My only (very slight) complaints about the show is in the small details and its relation to the shows website. 1) The show does not ALWAYS give the viewers a good, momentary view of the bottle (with label in clear view) so it's difficult sometimes to look up the wines online. 2) When introducing the chefs choice segment, the wine presented is sometimes different from the one the chef actually chooses. 3) The Website is nearly useless except for the Seasons PDFs which can be downloaded (but there are several mistakes in the PDFs which are different from the wines presented on the show. (Someone should have checked this.)
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Unnecessarily vile details
2 February 2022
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Most of the show is pretty good, although simplistic, and I would have probably rated the show around a 6 if not for one thing. When the events of the murder of Anna's young daughter and how she was left unattended in the room with a serial killer who also ate her, then I'm done with the show. There is absolutely NO reason to have this VILE, DISGUSTING, and HORRIBLE detail about the death of a young child presented as a cause of death and then Anna "Forgets that her daughter is dead". Everyone involved in the show who allowed these details to be included should be fired. So all the shows viewers now have to have the idea of a child being murdered and eaten in their minds. After that, I simply DO NOT CARE about any of the characters and what happens to them.
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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
Only one SERIOUS mistake
21 October 2021
Yes, it's another good episode. I hope this is NOT the season finale because there is no real ending to the story in this episode. Unfortunately, even with the excellent writing, a monumentally stupid mistake was allowed in the episode. I promise you that with 10 year of military experience, there is NO SUCH time as "zero twelve hundred hours" as said by the Valiant Thor character. Apparently the aliens can rule the world but can't tell time. Noon, or 12:00 would be Twelve hundred hours, it's said like it is written. Whereas times like 8AM or 0800, would be said as zero eight hundred hours. I am surprised such a stupid mistake got past everyone and made it into the episode.
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The Voice: Semi-Final (2021)
Season 10, Episode 12
Never Watching Again
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Since there is one more episode, I'll probably finish the season but will NEVER watch The Voice Australia again. The Shows producers have failed horribly by allowing duos or, indeed, a 6 person group to compete against solo performers. A group can hide their weakness and only allow, for instance, the best high singer to sing the high parts, and the best low singer to sing the low parts. Not everyone in G-Nation is equally good and those that would have lost out to other contestants are getting a free pass as part of a group. Rita Ora is completely unpleasant with her choosing G-Nation over Sian, which itself, is an artistic crime. Yes, G-Nation are very good. That is NOT the point. The REAL issue, as I've stated, is that it is completely UNFAIR to put a 6 person group against a solo performer. What happens next season? A 6 person group against a 20 person choir? The show can ONLY be fair if ONLY solo contestants are allowed to complete. What is Sian had teamed with her brother to compete? That NEVER seemed to have been considered.
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The Voice: The Knockouts 2 (2021)
Season 10, Episode 11
New BAD format
31 August 2021
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OK, There are some improvements in the new show format. Allowing unlimited teams in the "Blinds" allows judges to maybe get someone much better later on instead of sending quality performers home because their teams are "full". The Knockouts are HORRIBLE. The judges should have to wait until all five on their teams perform. Again, maybe the last two ARE the best, but if they send the first one through then there is only one spot left. If they send the first two through (didn't happen this season) then all the other three wouldn't even get the opportunity to perform and fight for a place in the semi-finals. ALSO - for the entire season - ONLY solo performers (as opposed to duos or 6 person groups) should be allowed. ONE, a group like G-Nation can have their best high singer sing the high parts and their best low singer sing the low parts. A solo performer CAN NOT compete fairly with that. TWO, the members of the 6 person group MAY not have the vocal ability to either be in the competition or even sin against the other contestants on their own, but as a group they can hide their weaknesses. It is not fair to solo performers to allow groups. They do not have the same skill sets.
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Fantasy Island (2021–2023)
Too far from perfect
27 August 2021
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First, nothing created by people is ever perfect. Unfortunately some things, and especially some part of some things are WAY TOO FAR from perfect. The GOOD: CASTING and ACTING - I love the casting of all the characters with special note to the two lead actors. The acting by everyone is first rate even when they are given POOR lines that they have to "sell". The BAD - WRITING, CINEMATOGRAPHY, and EDITING. You know how some characters in horror movies have NEVER seen a horror movie - well it applies here too. Some of the actions/reactions given to these characters by the writers are NOT how any normal person would react. The Assistant and her husband suddenly getting younger and NOT freaking out. The couple changing bodies and accepting it after 30 seconds as normal (Though I did love the "Face Off" and "Freaky Friday" references.) Yes, the timeline has to be shortened to fit the episode limitations, but in a smart way. The cinematography (including lighting) and editing are the weakest point of the show. The camera angles/scene lighting/editing appear to have been done by college students and NOT professionals. It's as if most of the crew are there to simply film the episodes quickly, don't care about quality AT ALL, the just move on to the next episode. These technical aspect WILL end the show and viewers who have not worked behind the camera (I've acted on stage, in films, directed, edited, lit, etc.) will, most likely, not be able to sperate the good from the bad, and those that did their jobs expertly (casting and acting) will suffer the consequences.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Excellent work by everyone except one
19 August 2021
First, great work my Cage. It is SOOOO nice to see him when he is acting in a role that deserves his immense skill. The writing, directing, and acting are excellent. My only issue (as an actor and director myself) is with the director of photography. It is so very tiring to see yet another very good, possibly great, film use the "Hand-held shaky camera effect". Unfortunately, the effect, is based on pseudo-psychological science at best and is a complete lie at worst. The "shaky camera" DOES NOT simulate real life for viewers, AT ALL. Our brains are being fed a constant stream of information from all our senses and, therefore, out brains MUST edit the information so we can function. We, for the most part, are not aware of the motion of our heads/eyes each moment. Using the "Shaky Camera" effect FORCES an unnatural situation on our brains. It is NOT realistic and NOT clever. It is a short-cut used for cheap effect when the director of photography does not have faith in the other elements of the scene.
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Boss Level (2020)
Just ANOTHER of the same disappointments
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is NOW the third time loop movie I've seen recently with the director trying to pretend to be clever by having an open ended story. REALLY - THREE time loop movies recently released and ALL with open endings. This one is the biggest disappointment as it had great action, humor, story, acting, plot, and really had a heart to the main character so why couldn't there be some type of satisfying ending to the film??? It's like saying "Here is a great meal we've been preparing for days for you - You can see it - you can smell it, but you CAN"T eat it. Please, everyone, don't make ANOTHER time loop movie with no real ending - It's been done again and again and again and it is NOT CLEVER, it's a failure in the last five seconds to actually create a smart solution.
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ARQ (2016)
Just another movie that fails at the end
25 February 2021
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OK, I have now watched about half a dozens new films that have open endings with NO real resolution. ARQ is the latest failure by another filmmaker who couldn't be bothered to think of a smart ending. It seems to be a trend lately - leave the ending of a film completely open so the filmmakers "SEEM" to be clever. It's NOT. Why would anyone want to waste their time and money getting emotionally invested in ANY characters and then having zero to almost-zero emotional payoff at the end. It is unfortunate as I really liked the movie and thought the play on the time loop scenario was unique, but spoiled in the last five seconds. ALSO - this is ANOTHER time loop movie - it also seems to be a trend - so if you're a filmmaker - just make a movie with a time loop and don't have an intelligent ending and you'll fit in with the new popular trend.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
NOT Artemis Fowl
5 September 2020
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OK, you don't have to read the books to watch the movie, but millions have. The ENTIRE concept of the Artemis Fowl character is that he is a criminal genius with a MISSING father and a mentally unstable mother. Those are the facts that drive the character in the book. Those are also the facts that the movie completely changed. It's like if you made a movie from the first Harry Potter book, eliminated magic, set it in New York and made Ron the evil character. If might be a good movie but it WOULD NOT be Harry Potter any more. The Artemis Fowl books are wonderful and yes, there is creative licence when going from the written art form to the film art form, but completely altering the primary essence of the characters and the situation was absolutely criminal.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Good concept done wrong
5 July 2020
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I do like the concept although they glossed over the origin story of the halo, which scene looked pretty bad. The main problem is the internal dialogue of the main character. On one end of the spectrum it does provide a short cut to details that would otherwise have to be shown. On the opposite end, it short cuts the acting also. The main character has no need to display any depth of acting when she can just tell the audience directly what she is thinking, i.e. instead of acting embarrassed, she can just tell us she it - it really gets annoying over time. My biggest issue is how are we supposed to root for her when she continually does stupid things, i.e. she is told a giant demon is hunting her and she is safe wearing a protective vest and remaining in the church so she takes off the vest and runs away. I almost want her to just get killed and the halo passed to someone else, EXCEPT, the other nun who was destined to take the halo is a horrible person so no joy there.
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Another less than great X-Men movie
21 September 2019
The writing and directing of this film suffers from the same condition as previous films. In Apocalypse, the entire story was, "He a god and we can't beat him," right up until they decided they could then they did. Here we have Jean being absolutely horrible to everyone, until she suddenly decides to be good and, look, we win. It's becoming a stagnated formula for X-men films. Also, the director seems less than capable of actually directing actors as several were allowed to give less than their best performances. Some were great, some were not, and there seemed to be no quality control over the entire film. Yes, the action scenes / special effects were amazing and that really seems to be all the film was about.
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We Die Young (2019)
Kudos to Can Damme but little else
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Kudos to Van Damme for his performance. It's probably the best I've seen him give to date. He, and some of the other actors have done their best in a film which seems determined to be stereotypical, hence my 5 out of 10 rating. As an actor/director I am aware of when the crew take opportunities in a film to point to themselves saying, "look how clever we are." First cleaver(ness) was the dog. Nothing about the inclusion or death of the dog seemed in any way a random element of the film world. They might as well have put a red shirt on the dog with a label printed on the side saying, "here, I put this dog in the film so it could die and you could feel sorry for the boys. Aren't I clever?" It was blatantly, glaringly obvious that the dog was in the film to die. Second pseudo-cleaver(ness) was the insulting hand held camera shots during the big fight scene. When films began there was a great debate on how jump shots (shot from one location - jumping to a shot from another angle/location) would be accepted. People did not believe viewers would accept them as they assumed our brains didn't work that way and that life was linear. They were wrong. Our thoughts literally can jump from one subject to another and our brains, which cannot process all the input from our senses, edit out the unnecessary bits. Yes, you can't read Orwell while jogging, but your brain makes you unaware of the jumping motion as best it can through focus. A held-held camera shot is insulting to our senses, DOES NOT make the action better, especially if you can't see the "danger" and is a short cut in film making rather than doing something actual intelligent and transparent to the viewers. On a positive note Van Damme's character was NOT the stereotypical, bullet proof, all-knowing that usually inhabit mediocre films. He falls, gets shot, and soldiers on. His character's flashbacks were too numerous and too clever on the part of the filmmaker. Overall Van Damme did well in a film determined to not be all that exceptional.
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Choice of guest judges
9 February 2019
I'm very surprised at this weeks choice of celebrity judges, especially the inclusion of Wendy Williams. With the latest outcry of powerful people in the entertainment business having used their positions to commit or condone sexual harassment, Wendy's inclusion is confusing. With the recent claims that she allowed her husband to sexually harass female employees of her show and her payout of over 1 million dollars to settle the claims, I am just wondering why Project Runway, which seems at times to speak of empowering women, would allow this. Would the producers have been as eager to include a male celebrity who faced similar accusations?
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America's Next Top Model: Beauty Is Commercial (2018)
Season 24, Episode 14
Let's Stop Pretending
5 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, previously Jeana is sent home, Yeah! But wait, she's back, earning herself a place back in the house from among the previous eliminated contestants; expected. So now, this week, Jeana completely fails the client brief (too sexy) and the judges chose to eliminate her again; Yeah! But wait, the designer for next weeks fashion show is a guest judge, he appears to be attracted to Jeana, and chooses to save her. OK, I liked Jeana from the start, but these past few weeks she has been a horrible person, failed in the challenges and was rightfully eliminated (twice!). But if the designer is attracted to you, you get to stay - welcome to the actual modelling world.
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Project Runway: We're Sleeping Wear? (2017)
Season 16, Episode 4
Standard episode, but still excellent elements
7 October 2017
Not the best episode so far, but still with great elements. The challenge is a standard one and the episode proceeds as expected. The supposed setup for the challenge, the Empire State sleepover, was an interesting bit of fluff, completely unnecessary and no direct connection to the challenge, but some designers still manage to find inspiration, though some forced too literal of an inspiration while some use an abstract connection to provide greater freedom of thought/design. For the actual challenge, I like that Heidi chose textiles for the designers to use. It's another case where the real world of design comes into play; not every designer will always have the opportunity to visit Mood and choose whatever textile fits their fancy. Also, hand manipulating the fabric for their own textile is such an interesting facet to the challenge; it's a great way for the judges to see another way the designers use their artistic skills, while some really use it to their advantage, others shy away from the opportunity and seem to do the bare minimum to just complete the challenge. I also really appreciate how Heidi critiqued the designers as to the practicality of their design, sleepwear should be beautiful and practical. There was one small designer comment about how they, "never do this." In this case sleepwear, but I find it disappointing how ones first reaction is what they don't do, as a negative, as opposed to taking the opportunity to do something they've never done before and look upon it as an adventure. This comment comes up often on the show and is a bit annoying. They wanted to be on Project Runway, which by it's very nature will push the designers to new heights, should they chose to grow as artists. I'm really happy to see the friendship between some of the designers and how they support each other, there are one or two negative comments in the episode about each other, though overall I like the editing and how supportive moments were selected over cheap dramatic infighting. Best dressed judge: Heidi! From her workroom visit to the runway day she was beyond, beyond amazing. When makeup, hair, and outfit come together in such a cohesive work of art, it's just breathtaking.
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Project Runway: A Leap of Innovation! (2017)
Season 16, Episode 3
Best Episode Yet
2 September 2017
Project Runway Season 16 Episode 3: Pacing, Pacing, Pacing - Excellent, Excellent, Excellent. The best (of 3) of the episodes this season. First off, I am not a great fan of the modern space filler montage that is used in so many reality shows and it was used again this episode, particularly in the going to Mood and returning from Mood. Maybe could have used some designer discussions while traveling, or the like to better transition. Montages really work best as artistic creations rather than fillers. That being said, everything about this episode really stepped up the professionalism, pacing, fun/entertainment, and appreciation for the work they do. There seemed to be more Model Mirror, Behind-the-Scenes, and Judges critiques than ever - WONDERFUL. There is always something happening, so using it wisely like they did enhances the viewing experience. Before it was more of Project Runway the TV show about fashion, this episode was Project Runway, the window into the fashion world and made me want to be involved more. I am an actor/musician and not a designer, but after this, I would have loved to have been behind the scenes to witness the artistic magic of both the designers and the show creators. Best dress judge this week: Zac. I don't this I would have thought to pair that style tie with that outfit, but I will from now on. Again, wonderful episode, Thank You Project Runway :)
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Project Runway: An Unconventional Recycling (2017)
Season 16, Episode 2
Another Success
25 August 2017
First, everything good about the first episode was back in the 2nd. I really love the behind the scenes shots on runway day and it gives the viewer the feeling that it is a runway and not just some TV show. Loving the Model Mirror, their comments were so cute. Second, Best Dressed Judge - Nina! Really liked Zac's 70ish? inspired outfit and would wear it myself, but probably can't afford it. Of course, all the judges are beautiful - and Tim too. In my little opinion, the correct teams won and lost. Also, the correct designer won overall - AMAZING. For the bottom two, I disliked the way the one who stayed worked and how, in doing so, disadvantaged their team. However, the judges judge based solely on what is on the runway, so the choice was correct. Not sure about 1 day challenges. I know in real life there are crunch times where designers are really under the Gunn (Ha ha). Being an actor/musician I like to have more time with my creations. Yes, some designs would probably not have been better, but some could have. No one can really wake up and say, "today I will be brilliant." Oh well, it really comes down to just doing your best, even with the short design time, and a few designers really excelled, so I guess that's what it really is about.
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Project Runway: One Size Does Not Fit All (2017)
Season 16, Episode 1
Best Season yet
24 August 2017
Only one episode in and yet appears to be best season yet. I really love the changes/additions that were included in this first episode, such as, behind the scenes shots and model comments. I know models get paid to model only, but they are people and, yes, artists in their own right, so I loved hearing their constructive responses. As long as this does not stray into complaint and whines about the designers/clothes, I'm in for the season. ALSO, love Heidi and Tim, I could watch a 24 hour Heidi/Tim channel if one was offered. Also love the judges with their insight and honesty.
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Madam Secretary: Global Relief (2017)
Season 3, Episode 19
Excellent Show 1 major error
24 April 2017
First, I absolutely love Madam Secretary. Having been prior military and Intelligence and now an actor/musician, I appreciate the show on all fronts. It is about as realistic as any American show can be and the production/directing/acting is first rate.

My one personal complaint about episode 3x19 is the Secretary's use of a tablet with a SECRET label on the back to communicate with her family. It's not that government employees don't accidentally make this error, but it is not legal for a SECRET device to be connected to the internet.
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Project Runway: Finale, Part 2 (2015)
Season 14, Episode 14
Who didn't see this coming
10 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK. First let me state that I have absolutely nothing against anyone of any size. I also applaud the inclusion of a plus size collection showing a New York Fashion Week. Having said that, it was obvious that the second Ashley said out loud that she would be creating a plus size collection for the final show, she was going to win. As lovely as Ashley is, her final collection was boring at best. Yes, she can dress plus size models well, but if that collection had been put out by any other designer on size 2-4 models it would have been called drag mother or grandmother of the bride. The judges were blinded by the political correctness of her collection and justified their decision by finding fault with the others needlessly. Ashley didn't grow as a designer this season as much as others. Maybe if every designer put out a plus size collection, then Ashley's would have been seen in its proper light - drab.
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Scorpion: Fish Filet (2015)
Season 2, Episode 3
Not that Smart
20 October 2015
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OK, First I do like the show and have been watching since the beginning, but I may have to reevaluate that decision. Although the actors do a wonderful job with their characters, this is yet another case when the writers are not nearly as smart as the characters. Gaping holes in the logic of this episode makes me wonder if anyone is really trying for any quality control. One - The code was obviously a simple letter for symbol substitution code. It was as simple as a cryptoquote in many daily papers. Someone with half Walter's IQ should have seen that and my IQ is 178. Two - Yes, can't remove the books from the library, but the warden said he already went through all the books. He could have simply forwarded the exact titles and edition numbers to the team who then could have downloaded exact copies. Come on, at least try a little harder.
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