
14 Reviews
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An hour and a half of sighing
22 September 2023
A completely unwatchable and bizarre film, most defined by the poor acting of the main actress, which is probably not so much the actress's fault, but more or less a result of the peculiar directorial decision for the character not to speak at all in this movie, even though it's not a silent film and the character isn´t mute (I think). Instead, for an hour and a half, we are subjected to various strange sounds, moaning, whimpering, sighing, etc. The story itself makes no sense either and CGI is very basic. I have no idea where the high rating for this one comes from. It is sort of original but extremely annoying.
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Severance: The We We Are (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
26 April 2022
Wow, what a ride this show was. Can I get severed for a year and then you wake me up when season 2 is out? Thanks. :) this is a really awesome show & finale. I really hope next season will continue to be so thrilling and interesting. For now it is like if best episodes of Westworld and Black Mirror had a child.
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much better than the rating suggests
25 June 2021
I was very pleasantly surprised with this movie. First part is a bit ordinary, but then it gets really intense. Great thriller with twists and in my opinion great acting by the lead actress. Not really sure why so many people don't like it.
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Heartful movie
29 May 2021
A complex and emotional drama with great actors, beautifully shot. Very underrated, probably because it's not an easy movie.

I also really liked the music.

Drama gem.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Good show, accept one thing
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I like the show, it's entertaining. After first two, three episodes I also got used to that messy timeline that leaves you not knowing when the scene is happening.

In movies about people being kidnapped- the kidnapper always has a very elaborate underground place where victim is locked etc. - in this show, the girl just sits in the corner of a room with actual windows. With all sorts of boxes full of stuff the kidnapper leaves in the room- wouldn't she be able to climb out of the room or at least break the window glass and call for help? That part just makes no sense to me.
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Vacancy (2007)
great beginning
27 May 2021
First 30 min are 10/10 in my book. Interesting characters, dialogue, great acting, creepy atmosphere, nice camera work and production design.

The main story is however rather implausible and it drags a bit, ending also isn't in same rang as the beginning of the movie.

All in all- awesome set up, great protagonists/actors and chemistry between them but not the most impressive story and it's execution.

Had the potential for a star or two more.

Overall: 7.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Group of depressed scientists goes wild camping (only spoiler)
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a unique, deep and engaging movie.

The protagonist is a mid 20's woman, ex soldier with PhD in biology and a professor with a major guilt trip and depression caused by cheating on her husband, who has been missing for a year. After he magically return one day her annoying questions about his whereabouts over last year and exchange of empty staring soon get interrupted by him starting to cough blood. Once in the emergency car, special secret unit appears in black cars and they take the protagonist and her dying husband into a secret base no one else on the planet knows anything about.

We are introduced to a group of similar ladies/scientist sipping beer and flirting at a balcony watching the deadly shimmering that appeared in the area after an asteroid hit a lighthouse. Apart from being very smart they all share same inability to smile. Since none of the guys who went into the rainbow light, accept protagonist's husband made it out- the team decides to do a lovely trip inside the alien realm on their own. They pack some old camping gear, some army guns and the journey begins.

Instead of taking a chopper or boat to reach the impact location, they decide to cross an entire jungle on foot. Hey, why not. Girls just wanna have fun. They stumble upon a bunch of plastic flowers, giant alligators and a few other species that are a mutation between plants and animals. Without a coherent plan and every one of them using the jungle to deal with her own mental problems they one by one end up dead. One of them gets merged into a mutated bear, one gets killed by that bear/girl she has a crush on, one of them starts growing leaves out of her arms and walks out of the movie.

Only the depressed protagonist and even more so depressed team leader that has left the team behind made it to the intact lighthouse, overgrown by more colorful plastic flowers and fungi.

Compliments on those who built the lighthouse as it made it out in one piece after the asteroid impact and later a bomb that protagonist's husband used to kill himself for no clear reason. 10/10 for the durability of the camera that filmed the suicide and also stayed intact while the poor husband turned into stone and ashes in the explosion. He even managed to rewind the tape after he died, so that whoever found the tape wouldn't have to do that by themselves. Kind gesture.

Oh, and then then there is a hole inside a lighthouse too and the leader of the expedition morphing into some sort of a black hole that draws blood from the main protagonist and eventually turns into a copy of the main protagonist. Another bomb like the one used by her husband to kill himself appears and this time everything explodes and mission is completed.

The protagonist reunites with her husband, they are both aliens now. Male scientists have no idea what's going on.

And they lived happily, well, as happy as two depressed individuals can, ever after.

The end.
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22 May 2021
5,2? This movie is at least a solid 7. So many things work in this movie- great actors, cinematography, engaging thriller- no idea why people don't like it.
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Take Out Girl (2020)
Positive surprise
20 May 2021
Didn't expect much from this movie but I really liked it. Great story and acting. Also some really beautiful and touching scenes.
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Human Capital (2019)
Why not see the original?
25 March 2020
Original movie was so much better (Il capitale umano) . Why do people even make English versions of movies that are great in their native language (Italian in this case) and making them dull and copy pasting original movie?
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Gravity (2013)
7 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where does tooth cavity come from? Suposedly around 70% of products one can see in a supermarket are more or less corn and sugar. Diversity or rather Illusion of diversity derives more or less from usage of different additives and package design. Same principle as in Hollywood. So how did they pack the same old story this time?

An old, yet still vital, charming American dream alpha male coffee machine seller uses his last breaths of life mutating in the depths of a digital space into a some sort of a spiritual mentor to a desperate American woman who tries to deny the loss of her child by enrolling into Nasa. While this male vs. woman emancipation melodrama develops , the Russians (who else) bomb their own spy satellite, causing a chain explosion reaction, that causes some major problems to north American face-book community and demolishes all the stuff that was ever put into the mother earth's orbit.

While International Space Station and Chinese station magically will temporary stay untouched by the Russian clumsiness, first the space rocket will be destroyed. George and Sandra will of course survive. First catastrophe can be evaluated in a picture of a framed American dream family floating next to an American best dad from the same photo with his head now having a big hole in it. That is what is left after the Russians interfere with the American dream. Literally a mind-blowing idea.

The coffee machine seller will in the meanwhile commit something like a ritualistic suicide. He will for the sake of his own spectacle sacrifice himself, so that Sandra can survive. Some major self-image problems this guy must have had. But he sure had a brave heart. (time for some orchestral tear provoking music)

After our tears finally dry, the saga goes on. Super Sandra, after already winning a space Lotery and surviving the unsurvivable is about to win few more once-in-a-lifetime jackpots. She will stay untouched in the middle of few more devastating explosions, bite her way through breathing co2, opening space stations doors like a Hulk, doing a floating fetus, driving around in space with help of a fire extinguisher etc. Basicaly she would have made it back to earth untouched even if she would have taken her space-helmet off and cover her eyes with her hands, hold breath and space-swim back to mother Earth. On her free fall to Earth she would have probably caught a parachute that per coincidence fell out of the full HD blue sky just when she needed it.

Somehow tired, being a Super Woman, Sandra eventually finds herself in a moment of depression, barking like a dog and wants to end her life as well, but coffee guy magically appears in her dream, reminding her, how everything is possible if you try hard enough and similar Oprah Winfrey inspired life lectures. She uses her magical powers once more and does the Eeny Meany Minny Moe trick and consequently pushes the »Safe drive back home« button. (time for some uplifting orchestral music)

Trapped in a burning coconut she spectacularly flies down to the earth, everything around her burning and exploding again, while she lands softly in a calm lake. Now that she is back to Reality her super powers seem to fade for a moment. Clumsy as she is, she almost drowns herself, but the strong will to survive (and be able to have an ego-trip of her life afterwords, telling her amazing story to all the other suckers on the planet) motivates her once more to breath water and eventually she walks out of the lake like a Lara Croft.

What follows is hungry t-Rex hunting the protagonist that is now driving a bus that magically appeared on a bus-station by the lake. ;)

Gravity is yet another example of a very shallow American movie that has a big success, by seducing the viewer with the help of usage of some well-tested psychological manipulation techniques. A viewer identifies with an invented every day person, that manages to become a homo superior. Presumably due to the strong will and faith protagonist has. If you look carefully, it it more than obvious that success in most similar movies is a result of a chain of pure luck situations happening over and over again. The manipulation uses the human empathy and consequently neutralizes it, for it is acted out in a virtual realm and find its nirvana in a virtual realm as well. Another neural linguistic yes-we-can-ism. Another hero for Oprah's couch. Another movie masterpiece to make our life seem meaningful. (as if it wasn't meaningful unless one is an infantile sentimental wreck that blindly believes everything is possible if you just »believe« hard enough). The psychological implication of movies like this is simple: if you did not make it it was your own fault. For we definitely did all we could do for you. Help yourself and Hollywood will help you. (sound of a splash into a swimming pool in front of a Mediterranean villa)

I am surprised, how many people interpret movies like this, as if they would glorify the so called Mother Nature- for movies like this, are essentially always telling us a story of a person, representing an American tech-no-capitalistic Enterprise, that in the end manages to win a battle over nature, a profoundly absurd idea.

Even the movie critics seem to have a rather very limited perception and understanding of cinema and its psycho-sociological implications. Nothing new on planet Earth while technological utopia pushes the American dream into a new level of meaningless hyper-reality, a corn and sugar based candy for hungry masses of people. Sweet tasting dreams that keep on making holes in our hypnotized mind and soul.
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Inception (2010)
a dream or a nightmare?
8 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
L.Di Caprio would just need to realize there was no reason for him not to go to USA over to his kids, because he didn't kill the woman in the first place and he was just imagining people thought he did or that police was after him or not letting him into the country. must be a very good father to help one multi-corporation boss take over other guys business in order to go back to kids, he could have visited anyway if someone would have made him clear he is just a little bit retarded. oh gosh, and this Japanese guy (since he can just like that buy an airport etc.) could have also payed to kill this son of the other boss or whatever. stupid enough, this Japanese multimillionaire even motivates this young guy to make his own business. i mean, the guy can buy airport and he still wants more. why is the so called best architecture student in Paris even interested in working with these retarded people? money? and the other two guys.. i guess they are just tired to live in that Aladin-looking street in Mombasa drinking magical potions. what a bunch of losers. maybe the movie is trying to say, non of this movie makes sense in any way, because it is all happening in this limbo. if this is directors limbo, i understand why he added this annoying suspense soundtrack, three special effect and 400 guys with guns running around like someone would have filled their heads with air. i guess air in the most audiences heads is the only thing holding this movie from drowning.

i try to lean back on my chair, to wake up from this reality, where a crap movie like that can get movie prizes and people actually find it intelligent. this plot is something that a 14 years old kid with a bit of imagination could have written. i really don't understand how something that shallow and idiotic can make so much money and get so many attention. no wonder we live in a world that often feels as idiotic as this movie.

you call a crazy guy coming home to his kids after this obviously unsuccessful helping-a-big-company-to-gain-monopole therapy a happy and? it is just incredible what kind of rubbish people actually buy. it is very sad.
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Whatever does't work
23 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
No, not everything works. Even if you are Woody Allen. This one doesn't't even work if you are a huge fan of his (old) movies. Or doesn't at all, if you are one.

After watching this, i felt like one of his characters from his old movies, wondering what is wrong with the world. or with the movies today.

I went out for a cigarette and i was trying to figure out why a director/writer like W.Allen would do something as dull, as non-sense, as uninspired as this movie. And i did come to a possible answer.

I've red that W.Allen was undergoing psychoanalysis for over 30 years and stopped doing it at the time he started going out with Soon-Yi Previn. I guess this also matches the time, when he stopped doing good cinema.

It felt for me as an audience as if i would be the missing shrink who has to hear all the chaos and emptiness in his head.

It makes me sad, but for me it feels like Mr. Allen had become the character he was making fun of in his older movies.

This movie reminds me of the series Sex in the city.
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Tree of life 2 3D soon?
27 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, my review contains spoiler, the "movie" though, is a spoiler itself.

I actually thought it passed 40 minutes, watching the first 15 minutes (and i have to say one of my favorite movies, Jeanne Dielman takes more than 3 hours, almost "nothing" happens and it passes much to soon). I like slow movies but this movie is like watching some kind of DVD intro screen of some kind of national geographic epic whatever in an endless loop.

After 50 minutes i was like.. is this it? It all seemed to be similar to movie "Home", accept that there you have this Holly Mother Nature and here you are stuck to God. Although this God is more like a HD propaganda of achievements of western science and (film) technologies completely overloaded with very disturbing and penetrating music (though otherwise i like classical music). From time to time deep male voice says things like "Mother" or "Oh, why are we here?" reminding me of "Oh, why am i here, watching this?"

Story.. Oh, some kid dies in war i guess, and mother's emotions flip into some pathetic loop of photo-shop big bangs, dinosaurs scenes, waterfalls, space images etc.. that take like forever... after showing all of the possibly imaginable clichés, including dozen of sunsets and angelic chorus music, tears in slow motion etc. ,"story" finally seems to go on..

seems so. next hour enlighten us with very "smart and poetic" Oedipus complex sequences, another remix of "Oh, father, oh, mother" whispered lines and "great performance" by Jessica Chastein, playing a more or less dumb model (accept from time to time saying "Shhhh, shh.") for old fashion luxury clothes and Valium. She and Brad Pitt must have had an intern competition- who is going to kiss the kids more often in this epic saga of nonsense. I guess this is next to sunsets and scenes where people are observing their hands illuminated by a kind of wannabe EdwardHopperish light falling through windows with windy curtains one of the central loop pictures in the movie. "Happyness is love."

"Oh, God..." As i thought nothing can go more wrong, there is this epilogue, showing people gazing at a sandy beach that should represent something like Heaven, hugging, kissing and doing other politically correct things and a sequence of a sunflower field and Sean Penn standing and laughing in front of a some sort of Wall Street background (after his attempt in something which looks a lot like a bad remake of the famous desert end scene from Pasolinis Teorema).

I did not find this movie only very trivial but also insulting by being really have-to-see-it-to-believe-it pretentious. It was perverted and shallow. It tries to tell something like, how important it is to love and be spiritual blah blah blah and how materialism and money etc. don't mean nothing. sure, i definitely believe in words of wisdom and humbleness from a director, getting and spending millions on this kind of crap. I was so happy this director did not use Erbarme dich from J.S. Bach in this movie, cause it would ruin it for me, like it ruined Vltava from B.Smetana used in an utterly disrespectfully way here. Its like using Schubert in commercials for dishwashers or something...

Another thing that really scared me or made me mad, was this fetishistic way how people are shown. People in movie look like some kind of Arians. Even the "sick child" without hair looks like a Calvin Klein model. All in all cast looks like a cast from some hair product or perfume commercial. At the same time it tries to be critical (or even not really) towards the family model of 50s, but everything is shown in a way you just want to go there and live that perfect little life there. Its very nostalgic in a very disturbing way. We can even accept Brads characters machismo and golden watch on his hand, since he can also play piano and therefore holding mouth shut (what woman and children are to do, when he is around) kind of makes more sense. The movie aesthetic glorifies Nature and Man, but all of this Beauty is shown in a very high-class, stylish, HD, modified, superfied, polished.. very unnatural way, discriminating all the other aspects of Beauty, reminding me of Nazism ideology.

This movie is not a movie opened for discussions. Watching it felt like shut up and adore me. I am so humble and deep.

This may get the Oscar... its even more pathetic than Avatar and it teaches people how to give their hands from money back to God, which is a good business idea before the awaited apocalypses in next year.

summary: whispered "God, NO!"
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