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My high school
26 January 2021
This was filmed at my high school right before they tore it down. It gives me some sadness when I watch it as I know it's gone forever and the story was based on actual events. Never was much into made for TV movies but this one was done well. I always liked Ricky Schroeder & Henry Winkler, they both performed well here. I miss my old Jordan High. Beetdigger forever.
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Jade (1995)
Love it the more I watch it
10 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This came out when I was 22, and just like Basic Instinct I wanted to see it for all the sex scenes / naked women because at 22 and 19 (Basic Instinct) that's kind of all you're into at that age. Let me just say that I loved both for that reason back then and re-watching both today I love them now for everything else. I love the cop / investigating aspect of the movie and the cinematography is excellent. The acting is excellent by all the actors, the car chase scene was great, the creepy / dark ending back in the house from the very beginning of the movie was great as well. There is a certain group of movies that have a similar look and feel to them that are in my guilty pleasure movies list and this is one of them. I've only seen the theatrical release but just today ordered online the director's cut so I'll be watching a version soon that has about 12 extra minutes and I've heard it changes the ending from a get away with it type of deal to a get arrested instead type of ending. Looking forward to it.
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A great game
29 July 2017
I grew up on the old / previous King's Quest games, I was 11 when the original came out in black and white. I was a fan immediately, I can blame the old Atari game Adventure for my liking of adventure games and RPG's. So once 1990 rolled around and this game came out I was super excited of course after already having beat all the previous four games multiple times. I unfortunately had to wait until Christmas 91 to get it. I played this non-stop until I beat it. Back then when you have only the Sierra help line to call for clues or friends who possibly are farther in the game then you for help it was mostly figuring out all of it yourself which I did pretty much for 90% of the game. I think it took me about 6 months to beat the game after all that trial and error but that's what made these games fun was figuring it out all by yourself.

I thought I was going to hate the new point and click interface but I really liked how it smoothed the game out. The typing interface in the old games can get really old. The owl could be annoying but that's a small complaint for such a great game in a great series. King's Quest games 1 thru 6 are all great adventures and each one getting better than the previous one. I think they obviously peaked with games 5 & 6.

I have to be honest if I could go back in time and relive the greatness that was the 80s and 90s I would do it in a sec. Sure technology was more in it's infant stages but to me it was more pure fun. This game is so old to give you an idea of inflation today gas prices were around 90 cents to a dollar per gallon around the time this game came out. When King's Quest 4 came out I remember gas was around 75 cents per gallon. It sure was a simpler time but we had a great time living in it.
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Battle of the Planets (1978–1980)
The first cartoon I remember
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was born in 73 so I'm from the Star Wars generation, I was blown away as a little 4 year old in the theater watching that epic, world changing show. I really was the perfect age, it was really the first movie I remember seeing in the theater as well. About a year later I was watching TV and Battle of the Planets came on, I'm sure I'd been watching other cartoons before this one but this was the first one I have memories of. It's also the first cartoon I can remember watching where I said to myself "Wow this show is awesome!" It's not as good today of course but it still is so cool to me. When I watch it I can totally feel the 70s all over again. I got a toy for Christmas 78 or 79 called the Big Loader Construction Set and I must associate it with this show as when ever I see a BOTP episode I can't not think about that toy set. I loved the cartoon Voltron as well probably because it's just like BOTP with the five main characters and the villains and plots seem similar. It also looks like it could've been drawn by the same people. Anyway, the best thing I can say about this show is how unique it was, it was like anime before anime was popular. I still love it, I have nothing but great memories from it. I'm just sad time has gone by so fast.
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What stupid people
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I finally got around to watching this today, don't know why it took me so long as I like most Stephen King stuff. I loved the atmosphere, I'm a huge fan of winter so I like any movie with snow and blizzards. I liked all the actors, I liked the story line. The only thing I was disappointed in was the idiots of the town choice at the end. I'm sorry but you don't choose life over giving up another life just to save your own to a demon seed. You choose to sacrifice yourself / everybody so the demon can't pass on it's legacy of evil. You make the choice of him getting nothing so he is the one to die after you are all sacrificed in his rage. I'm a big fan of living and you do try to do things to stay alive but not at the expense of another life that was not a threat to your own. I would've given it a 10 out of 10 had the town folk been more willing to fight back against the demon. After their decision I was wanting to see Mike either leave town asap and not 5 months later or I was wanting to see him go around to everyone every day reminding them of their idiot decision, asking them how good they feel about sacrificing one person for their selfish selves. I was hoping he got a few parting shots in on a few faces as well before he left.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Been waiting 40 years for this
13 July 2017
I grew up watching the old Wonder Woman TV show and as a little kid I loved it but even then knew they couldn't show her doing all she's capable of and looked forward to the day when they would put her on the big screen. It only took 40 years of waiting for me but I'm glad the day is here finally. I loved every minute of it, I get sick of origin stories when we've seen them over and over but since this was the first Wonder Woman to hit the big screen it was perfect. I don't know why some people say it was too long and boring, it was a perfect telling of the story and had the right amount of action in it. If I had any complaint it would only be that Chris Pine's acting in this was just like how he is as Captain Kirk. So basically some of the scenes I could only see him as Kirk the way he was delivering his lines but that's a small worry.

I will definitely be watching this one over and over once I get it on DVD. I'm really loving the DC universe, it's like the complete opposite of Marvel which I think is good they're not carbon copies of each other. Really looking forward to Justice League. If you haven't seen Wonder Woman yet definitely do so.
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Makes me miss my youth!
15 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was almost 19 when this came out and my friends and I were so excited to see it as we were looking forward to the great sex scenes it had. Of course we loved it and this has become a guilty pleasure movie for me ever since. I now love it for everything else besides the sex scenes. It's a great thriller with great acting from every one involved. Sharon Stone was perfect for this role and I really love the way Michael Douglas plays his part. Tripplehorn looked the best I've ever seen her in this and Denis Arndt is great as Lieutenant Walker.

I've read a lot of arguing over the years as who the real killer ended up being with many people believing it was Catherine. The movie definitely leaves it open to interpreting it all on your own and it's like the bible where you can read a passage but get different meaning out of it. I always took it like Dr Garner was working with Catherine or Dr Garner was working alone and Catherine was just going along with it. The whole Ice Pick under the bed part at the end I felt was there to leave you guessing. I like it being Dr Garner as the killer.
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Liked it but
22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It was cool and all, I have always loved super heroes since I was a little kid in the 70s reading most the comic books. I've been waiting decades for them to finally get around to making some of the movies they have today like the Avengers and soon Justice League, I of course wanted to see those on the big screen when I was little. But now that we're finally getting all these super hero movies I'm not complaining. I would've rather they made Fantastic Four part 3 instead of this one but I know how it goes most the time in Hollywood.

Anyway I finally got around to watching this one a few days ago and I thought it was okay but it was a big let down. Basically another origin story and I did enjoy most of it until the big fight at the end. Very disappointed they have the big fight on the foreign planet and it really wasn't even that big of a fight. I think if the ending was done a little bit better I would've liked it even more. Regardless it was just kind of bland / plain. It really was nothing to get excited over and nothing to get upset over. It made me think of one of those kids you knew back in school who were there daily, they didn't talk much, you kind of saw them around but you really didn't know them.
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Logan (2017)
Loved it .... but
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So let me first say that I did love the movie, I've always liked the X-Men and it's been a fun ride with how many movies we've been blessed with over the years. That being said I was only disappointed that it felt like the end of an era / end of a run. We've got so many movies since 2000 with the X-Men that I've almost felt like I've got to experience this ride with them and it now feels like heartbreak to be done with them. I don't cry much from movies but I was brought to tears for this one, I was so sad to see how it all ended. I know not all movies get happy endings but I really was wanting to see them sail off into the sunset on the boat he was trying so hard to get.

I know it's just a movie but I haven't felt this emotionally attached to characters in a movie since the original Star Wars came out. I think it's because I've lived half my life and realize how short life actually is that it made me emotional as life could end any day out of the blue for anybody. Actually made me appreciate the time I have left and my health more. Life sure is strange to connect to a movie so emotionally like that.
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The Transformers (1984–1987)
My all time favorite
11 March 2014
I was 11 when this show premiered in 84, I was hooked instantly after watching the first episode. This show caught me off guard as this was back before the internet and hearing word of new things sometimes took forever to get around. I started collecting the toys that year and remember seeing parents fighting over some of them at Lionel Playworld just before Christmas that year. I was growing out of toys by the next year but thought the Transformers was so cool I kept collecting them and had a huge collection by 2000.

I go back and watch my DVD's of all the seasons about once a year and while they are a bit dated and come across a bit cheesy today they are still better then any cartoon on today. The were definitely made for kids and if you can watch them with kid eyes they are very enjoyable.

The first season was lots of fun although it was short, the 2nd season was a lot thicker (more episodes) and was always great when they introduced new characters. The movie came out next and it ruined the franchise a little bit to me, I would of accepted the movie and the outcome in the movie a bit easier if they had run with the TV show a few more years with all the current characters before the drastic changes that happened. The 3rd season was not as good in my mind as all the new characters was overwhelming, the coolest thing about them was they took place away from Earth more and that I liked. All new worlds and more episodes on Cybertron. The 4th season was only 3 episodes but was a nice end to the franchise.

I would of loved 4 seasons all with the original characters before the movie and all the changes they made but since it is what it is I can always go back and watch these episodes and still enjoy them.

I would give season 1 & 2 a 10 out of 10 and season 3 & 4 I would give a 7 out of 10. I consider this the best cartoon ever made.
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Auction Hunters (2010–2015)
I've done this before
26 December 2012
My kids and I really enjoy watching this show for education purposes of learning about certain things and what they are worth or might be worth. I bought a storage unit back in 2002 for 400 dollars on a silent ballet and sold the contents of the room for 14,000. I still had lots of stuff left over from the room that I didn't even get to. I've heard rumors that they say this show is fake and I could see where they might fake a bit of it or fluff some of it but I've done it before so I know not all of it is fake. My only thing about this TV show is they wholesale their items, if they just did some research and took the time to retail them they would make a lot more money. But oh well it's good fun to watch, I'd watch this over most things on TV today anyway. Makes me want to get back into buying units!!
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Hackers (1995)
Love this movie!!!
7 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have read most the reviews on here which there is a lot of good and bad people are saying. I can see where the bad reviews are coming from but I just don't get how some people just can't simply watch a movie and just appreciate it for what it is? Entertainment. . . . . I watch this movie at a minimum a few times per year and never get sick of it.

It's great to watch some of the actors in their earlier roles, it almost has an 80's look to it with some of the clothes they wear, I connected with it when it came out due to I was similar in age. Maybe that's why I still like it today because I saw it when I was much younger. It is very silly and not accurate at times but I didn't watch it for it's authenticity of hacker / computer terms, I watched it because it looked like a fun movie and I was right.

Matthew Lillard's character had me rolling a few times and when they mess with the secret service agent in charge of catching them was great. Reminded me of being young and messing with someone in similar ways. The soundtrack is excellent, it made the movie for me. I bought it and listen to it more then I watch the movie.

I give any movie I watch a 10 if it ends up being a movie that I can watch over and over and can put it into the "if you were stranded on a desert island what movies would you want with you" category! This is definitely one of those movies for me, but I am easily entertained when I watch a movie. It has to be a boring slow movie like He Said, She Said for me to hate it! "It's leopard boy . . . . and the Decepticons!"
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Battleship (2012)
What a bunch of cry babies
20 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie thinking it was going to be cheesy and have some good action in it which is why I go to the movies. I don't go for drama and talking I want to see fighting and lots of craziness. I loved the movie, I love alien invasion movies and to see people on here complaining that the aliens didn't really have any special powers makes me laugh. I mean come on they come from a planet similar to ours so why would they have any special powers? They had a bit better technology then we did and what alien movie doesn't? Also think of all the alien movies we have had so far and what else can be done? You go to the movies to be entertained but I guess some people just can't let themselves go for 2 hours and enjoy whats on the screen because it wasn't written like they would of written it. I liked the aliens HALO type armor they wore and the wrecking ball/drilling metal munching destroying things were the sickness. That was one hell of a way to chew up a ship and spit it out, thought that was great. My kids loved it and my father got choked up over the veterans part. (His father is from that era and fought in Guam) I was just happy to get away from the busy/nasty daily grind we all sometimes endure and let myself go. I wouldn't see it again at the full price but will for sure go to the dollar movies and buy it when it comes out on DVD.
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Castlevania (I) (1986 Video Game)
One of my favorites
26 January 2011
This is one fun game and i still play it today. Holds it's replay value very well. This was the first game that i bought when i just got my drivers license and i was able to drive myself to the store to buy it lol. When i got home with it i stayed up all night playing it.

Everything about this game hooked me. The music is what stood out at first, i still find myself huming it today. The game play was fun and the first level is easy once you get used to it. Then they get progressively harder, the last level took me forever to beat. But wow what a game. I found myself at times screaming and throwing the controller down to the ground but then would come back with a vengeance to beat the level.

This is in my top ten games of all time. My kids, who were not born until 15 years after this game came out, love to play it as well. I really enjoy this style of play compared to the new CGI overload games and movies of today.
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This is the one that started it all
5 November 2010
This is the episode that started the craze, I still remember watching this when I was 11 and was totally blown away, they were the coolest thing to me. I can't believe I'm 44 now (Edited this post on 6-1-17) and still think about this episode from time to time. I always thought this was the coolest cartoon until they changed everything up after the movie in 86. If they only would've started a 2nd TV series instead of killing off all the main / best characters it would've remained on the air for many more years instead of being cancelled after the 3rd season.

All in all this is great fun and is such a classic to me. I can still remember going to the toy stores like Lionel Playworld before Chirstmas in 1984 and they would bring out a box of the toys and the parents would fight over them like a bunch of crazies. Still makes me laugh to this day.

If you've never watched any of these episodes and you do like sci-fi then give it a chance. If you have seen the current live action movies and have not seen the old cartoons that started it all it might seem a little dated of course but never the less still a lot of fun if you can watch it with your kid eyes!! I really liked how they would slowly introduce you to new transformers and they really built up a mass amount of toys which were the coolest toy line ever.

I will always consider this the best cartoon of all time. I missed many hours of doing homework because i would watch this instead. September 17, 1984 changed the world for me just like 5-25-77 when the original Star Wars came out changed the world as well. Those two days influenced my life so much I think it's why I don't like Michael Bay's version of Transformers as much as if he would've stuck to the original material more.
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