
4 Reviews
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Freelancers (2012)
freelancers or freeloaders!!!
16 August 2012
OK for a Saturday evening film, when the washing up is done and all quiet in the house, this will keep you fit as you slide into a deep sleep without the aid of a milky drink and a chocie biscuit. Firstly Mr whitaker looks decidedly lost in this film not a role for the Last King of Scotland more like Mc duff! De Niro just there for the money and film credits (he has done 163 now) and Mr 50p made a good effort, he hit most of his marks and looked slightly interested in the unfolding story, but his facial expressions changing every 17.6 became most annoying put me off taking him to serious as a lead role (has he got some form of Palsy? in that case he did well)

Story was the same as previous stories, the only difference they were told better and with more conviction from the characters (yes Vinnie i mean you). Best part of the film, as when i got up to search for some more washing up. all work and no play.
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Hunger pains
15 August 2012
a show case for the "new" actors, does not disappoint in introducing the future film stars, glad that animation is on the increase! To be fair, the film was nothing more than i would have expected, so i was not disappointed to find it reached up to my expectations. It would appear that the target audience has the attention span of a grape, due to the fact that i counted 4 flash backs during the film, to scenes that only happened 23.6 seconds before, was this to make the film longer, or to remind us of the precious seconds in our life that we will never have again? Watch the film ONLY if you want to "visualize" the characters from the book, but not as a substitute for reading the. If you watch this film with not to high expectations, then you will not be disappointed, helps pass some time, although so does unblocking the drains, when the sequel comes around i know where i will be....looking for the drain rods
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Battleship (2012)
drilling, not thrilling
15 August 2012
Firstly Rihanna, why? was it just to appeal to her current fan base, or promote a new skills set. I think it was just the first as she has no discernible talent as an actress. Whilst the special effects were excellent this was the only thing that gave it the 3 stars. A instantly forgettable film, that should keep those of a short attention span blissfully happy. I was looking forward to this film as a summer blockbuster, but achieved my own "2012 Damp squib of the year". Watchable, but do not expect Shakespearean acting from the cast, this makes a good Sunday afternoon film, but if it is a choice between this and root canal work.....i would rather open wide and say "AHHH"
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re hash(no pun) of a re make of a re cycled etc
20 June 2012
Cheech & Chong for the 2012 generation, tries to capture the Kid'N Play feeling from the 80's but fails, just a film to advertise the use of "smoke" as a way of life. Snoop has no acting abilities and it shows, the whole cast seems to be a sycophantic group hell bent on pleasing their leader. Film clearly a platform to "sell" the soundtrack, which like the film has predictable lyrics and strives to be "contraversal" in it's message, but is about 50 years to late (Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison etc etc etc) told us to tune in and drop out far more eloquently.Sadly this is purely a commercial venture, those that will watch it and will promote It, will do so just because they think that they are "stickin it to DA man"
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