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Blown Away: Final Gallery (2024)
Season 4, Episode 10
Horrible finale
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One of the things I liked most about this show is that unlike other "reality tv" competitions, the right person was usually kicked off. There wasn't these intentionally provocative and clearly ratings-based decisions. Everyone showcased their work and the winner/ loser was not surprising. It was just enjoying the talent and incredible art that was made. That is not remotely what happened here. Morgan is really talented and has a very unique style but Ryan T objectively had the better installation and the fact that he lost makes no sense. It was a disappointing end to the season and feels like a choice that was made purely for fan engagement.
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Krapopolis: Ty's Tail Tale (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
The mumbling is out of hand
4 December 2023
I don't know how many episodes they have completed already, but someone needs to tell the actors to enunciate more or whoever is in charge of audio/ sound needs to do a better job of improving the clarity. The actors mumble so much (especially the voices of Tyrannis and Stupendous) and I am constantly rewinding and have to put on subtitles.. I keep hoping this will improve each week after they get feedback from viewers and networks but apparently not so this show is becoming more frustrating than enjoyable. On the off chance some producer reads through imdb reviews, please look into this issue- thanks.
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Krapopolis: Please Demeter (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Hopefully this show finds its footing soon
6 November 2023
I really liked the first couple episodes but it went downhill very quickly.. Stupendous is probably the dumbest and most annoying character that I have ever seen. Honestly, if they killed her off or if Deliria turned her into something else, this show would be substantially better. I love Greek mythology and this was such a great premise but it kinda fell flat. I just feel they missed the mark on some of the characters- hippocampus is just weird but not in a loveable way and stupendous is horrible but Shlub is just such a funny character with incredible comedic timing and cadence. I'm not giving up yet, I'll watch a couple more episodes to see if it can turn around.
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Beckham (2023– )
Made me love Victoria and lose respect for David
9 October 2023
I went in loving David Beckham and thinking he was this incredible and loving family man and now think he's just a selfish arse for continually putting football before his wife a kids.. Like over and over. I have no idea how Victoria put up with all that and at the end when she struggled to admit she needed therapy, my heart just broke for her. She was vilified by the press and constantly having to uproot her life and the kids because David kept making selfish choices (which he repeatedly admitted at least). At the press conference before Real Madrid and he said he loved football more than his family, the look on her face was devastating. It was fun seeing all the old footage and getting behind the scenes stories. The fact that a 23 year old was getting death threats from millions of people bc of 1 stupid decision is just absolutely insane.
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CSI: Vegas: We All Fall Down (2023)
Season 2, Episode 16
Writers are terrible
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was finally a storyline with some suspense and promise and then this was the best conclusion they could come up with.. I don't think the writers understand what 160 IQ is lol because that was the most straightforward and predictable sequence of events. It should not have been that easy for them to piece together his plan and catch him. Like he was 10 steps ahead of them and literally stopped what he was doing to give them clues and help them catch up.. And the previews show that this story is wrapped up so I guess we just never find out what those squiggles mean even though that was a huge part of the entire storyline..

Greg Sanders is making a return next episode which is really exciting and that's truly the only highlight of the season so far.
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CSI: Vegas: When the Dust Settles (2023)
Season 2, Episode 12
4 February 2023
Anyone who has seen a single episode of CSI knew from the beginning that that woman eating a breath mint in multiple scenes was going to be what solved the case..

The Catherine/ Lindsey storyline is really weird. I loved their complicated relationship in the original series- I have no idea what the writers are doing with this..

I don't have anything else to write about this episode but I am required to write 190 more characters so I'll just talk about something else? If this show gets renewed for another season, I hope they bring Greg or Nick back. 30 more required characters to go. The end.
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CSI: Vegas: Story of a Gun (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
Recycled story
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They did this exact story in the original CSI about a woman who was fighting with her boyfriend was killed by a gun shot from a mile away when someone just shot the gun in the air. Like even had the exact same conversations and did the same tests to check the speed and depth of the bullet hole.. Catherine even worked that case which just makes this storyline even dumber.

Also, they literally did the same thing as the original pilot where the suspect comes back to the crime scene and attacks the CSI tech who managed to hold on to the incrementing evidence in their hand..

At least come up with new stories..
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CSI: Vegas: Funhouse (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Called it
11 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I would just like to go on the record as saying in my review for one of the first episodes on here I did say this:

"So hopefully it will be somebody we wouldn't expect- maybe even the lawyer who is now defending all 8,000 cases?"

The episode was fine but I'm just gloating at my Kreskin like abilities.
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CSI: Vegas: Under the Skin (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Miss the OG cast
21 October 2021
I really do not care about those 2 new CSIs becoming a couple. I feel like that storyline is being forced down our throats and I literally could not be less interested in it. I'm really only watching for the Hodges storyline and bc of Gil and Sara. I really hope Hodges wife doesn't end up being behind this bc it seems so obvious. So hopefully it will be somebody we wouldn't expect- maybe even the lawyer who is now defending all 8,000 cases? Some kind of twist at least. I would love to see Catherine or Greg or Nick or even Ecklie make an appearance! Or even some of the old techs like Wendy or Mandy or Henry etc come back and just check in on Hodges and help out on the cases they worked with him. Anyways, not loving the new stories/ cast but enjoying watching Sara and Grissom and it was fun to see him do his entomology stuff again.
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CSI: Vegas: Honeymoon in Vegas (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
I can't think of a headline
14 October 2021
Loving the OG cast better than the new ones but still good. Maxine is really growing on me- she kinda reminds me of DB where they follow the rules but also look the other way when need be. I think the writers want us to care about Folsom and Allie but honestly I don't think I've ever been less interested in a potential couple. We barely know their characters and there is no chemistry so it's hard to be invested in that relationship. But it's fun to have Hodges back and they keep mentioning Catherine so hopefully she makes an appearance at some point this season.

And just for me, I kinda wanted Hodges to end up with Wendy so that's just disappointing and I may just ignore the fact that his wife isn't her because I like my end game better. : ).
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CSI: Vegas: Legacy (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Loved it
7 October 2021
It was good but knowing that Grissom was going to say "follow the evidence" at the end when he paused is what made this great for me :). They found a nice balance between it being a sequel and a revival so I'm looking forward to the season. Also, I love Sara and Jorja did a great job of picking up right where she left off. Literally my only "complaint" is that some of the actors mumbled or didn't speak very clearly so I had to have subtitles on for a couple scenes. Not a big deal, the acting was still great but it was a bit annoying at times.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Last Day Pt 2 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 10
Great finale
17 September 2021
I had really low expectations for the finale bc overall I haven't liked this season very much but it was an amazing ending. It wrapped everything up perfectly and there were so many references and flashbacks to earlier seasons and storylines without being heavy handed about it and that's hard to do! The heist episodes are always my favorite and I'm so glad they brought Gina back! Overall, a great finale to wrap up a great show.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Game of Boyles (2021)
Season 8, Episode 7
Back to the classic B99 shenanigans
3 September 2021
Finally. A really funny episode with the humor and goofiness we have loved for 7 seasons. Scenes with the Boyle family are always hilarious.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Set Up (2021)
Season 8, Episode 6
I wish they stopped at season 7
28 August 2021
If the writers didn't feel like they could make this show with the same level of comedy and ridiculousness that made this show great because of the current political climate, then they should have just not made this season and let season 7 finale be the series finale. It's just an entirely different show and I miss the light heartedness and laugh out loud adventures and stories. I can understand how trying to find humor in police actions is probably challenging right now, but since that is the entire premise of the show then they should have just cancelled it to show support as opposed to preach to us ever week.

Not that it is important, but I am a Democrat and this is not me criticizing "woke Hollywood" or whatever the talking point is. They had a recipe for success and this show has been great for 7 years but it just isn't the same show this season and it's disappointing. I miss the laughs and goofiness that was a great distraction from life.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Blue Flu (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
The writers are terrible this season
21 August 2021
I honestly don't understand how this is getting so many good reviews. This isn't a knock on the actors- the acting is still great. I just don't know what the writers are doing. They are taking real life headlines and stories.. That dead animal in food where police pretended they were being attacked was literally a true story. And they keep using talking points like "Antifa" and "Radical Left" and "Not all cops are bad" etc is just so heavy handed it's hard to watch.. I was hoping the premiere was just a one time episode where they got all their white guilt out but apparently they are carrying police corruption and reform through the entire series..?

All this stuff is important issues in our country but this show is a 22 minute comedy. B99 always made me laugh and it's really frustrating bc I was looking forward to this season for a year. Again, the actors are still great but I just don't know what the writers/ producers are doing. I am just forcing myself to watch because I invested so much time in this show that I want to know how it ends.

Also, they are ruining Dr. Cox for me..
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Great episode
21 May 2021
I haven't watched SVU in years but I loved the original episode Ethan Cutkosky was in years ago so I wanted to watch this episode. Absolutely loved it- great acting all around. Ethan plays a psychopath so brilliantly (that's meant as a compliment even though it sounds super creepy to say) and it was fun to see a follow up on where a character is.
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Manifest: Precious Cargo (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
Show is getting worse
7 May 2021
Acting is so bad and what started out as like a cool sci-fi show has turned into some religious mythology that's becoming really hard to track. This story would have made for a great movie or short miniseries- it feels so dragged out and the creator said he planned for this to be a 6 season show.. The guest actors this season are just not good sorry.
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Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace (2021)
Season 11, Episode 12
Just horrible
12 April 2021
The Shameless writers have just gone from bad to awful the last several years. I mean I guess they forgot Mickey already has a kid..? And they didn't feel like having Frank at least mention Fiona in his Mary Poppins floating goodbye speech..?

John Wells said Fiona didn't come back bc Emmy couldn't travel because of Covid. That's fine, but they couldn't have had the other characters call/ text/ email with Fiona to give us any updates on her character the last 2 years? Like the writers introduced a sociopath into the show for no reason in the last 2 episodes and they couldn't have used that screen time instead for like a 10 second scene of Lip talking on the phone to Fiona about selling the house- since I'm pretty sure it's in her name..? Her presence wasn't necessarily required for the character to live on the last couple seasons..

I don't even know where to start with Lip.. It's like for the first time in 5 years the writers remembered he was a genius and then sprinted in the opposite direction. Makes literally no sense. And that ending was just so bizarre. If Frank is floating anywhere, it's down.

I haven't enjoyed the last couple seasons but I stuck it out because I've watched since the beginning and just wanted to see how it played it and where the characters ended up. It was definitely not worth the wait.
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Shameless: The Fickle Lady Is Calling It Quits (2021)
Season 11, Episode 11
This is based on the writers, not actors
5 April 2021
There are a lot of reviews lately that think this season has been incredible so my guess is this will offend those people because I haven't been as impressed with the writers. The cast is great actors, my opinion on the show has nothing to do with their exceptional talent. Here is just a couple quick thoughts on the episode:

-I hate what the writers did to Fiona. I was really hoping she would appear before the series ended but clearly they didn't part on good terms. I mean the characters don't even mention her name, it's like the writers just erased her entire existence.

-How many kids does Carl have?! Like is Tish carrying is kid and also didn't Frank give Katey Segal's character Carl's sperm to implant instead of his own? I'd kinda like some follow up on that.

-I love the characters Kev and V but for the last several seasons they have been their own show. They have barely interacted with the Gallaghers and their story lines are completely independent. So them moving away isn't as sad as it would have been a couple seasons ago.

-I'm really worried about what's in Frank's note.. I'm hoping it isn't like a Roseanne/ jumping the shark thing that says he has millions hidden away or that he won some lottery ticket and is leaving it to them.

-Debbie is still terrible and her storyline makes no sense. Someone threatens to shoot your daughter and you immediately want to date them? I mean..

-I like Liam and Frank's last hurrah. Liam owes Frank nothing but still wants to help him.

-Mickey living on the west side is a strange storyline. That's just not his character and I don't know why they are pushing the idea that your neighborhood is what defines your level of success. They still could have been "moving on" in a way that felt less forced and out of character.

-Lip can't catch a break. And it reminds me of Fiona who always had to do the heavy lifting and took care of everything and everyone took that for granted. It would be a great opportunity for the writers to have had Lip reach out to Fiona and just be like- I don't know how you did it, we wouldn't have made it without you. I guess I'm still bitter about them completely ignoring Fiona when she literally raised them all and never got a thank you.

Again, my complaints are with the writers/ storyline, not the actors.
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Shameless: Survivors (2021)
Season 11, Episode 9
Emmy Rossum
22 March 2021
I'm assuming Emmy Rossum and Shameless didn't part amicably because this is getting ridiculous. A special episode about Fiona without her in it and now an episode where no one knows who Liam's legal guardian is.. They don't even say her name on the show- it's uncomfortable to watch them just entirely omit that character's existence.
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Flashbacks were great but where was Emmy??
22 February 2021
How do you have an entire episode about Fiona but no Emmy Rossum.. I was really hoping she was at least going to be in this episode before the series ended.
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Shameless: Slaughter (2021)
Season 11, Episode 5
What did I just watch
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know what to say. That was like a disturbing episode of Dateline. Drinking animal blood and stories of murdered children and a healthy dose of white supremacy mixed in. I-- I don't even have words explain what I just watched.
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Shameless: This Is Chicago (2020)
Season 11, Episode 1
Very weird episode
6 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why they decided to incorporate Covid into this but they did a terrible job. Like the occasional and intermittent masks and references to current events but not really effecting the storyline but also kind of does.. It was somehow simultaneously in the forefront but also ignored- it was just really weird. I liked it better early on where the show was more of an escape and didn't address politics and current events. And I have NO IDEA what the writers are doing with Tommy and Kermit at the end.. That was just a really disturbing scene.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Casecation (2019)
Season 6, Episode 12
I felt like I was watching a different show...
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As everyone else has already mentioned, this episode just left a bad taste in my mouth. Amy threatened to divorce him he if he didn't want kids and that is just so out of character for her I felt like I was watching a different show. And then that wasn't mentioned again or in any follow up episode. No mention of how Jake handled that and was I'm sure devastated by the fact that Amy could just so easily cast him aside. They just hugged and went out to get dinner and brainstorm baby names. It just felt so out of character for both of them and the story was incomplete and the way they handled an important topic was just disturbing. B99 is usually really good at addressing serious issues with a sense of grace and compassion and I don't understand how none of the actors or writers or directors or producers etc picked up on how terribly this was done. You can't just have a throwaway comment with the serious threat of divorce and then not address that conversation at all or ever again or the impact it has..
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Valloweaster (2020)
Season 7, Episode 11
I thought it was really funny
17 April 2020
I don't understand the bad reviews. I was actually laughing out loud. Every time they had to go to the vet to do an X-ray that stopped the heist was just hilarious. It put a different spin on it. Maybe the reveal at the end wasn't as great as some of the other years but everyone pointing out that Charles has less wins than a filing cabinet was pretty hilarious. Just my opinion obviously but I thought it was a pretty creative and funny episode
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