2 Reviews
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Typically ruined by Hollywood
22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will say all the good things first, then I can rant. This film was visually stunning. It was also pretty well acted especially by Jude Law, although he is obviously too young to be Watson. Robert Downey Jr. is also pretty good and his natural charm makes me want to like his character. I also quite enjoyed Stephen Fry's part as Mycroft, it was a nice surprise. I'm a little dubious about the casting of Moriarty, but he wasn't awful I guess. In fact I feel that the same actors with a different director and script would have made this film top-class.

OK now the bad bits. It is trying to be FAR too cool for it's own good. And you know what happens when people try to be cool - they come off as posers and losers. I'm all for a bit of action, and yet this film just ruins Holmes by making him a martial artist, super slow mo, extra cool, thug. Holmes could box and he was a cane fighter. Why not just put that in??? It would have been great.

Another major gripe is the complete lack of any real deduction, questioning or intelligence. I know, let's just make him dress in about 4 different silly outfits and every now and then he can jump to some conclusions! Then the final nail in the coffin was the over-the-top story which reminded me of the absurdity of 'the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'. I'm all for suspending belief in a plot line, but there is a limit and I reached it about half way through this film.

If you want a decent modern take on Sherlock Holmes I highly recommend 'Sherlock' the BBC series. The setting is modern, but the acting and characterisation are just the right temperament to transcend the classic stories into a modern setting. It depends how much of a Holmes puritan you are! For many, Jeremy Brett IS Holmes simple as that.
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Subtle and beautiful in most ways, unbelievable in others.
22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe how black and white the reviews on here are for this film. People either seem to think it perfect, or terrible. I have neither of these views - it was however a very good film. Not in my top 10, but certainly in the top 100.

It IS moving, it HAS got some beautiful and believable dialogue and it is very well acted by virtually all concerned. My favourite part being Robin William's dressing down of will: "And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right, 'once more unto the breach dear friends.' But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap, watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help. I'd ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet..." etc. Well written!

However, the main flaw in my opinion is Matt's character. He is simply too well rounded a genius, it's unbelievable and a little arrogant of the two writers. He has real emotional flaws and that's all dandy, but personally I think he should have been out-quoted by the guy in the Harvard bar and still got the girl anyway for sticking up for his friend. I think he could have shown even more vulnerability by being really knocked by not being the best at everything. Oh well, a missed opportunity.

Put it this way I don't know many geniuses who haven't got a blind spot in current affairs or history or social skills or SOMETHING. Saying that, the way he holds himself back with his self destructive behaviour is classic and very well portrayed.

It's a film I will definitely watch many times and I suggest you do too. This film is boring only in the same way the night sky is boring... it depends how deep you are willing to look and how much you are willing to think.
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