
12 Reviews
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Child 44 (2015)
Extraordinary Movie
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We went to see Child 44 opening weekend. We were sent to a theatre in the back of the cinema. There were four people in the entire theatre. What a shame ~ and shame on whomever was in charge of promoting this movie. They truly fell on their face/faces. Child 44 was beautifully filmed ~ the scenery was breath taking ~ Sets were exceptionally well done...Tom Hardy was at his best as always...Another favorite of mine Joel Kinneman (sp?)was was Gary Oldman, though his screen presence was limited. All of the actors and actresses did a splendid job. I have little understanding as to why the promotion of this movie was so neglected. I seldom read reviews, but I read a couple and wonder if the reviewers actually watched this movie. Everyone did a splendid job ~ I highly recommend Child 44
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Beastly (2011)
Sweet Little Movie
14 March 2011
I read the book, was very good and very well written for a "young adult" novel..not condescending to young people...nice story line... I liked the movie, Alex Pettyfer did very well with what he had to work with, and Neal Patrick Harris was even funnier than the teacher in the book...The music was nice and correlated well with the movie...I would of personally re-caste the parts of Vanessa Hudgeons and the Mary Kate Olson, she always looks like a "witch" so no stretch there imo...If you are a VH fan, then you'll like her fine in the movie, her character in the book was much more humble, so maybe that is what the script writer avoided in the movie or just how VH played the role...but those were my only two exceptions to the movie...Get some popcorn, take your girlfriends or make you boyfriend go...He'll like it too (maybe:)
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Burlesque (I) (2010)
7 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In brief, I will say that this was a beautifully filmed movie, the sets and costumes are outstanding...the music phenomenal...I bought the sound track right after I left the theater..I loved the sub plot...girl makes good in big city, girl finds love...Reminiscent of those great old musicals of the 40's. If the writer, director or producers weren't aiming for that...well they accidentally hit a gusher, because that was one of the things I found so endearing about the movie...There was no part too big or too small, all the actors shined in my opinion...Young women and old sighed at the site of Cam Giagandets gorgeous body and million dollar smile....I am going back for seconds...Superb movie Cher, keep them coming...You are a treasure...
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Being Human (2008–2013)
What a GREAT summer treat
14 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am fortunate enough to have found this gem on reruns this summer...Just in time to catch the second season in a few days.

This is a splendid show, the plot being a bit unique, the acting is very well done, the story lines are incredible...In the episode where Annie discovers "how she died" I literally had tears in my eyes.

There is nothing "not to like" with this show...Except waiting for the next season.

If you are interested at all in a good supernatural story, you have come to the right place with "Being Human."

Linda San Diego, CA
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Remember Me (I) (2010)
A must see in my Opinion
14 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was finally able to see Remember Me today, I had been in great anticipation of this movie, to be honest to see what else Mr Pattinson had to offer in the acting department. I was not disappointed,he is a amazing young man, and I never found myself trying to compare him to "Edward" he was Tyler throughout the movie...Emilie de Ravin is very believable as Ally, and again, I didn't see any of "Losts" Claire here. The whole cast was very good...The story line was tense and the intermittent "comic relief" moments were well placed. I sat spell bound through the entire movie. The reason I gave this movie a nine out of ten vote, was only because, I wondered through out the movie why Tyler father was such a mean spirited man...I found myself trying to analyze and speculate which deterred me from the main plot of the movie at times. Naturally, it comes together towards the end, but I think that it would of been better if his "coldness" were more defined earlier on. I read Lisa Schwarzbaums review in EW, and was a bit mystified as to why she felt compelled to keep comparing Tyler to Edward. Maybe Ms Schwarzbaum is a little too enamored of Edward to give a unbiased opinion. I hope that other people who might read her review won't be swayed as to whether or not they will see the movie. They will be missing a well acted movie with a strong story...Bring Kleenex.
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Black Irish (2007)
Give yourself a Gift of a lovely couple of hours
29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I happened by this movie,flipping through the channels. What a wonderful surprise. I love Brendon Gleeson, one of our best actors in this time...I like Michael Angarano and am enjoying watching him grow with each project. Melissa Leo is a outstanding, understated actress who brings a lot of depth no matter how big or small the part. The story of this Irish family ebbed and flowed so beautifully, I was surprised when it was over. I won't give any spoilers, but I will say, I personally found the ending perfect. If you want to give yourself a wonderful, tender gift. Watch this movie, you will not be disappointed. No matter your ethnic heritage, you can relate to all the trials and tribulations in this family.
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Life on Mars (2008–2009)
One of the most innovative shows on television
8 February 2009
I was so happy to see Life On Mars come back on television...This show could survive with or without Lost (even though I love that show too, so LOM's is a great follow up to that.) In our home we have a good age demographics. My grandkids who are 16 and daughter 38 and myself 59...Love this show...

The acting is phenomenal and we are always intrigued with the "mysteries" that the "Spaceman" wonderfully played by Jason O'Mara is confronted with.I loved Michael Imperioli on Sopranos and he just shines here...Who knew he could provide comic relief?...Harvey Keitel (one of Americas best actors) never disappoints...Gretchen Mol is wonderful as is the rest of the cast...

5 stars to ABC for using their noggins and putting this show back on the air.

It's a show that makes you want to watch television again...

BTW...How can you not "dig" the 70's tunes?...

Kick back and'll make you want to dig those old bell bottoms out of the closet and throw on some Jefferson Airplane...
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Pathfinder (2007)
Fun and Action Packed
15 April 2007
My grandson and I went to see this movie today . . .so while it is fresh in my mind, I will give you the opinion of a adult and a teenage young man.

We both truly enjoyed the movie. We both enjoyed the "film noir" appearance, which truly captured the essence of the movie. It is NOT a happy movie, so if that's what your looking for you sure came to the wrong show.To have it all filmed in color would of ruined it as far as we were concerned.

Most of the Native American actors I have seen in other movies and they were great here. My first time to see Kevin Urban, he was truly believable in his part as were all the actors.

I have only two criticisms, the "vikings" we're a bit on the silly side and the CGI goes on way too long.I don't want to write a spoiler, so will let it go at that.

I have that issue with most "action"movies today. They take a scene that full of edge of the seat action, then just keep going with it.I say, make your point, scare the pants off us, then move on.

If you like action movies and you like anything Native American, you will like this movie.

Sincerely, Linda Hayes (Choctaw/Cherokee Nations)
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Apocalypto (2006)
Forget the negative Mel Gibson Media and. . .
10 December 2006
Forget the negative media garbage about if people will see this movie. Think for yourself, go see it. If you like Mel Gibson movies, you will throughly enjoy this one. He is still at the top of his game. His sensitive treatment of Native Peoples was ever evident. As a Native American, I felt he treated the People with total respect and honor and most of all truth. I love the unknown actors, you weren't clouded by whether or not, you thought, "big star name," was doing a good job in the movie. I loved the subtitles, it gave a even more realistic touch to the movie to hear the characters speak in their native language. The cinematography was outstanding. I wanted to walk into the screen and be there. At times I felt like I was there. When Jaguar Paw was running from the Mayan soldiers, I literally had to tell myself to "breathe." Extremely intense scenes. I'd give this movie a hundred stars if that was a option. Sincerely, Linda Hayes Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek Nations
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Into the West (2005)
A Wondrous Journey into the Past and the Future
16 July 2005
I have diligently watched this series since the beginning. I have re-watched all the episodes at least twice.

Having some knowledge of Native American history, I have found that again Spielberg has done his homework on both sides of the journey west.

I feel that he has portrayed both sides more than fair and hope that this movie will open the eyes of those who still believe in the stereo typed "Indian, Pioneer, and Mountain Man. I hope that this movie again will make people understand what happens to "Nations" when there is prejudice and ignorance.

I found some inconsistencies in some of the issues with the personal lives of Indians, that I am fairly sure are not true. For example men didn't attend the births of their children..This was considered bad luck.

I also felt sometimes that I must of missed something. For example, Naomi was with the wagon train that was attacked by the Cheyenne? Then she was suddenly named "Five Horses." I assume that meant she was bought from those that captured her from the wagon train. This whole episode, though romantic was a bit unrealistic.Women of her age were seldom if ever adopted into any tribe. They were consdered to be "untrainable."

I found the language a bit stilted at times, but, considering that a lot of these actors are from other tribes, I think they did exceptionally well.

I have waited since Dances with Wolves for a good, honest portrayal of Native Americans...I finally got it...Thank you to all involved!

Mitakuye Oyasin

'Hanble Omani Winyan
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Lonesome Dove (1989)
12 April 2004
The book was wonderful and the movie was equally as wonderful... How rare to find a beautiful adventurous story, only enhanced by the outstanding performances by all actors. I read the book twice,and have seen the movie more times than I can count. I will never tire of this movie, I doubt others will either. I hope that this movie is around for many years to come, so generations of young people and enjoy the genre of the Western movie at its best.

Sincerely, Linda Hayes-Lies
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Cold Mountain (2003)
7 March 2004
I was not prepared the first time I saw ColdMountain for the stunning performances, the "breathtaking scenery," and lastly the muscial score is beautiful. The performances by "all," are exceptional. Nicole Kidman is so adorable as Ada...Inman of course I am in love. Renes' performance speaks for itself. Her comic relief was great. There was no small roll in this movie... Applause to Jack White for his film debut as well

I wait with baited breath for the DVD.

Sincerely, Linda Hayes
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