
7 Reviews
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Not Your Father's Zombie Movie
25 March 2012
Just finished watching this: "NOTLD 3D RA". Agree with All of the 6 Reviewers before me, on a number of points (won't repeat them).

My impression of this Zombie Story is Different; will try to explain.

Reason it was so 'slow' getting to Zombie Action, is: I (think) the people who MADE this, wanted to Set the Story for- MORE Sequels (I could be wrong).

Since the Original Zombie Movie: "Night Of The Living Dead" (1968)- there have been an Endless Stream of ZOMBIE Films. Some very Good, and some sucked; some funny, etc.

All Zombie Fans KNOW the 'facts' of Zombies: (destroy the brain to KILL them, etc.) Most Zombies are the 'Romero' Ones (slow); a few films had real FAST ones.

IF you want to see a lot of Zombie Action, then watch: "The Horde", or "Dead Set", because this movie will probably disappoint you.

Special effects (zombie make up, etc), IMO was excellent; (even the Flies in the Morgue Room), added a Realistic Touch.

Lastly- 88 Minutes, No shaky Camera, NOT shot in Darkness, and you can actually SEE what is happening.
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Boca do Lixo (2010)
A Good Crime Story
17 March 2012
The Storyline that is listed just about Explains the Story. About a man from a Sao Paulo neighborhood, notorious for it's Bars, Nightclubs, and Local crime figures.

Story starts in early 50's and continues to the mid 60's; Hiroito, the man in this story is shown growing up, and how he eventually gets involved in a Life of Crime.

From what I read after I watched this film, Hiroito did some time in Prison, and went on to write a Book about his life. That Book is what the Movie is based on.

I can't believe No one has bothered to Review this so far. The Movie, to me, was a good 'crime story'; he was known locally, and made quite a name for himself (criminally speaking).

I kind of hope that Hirohito will eventually Post here, and give his impression IF the Film was true to his book.

Since I knew absolutely nothing about the MOVIE, except the Storyline, I nevertheless took a chance and spent an hour or so and watched.

Not sure if the Actors in this film are known or unknown, but they were all convincing to me, as far as portraying their Characters.

Hate to give anything away (SPOILER)- but I wonder what Hiroito was thinking, when he saw the kid he Rescued, playing with other kids??
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I'll Be Depressed For A Month
16 March 2012
No wonder no one has reviewed this yet; Neither am I. Almost sorry I watched it.

Last few months I've been watching History Chanell; mostly WW2 Documentaries. Familiar with: Battles, Weapons used, Generals on Both sides, etc. etc. Also I've known about this Event since I was very young.

But this- film, excellently photographed, and Dramatized, showed details that are mostly absent in Documentaries.

Anyone 'can Google' Lidice and come up with a TON of stories, videos, etc. But this Dramatazation of the Event, and what came Before it, was too personal for me.

I feel Sick.

If you are interested in History, you may want to watch it.

Grateful it was NOT as Graphic as some Holocost Accounts; stopped watching Movies about: Holocost, Native American Genocide, Viet Nam War, American Slavery, etc.

Now I'm going to get numb.
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Polisse (2011)
Wish I Understood French
13 March 2012
Couldn't say it any better then the Two comments before me; but had to write this anyway.

The Subject matter in film would make a lot of people I know feel very uneasy; I'm not used to seeing this kind of dialog in most movies I watch. Definitely a Creepy Subject.

The 'fast pace' of the film reminded me a bit of: "HILL STREET BLUES", one of the first 'Cop Shows' on TV, with this kind of Fast Pace.

Not understanding French, feel that I wasn't getting ALL that was being said, but got enough.

Some People will NOT watch films with Sub Titles; their loss. If you're One of Them- maybe you should start.

Lastly: One scene had me laughing out loud; was the Only Real 'funny' scene, in this Serious film about a serious subject; but isn't Life Just like that???
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No better or worse then a Made for TV Movie
4 March 2012
I agree with another reviewer who compared this to a Good Hitchcock Movie; found it to be suspenseful enough to keep me interested in wanting to know more.

Maybe I'm not as sophisticated as some movie critics, but to me even mediocre actors can carry a Story, and hold my attention; IMO all the Actors did their 'job' and got the Story told.

The 90 or so minutes helps also; so if you can sit through movies on TV or Cable, then you will not be disappointed sitting through this one.

Would I pay to see this, or watch it again? No, but I would recommend it to anybody who watches TV drams.

Want to add that I use IMDb for every Movie I am interested in, and think the service provided by IMDb is extremely helpful.
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At Least It Wasn't Shot in the Dark........
3 March 2012
........Also.. Hardly any Shaky Camera shots. (this film can be watched without getting a Migraine).

Having said that, one of the worse things about this film Is: It was over two hours long. 90 Minutes would have been long enough.

The few who have commented so far, didn't think too much of this film. Neither do I, but IMO this was Not the Most Awful movie I've ever seen. For example: "BLAIR WITCH" for me, was painful, but I watched 'till the end.

I've been on both sides of the camera (but never quit my day job)- Never made any money, or got noticed, etc. - but it was FUN while I was involved. So maybe I just can't Trash anything; so if you have two hours with nothing else to do, get ready to view something that could have been made in the 50s.

Would I watch it again? Never. Would being numb Help? Couldn't hurt

MST3k2 shows stuff much worse then this, with bigger budgets; and lastly, during the 'dramatic' scenes, IMO the actors were really trying to Act.

At least this Group TRIED, and Released it, and got comments. Maybe their next attempt will be better.
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2-Headed Shark Attack (2012 Video)
IT's a TWO headed Shark! What else can One say.
14 February 2012
I just read the 6 other reviews, and have something to agree with in all of them.

That said I will add: while watching this I was constantly thinking of the 'original' Shark Killer (JAWS), and how that movie kept ME off the beaches for quite a while.

Since Jaws I have watched Dozens of Shark movies; this 2 headed one for some reason kept me interested (yes with all of the bad acting, and Mistakes) and was for me, More Exciting then JAWS.

How is that possible??? Don't know but IT might be worth a Watch, for some people (like me).
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