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Well done EBU...not
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The 68th Eurovision Song Contest could have been and would have been one of the best in the whole Eurovision Song Contest history. But...

The majority of the participating countries have managed to present beautiful, artistic, interesting and well produced songs. They kept the viewer entertained and pleased with a few hilarious perfomances that will be remembered, a tradition for the Contest. Above all it is worth noting that for the first time in probably many years, out of the 37 participating songs, 12 where written solely in their mother language and 4 in their mother language and English as well. Various genres of music, ballads, a truly unforgettable one, by Slimane from France, an ouija-pop, by Bambie Thug from Ireland, two of the Happy Hardcore/Eurodance/Eurotrance genre, thanks to Joost Klein from the Netherlands and Kaleen from Austria and last but not least the techno/heavy metal/pop/punk song by Baby Lasagna from Croatia.

The two hosts of this year's Contest, the talented Malin Åkerman and Petra Mede did an amazing job, spreading vast waves of their positiveness and charisma.

But as the title says, and the 'would have been' and 'could have been' that are mentioned above, EBU acted the exact opposite way infuriating the viewers in the venue and the ones at home, all over Europe. Their inability to safeguard the integrity and reputation of the Contest led to the loss of the mood added by their indifference to react appropriately to various incidents that took place. From stupid, rediculous prohibitions e.g. Not allowing the EU flag (!) or the Non-Binary flag into the venue, forcing spectators to throw them away before been allowed by security to enter, to the constant bullying of a certain country's staff towards other contestants and their staff. To make things even worse in the brink of the Grand Final, EBU disqualified Joost Klein, the Dutch singer, because of 'a violent incident' against a staff member of the Swedish organisers, giving no detail explanation. Note that this was the first time that a disqualification was enacted!

Hopefully, all this mess that was created will not be repeated again. Thanks to the beautiful songs and the overall spirit, for the time being, the Contest is in a safe mode.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
The 'Us' in The Last of Us
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An exceptionally made, out of the blue, episode. Impecable acting and great, superbly given back story of Bill and Frank. A back story we are lucky to be able to see, among so many back stories, hidden out there in this devastated world, that we will never ever see.

Fences and guns, traps and medication, fuel and even food supply to last a perpetuity cannot guarantee anyone a long lasting life. You see, there is something called heart, a soul that has other needs, needs that in such a world maybe are lacking and not easy to be found.

So this is the reality in a dystopian sci-fi adventurous filled of monsters world, that are shown in this series. The truly human side of a survivor, a true survivor that wants to remain human above all. That is the goal of the heroes in the series is it not? To save as many humans as possible and stay human themselves.

Bill and Frank lived their lives as they wanted. They survived like they wanted. They perished like they wanted. They completed their life circle as humans.

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Not my kind of multiverse
31 January 2023
The thought of paralell universes, the multiverse, has always been interesting and intriguing for our 'noble' human mind; unable to process 'unreachable situations' of such magnitude.

We stand scared and fascinated of such a reality, the possibility that another of ourselves exists, needless to say many more, throughout the cosmos. Different paths, alternate life choices.

Well, fascinating as this looks, the film does not manage to approach accordingly. It is chosen a more ridiculous, unfunny, frustrating and tiringly long view of the matter. After some time into the film, the desire of the viewer is not to continue and eagerly see what is going to happen, but instead stop watching early; as soon as possible. Continuation feels undesirable and require some kind of bravery and patience.

It is true, have not doubt about that, nothing matters really...about this film and in this film, everywhere, everything and all at once!
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Copenhagen Cowboy (2022–2023)
Everything has a beginning and an end...
7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I will admit, that apart from 'Too Old to Die Young' and now 'Copenhagen Cowboy' I am not familiar with Nicolas Winding Refn's work.

So having the previous experience of 'Too Old to Die Young' and the feelings caused by it, I knew what to expect and what was coming to the screen. But at least back then, there was a sense of a conclusion, even the slightest sense of an end to the story! In 'Copenhagen Cowboy' inconclusiveness is striking and disturbing.

Miu's character is mysterious and aerie. A petite existence that certainly fools every naive bully that is outhere. Powerfull as she is, the obstacles laying in her way mean nothing. Her strenght is a well hidden superpower.

For that reason, for Miu, the lack of a conclusion, is demeaning for her character. This is frustrating and pointless. Annoying. Two glowing eyes of a resurrected female blood sucking carnivore darkness, couldn't have been her demise. It shouldn't have been her demise, even for the awkward, out of this world, ecstasy infused neon coloured universe of Nicolas Winding Refn.

Perhaps the lucky ones that have the means and can come in contact with the...Giants, maybe they can inform them of the actual end. As for the rest of us...?
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Space Force (2020–2022)
One of the few true comedy series...ever
2 June 2020
What makes a good comedy? Certainly not the pre-constructed, pre-cooked, boring all of the same, joke lines. But certainly the well made, well thought moments, that make the viewer laugh from the heart and mind. Something new, something original with that sweet spiced up hint of political reference...Laughing only when truly feeling and not when being forced to do so.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
All that had to be said, are said
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film could have been longer, could have been more analytical or more emphatic and detailed. Could have been, but truly needn't to have been.

It is a very well structured story, wonderfully shorted out, with the "silent moments" of Julia Garner's artistic presence and expression that spoke clearly of her feelings, loneliness, sorrow and pain for the darkness that chokes her. She is deeply kind and innocent, too innocent for her office's microworld, and the world in general, where indifference and egocentrism engulf everything and everyone.

She is surrounded by the irony and mockery of her colleagues' "support", her bosse's constant act of being the conquerer, a god; someone that is so (truly) weak, he constantly molests women and asks for written apologies to fill his false a-male persona. But above all her own parents are abscent, unable to undestant how deeply in pain she is.

Her noble effort to support and protect an innocent girl that dreams "to be someone" forces her to choose and leads her to wound her own self permanently. She is now changed for ever and there is no turning back.
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A lot of Color but not a lot of cinema...
26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Using a lot of colour and thus creating a kaleidoscope, what you are only doing, is exactly that. Creating an illusion of a supposedly quality film, in which the colours just make you dizzy, to get lost in between, and desperately wanting for the film to become black and white for a change, or even disappear completely from the screen.

Do not misunderstand my saying. I love colours and I love kaleidoscopes. What I didn't appreciate, was this film. They tried to carry us all in a LSD inspired world, to enchant us and distract us from a particularly bad Nicolas Cage acting and many other similar blanks of nothingness that made the "construct" childish and vulnerable...

We were saved by the portal that absorved them all turning them to particles, by the collapse of the energy field, just in time or better say, on the brink of our brain exploding from boredom.
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Lucy (far from) reaching the Sky...
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder even if the creators of this film knew what they were doing. Certainly they weren't creating a sci-fi film because glimpses of space and scatered views of underwater training and astronauts dressed in their suits, doesn't even qualify for "An astronaut's everyday life and training" documentary.

It was painful, boring, and unable to achieve contact with the viewer. Lost, like the protagonist; that seemed to had completely been left floating in a void script, that didn't do justice, her very well known, grand performing talent.

We will remember for a very long time, though, that we got flies, bees, beers, boozing, a pepper spray can, a wig, and Lucy looking at a Sky without diamonds...grounded on Earth, condeming us as well to an equivalent film experience.
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Too little as an ending for such a successful series
5 December 2019
I do not understand why presenting such a dissapointing enging, after you have offered a magnifiscent four years of strong and breathtaking episodes. Especially season four exceeded all expectations.

They worked hard and showed a memorable season, revealing all the answers about the "whys and hows" for the events and conditions, that took place after the capitulation of the Ally Forces. They introduced new characters that gave a boost to the already existing ones.

Then the final episode came, and yet once more, a series that kept the hearts and minds of viewers for years, prooved to be too little as an ending, too demeaning, for such a long period of dedication and expectation. There were some metaphorical references, which were acceptable and understandable, but this was not enough. Not at all!

Many questions remain, but above all, there is one unanswered and very important question: Should a viewer be so passionate about a series, from now on, and dedicate years of their lives, ending up receiving lesser and false expectations?
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Ad Astra (2019)
Per aspera ad astra
25 September 2019
Many films of this genre have tried to touch and reach the stars but they have not been so successful, as it seems. Because issues such as this, would be better to look at and approach, from a different perspective, preferably towards the "philosophical" of the tiny chaotic human nature, in relation to, the majestic chaotic perpetuity of the universe.

If a film seeks to show (and touch), only the surface, of impressive visuals effects, the falsified commercial sentiment and free of charge crocodile tears, it is simply another lost case of a movie; like many that have passed through our eyes.

Ad Astra makes the viewer to want, to envy and desperately desire to approach the stars and be out there in the majestic chaos of the cosmos to learn the bitter unavoidable truths. With all its scientific faults, tiny exaggerations, and imperfections, Ad Astra is a film that makes a difference, for not being your everyday pre-ordered, one of the same sci-fi.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
The epitomy of...laughingstock to all of us
20 May 2019
The first time ever, and hopefully the last, that I feel a powerful, unstopable urge to downgrade the general rating I have given to a series... I can also sence the painful experience, the suffering of the actors and actresses, through out this season; I wonder how they bared this garbage of a script and didn't react..."rebel" against D&D!!! So, I give an order to D&D: Retire. Do not even attempt of making anything else. You are blacklisted, period! One season went a whole series down the drain, making everything meaningless and worthless.
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Word (2018)
Season 2, Episode 13
Character and attitude, brave and unselfish
12 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What would June had become if she had left? Can we think about it for just a minute? Do we sense and look at the same June like the one of first season? Or perhaps we see a person that has grown to understand and care for more than just herself and her family?

By not leaving she proved more than ever that she cares not only for Hannah, but also for Nick, for Serena, for all the Handmaids, the Marthas, all the Edens and Isaacs, all the repressed. She can't leave, and live happily ever after. She has many "debts" to the others that helped her; they are the ones that have truly awakened her...

Besides I have the feeling that Gilead is loosing very fast...have you noticed the map and the cold sweat on Fred's face? June is about to play an important role in the events to come. By being on Canada, makes her character redundant and that is something we do not want!
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Through the eyes of the children...
28 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Children see the world that surrounds them better than the "grown ups". They tend to create with their unique talent, a world of joy, a constant game, that makes everything look beautiful and joyfull; their own trip in making ends meet in daily life. They love more and make friends much easier. They are "fearless" in a unique way, but they still get scared, since they see the injustice of the wrongfull world they live in, and make no mistake, they also understand how that affects everyone.

We see these children live in a place, not so beautiful, not so friendly as it should have been, a trashy place that lacks of the basics. But what an irony, just next to their residence, lays the largest playground of the world, a place they have never visited. Yet it seems to be far away and somehow unecessary...they have their own "creations" to play with.

You can see deep inside the eyes of the mother, not an indifferent person, not a "bad mother" as many may characterise her, but an individual that tries everything to survive, not for her own self, but for her little angel who she loves unconditionaly. She struggles alone, she has no one to support her directly.

This is a wonderful film. It calls to us, as viewers, to keep our eyes wide open and see what is going on. To understand the chaos of being without support, the gap that exists, forshadowed by a false progress and prosperity. Is there truly a salvation for all these?

At least a temporary "shelter" may be found by a child's innocent yet truly mature heart. A shelter of colour and castles, noise and music. Not for having fun but to hide among the many, among "the masses", disguised, became unrecognisable in that ephimeral fairytale of well being.
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Not memorable, unimportant film
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Personal Shopper is truly a title that raises your curiosity. It makes you wonder about the plot you have read about, how this film, a mystery- thriller, will be evolved and you want to watch it, waiting to be something of a certain importance; with continuity.

Unfortunately, you soon realize that you are simply watching a plain, flat story that keeps on because it has to. No intensity, no effort to make this film work, not in the slightest. There is neither escalation, nor something unexpected, as you could expect from a mystery-thriller. Predictable to the last, it completely fails to acquire the desirable and makes the spectator having second thoughts about their choice...

Allow me to say though, that Kristen Stewart shows a more "mature" acting self, well worked for her character, in a troublesome film that will not be remembered.
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18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How easy is it making a legacy collapse? It seems that it is very easy if we take as an example this film, that this is what has managed to do in the worst way, leaving the spectator with bread crumbs, instead of a whole loaf.

Here you have a failed creation, filled with unfinished and poorly worked scenes, unconnected and unstable, and with...a couple of flute courses that do not really tend to humour, but to ridicule and lead to frustration. Really? Flute lessons Mr. Ridley Scott? You want the spectator to do and feel what exactly after that? No laughs there, not even the slightest smile, but simply and plainly, disappointment and rejection.

At least we should thank the creators of this film for the beautiful planet they have created, with the super tall trees, the thunderstorms, the waterfalls and wheat prairie, the overall aerie atmosphere, even for the great big alien city filled with statues, columns and monuments.

The thing is, I didn't pay a visit to the movies to watch a documentary, like the rest of you I am sure, but a film that is named Alien, and I expected everything! Unfortunately I am left with nothing according to all the promotion and brain washing of the past months and I just took part in a brand name's funeral.
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Colossal (2016)
Colossal enjoyment
10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So original and beautiful, so mysterious and hilarious, so bold and unique, so entertaining and loving, this film has all of the above and it is truly, deeply, surprising wonderful that you cannot miss watching.

This is what makes a film desired, the adjectives that the spectator feels flooding the heart and mind, immediately after the film is finished. We are in need of such originality and freshness, like that "alternative" form that this film is "branded" with. We need to feel a certain completion of our expectations and feel refreshed, renewed.

Monsters? We have seen a lot of them, numerous to be exact. But the Colossal is something different, a new kind of monster. Simply because it could be each and everyone of us and without even knowing it!
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Bokeh (I) (2017)
Mysterious and attractive, yet...
25 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best choices the creators of this film made, was selecting Iceland for the location of their story. Iceland as a majestic country, offers a lot to this film, it is the main source of its power and attractiveness, thanks to the breathtaking landscapes and photography that keep the spectator posted and curious for what comes ahead.

Their..."Bokeh" though is not so successful as for the rest of the film's parts, and photography is not even close enough to making this film go as it should. It seems that there is something missing somewhere in between, something that was essential for the story to be continuous and structural. That awkward emptiness no matter how scary it is, how mysterious and appealing to a sci-fi film, it doesn't seem to convince of its cause and purpose. It is possible that this may be a reflection of the protagonists love story, the void that is there between them, initially unseen by both of them, but later on becomes a realization for her, that doubts, questions and seeks return to her home; her escape, or a form of cowardice? As for him...he keeps on living in his dream world.

So, in the end it felt more like a failed love story, that even in the absence of people, this relationship couldn't be saved. None of both parts wanted to struggle, to truly fight for both of them and that lack of will for salvation passed to our own hearts and minds leaving us alone as well, wondering and wandering.
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Catfight (I) (2016)
Not your everyday comedy
12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You can notice it from the very beginning. The irony, the comments, the cocky humorous moments and references and you can understand, that this is not just another comedy, who will offer the "normal" burst of laughing like all the other "normal" comedies offer so easily.

Why the hatred between them is so intense it is a question. We know nothing of them really, their past encounters and friendship, apart from a couple of mentions made by them when they meet for the first time after so long. But really so much hatred carried inside them for so many years hibernated ready to burst...why?

The answer to our question why they hate each other so much, is obvious throughout the film. There is no reason. It is the two them who have created this situation. They are successful yet unhappy, they have money and live a prosperous life, yet they are poor. With their downfall they carry other people with them. Their...war kills everything they truly had, the people they loved, the ones in which lied the riches and source of their true happiness.

The political spectrum is what mandates this film. The comedy is there as an irony of us being unable to understand what is funny and not. Of us, every single one of us, not understanding that what we do, what every single act in our daily life can cause to others. We are not alone in this world, we live among others. We cannot be indifferent, we cannot be absent minded and comforted by an ephemeral so called happiness. We are not powerful and strong and the others powerless and weak. The line between these two "factions" is very thin and can be very easily crossed; positions exchanged...

I am not afraid of the "crazy" aunt, I am afraid of the "sane" rest of us.
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Colony (2016–2018)
Well written and with very strong assets
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Colony presents a very interesting and special form of sci-fi. It has a plot that evolves in a veil of secrecy and mystery. We do not know many things, many details concerning the Hosts and their purpose, we do not know exactly what they are planning to do with humanity, and most importantly what are the "Greatest Day" and what is made at the "Factory".

There are from time to time a few revelations offered that boost the sentiments of the series followers. Scenes that blow your mind and then back to the many, plus more, questions. These questions and doubts and mysterious claustrophobic atmosphere are the stronghold, the assets, that Colony has. The constant fear of the unseen enemy-occupier only apparent in the form of "Redhats" and the "collaborationists" give a sense of reality to the viewer that it is scary.

I am certain that if the series keep the current pace and not disclose all of the sudden all those mentioned above mysteries, it will have perhaps another season to give that little more we always look at this genre called sci-fi.
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La La Land (2016)
Thumbs La La down
25 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How can a film be so tiring? Is it its duration, or the immaturity and naiveness that covers all of its existence? I am afraid it is the latter, simply because there have been numerous films throughout the history of cinema, of such duration and longer that have not carried all those negative characteristics like this film does.

By trying so much to recreate an era, a romantic era, that existed (only in films) so many decades ago and place it in our era, what they have managed to do is fill a two hour film, with cliché and silly unconnected scenes that even for someone, who goes to the movies for the first time, will be easily seen without much thought or effort. So much dancing and fake sentiment, and so much sunshine, music and singing that allow me to say it is an offence to the real deal: true musicals that will always be remembered and will never be created again. That for a future reference...

Overestimated? Unworthy of such plethora of awards and nominations? Absolutely! I simply, an open minded person, wanted to see what was all that fuss, all the enthusiasm, applauding and high ranking. Instead I was rewarded with...a yawn and just a tiny bit of frustration.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Continuous hints and surprises
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Westword is one of the top five best series of all times, and that is not an assumption, it is a fact.

What makes it a fact, is the continuous hints and surprises, the unexpected events that occur, and how these are interacting with each other in the same story that takes place in each episode. Powerful characters that are full of secrets, the unknown time frame, the unknown true identity of this place; what truly is Westword, all that are simply chemistry!

The level of success of that complex narration has left all of us speechless. What comes ahead is certainly even more (a lot) of that fascinating superb recipe, and most certainly, expect the line of followers to rise.

Start watching if you haven't already, "have many doubts" about what you are watching and expect the unexpected.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
The cult alternative
20 August 2016
Dark Matter is one of those Sci-Fi series that carry with them that moderate alternative profile. That uniqueness and, allow me to say, "cultness" that uniforms its beauty is what makes it so special. So special that when you watch it for the first time, you know that no matter how many more Sci-Fi series you are watching, or will watch, this cannot be compared, ever.

Without the fancy visuals, the huge battles and whatever normally makes a Sci-fi memorable, Dark Matter moves on with its own guts, the great characters that fit perfectly and yes the cult look, the "invisible" factor, that covers everything and everyone.

I am expecting more from the series. I see the great potential awaiting ahead and the continuous strengthen of its heroes that without a doubt owe a lot to the great cast, that has shown that chemistry is necessary between the real person and the one being portrayed.
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400 Days (2015)
A successful utter failure
20 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste, what a waste.

These were my first words bursting out after I have watched this film. I am certain that there are many out there that will watch this film and reach to the same first thought I had, and come to the same outburst of frustration and anger. Anger because there is a story, an interesting idea "built", a potential for many paths and ways to expand and offer, to become perhaps one of the best Sci-Fi/Thriller/Mystery films. But no, this film took another course, far from what could have taken. It was a mockery and a ridicule to the least and I am being moderate.

After this I have a proposal. This film can be used as a valuable lesson to university students of cinematography, of how can someone must avoid destroying ready potential in a film.
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Easy "to get a gun" but hardly when finding the target...
11 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Natalie Portman is among the few actresses that can easily adapt and "wear" a role, a character, no matter how different this is from a previous one, no matter how all these characters she has played contradict one another. Natalie Portman always manages to become, the one we watch on the big screen, like she is the one truly.

Here in this film she is Jane, a woman that has suffered from loneliness and despair. Losses are following her, all her life as it seems, and the periods that she is settled, calm and happy are only counted in a few scattered memories...Living far away from the many, but not far away from trouble is what makes her burden heavier.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she manages to hold the gun she cannot help this movie from finding the target, which is the heart of the viewer. There are many things missing, there are many things that in such a film (western) supposed to be "the everything" but they are just partially present, weak and predictable.

I am now left with the feeling that I watched a film which offered a beautiful relaxing night at the movies, but unfortunately a film that I will barely remember after a week or so.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Mind blowing...
10 February 2016
The Expanse has successfully expanded our horizons! It is without a doubt a Sci-Fi gem, sparkling and glorious, powerful and authentically original, professionally "built", from the characters up to the locations.

Every single detail is there, worked exceptionally and presented as such. From the very first episode, up to the last there is no way that you will not be satisfied and delighted by its beauty and captivating strength. This series makes a difference, it speaks to the heart and it is mind blowing.

Cannot wait for what comes ahead and have no doubt that you will also feel the same if you let yourselves enter to that world!
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