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Megamind (2010)
Megamind, Dreamwork's Own "Zero To Hero" and I Kinda like it
9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ahhh....Lets talk about Megamind,

You know after so much praise and acclaim Pixar received for Incredibles, Dreamworks thought they could do their own stir on the superhero theme, and to be honest they had a nice theme to it, a super villain becoming a hero. The downside: the formulas been done too many times. I lost my interest when Will Ferell, Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill David Cross and Tina Fey were are characters. Sounds more like SNL rather than Animation movie, but when I watched it I found it not only decent but genuinely amusing.

Story and Characters So whats the story.Megamind and Metro Man were two alien babies who were launched onto earth from their planets , Metro Man received all the goodness of fate, while Megamind received the bad.And So the clash of good and evil were begun , but soon megamind finally wins, kills Metro Man, and is ruler of the city. But soons gets bored and wants to create a hero. His plan backfires and now the title of hero is given to Megamind.So like I said, formula was done, but this had something good to it. Now the characters I'll start with the passable: Brad is not much in the film but for what he is , he's okay , typical over the top cool and suave hero , not really an eye catcher, and Tina fey is your token girl for the movie. I think because she didn't have much change really didn't help bring the romance between them, which I really like in the films. The good: I liked Jonah in this movie, its the kind of like which you never seen coming, A lazy bum becoming a hero , has it heart torn up and becomes psycho evil , I kinda enjoy that. But of course the stars of the movie are Will Ferrel and David Cross, I really really love these guys , they relationship was nice beyond belief, they got the villain and minion are boss and employee , but best of friends and that alone got me interested. Just watch the banter between minion and megamind, its definitely worth your time

So what is good to me in my opinion: Like I said Megamind , Minion and Tighten are superb characters to have fun with, the action was pretty good and the plot while clichéd had some unique changes. To me this is an another example of dreamworks making TV characters as movies, the main things that most people lie could be on their home screen and doesn't tackle a moral differently like Pixar, but for what i watched , I can honestly say they did pretty well , Certainly not my top 5 favourite dreamworks film , but maybe a top 10 perhaps.

On the whole Megamind has at least the power to hook me with its nicely done humor. A 7.5 out of 10. Not great but good , a nice diversion from the usual animation films I watch
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Weird Science (1994–1998)
Sex Comedy... with 15 years old , yeah that works
13 January 2013
In a word, interesting, the fact that 2 15 year old were given an electric hot woman in the form of Vanessa Angel (that chick from kingpin) it spells hijinxs.But like i said its an interesting concepts and for the most part I like it. However will it be one of my favorite TV shows of the 90's, not by a long shot

The good Now the premise is nice, Lisa for the most part is fun and likable and she does have the sex appeal,plus I prefer straight hair (sorry Kelly) and even Wyatt is a fun character, and i really feel bad he's been overshadowed as a main character by Gary which I will get to later. Still the skits are funny, the ideas of horny boys releateable, and Lisa as i said makes everything enjoyable , for some time

The bad EVERYONE IS A DOUCHE!!!! Why do early 90's do that, what do we make the supporting cast so unlikable , that we want them sliced off by Jason Voorhees, the brother isn't likable, the school isn't likable , hell even their own parents are big douche bags, When Gary's dad says "You know our son cant learn" I felt really hurt, oh and speaking of Gary, why don't we make him a douche and unpopular, cause that's what i get when i see him on the show , I want to make him out like Shawn Hunter from Boy meets World, but he's too douche to be even compared to that, this one fatal flaw which prevents me from enjoying this show, .If anyone can look over that, then i suppose you would like this show, but for me its okay show for having an amazing premise , A 6.7 not bad , but could be better
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