
9 Reviews
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Starts great then goes down.
15 July 2021
It starts awesome with the scream feel then just goes down. All the characters are annoying. The film just sets up the next part with out feeling like it stands on its own. The film feels like one long episode. Also they cram as many 90s songs as they can quickly with letting us feel the decade. Where's the Jnco jeans! I wish it had been better and felt like something fun and nastliga and new.
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Scoob! (2020)
It's ok sadly
17 May 2020
All the reviews people say it's a blast from the past and nostalgia. Let me ask are you not still watching? They release a new animated film every year on home release and have a new cartoon series.

This film felt weak compared to some of the home releases. They cast has half ok.

I want Mysteries Incorporated not a new universe building film. Also the gang is not from California, they are from Ohio.
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Scoob! (2020)
It was good but could have been great.
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My kids and I love Scooby-Doo. My wife and I had a Scooby party with the kids where we dressed up! So with that said here's my thoughts. This is the sequel to the film we wanted to see. Why can we not make a theatrical Mysteries Inc film with a great mystery? This movie is not a Scooby movie it is an adventure film, with the characters. I'm tired of Fred being treated as a moron. If you stopped this film right after the recreation of the opening credits it would be perfect. I didn't enjoy Fortes Shaggy, and was upset that Fred, Velma and Daphne have very little to do. A strong story arc could have been for man and dog. We have three sets of man and his dog. We could have made Blue Falcon and Dee Dee as one character, the original Blur Falcon had a biracial daughter, and gave some story beats to Dyno Mutt. I'm tired of the theatrical films be about a "real" ghost. Why! That's not Scooby! It worked in Zombie Island because there was a history and it was later in their careers. I want the gang to solve a real detailed mystery that's fun. How hard is that?
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Bates Motel: Marion (2017)
Season 5, Episode 6
This is an insulte
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a two because the acting was good. I like this series. I wish they would have ended the series at Norma's death. With that said Psycho is a classic and a masterful made film. Even the remake was shot for shot, so to try and do Psycho in the series was a gamble. I feel that this episode and season is a disservice to Psycho the film and legacy of the character. I could continue with the miss use of clAssic characters and themes. Even he relationship of his mental image mother is not what we have come to know. Ok rant over. To each their own but like so many good shows skip the final season.
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Supernatural: Don't Call Me Shurley (2016)
Season 11, Episode 20
FARE thee well
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler*** I liked this episode other than Chuck being God. If Chuck was Chuck and God wants to appear as Chuck fine but being the same person, just makes the episodes with Chuck lose power. I do love his singing. That's all everything else I'm fine with. It just under writes the Chuck charActer. The necklace was basically gets thrown to the side.
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Better Than Revenge of the Fallen
27 June 2014
I will make this short. I liked this film, It is to long. The movie has two good ideas for plot lines which should have been spread out, The Lockdown/ creators should have been a second film. This film should have focused more on the humans hunting the Transformers. The dinobots story could have been an amazing story line, but was just a side note.

I am a fan of Dark of the Moon I felt the writing was better i was also glad to be rid of Megan Fox. I feel in the series that that Age was a film that was trying to find new footing, It is difficult in my mind for a film series to continue and be rebooted while keeping the same director. I feel Bay should have been replaced an acted only as producer. The films get to be more of the same.

Why was there not more connectivity from the past films with some of the military characters? Each film i feel has to be retconed because they didn't have a strong idea for over all storyline. The new Autobots are characters that are thrown at you.

I miss hearing a Linkin Park song in the film.

"Age" is not bad, it just could have been shorter and better.
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Missed opportunity
14 March 2014
The Cohens are great. The actors were great. But the story didn't go anywhere and the story could have been so much more. The music is great there's tinny subplots and odd events. The characters move together but not much is done. What's the point? The main character has a very little arc and he's a dick to everyone. So much more depth about the power of music and what if does to those that believe in it and play it. I do t have a lot to say I'm now typing tower the minimum.. I say I u want to to see it get it from redbox. Ur not wasting much money and at least the music is good. The movie feels longer then what it is. T bone Burnett does it again. Nice supporting cast could have used more of them.. I found myself bored at times, the beginning is the end thing made little sense. Why did we need it? We didn't find out who the dude was, right? I don't know I like music and the actors.
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Better if you do not read the book
24 June 2012
Very enjoyable and great acting and action. I enjoyed Abraham Lincoln, I found it hard at times because so much was different from the book. What was most odd was Seth Grahame- Smith Wrote both. It is like he decided to take his idea and write a whole new story with that idea. I think Tiur did a good job directing not sure if he was the best, but did a good job. THe concept of the film is how serious do you want this story to be, it walks a thin line. My wife enjoyed the film , as I told her what was in the book, she wished that the had kept to a lot of those stories. The film was beautifully shot the LA scenes were my favorite. Much of the history that was in the book has been left out as well.I feel this movie would have done much better had it been released in October it is not a real summer type of film.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Review.  I'll make this short. I feel with the hype and talk Prometheus didn't deliver. I wanted more story. It creates an Interesting mythology. I like it was original in the alien universe. I think there was more to explore. My questions I ask are , why did David put the black goo in the drink? Why the squid that grew In Her? I think it should have been her that birth what would become the first queen. Why did the infect/in pregnant her in the first place? Why did the engineers " leave star maps" to that planet if it was a military lab, they were creating this goo, creatures to kill us? The captain came that conclusion to easily.  Why were there no weapons for defense on the ship? What killed the engineers? Only one survived in the pod, and he was in there 2000 years. Why didn't they dissect the dead bodies?  I feel like parts that should have been explained and they should have investigated. If the engineers had spoken to David that would have been Interesting. I won't go into the characters. There wasn't enough horror for me to classified it as such 

It would have been neat if that was the engineers home world, destroyed by their creation the xenomorph. Something thicker , I would prefers the movie stay original not try to tie in alien. There are more questions in my opinion of how we got to Alien. The opening of them discovering the painting was short two short. It was over to quick. There could have been more from the archaeologist point. And there is never any conclusive evidence that they created humans. I don't feel there was a twist in the ending. The film need either less alien prequel or more alien prequel. 

  I want to see a sequel, help answer and understand the questions this movie tried to raise and answer. There feels like there's more to tell to get us to alien and to understand this story. I would have preferred not the ending we got with the first xenomorph. It doesn't make a lit if sense. we rushed to make that happen.  I feel let down and like the characters wanting answers?
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