
2 Reviews
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Anticlimactic preaching nonsense
20 October 2022
The first half. Great.

Then it just... happened... then ended.

At no point was I shocked, educated, inspired, informed, nor did I laugh.

It was the viewing equivalent or muzak.

In honour of this movie and my review requiring a set number of characters. I'll tell you a story of parried excitement and thrill.

I went for a walk and saw a lady with a dog on a lead.

The dog was ahead. The lady a lead length lagging.

The dog was sniffing the corner of walls.

The lady was on her phone, looking down, and didn't see the black wheelie bin on the pavement ahead of her.

The dog sniffed the bin, absorbing the stories.

Then the dog walked on.

The lady, not seeing the bin...

also walked on.

The bin was enough near the curb and out of her path.

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Not fit for any purpose
16 March 2019
The occasional bad language and killings make this movie not fit for little kids. The cliche Last Starfighter Forbidden Kingdom poor ripoff makes it too cheap for modern teens. And the lack of substance and any intelligence makes it mind numbing for adults. In brief. It's rubbish.
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