
8 Reviews
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Not what I had hoped for in the sequel
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved everything about Wonder Woman; strong characters with warmth and passion about saving the world and working as a team. WW1984 didn't make sense. Diana was too needy. The chemistry with Steve in the first movie was missing in this one. After 60 years their relationship did not stand the test of time. The constant was that Steve provided Diana with some wisdom about humanity in each film. The action sequences however were great. I did not have sound on my laptop the first time I watched the film through HBOMax. I still felt the impact of the action scenes. They were well done. I missed Diana's theme from the first movie; it was so powerful and sexy. The story of 1984 felt more cartoonish. But my final thoughts are about the bad guy. He reminded me a lot of POTUS45 until the end when his behavior changed.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
8 times a winner
5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert! It is July 5, 2017. Although I can't imagine that anyone who has wanted to see this film hasn't already.

No movie is perfect but Wonder Woman 2017 comes very close.

Visually it is stunning; costumes and scenery. The music is amazing. Wonder Woman's theme is pure adrenaline rush and used sparingly, which makes it more satisfying when it plays. The fight sequence with the Amazon women on the beach was breathtaking to watch; graceful, forceful, and artistic. It was so exciting to see them riding their horses in defense of Diana. The slow motion sequences were a great touch.

There was human comedy, laughter, anguish, pain and rage and it was all done realistically; nothing forced.

Ultimately, this was a love story; non-traditional but love it was. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine exuded delicious chemistry; their dialogue was of two beings from two different worlds learning about each other. It was genuine and respectful and touching. Their banter was hilarious at times. They were both morally strong beings who cared about others. They tried to understand each other's perspectives but followed their own sense of doing what was right.

There were many favorite moments for me but there were two that really stood out. The first was in the battle with the Germans when she turned and yelled "Steve, let's go." The second was in the town when he called to her "Diana; shield." They counted on each other. I loved that Steve accepted that she was stronger than he was without feeling threatened. He was, after all, brave in his own very human way. Chris was vulnerable, warm, and charming. I think this was his most appealing role.

Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman in her statuesque figure and personality. She was so refreshing; she too was vulnerable, innocent at times but determined to fulfill her role as an Amazon, not realizing that she was in fact a god. She was kind and loving to all the humans she met through Steve. She was amazing in battle; loved her twisting around sweeping her foes off their feet.

In the end when she went from grief to rage I felt it all. I did see the movie 8 times and this scene was one of the reasons why.

Steve was so genuine and touching in his final scene with Diana. The gentle way he said "I wish we had more time" and "I love you" was emotionally heartbreaking and satisfying.

Now for the hard part; the sequel Wonder Woman movie. I want to see Gal Gadot again in her own movie; I am not partial to the testosterone filled movies she appears in with the super heroes who are so filled with anger and antagonism even with each other.

I, of course, would love for there to be a way Chris Pine could come back as perhaps a son or grandson of Steve Trevor (with the same name). But here's the problem. He would not be the same person with the same background and experiences as the original Steve. And Wonder Woman would have matured as she has now lived among men for years. She would have outgrown him. I would not want to ruin the love story they shared in this film by trying to force a 2nd story. He touched her by being human, not perfect, but loving and hopeful that she would save mankind as he gave up his own life so humans could continue to survive.

As a feminist from the 1960s this movie appealed to me on many levels. Most of all the message was about the choice to love or hate. She made the right choice. May she live long and prosper. Maybe she'll meet up with Captain Kirk; after all she is immortal and there are many worlds to explore.
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Star Trek Beyond; welcome back TOS on steroids
7 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek Beyond is TOS (the original series) on steroids. This movie was a welcome home for me of what Gene Roddenberry envisioned when he created the TV series. Mr. Roddenberry used TOS to spotlight social and political issues of the day. This film is a return to that vision.

This movie is a perfect metaphor for the 2016 US presidential election campaign; it speaks to real sacrifice, teamwork and unity in the face of terrorist threats.

I always preface my comments by saying my age (I am currently 72 years old) and that I saw the very first episode of TOS the very first time it aired and have been passionate about these characters ever since.

For those who only saw Star Trek Beyond once and were disappointed, please see it again. Star Trek fan(atic)s like myself have great expectations for each movie in the franchise and it takes more than one viewing to appreciate each movie for what they do bring.

I didn't start to appreciate and enjoy STB until I saw it the 2nd time and as of today I have seen it 7 times. With each viewing I spot something I wasn't aware of before. It's a very complex script with both great dialogue and action. Every one of the command team had their moments in the limelight using their professional skills; the incredible humor of the series is back (loved Bones and Spock interactions); and the crew has really grown up. Chris Pine as Kirk is remarkable (and gorgeous). He has matured to the point that he is fully the Captain of his soul and of his crew. The best part was being able to laugh with an audience that appreciated the humor; and most of all, the audience applauded at the end of this film.

No one in the many times I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness applauded at the end of that film. I thank J.J. Abrams for bringing the series back but I have to say that I prefer Justin Lin's take on the series and Simon Pegg as part of the writing team. There was too much destruction of people and property in the first two films.

My vision for the next film in this series is to keep the Enterprise intact. While visiting a new planet have Captain Kirk use his considerable charisma and diplomatic skills to persuade two warring factions of the same planet to unite; have Dr. McCoy perform medical miracles, have Mr. Spock use his incredible scientific knowledge and everyone else in the command crew working together (and having fun).

I am terribly saddened by the tragic loss of Anton Yelchin at such a young age. He was adorable as Checkov. He will be missed.

It would be really nice if Jaylah could join the command team to keep the continuity. She is a welcome addition to the chemistry of the crew. And I cannot say enough about how great Simon Pegg is as Montgomery 'Scotty'. He has so much heart. I love the way he interacts with Kirk, Jaylah and Keenser.

Live Long and Prosper Star Trek AOS and my fellow/gal trekkies/trekkers.
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A story reflecting the quiet dignity of real people facing challenging situations
6 February 2016
I just saw The Finest Hours for the third time in a week and I loved it even more the third time around.

There are three stories inter-mixed; the townspeople, the tanker crew and the rescue team. In all three stories regular people faced challenges and ultimately tried to do what was right; people growing emotionally while we witnessed their trials. I do want to stress that in each story people came together after debating what to do and pulled together as a team. That is an inspiring message for today's world. We can have our differences but if we want to succeed we have to at some point make a decision as a team and take action. Look how well it turned out for all concerned in this very fine film.

The music and sound effects were amazing. I really felt the roller coaster ride across the waves and the strength it took for those aboard the tanker to survive and the rescue crew to get over that bar.

Chris Pine is more than a leading man; he is also a wonderful character actor. This was his most appealing role; he was both vulnerable and shy and I could read his every emotion in those astonishing blue eyes. He has the ability to completely morph into his roles.

Chris is mesmerizing to watch but a lot of his roles are not particularly likable men and I've seen all of his movies.

Eric Bana did seem miscast in his role.

I just wish there was some back story on the girlfriend so we know why she was drawn to Bernie. The biggest mystery is why she wasn't at all cold without her coat during a February blizzard.

I thought this story held up very well. The actors behaved how real people would in such trying circumstances (no super heroes or macho personalities). I found the rescue operation very exciting. I will see it again at my local movie house and will definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD.

P.S.: I saw it in 2D all three times and am glad I did. I think 3D is often a distraction - paying more attention to the visuals than the story.
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25 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved, loved this movie, all 7 times I've seen it in the past week. Finally saw it in 3D today. Forget the 3D. The best part of this movie were the characters. They have all grown so much; they now own the series. For the stats I am 69 years old, a woman who loved the original series and saw the very first episode the very first airing. This movie had so much energy; the music is fantastic, really keeps the adrenaline flowing; the sound effects spectacular; the special effects wonderful. And I can't say enough about Chris Pines' blue eyes.

Special kudos to Simon Pegg as Scotty. He was the voice of reason, he was funny, passionate and dramatic in turn. I also can't say enough about Chris Pine as an actor. He had to endure a roller-coaster of emotions and expressed them all exceedingly well. I really think he deserves an academy award nomination. I felt Spock was more like the old Spock in this sequel; strong and wow when he gets mad...! Uhura really was impressive and I love the 3-way dialogue in the shuttle.

I do hope the trequel will be all of them pitching in together on some planet to help the beings, discussing ethics, morality and all the things humans are challenged with current day. Enough of the violence (although I loved every minute of it) but Star Trek is about hope and a positive vision for the future using their wits to solve problems, not fists, not super powerful weapons. May they continue to boldly go and hopefully not wait so long for the next installment; I'm too old to wait another 4 years.
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Visually beautiful, heartwarming characters, and fast paced action fun!
15 December 2012
I went to see this movie the first time because I think Chris Pine is an amazingly versatile actor, even if it was only his voice I was going to hear. I must admit that I did not get the movie at all that first viewing. But I decided to see it again and the second time I absolutely loved everything about it. The characters were warm, delightfully charming and I was able to follow the story better. The message of love, hope, and believing and having faith in the guardians and each other was precious. Jude Law was appropriately scary and yet turned out to be a rather sympathetic bad guy. Jack was both a 'bad boy' ala young Jim Kirk, and sweetly vulnerable and very much someone children and adults can identify with. Pitch and Jack Frost had a lot in common but chose clearly different paths. Anyway, for all those who like me sometimes need to see a movie a second time to 'get it' I hope you will take the time to see this movie again, especially if you didn't have a favorable impression the first time. I'm actually going to see it in 3-D tonight for my 3rd viewing. I am not a fan of 3-D for live films; it's more a distraction than an enhancement of the story experience, but I think since the movie is visually stunning that I will enjoy the 3-D in this one. I hope this movie wins lots of awards. Happy Holiday Season everyone.
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Potential for a fun story not met
26 August 2012
I was so frustrated with this movie. Based on what was seen on screen I did not believe that FDR and Tuck were CIA agents. This subplot was never properly explained. Who was this bad guy and what was the devise they were supposed to secure? A little background would have been helpful. As to the romantic aspect of this comedy, it would have been so much better if three of the scenes that had been cut were included. The first scene was the one shortly after Lauren met both guys and was describing them to Trish. It explained the chemistry that was present between Lauren and FDR. And her friend Trish was hysterical in this scene doing a riff. The other scene was between the two guys at the CIA shooting range that was in the same time frame as the previous scene. They had some great dialog and again an explanation of how Lauren had gotten under FDR's skin and how Tuck was able to see through him. And the last hilarious scene that should have been added was the one where Lauren compares the guys to two large cooking knives in front of the focus group. Without these scenes I really didn't connect with these characters. I wish the director would create a new director's cut and add these scenes back. I really hate having to go to these scenes on my blu-ray and play them after watching the film. I would watch anything Chris Pine acted in over and over. He and the other actors were not served well by the director whose commentary on the film showed how much he was not happy with what he had done.
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The Captains (2011)
It's important to get the actor's name right.
26 August 2012
My comment has to do with the accuracy of a very important name - that of the new Captain Kirk. The actor's actual name is Chris Pine (not Pike); the author confused his name with the character of the original captain on Enterprise Captain Chris Pike in the 2009 movie. Please correct this. As to the film itself; it was delightful, quirky and very much like William Shatner himself in all his charming and endearing ways. I was happy to see him be so nice to young Chris Pine who is a very good actor and who surprised me as being able to take on the iconic role created by Mr. Shatner. I loved his interview with Sir Patrick Stewart and the revelation that Mr. Shatner came to after listening to Sir Patrick. All the interviews brought out something unique in each actor.
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